
Ulterior Motives

Chapter 34

Title: Ulterior Motives

Chapter:   34/?

Word count: 6923

Rating: Mature

Disclaimer: Except for the few original characters, all characters in this story are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy, who have kindly allowed me to play with them. These fan fictions were written for fun, not profit. However, this story does belong to me. Please don’t snitch it.

Warnings: Probably a little of everything. Fighting,  Spanking, Bondage, Blood, Gore, Bad Language,

Parings: Spike/Xander

Beta: aayesha_r (due to last minute rewriting, all remaining mistakes are mine.)

Xander talked to Master Bruce and Yakov. They both gave him the same advice, be armed to the teeth and go with his gut. It seemed that no one really knew who, or what, Angel was bringing with him.

So Xander dressed in leather pants, tank top, and a flowing coat that hid what Spike referred to as a multitude of sins. Mostly guns and knives, his sword, and a garrote thrown in for good measure.

He turned to Timmins and just said, “Tell Bud I want him. He's been a bit absent lately.”

“Miss Tara had need of him. I have been taking his place.”

Xander nodded. “Fine, but I need him. Tell Miss Tara that she's welcome to come to court anytime. You assign her someone.”

“As you wish.” Timmins gave Xander a small bow and left to carry out his orders. He was well pleased; his young master was turning out quite well.

Xander paced in the anteroom, his coat swirling around his ankles as he turned. Bud watched him for a moment then announced his presence by snapping his fingers.

“Bud, haven't seen you in a while.”

“Courting takes a bit of doing. You don't mind?”

“As long as Tara is happy, I'm happy.”

Bud sighed. “I'd rather you called her Miss. I've kind of made a point of it. Hate to have to get into a fight with you about it.”

Xander grinned at Bud. “Ok, Miss it is. She's special; see that you take good care of her. Shovel talk”

Bud raised his eyebrows, but declined to ask; he knew what Xander was getting at no matter how he put it. “I'll be good to her. She's got plenty of magic to protect herself with, but...” He shrugged.

Xander nodded, one short movement of his head. “Well, let's get this damn show on the road. Do you have any idea?”

Bud shook his head. “Nope. I think Master Spike is worried about this, though.”

“Ok, on our toes, then. I just hope no one actually attacks him. I'm in a mood to kill and do it messy.”

Bud blinked at that. Xander was on edge, and that wasn't conducive to someone's health.

Xander took a second to look Bud over. Not surprisingly, he was dressed much like Xander, except that he was wearing a red tank top instead of green.

“Well, you look half decent. Come on, let’s go.”

Bud followed Xander down the aisle that led from the door to the throne.

Xander made a graceful bow to Spike then went to stand on his right-hand side. Bud bowed, too, moving to stand beside Xander. Spike nodded to both of them when they bowed, but didn't do more.

Spike was sitting on his 'throne', a chair that he had designated as one. He liked the chair, it was comfortable. He had always snorted when anyone called it a throne. He was Master of California, he didn't need a throne.

“Let the petitioner enter.” Spike waived his hand and sighed. Angel had turned California over to him, so he was now a petitioner. Angel. Spike wondered again what bloody damned mess he was bringing now.

“I'd like to bring someone before you. Someone you have no reason to trust, but I do. Just listen to him and make a decision based on what is best for all of us.”

Spike glared at Angel for a moment then nodded. “I'll do as I think best. I'll hear him, and I won't kill him, even if I decide not to agree with his... people.”

Angel relaxed visibly. “Thank you. I think that you'll find his offer more than interesting.”

Spike didn't even turn a hair when Riley Finn moved out of the doorway and walked up to stand beside Angel. Xander didn't, either. He just drew his left-hand pistol and pointed it right between his eyes. Riley flinched then steadied himself.

“I don't trust you. Bud, search him. Bring me anything that isn't clothing.” Xander's voice was stern, strong, and steady. Spike smirked at Angel. Bud obeyed.

He produced a wallet, a small pocket knife, a cell phone, a handful of coins, and a handkerchief. Xander held out a hand, “Cell.” Bud obediently brought it to him. Xander holstered his gun and opened the phone. It didn't have a GPS, and he relaxed slightly.

