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Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Disclaimer: I don’t own Buffy. I just borrowed some of the characters.
Rated: NC-17
Willow's long divider
Ulterior Motives
Chapter 21


Betaed by: Skippyscatt

Xander looked at the case of the Clavichord. Spike was going to love it. He'd seen it, of course, he'd actually bought it for Xander along with the writing box in which Xander now kept parchment, pens, pencils and other equipment he needed for translations. He didn't know exactly why but he liked it. Now Xander was polishing the newly repaired instrument, he didn't know how to tune it but he knew someone who did. The demon had promised to come this afternoon and see to the job. Xander wanted to get it set up in the music room before his next lesson. He was hoping that Spike would consent to play a duet with him. Giles would go spastic.

He decided another coat of beeswax polish was redundant and put his things away. He smiled happily. The station was a haven to him. He had plenty of room to work on his woodwork. He also had a space where he could just sit in the sun and enjoy his orchids and violets. He sighed. Spike was very kind to him. It made him wonder exactly what Spike wanted, besides his body that was. He kept claiming ulterior motives. It worried him a bit but he decided not to worry over much. He couldn't do much about it so worrying seemed stupid.

Xander called in the two demons who were what Spike called dumb muscle. He instructed them in how to carry the clavichord and told them there'd better not be so much as a ding on it. They nodded respectfully and carefully carried the instrument out the door. Xander thought about following them then decided to go walk in his garden for a while. He hadn't had time for several days and missed it.

As he headed for the gardens, he was careful to stay on the approved route. He didn't want to get into trouble for entering the areas that Spike had declared off bounds. It wasn't worth the trouble and he didn't need another punishment for disobeying. Besides, he didn't want Spike mad at him for such a stupid reason.

He passed slowly through the gateway herb garden. The copy of his grandmothers that was the first bit of garden he'd had. He strolled on past the potted roses and box woods. He weeded a bit and ran his fingers into the dirt in one of the small plots if the formal English garden. He rambled on into the oriental garden and stopped again to feed the koi. They rose to the surface and gapped at him. He smiled and tossed more food. The fish obediently scrambled for the bits, making the surface roil.

Xander wound up in the small sitting area in his orchardarium. He smiled around and then realized that the orchardarium in the station was a half size copy of this one. This one was growing under artificial lights. The one in the station was situated under a sky light.


Xander nearly jumped out of his skin. "Gah! Geeze, wear a bell, why dontcha? Yes, I'd like tea."

The vampire gazed at him in confusion for a moment then put the tray on the table, excused himself and went in search of a bell.

Xander settled back with his tea. He wondered when he'd managed to learn to like the stuff.

After sitting for about an hour, Xander continued his walk through the gardens. He enjoyed the quiet time but a glance at his watch made him hurry his steps. He still had a translation to complete.


Spike stuck his head into the door of Xander's office and announced that Sylvia wasn't at her desk. Xander looked up from the scroll and shrugged. "I think she went down to the stables to get someone to eat. I told her to take the rest of the day off. I'm working on this translation and I won't need her."

"Ok. I'm going to be in my office with my secretary. If you need any thing just call her. And ... what translation?"

Xander handed a copy of the original scroll he was working onto Spike. "It's a part of one of the Dead Sea scrolls. Lesser interest, but in very good condition. It's got a preservation spell on it so I don't have to worry about handling it. It's also not part of the Bible, it's in ancient cuneiform so it's part of something else. That's what the owner wants to find out. Which means the first thing he needs is a translation."

"Xander? You mean to say that some big wig collector sent you a scroll from the private Dead Sea collection?"

Xander glanced up from the note he was making. "Yeah. So?"

Spike started to say something then muttered, "Never mind. I'll just be over here, in my office."

"Ok. See you in a bit. Soon as I'm done with this part." Xander turned back to his scroll again.

The ancient symbolic language posed no problems for Xander and he was soon done with the translation. His head ached but it always ached after prolonged reading. At least the symbols didn't dance in front of his eyes. He eyed his messy notes and decided to wait until tomorrow to transcribe them into something he was willing to send out. Tucking all his notes into a folder he left it on his desk and went to see if the clavichord was set up properly. He had to sneak by Spike's office to keep him from seeing.

Spike noticed Xander sneaking by his office door but didn't say anything. Xander knew better than to do anything Spike wouldn't approve of.


Xander looked at the Clavichord. It looked beautiful, its inlay case shone in the light like a wooden jewel.

"Is it tuned? I want it tuned. Spike will want to play it and I want it right."