Spike glanced at Xander; Xander nodded, “Let him speak. There's no way he could be traced here. Not unless he knows magic, which I don't believe he does.”

A small, hesitant voice sounded from the side. “I'll check him over... if you like. Sorry to cause trouble?” Tara stepped from the side of her guard to peer anxiously from Spike to Bud to Xander.

Xander gave her a gentle smile. “Please, if it's not too much trouble.”

Tara slipped out of the crowd and just looked at Riley for a moment. “No magic. Not even... well, anything.” Tara started to go back into the crowd, but Spike motioned for her to approach him. She did, and he smiled gently; everyone was gentle around Tara. As she approached Spike, he looked her over and took a good sniff as well.

“I see you looking well. Is Bud good to you?”

Angel shifted impatiently behind Tara; Riley put a hand on his arm.

“Yes, he's very good to me. I feel safe with him. I'm sorry if you needed him.”

Xander smiled when she glanced at him. He'd needed Bud, but not enough to call for him. Now he was glad he hadn't. Things were looking good for Tara now.

“No, didn't need him. I knew where he was and could have called him.” Spike turned to Bud. “When you gonna make an honest woman of her?”

“As soon as I figure out who her... er... parent is. It's tradition, and I'd hate to have to go to my elders and tell them I didn't have proper permission. Not a good way to start a marriage.”

Spike grumbled something about tribal something then made a decision. “I will stand in loco parentis. Will that do?”

Bud thought for a moment then nodded once. He moved to kneel at Spike’s feet. “I formally request permission to begin courtship of Miss Tara McLay.”

Spike took Tara by the hand and gazed into her eyes for a moment. “Is this acceptable to you?” Tara nodded vigorously. “Very well.” He passed Tara's hand to Bud. “You may court her.” Bud grinned and tugged on Tara's hand.

They stepped away from before the dais; Bud handed Tara off to her guard then returned to his place.  

While this had been going on, Angel had been getting angrier and angrier. Riley was doing his best to calm him down, but not succeeding very well. Angel was seething.

“Excuse me? If we could get to the point of these proceedings?”

Spike just smirked. “Don't do to lose your temper, Sire. Point of these proceedings is to take care of court business. You want to butt the line?” Angel growled, but Riley patted him into silence. Spike looked the court over. “I don't mind, does anyone else?” His expression was open and bland. No one objected; they were all too curious as to what was going on. “Well, no one is complaining, so go ahead.”

Riley stepped forward and found himself face to face with Xander's gun, again. “No closer. Talk, don't touch.”

Riley stopped at once. “It's not my intention to bring strife to your court. Master Spike, the Initiative is done. The human powers that be found out what was going on, and... it wasn't pretty. The installation under Sunnydale is gone. And now there's a real problem. The Master of Sunnydale is gone. You're here instead of there. We need to establish relations between you and... an entity that has been set up to coordinate relations between the demon worlds and the human. It's going to be hard... and painful. But we need to do this.”

Spike shook his head. “No. You want to make some sort of...” he waived a hand, “arrangements. Be my guest. But not with me. I'll keep to the old ways. Demons and humans need to be separate; there's too much chance of disaster.”

Riley nodded. “That's right. And my group, as its main purpose, intends to support that ideal. Humans and demons should not mix. It's too dangerous to both sides.”

Xander sighed, it was the same ol', same ol', and it wasn't going to work. “Sorry guys, but the separation of demon and human is a fallacy, and you all know it. Demons know about humans and some humans know about demons. It's not going to change, no matter how you try. What you really mean is; we need to keep the impact of humans finding out about demons to a minimum, to avoid panic. Right?”

Riley just glanced at Xander, muttered, “And another pet heard from,” then turned back to Spike.

Spike just sighed. “Finn, I don't like you, don't trust you, and don't appreciate your arrogance. Xander is not a pet, never was a pet. He's my Companion and will be my Claimed.  He's also my Dextera.

Xander smirked; Spike had gotten his message. Xander was now his first in command, and from the makeup of the court, Spike had also taken over as Master of Las Vegas, or at least taken over the more aggravating court side of things. Xander breathed a silent sigh of relief. He had more than enough to do.

Spike waited for that to sink in then motioned to Xander. “Xander, show Riley Finn why you are worthy of respect.”

Xander shrugged his coat in to a more comfortable position and stepped to the fore. “Who do you want dead?”

Riley sneered a bit. Xander glared right back. “Still think I'm just the donut boy?”

“Well, I remember you fairly well. Not sayin' you're not good; just, demons are...”

“Not up to my level. Demonstration.”

Xander watched as several fledges dragged a minor Master in. The vampire had violated several rules that Spike had recently implemented. Xander had sent several of his people after him, and only one had come back. Spike had sent some of his people, and three of them came back. Now, after sending another, much larger group, after him, he was being dragged in in chains.

Spike looked at him then at Angel. “What do I do with him? Hummm? He's done everything he can think of to draw a lot of unwanted attention to Under Vegas.”

Angel shook his head. “I don't know. That's why I turned this over to you. Angelus could have done it, I can't. I'm a white hat, not a ruler.”

Xander nodded his understanding. He wasn't a white hat anymore, but he knew he wasn't crown material either. He was better as an enforcer, and that was what he was going to do right now.

“Turn him lose.” The vampires quickly unshackled the Master and got out of the way.

Riley started to step forward, but Angel caught his arm pulling him back and whispering in his ear.

Xander didn't bother to remove his coat or even try; he just pulled his sword and waited. The vampire knew he was doomed, knew it deep in his bones. That didn't keep him from wanting to take someone with him. He made the mistake of thinking that Spike was the only one who could take him.

The vampire had been a body builder in his human life and stuck with the unfortunate name of Ethelburt, which he'd changed to Burt as soon as he started school. The name seemed to have warped his perceptions, or perhaps he was just stupid.

Xander twirled his sword and watched as Burt sneered. When Xander came to guard, Burt attacked. Xander sidestepped him and pivoted to face him again. He raised an eyebrow and jerked his head in scorn. “That's all you've got? Please!”

Burt showed why he was in trouble to begin with; he pulled a knife and threw it at Xander. Xander caught it just as it whizzed by his ear. He glanced at it then tossed it aside. “Bad move. One, not a thrower. Two, you missed. Three, bad steel. You're an idiot. I might have been able to save your life, if you'd fought within the boundaries of tradition. You're toast now.”

Xander shrugged, tucking his sword away with the motion. When he shrugged again, he had a short metal rod in his hand. With a quick twist he divided it into two long straight knives, or short swords.

He began weaving a web of glittering steel between himself and his opponent. His gliding steps misled his opponent who attempted to strike, punching at his head so quickly that the humans in the court missed his blow completely. They didn't miss the hand that fell to the floor, flopping like a fish out of water. The vampire squealed and rushed Xander; he got his ear cut off for his trouble. This time his eyes widened, as his brain caught up with his body, he whimpered and backed off.

Xander followed him, careful not to leave him an opening that he could exploit. Spike watched from his throne, but not Xander; he kept his eyes on Riley Finn. Finn was watching the battle with a stunned expression on his face. Angel wasn't much better, and that really aggravated Spike.

Burt snarled like the cornered beast he was. “I have a right to feed. A right to kill. I. Am. A. Master.”

Xander shook his head. “That's were you're wrong. You're a minor master, at best. High Master Spike has set rules in place. It doesn't make any difference if you agree or not; you obey. You're not supposed to show yourself to humans; you did. You're not to leave a sloppy kill; you did that, too. Third,...”

Burt interrupted Xander, sneering; it wasn't very effective as he was crouched on the floor clutching his bleeding wrist. “What is this, a comic book? You plan to talk me to death?”

Xander glanced at Spike who just shrugged. “We'll read the whole laundry list later.”


Burt realized that this was his death knell and attacked when he thought Xander was distracted. He wasn't. Xander had rested his swords one on each shoulder, arms crossed, while Spike was speaking. Now he just waited until Burt was close enough then uncrossed his arms, scissoring the swords and cutting Burt’s head off easily. The resultant dust storm made him sneeze.

Riley glared at Angel. Angel had told him that Spike and Xander wouldn't be up to the challenge of managing California. Either Angel was misinformed, Riley didn't believe that, or he was projecting himself onto Spike. Riley felt himself relax; this was going to be easier than he'd expected.