The demon who'd tuned it the last time smiled. Xander's efforts had turned an instrument in good shape into one in perfect shape. "Yes, it's tuned properly. I'm sure Master Spike will be pleased."

"Good, good. I want to surprise him with it. He doesn't even know there's a music room. I hope he likes the music. I ordered some sheet music written especially for the clavichord and guitar. I want to play duets with him. You think ... never mind, I'm babbling. Go, send me a bill."

The demon bowed, smiled at a nervously jittering Xander and left. He found it amusing that such a large, strong human would be so nervous. Then he considered why Xander was nervous and changed his mind.

Xander wondered how he was going to get Spike to come to the room. Then he grinned. The straightforward approach seemed a good idea.

"Spike! I need you. Come here." Spike showed up almost at once.

"What is it, pet? What do you need?"

Xander put his arms around Spike. "You, I need you. Close your eyes."

Spike sputtered a bit but when Xander insisted he closed his eyes and allowed Xander to put his hands over them. Xander's heart beat sped up, making Spike wonder what was going on.

"Easy, pet, whatever it is, I'll kill it for you."

"I'll kill my own prey, thank you. Shut it. It's a surprise."

Spike relaxed then and set himself to enjoy his surprise. No matter what it was.

"You can look now." Xander took his hands away from Spikes eyes.

"Bloody hell, pet. Beautiful. Music?"

"I ordered some, I'm not sure if it's good or not. But I got it. So, do you like it. I thought it would go better in a music room than in the living room. Or your office. I took it and polished it up good. And made sure the legs were right. I made myself a good chair and another for Giles. The music is in one of those upright chests with all the drawers. I didn't make that, I bought it. So do you like it."

Spike put his hand firmly over Xander's mouth. "I love it. It's beautiful, I said so didn't I? Now. Let me try it out. Beautiful room by the way."

Spike settled at the keyboard and ran his fingers over it creating a rippling arpeggio. He played a scale to check the tuning, then started to play. Xander didn't recognize most of the pieces Spike played but they were wonderful to him. He settled into one of the over stuffed chairs he'd supplied the room with, content to just listen.

Spike played for over thirty minutes. Xander listened quietly.

When Spike got through, he turned around and smiled at Xander. "Thank you, pet. It's wonderful. You said something about playing duets? That's nice. Giles will have a cow."

"Good, we need the milk." Xander smirked at Spike who laughed heartily.

Spike closed the instrument carefully and walked toward Xander.

"Is that translation done?"

"Not quite. I've gotten all the translation done, but my notes are half in shorthand and the rest in scribbles. I have to transcribe them into something half way legible. I usually have Sylvia do it but she's out. I can't do it because my writing is ... bad is an understatement."

Spike snorted, he'd seen Xander's writing, at its best it was bad. Not terrible, but just the sort of cursive that the American school system turned out on a general basis. It wasn't nice enough for a magical translation.

"Look, pet. I can teach you to write nicely. It'll take some work but you can do it."

"That'd be nice. I always wanted nice hand writing. Sylvia has really nice writing, that's why I have her do the finial transcripts. I'd rather do them myself but, ... I get the e's and b's and d's all mixed up. Don't know why. But it got me plenty of beatings when Pop got letters from the teacher."

Spike made a face at that. Disgust was the main component but fury and sorrow were there too. "Don't worry. I'll help you. You just need a place where you can concentrate. Don't know how anyone can be expected to study in a kitchen with drunks fighting over head."

Xander just shrugged. "Well, maybe that's it. I'm going out. Bud and I are going to the drive in. He's never been and it's Terminator. You're welcome to come too, if you like."

Spike shrugged. "I'm disappointed, pet, but I got a meeting with the Speaker of some demon clan or other. They need my permission to cross the domain. They'll get it, of course, but it's all politics. You go on. I'll see you when you get back."

Xander sort of leaned over Spike who gave him an inquiring look. Xander tipped his head one way, then the other. Spike finally figured out that Xander was trying to figure out how to kiss him without bumping noses. He obligingly tipped his head to give Xander a better angle. The kiss left them both a bit breathless.

Xander smirked at Spike.


"Made ya breathe. Go me."

Xander made it to the door before Spike could think up a rejoinder. The door clicked shut on his indignant, "Oy!"


Xander met Bud at the truck, which an unknown vampire minion brought to Xander without question.

Bud looked Xander over. "You carrying?"