Spike turned to Riley just as he was starting to speak.

“I'm not weak. Nor is my Companion. Speak your piece then leave. I don't want unannounced visitors either. Understand?”

Riley nodded. “What we, or rather my higher ups want, is an eye in your court. A known spy, if you will. The reason for this is simply that we need to know if things are going to get out of hand so that we can take over, if necessary.”

Spike snorted. “You can't do it. I'm still getting my territory under control; that's going to take some doing, and I can't afford to show that kind of weakness. I'm going to be doing some major traveling, and I'll leave a Secundus here. I'll also pick a few Secundii for other areas. They'll all report to me. I was going to establish Xander as one, but he makes a much better Dextera, don't you think? I don't need the aggravation of a spy, even one I know is there. Why would you think I'd allow one?”

“Angel said that you'd welcome one. Someone who'd help you gain control of your territory. We're working with him in LA, and he... well, I can see that it's not going to work. Um... now what?”

Xander leaned on Spike's throne and whispered in his ear. “They need our help. They're not going to admit it, but they do.”

Spike turned to look at Xander for a moment. “I think you're right. Angel's bitten off more than he can chew and gone running to someone for help. Don't like it.”

“Me, neither.”

Spike turned to Riley. “I've made my decision. If you...” He looked at Riley then Angel. “Either one of you, need help, ask and I'll send it. Tend your city, Angel, and stay out of my business. Or you'll wind up with no city. You wanted me to be master of this territory; I am. And I intend to stay.”

Riley nodded, looking a bit sad. “That's good. But... if you lose control, we'll step in.”

Spike gave Riley a feral grin. “That's fine. If I lose control, best you do step in. I won't care because I'll be dead an' dust.”

Riley nodded. “Ah... one question?”

“Asked a bunch already, what difference is one more?” Spike gave Riley a sharp look none the less.

“If you're the Master of California, why did you set your base of operations in the middle of Nevada?”

Spike laughed. “Well, it's the middle of my territory, innit?”

Riley looked confused. “Middle of your territory? I thought you were Master of California?”

“I am. Old California. The territories were established during the colonial days, days when California was still a Spanish Possession. My territory goes from the Mississippi to the coast. Timmins, where's that damn map?”

Timmins stepped forward carrying a rolled piece of real parchment. When he unrolled it everyone could see the different territories marked out in hand drawn pen lines and rather sloppy watercolors. It was stained with what looked like old blood and who knew what.

Riley eyed the map then remarked, “That's not the Mississippi, that's more like the middle of Kansas.”

Spike looked irritated. “Damn it, I'm allowed a bit a' poetic license once in a while. Still, it's something like a third of the continental US and extends from above the Canadian border down into Mexico.”

Xander just blinked at the map for a second then started laughing. He looked at Angel, who was looking a bit stunned. “So, gave up more than you thought, didn't you? You could have lorded it over all that territory and forced your bleeding heart ideals on so many unsuspecting vampires. Good thing you abdicated when you did. You'd only have torn the whole continent into warring factions.”

Angel looked pissed. “Things have to change. The way the world is going, we're going to be revealed sooner or later.”

Xander nodded. “Yeah, things have to change. But slow and easy, sneak things up on them. You throw all this...” Xander waived a hand, encompassing more that Spike's court with the gesture, “into their faces at once and the Underworld is in trouble. Get them used to one thing at a time, and we just might make it work.”

Angel snorted, but Riley was interested and asked, “How long do you think it will take?”

Xander shrugged, glanced at Spike who just nodded. “Probably more than a hundred years, but who's counting?”

Angel grimaced, but Riley had to smile. “Yeah, who's counting. I'll notify my people that you're perfectly capable of handling your affairs yourself. If you need us, call us. We'll be around. Can we call on you?”

Spike thought about that. “Notify us if you need help.” He held up his hand, palm towards Riley. “I'll want all the info, so I can make an informed decision.” He looked at Angel then back to Riley. “Anything else?”

Xander stepped forward. “I'd like to know how you got from the Initiative to where you are now. Matter of trust, see?”

Riley sighed, rubbed his face and started telling his tale. “I found out that the Initiative was feeding us all drugs. I have no idea what all they were supposed to do. But it wasn't pleasant. Buffy had a fit. I got out, went to South America for a while. But things were getting bad on the Hellmouth, quickly. Giles wasn't answering calls,” Riley held up his hand. “And I know why. No blame there, just fact. He's more useful here. I got a call from the Order of Taraka, very classified. They wanted my help to form an organization of human and demon military forces. I liked what they told me so I joined up. Got some guarantees and such. So, I'm liaison between demon and human organizations; there’re several of us. I'm first contact a lot of times because I'm capable of defending myself, I think.” Xander snorted. “Well, unless my opponent is very well trained. All my organization wants is to make sure there are no incidents between human and demon. We're working in concert with the Order of Taraka. Or under them, I'm not really quite sure. So, that's the what.”

Spike nodded his head, understanding at last. Anyone involved with the Order of Taraka was well aware that, if it suited the Order, they were a sacrifice. He wasn't sure how useful this new organization was going to be, nor if he really supported it, but he wasn't going to deny it either. He'd just sit back and see.

“Fair enough. I'll watch you. I'm not sure about you, and I'll be plain, I think you're going to fall on your faces rather quickly. Humans aren't going to trust demons and demons are sure not going to trust humans. I think your best bet is to keep out of things and let the High Masters handle their own territories, like they've been doing for centuries, themselves.”

Xander relaxed visibly, he really wasn't interested in getting involved in the problems of other masters. Humans could deal with their trouble themselves, too.

Spike leaned against Xander's hip to tell him the same thing.

Angel sighed. “I think you're all missing the point of this. You'll do as I say. If Mr. Finn asks for something you'll give it to him.”

Spike's head rose like a snake’s. This was a threat to his authority; one Angel had no right to make.

“Sorry, pet, no deal. Finn's welcome to petition me like any other person in my territory, but no deals.”

Angel loomed over Riley and everyone near. Tara squeaked, several other individuals made similar sounds.

“You'll do as I say.” Angel vamped out and took a step forward. Xander just retreated into shadows.

“Make me.” Spike vamped as well, dropped his coat into Timmins's hands and stepped down from the dais.

Timmins eased to stand next to Xander. “Oh, shit.” Xander nodded, hissing, “No, shit.”

Angel roared and attacked Spike who met him at the apex of his charge. The smack of fist on flesh filled the air, the blows coming so fast that only a few could actually see the individual moves. Spike yowled like a cat and dropped to one knee for a moment. Angel moved to take advantage of this and got a heavy boot to the gut for his troubles. Spike bounded to his feet and followed up with another kick to the ribs and a vigorous attempt at choking Angel. Angel shook him off, and staggering back out of range, rubbed his throat for a moment. He shook his head and snarled, “Don't breathe, remember?”

Spike licked his teeth and laughed. “Yeah, I do, but it's really aggravating, ain't it?”

Xander shook his head, wishing that Spike would get it over with.

“Yes, it's really annoying. So, why?”

“Because I can.”

Spike waited a beat then kicked Angel's feet out from under him and jumped on his chest with both feet. Several of Angel’s ribs broke with audible cracks. He choked, rolled over and coughed up blood. Spike pounced on his back, trying to pull his head back into position to bite him. Angel kicked out and managed to throw Spike off, but he couldn't get his feet under himself before Spike was right back on him kicking and punching. Angel tried to grab onto Spike to wrestle him, hoping to use his greater weight to his advantage. Spike was much too quick for this and hopped out of reach. The onlookers either gasped or groaned.

When Spike cleared the way, Angel rolled to his feet and set himself in a defensive posture. Spike stayed back and watched him for a moment. This set Angel's teeth on edge and pricked him into doing something stupid. He attacked at a dead rush that left him open to any attack. If it had worked, he would have gotten Spike in a bear hug that he couldn't break out of. It didn't work. Spike skipped out of the way easily. This put Angel completely off balance, hurt and weakening quickly.  

“Back off, Sire. I'm not yours to punish anymore. I'm my own person, with my own problems. You can't help. You can't fix it. You dumped this mess on me, now back off and let me do it. Give up. I don't want to have to kill you.”