Xander just shrugged. "Yeah. Short sword, big knife and a dart. We're just going to the movies. But I've got my tachi behind the seat."

Bud grinned. "Well, ok, then. Let's go."

So Xander climbed into the driver's seat and Bud took shotgun. It didn't take long for them to get to the drive-in.

"So, we just drive into the theater and sit in the truck? That's ... different. I've been to theaters before, of course, but never a drive-in. This is going to be fun."

Xander nodded happily. "Its' really nice because you don't disturb other people, so you can say anything you want. And you don't have to pay the outrageous prices at the snack bar. I've got candy, and sodas, and chips. I don't do popcorn, it's not good without the butter, but it's way too messy to hide. So ..." he turned to the ticket booth and told the girl. "Two please." She told him how much and handed over the torn stubs. "Thank you."

Bud had been careful to stay out of the ticket girls sight, so when they got parked, Xander asked him what was up.

"Don't recognize the kind of demon she is. I'm not sure I like this."

"Don't sweat it. All kinds of demons hang around the Hellmouth. You know that. Why would she be working if she's a bad guy?"

Bud didn't look convinced but he shrugged, "I don't know. Just makes me nervous. Kinda keep an eye out."

Xander nodded. "I will. It'll be dark soon. The movie will start then."

Bud gazed around at the drive-in. He'd never seen anything like it, but he was glad to see that there was no way for anyone to get to them without them seeing.

"Bud? Can you get to my sword and put it on the back of the seat without waving it around?"

Bud looked over the back of the seat. "Yeah, let me ... ok, got it. Just set it on the back of the seat?"

"Yeah, and push the head rest down on it. That'll keep it where I can get to it."

Bud got the sword situated on the back of the seat to Xander's satisfaction and then announced. "Pins and needles! That thing has to be ... five feet long. How much is blade?"

"It's a two handed, battle sword. The only Japanese sword bigger is a zanbato. Or horse killing sword. It's huge. This one only has about a 48" blade." Xander settled back in his seat. "Look! The movie is starting."

Bud eased back in his seat to watch the movie. He found himself enthralled by it and a bit startled when it ended.

"Well, what do you think?"

Bud nodded, silhouetted against the light from the snack bar. "I like it. It was great. We could talk and eat and ... everything."

"You just like it that you can fart and no one smells it. Except me. Man, what crawled up your ass and died."

Bud grinned at Xander, his teeth startlingly white in the gloom. "Mom's stew. Sorry."

Xander turned the key, started the engine and turned to smile at Bud. "Open a window. You're getting to be toxic." They both laughed. Bud opened his window.

Xander drove down the aisle and headed for the exit. Bud worried about the late hour. It was just late enough that hungry types were beginning to stir, but the really vicious ones were still just waking up.

Suddenly Bud saw a Mogroth demon in the shadows. "Back up! Back up!"

Xander saw it too but; "I can't! They've got a no entry strip. I'll just wind up with flat tires."
Xander jerked his steering wheel to the left to go around the demon then back to the right. He managed to stay on the gravel drive, but just barely. The car behind him slammed on the brakes and shuddered into reverse. The no entry strip, which was a strip of metal spikes set at an angle into the drive, flattened all four tires and the car slewed sideways on its rims. The occupants bailed and ran, the demon looked at them with interest, drooling slightly. Xander gave up, snarled, "Spike is gonna be so pissed," and grabbed his sword.

Bud sighed and followed him out of the truck. Xander unsheathed his sword and settled into a defensive stance. He waited for the demon to get close.

"Stop! I am Xander, thrall of William the Bloody, Master of this Hellmouth. If you do not attack, I will not. Do you understand me?"

The demon grumbled, flailed its tentacles around and stepped back a step. Xander started to relax. The demon produced another pair of them from somewhere in its back. Xander shook his head. "Oh, no! You did not just double up on me. Fucker."

The demon tried to grab Xander and got its tentacle cut off for its trouble. Bud produced a huge knife from somewhere and taunted the demon until it reached toward him with another tentacle. The limbs didn't seem to have any nerves because the creature only blinked when Xander cut off that tentacle too.

"Does it even notice? It's not getting hurt. Damn!" Xander danced out of the reach of the remaining two tentacles. Bud poked the demon in the back and then ran. Xander cut across the bulge in its back where the tentacles were attached. This time it screeched either in pain or fury, or perhaps both.

"Xander! What the hell do you think you're doing? Run!" Buffy jumped into the fray with both feet, literally. Xander shoved his sword back into the scabbard and tossed it into the back of his truck. Bud dove into the door head first and scrambled across the seat into the passenger side.