Angel panted, coughing up more blood. “I don't want this either, but...” Angel eyed Spike who glared right back. “Oh, fuck it. You're right; I dumped this mess on you. Deal.” He slipped slowly to his knees and sat back on his heels. He tipped his head back in a gesture of submission. His face returned to his human appearance. “You're High Master of California; I'm only Master of Los Angeles. I submit.”

Spike moved to stand behind Angel, leaned down and bit him. He bit him right over the jugular and took one hard draw of blood from him. “Ok. Submission accepted. Timmins, take him down to the stable, introduce him to some of the people and see he's taken proper care of.” Angel started to argue. “No argument. Riley, you go with. I want you to see a proper stable.”

Riley just nodded, helped Angel to his feet, and followed Timmins out a side door.

Xander nodded his head at Riley then turned to tend to Spike. This was one of the times when Spike needed him most. Not his submission, but his strength. Spike was still on his feet, but he was hurt and swayed slightly. Xander wrapped his arms around his lover and tipped his head to one side. Spike bit into Xander’s neck, gently easing his fangs into the flesh. Xander gave a chest deep groan and relaxed against him. Spike fed carefully, taking only enough to strengthen and heal himself, without weakening Xander unduly.

“Done, greedy-guts?” Xander clung to Spike's shoulders for a second, getting his balance.

“Yeah. Ta ever so.” Spike helped Xander to the side of his throne and got him settled there, sitting on one hip in what Xander called a 'mermaid'. Xander leaned against the arm with a sigh.

The court continued around him with the usual complaints and arguments.

“Here, drink this.” Xander looked up at the voice. Tara was holding a mug out to him. It smelled of herbs and spices. “It's a strengthening tea. It'll make you feel better.”

Xander smiled, glanced at Spike who just nodded, and accepted the tea. “Thanks, Miss Tara.”

“You need me to do anything for you?”

Xander thought for a second. “Can you go check on Angel for me?”

“Sure. Bud?” Bud appeared from nowhere and took her arm. They left together, heads tipped towards each other.


It wasn't three days later that Sylvia came into his office while he was doing his homework. It hadn't taken Tom and Giles long to find that he learned a lot more quickly than they had estimated. All he really needed was for his glasses to do their job. He also needed just a bit of practice writing. He still preferred shorthand for his notes though; it was faster.

“Excuse me, boss. There's someone here to see you. Says she has a translation for you to do and wants to talk to you personally.”

Xander took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. They were tired from so much writing and he was glad of the break. “Ok, as long as it's not on the no-no list, I'll take a look at it.”

“Send her right in, then?”

Xander nodded. “And bring coffee.”

Sylvia walked out the door. Xander heard a murmur of voices then Buffy came in the door.

“Hi, Xander. How are you?”

“Good, good. You?”

“Really good. Um... this is weird.”

“Not so much. Sit, please.”

Buffy sat, pinching the pleat in her trousers up like a man. “Thank you.” She dumped her huge purse on the floor.

Sylvia came back in with a coffee set and put it on Xander's desk. He picked up a cup and fixed some for Buffy. He fixed his own cup and settled back in his chair.

Xander watched Buffy for a few moments then just asked, “Ok, what do you want?”

“Nothing. I just... it's time for me to clear the decks from some of my mistakes. I was so caught up in being The Slayer, The Chosen One, that I forgot a few things; like, Giles was my Watcher for a reason. Like, you are more than a fetch and carry, even if all you do is get coffee. Like, Willow had no right to enforce her will on someone else, no matter how powerful she is. And a few other things. I'm really sorry I let her do that to you.”

Xander shrugged. “I don't really blame you. How were you supposed to keep her from working magic?”

Buffy grimaced. “In this case, saying no would have done it. I didn't see any harm in getting Spike to be your friend, and I persuaded him. Willow talked you into it. Sorry. Um... how is it working out?”

“Not bad. He spoils me rotten. Got me this nifty collar.” Xander showed Buffy his collar. “And don't go all wibble lip on me. It's a good thing. Lets people know who I am, keeps me safe, helps him find me if he needs to. I like it. Besides the sex is mind blowing.”

Buffy choked on her coffee and Xander snickered then waited until she got her throat clear.

“I hear you're training.”

“Yes, Master Bruce Chen has agreed to teach me. And Yakov Ptomkin too. He's going to have to go back to Israel soon. Shame, I really like him. And they finally found out what my problem is. I'm dyslexic.” Buffy raised an eyebrow. “Learning disability, I'm training on that, too. It's really working. You?”

Buffy shrugged. “Slaying. Not really that much to tell about it. Heard you're on call if there's a big bad around.”

“Spike and I both are. Got a problem?”

Buffy smiled. “No. Just touching base with you. Learned a bit about being political. Riley is good at that sort of thing.”

Xander nodded. “I see. You decided to get serious?”

“Council sort of dumped me, like I had VD or something. They told me, be a good girl and we'll help you. I'm not in the mood to yield to blackmail. I'll manage on my own. I've been doing fairly good so far. I just need to know if you'll back me up if I need it.”

“I'll come if you call me.” Xander sipped his coffee for a moment. “This is nice.”

Buffy smiled over the rim of her cup. “Yeah, no heart burnings or recriminations. Once more, so you'll know I really mean it, I'm really sorry about what I did. Willow... she just... I think she might have compelled me a little. I had a witch from England come over, look at me and shake her head. She made me take a bath in some stinky herb stuff. I feel more clear-headed. Willow is still in England. Giles... he doesn't talk about her.”

“Giles...” Xander trailed off. Giles was his own man. If he wanted to keep in touch with Buffy, that was his business. “I'm glad you still talk.”

“We talk. I call him about once every other week. Just to yak a bit. I miss him, but I really think he's doing more good here. Oh, and I do have a scroll. It's on yak hide or something.” Buffy fished around in her purse and found her scroll.

It was rolled up around an ebony rod, enclosed in a hammered copper sleeve decorated with gold and capped with gold caps. Xander unrolled a bit of it and smiled. “Who sold you this?”

Buffy shook her head. “I got it from a... passing Master. He said it would shake the world and stars. Kinda freaked me out. Can you read it?”

Xander unrolled a bit more of the scroll. “Did you unroll this at all?”

Buffy gave him a wide-eyed look.”Who me? Not a chance. I'm not letting any mojo loose until I know exactly what it is. What's it say?”

Xander laughed softly “Um... you really don't want to know.”

“Oh, is it bad?” Buffy bit her lip, looking worried.

Xander took pity on her. “It's a pillow book written in Sanskrit. Part of the Kama Sutra... sort of.”

Buffy blinked. “A what?”

“A pillow book. A polite term for a sex manual. In a very old language. And... if you're homosexual... it will shake the world and stars. All night long.”

Buffy gave Xander a stunned look. “That... that... shit. He swore to me that it was dangerous and... and... I'm so gonna stake him if I ever see him again.”

Xander rolled up the scroll and slid it back into its tube. He rather reluctantly handed it over the desk. Buffy held up her hands and shook her head. “Oh, no you don't. I don't have any need for that. You keep it. Enjoy.”

Xander lit up. “Well, thanks. Um... you wanna see the rest of the place?”

Buffy nodded. “Yeah, thanks.” She stood up and picked up her purse.

Xander stood, walked around the desk and offered Buffy his arm. She blinked a moment then took it. Xander led her through the residence, ignoring the hisses of some of the younger vampires. Buffy ignored them, too.

“Would you like to meet Master Bruce and Mr. Ptomkin? Yakov has to leave soon. Tomorrow, I think. Like I said before, he's needed back in Israel for some reason. He says he'd have to kill us if he told us. I think he just likes being mysterious.”

Buffy shivered a bit at the negligent way Xander spoke about something like that.

Xander patted Buffy's shoulder. “Cold? It can be a bit chilly down here. I like it cooler in the dojo than some. Here. Sit down, and I'll see who's here.” Xander settled Buffy on a zafu and zabuton then went into the back. Buffy settled comfortably, pulling off her shoes and putting them beside her purse on the outer floor. She knew better than to walk on the dojo floor with shoes on.

Xander came back to her, followed by a Chinese man and another man who she recognized as very dangerous, no matter how unremarkable he looked. She stood and shook hands with both of them. They all settled on zafu to visit. Buffy sighed softly, it wasn't that she was uncomfortable, but she wasn't comfortable either.