"You sure? Buffy, you sure?" Xander wasn't about to abandon Buffy no matter what she said. Unless he was absolutely sure she had things under control. It was a compromise between what he wanted and what Spike would allow.

"I'm sure. You get going, or I'll tell. Shoo." Buffy dove into combat with her usual zeal, blood and ... stuff flew in all directions. The demon gave one strange cry and collapsed into a heap. Xander jumped into his truck and restarted the engine. He accelerated away, keeping an eye in the rearview mirror. Buffy jumped up and took off into the nearby bushes at a dead run. Xander fought off the need to follow her. That wasn't his job anymore.

Instead, he drove quickly toward the garage entrance. It wasn't that far away.

"Um ... Xander, I don't want to be a buzz kill, but why didn't you back up when I told you to? Master Spike will want to know. And I'll be telling him everything. I like my tongue in my mouth, thank you."

Xander concentrated on traffic and didn't turn his head when he replied, "That spike strip is set so that you can only drive over it one way ... out. You try to drive in, or back up, and it'll puncture all your tires. And we ... I had to keep it from getting to the people still in the drive-in. You notice that, the second Buffy showed up, I took off. She said to, and I ... I'm not a Scoobie anymore. I've got ... other things to do. Important things, I think. More important than getting my head squashed by the demon du jour. And you don't have to tell Spike, I will. I know you've got to report too, but, could you just write it up?"

Bud thought about it for a moment then decided, "Sure. If master Spike wants more than that he'll call me. But you tell him tonight. Ok?"

Xander nodded without taking his eyes off the road. "Yes, I don't want a spanking or worse for not coming clean. And tonight was so much fun. I'm sick of this damn Hellmouth shit. I can't even go to the drive-in in peace. Fuck!" Xander slammed his hand down on the steering wheel. Bud wisely kept his mouth shut. Xander's little temper tantrum was understandable. Bud was getting sick of the Hellmouth too. He was seriously thinking it was time for him to go back to his people. This much excitement made his teeth hurt.


Xander took a deep breath and knocked on the bedroom door. He knew that it was his room too, but somehow it seemed appropriate.

"Come in." Spike looked up from his easy chair, took off his glasses and put them and his book on the nearby table. "Pet, what is it? You alright? I'll gut whoever put that look on your face."

Spike made it across the room to Xander in one nearly inevitable bound. Xander just put his arms around Spike and sighed. "I really, truly hate this Hellmouth. I can't even go to the movies with a buddy without something trying to eat me."

Spike quickly checked Xander for any injuries, finding none, he summoned Timmins, ordered hot chocolate and pulled Xander toward the bed. Timmins took one look at Xander's face and got out the ‘big guns'

Spike stripped Xander out of his, amazingly, unspotted jeans and t-shirt. "Hop into the bed, pet. We'll get comfy and you can tell me all about it."

Xander did as he was told, then sat right back up. "Shit! My sword! I forgot to clean it. It'll stick in the sheath if I don't do something about it right now. I sheathed it all ... gunky."

"Gunky? Pet?"

"Well, it had demon ... stuff on it. Gunk. What ever Mogroth demons bleed."

Spike had a fit. "A Mogroth demon. What the bloody hell is a Mogroth demon doing in Sunnyhell. Fuck. Now I'll have to go out and kill it."

"Don't bother. It's dead. I cut off two of its bits and then Buffy showed up. She told me to git so I did. But still ... I'm sick of it. I would just like to have one time I go out that I don't wind up killing some oogity-boogity, or having it try to kill me. Or just eat me. The only demon I want eating me is you."

Spike laughed at that but sobered when he realized that Xander was really upset. "Sorry, pet. Look, you're not getting out of this bed again tonight. Where's Bud by the way?"

"He's writing up a report. I told him it would be ok if he didn't come talk to you tonight. But I've got to clean my sword."

"No, you don't. Pet, why do you think we have minions? I know Master Bruce told you to clean your own, but I'm High Master and I say, ‘not tonight.' Now settle down. I'll tell Timmins to have someone clean it. Hush."

Xander started to protest but Spike put one finger firmly on his lips and said, ‘hush' again. Xander hushed.


Timmins efficiently told a minion to take Xander's sword to Master Bruce, explain to him what had happened and ask him to clean the sword. The minion shrugged, asked what had happened and listened goggle eyed as Timmins told him. How Timmins knew what had happened already no one knew, or had the nerve to ask. The minion went to get the sword and take it to Master Bruce.

Timmins finished making the hot chocolate. He'd made it with shaved Ghirardelli chocolate bar, cream and cinnamon. He'd left a vanilla bean in the cream while it heated, just to a simmer, never a boil. Just before he took the cups into the room, he dropped homemade marshmallows into them.

"Here you are, hot chocolate. Drink up." Timmins handed one cup to Xander and the other to Spike. "I took care of your sword, Master Xander. Don't worry about it. Just rest." Timmins pulled the door firmly shut behind him and stationed a minion on the door with instructions not to let anyone in. Excepting, him, on pain of skinning alive. The minion nodded vigorously. Timmins went back to the kitchen to brew tea and think.

Spike put his chocolate on the bedside table and turned to Xander. "Ok, pet. More info. What exactly happened."

So Xander told Spike the whole story, ending, "and I was having such a good night. Just me and Bud, a good movie and enough junk food to stagger a mule. And that damn Mogroth had to show up. I can't get away from them. Any of them. I'm sick and tired of it. My life is one demon disaster after another."

Spike rubbed Xander's shoulder, the man had somehow wound up curled against his side. "I'm so sorry, pet. I don't understand it either. I know you've really had a bad time with all that mess. I'll put out the word . . . again. As to the Mogroth, they're barely sentient. I doubt it had anything to do with you being a Scoobie, or mine either. Just sleep. It'll get better." He realized that Xander was nearly asleep. "I hope."


Spike settled at the keyboard and played scales with Xander. Giles had advised it to get Xander used to playing with someone. They worked for about an hour then Xander blew on his stinging fingertips and announced that he was beginning to get blisters. Spike shut the instrument while Xander put his guitar up.

"That was good. You're doing really well. Why don't we go out somewhere? Have some fun. You need it after the other night."

Xander grinned. "That'd be great. Where do you want to go?"

"Demon market?"

Xander gave an excited skip. "I love the demon market. There's all sorts of great stuff there."

Spike laughed, he loved to see Xander like this. This Xander was so much happier than the old one. He knew he was right to do what he was doing.

"Well, then, pet. We better get going. It's a bit of a walk."

Xander grinned and headed for their rooms. "I'll need to change my shoes."

Spike laughed again. "Xander, you're not wearing any shoes."

"Yeah, and I don't want to be wandering around in the sewers with bare feet. Not good. Glass, cans ... um ... other stuff. Not what I want coating my feet. Be right back."

Spike waited, counting, "One ... two .... three, and here it comes."

Timmins voice could be heard floating down the hall, but only if you were a vampire. "Master Xander. You should call me. I'll come to you, I can hear you, you know. Which pair of boots did you want? I'll get them for you. Sit!"

Spike snickered and cruised down the hall to see Xander sitting in the reading chair in the corner.
"Spike, tell Timmins to quit picking on me. He's being a ..."

"Young Master, that's quite enough. I'm paid to care for you. How can I do my duty if I don't know you need something? Do I have to follow you around?"

"See? He's picking on me. Make him stop."

Spike held up both hands in a universal gesture of ‘who me?' "Not a chance, pet. He's a good man, leave him alone. He'll get all sulky and burn the toast, or summat. Put on your boots and come on."

Xander sulked a bit but took the boots Timmins gave him and laced them up. They headed for the sewer entrance.


"Yeah, pet."

"Why don't you have a ... like a gate or something to the sewers? Instead of just a drop hole. It's not really comfortable to be climbing up and down ladders like this."

"Don't know. Never bothered to mess with it, I guess. You want something different, draw it up and I'll see what I can do."

"Ok. Just seems like The Master of the Hellmouth ought to have something nicer than a hole in the floor. Know what I mean?"

Spike nodded, thinking. The sewer entrance was just a manhole in the floor and not very dignified. He wasn't used to thinking of himself as master of the Hellmouth. He had always been second to Angelus. Now that he was first, he still had moments when he forgot. He made a mental note to have something done about a nice gate.

But, for now, he had his boy to entertain. They were going shopping.


"Spike, look. Isn't it great? I want it." Xander held up an odd looking tool. Spike had no idea what it was for but if Xander wanted it, he'd have it.

"How much?" The demon who was tending the booth looked from Spike to Xander then made a gobbling sound, not unlike a turkey.

"Don't think so. Just because the boy wants it, doesn't mean I'll be cheated. I'll give you half that."

More gobbling sounds.

"That real Damascus? Xander! Pay attention."