“Damn, Buffy, I'm sorry. Would you be more comfortable in a gi? Or sweats? I could find you something.”

Buffy smiled at Xander. “I'd really appreciate that. I heard from Riley that you're really good. I thought... well, we might have a match. If you like?”

Xander gave her one of the silly, goofy grins she remembered so well. “That'd be great. Come with me and I'll fix you up.”

They excused themselves to Master Bruce and Yakov who both just waved them on.

It didn't take Xander long to find a locker for Buffy. He found that she had sweat pants and a sports bra in that huge purse of hers. Xander left telling her to rejoin the group when she got changed.

She returned to the group and settled comfortably. They talked about weapons, attacks, defense, and how best to fake out what demon. Buffy displayed her expertise without her usual arrogance. Xander decided that she'd had it slapped out of her somewhere along the line. It made her a lot more attractive. Xander felt Spike peek in on them and looked up. Spike raised an eyebrow, but Xander smiled at him, so he left with a wave.

Buffy turned the conversation to weapons training, and Bruce offered to show her his swords. Xander said that he could show Buffy his swords, too. Buffy enjoyed looking at them and knew better than to ask to wield one.

When she saw Xander's swords she had to smile. “Trust Spike to get you the best of the best. I'm a bit jealous.” She turned to Master Bruce. “I hear that you taught him the penultimate attack of your school. When are you going to teach him the ultimate attack?”

Xander just shook his head. “Never.”

Buffy turned to look in surprise at Xander. “Why not?”

Master Bruce took over, glaring at a snickering Yakov. “Because the ultimate attack is so dangerous to teach that the student usually kills the master when he conquers it. Xander doesn't want to take that chance. The penultimate attack is more than good enough.”

Buffy blinked at Xander's stony face then shuddered again. This was not the Xander she remembered. This was a man-of-arms; a man who would do whatever he needed to do.

“I see.” She turned on her best smile and asked, “Xander, how would you like to spar with me?”

Xander glanced at Master Bruce. He nodded, so Xander agreed. He went to change into a gi.


Buffy bowed to Master Bruce, and glanced at Yakov who just nodded to her. She turned and bowed to Xander, who bowed back.

Xander stood back to let her come to him. He wanted to see if she was holding back before he let himself go. It wouldn't do to hammer her if she wasn't going full out. They spent some time testing each other. When Buffy finally let go, Xander met her head on with all he had. They fought back and forth over the floor, Buffy on the offensive then Xander. Master Bruce and Yakov both watched with appreciation. They would both critique Xander later; Buffy too, if she asked.

Buffy finally got Xander down, but she couldn't keep him down. They declared it a draw. They both jumped at the patter of applause, neither one of them had noticed the gathering observers.

Buffy flinched and pivoted on her heel, putting her back to Xander's. Xander, more used to this, just looked pleased. Buffy had changed; she'd trusted someone at her back. Xander was pleased that she thought he was worthy.

“Easy, Buffy, they do this all the time.”

Buffy dropped her hands and cleared her throat, obviously embarrassed. “Sorry. Startled me.”

“That's Ok. Used to freak me out, too.” He turned to the crowd. “Ok, people, no more to see, take off.” The crowd dispersed, chattering softly about what they'd seen.

Buffy took a bottle of water from Yakov then settled on a zafu to listen. Xander accepted a towel and water from Master Bruce with a nod. Spike eased out of the shadows where he'd been watching. He usually stayed out of sight if there was a crowd so as not to spoil their enjoyment. Now, he nodded to Buffy then sat behind Xander; Xander sighed and leaned against him.



The next hour was spent in analyzing Buffy and Xander's match, eating snacks, and drinking tea. The talk was friendly and comfortable. Spike kept his ruder remarks to himself. Buffy refrained from calling him names. Xander was happy.


Giles read the letter with a frown on his face. Willow was asking to see him. He was disinclined to do so. He'd managed to send her where she could get help. That was all he could do.

He wasn't sure she had stopped using magic inappropriately yet. He didn't want to take chances with her recovery, or Xander's new found self assurance.


I drew and painted this map to look like what I saw in my head when I described the map several chapters ago.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="map"></a>

Double sword staff
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>