Xander looked up from his contemplation of another desirable tool. "Sorry. What did you say?"

"Damascus. Is it?"

Xander shook his head. "No, it's acid etched. It's a good tool and I don't have one. But don't pay Damascus prices just because I want it."

Spike snarled at the demon. The demon shook his head, making his neck flaps wobble. Xander stood up and put the other tool on the small table and said, "I want this one too. Don't pay more than three Grams for both of them." Then he walked off. Spike grimaced at the demon who capitulated at once. No sense in trying to bargain with someone who could tell Damascus from acid etched at a glance. And three Grams was generous. Just not overly so.

Spike pulled the dime sized coins out of a pocket and dropped them on the table. The demon wrapped the tools up in paper and tied the package with a bit of string, efficiently twisting the ends into a loop for carrying. Spike handed the package to Xander and led him deeper into the market.

Xander wandered from booth to booth, looking at everything. He examined rare silks, softly tanned leathers, exquisitely made weapons and tools. He smiled at jugglers and other street entertainers. Spike realized that most of his shopping trips had to have been miserable, going with either his parents or the girls couldn't have been pleasant.

"Here, pet. This is good." Spike handed Xander a shish kabob of vegetables and beef. "Don't worry about the booth. They're clean."

Xander just grinned. He was a bit cautious about eating things from the market. He wasn't about to eat dog or something even worse, nor did he want some form of Montezuma's Revenge. So he was a bit particular about where he ate. Spike was even more particular.

"Is there anywhere I can get something sweet? I'd love an orange, or maybe a mango."

Spike grinned. Xander had broken his urge for sticky sweets and unhealthy treats. He ate a lot of steamed vegetables and fruit now.

"I'll find you something nice, pet. Might even find some pineapple. How's that?"

Xander sat down on the edge of a fountain. "Sounds great. I'll just stay right here and watch the packages. Ok?"

Spike nodded. "Sure thing, pet. I'll be back in a tick."

Xander watched the people walking around, laughing, joking, selling things, buying things and just in general being people. He wondered how the Council could possibly rate the small blue demon who made glass with the big red horned one who ate babies. It didn't make sense.

"You come with me."

Xander yanked his attention back to the general vicinity. "What?"

"You. Come with me."

Xander shook his head. "Don't think so. Spike will be back in a minute. You'd better be not here by then."

"You come with me or you'll ..."

Xander sighed, drew his gladius and stepped back to get the pushy demon outside his reach. "Or I'll what? Gut you like a big ol' smelly fish? Do you know who I belong to?"

"You belong to whoever can keep you, boy."

Xander snorted. "And you think you can? Think again, if you can jump start your brain."

The demon tried to grab Xander. He wound up with a nasty cut on his arm. Xander had been trying to cut it off but the demon's skin was tougher than it looked.

The demon snatched his hand back and was just about to grab again when, "Excuse me. Hands off." The words fell into the air like chips of ice. Spike snarled, "Xander, will you quit foolin' around? This pineapple is gettin' stale."

Xander poked the demon in the back and, when it whirled around, he stabbed it in the lower abdomen, right through the heart. It toppled, slowly at first, then it just collapsed. Xander cut a piece off its shirt and cleaned his sword.

"What was that about? You insult it or somethin'?"

"Not that I know of. I was just sitting there like you told me to. It just walked up and started issuing orders." Xander put his sword away. "You going to give that to me, or what?"

Spike handed over the pineapple and motioned a nearby demon over. "What was that about?"

The demon explained that, since Xander wasn't wearing any sort of collar or other identifying mark, the demon thought he'd found himself an unclaimed human. Spike allowed as how that was stupid, as any human just sitting around in a demon market was either a guest of someone powerful or capable of taking care of himself. He also announced rather loudly that Xander was both.

Xander sighed. He had been thinking about this for more than a month. He heard mutters from minions and grumbles from all over. He didn't wear a collar. He wasn't marked in anyway, in fact. Spike knew he didn't like the idea so he wasn't going to force the issue. But it was causing all sorts of problems.

"Spike, while we're here, we ought to get me a collar."

Spike started to say something, looked Xander in the eye and gave one short nod. The raise of Xander's chin told Spike that Xander had gotten his ‘stubborns' up.

"Ok, pet. I was actually thinking more like a torc, come on. We'll go to the jewelers and see what he can come up with."

Xander picked up his pineapple and started to nibble on a piece. He had hung all the packages from his arm by their string handles. "Coming." Xander ambled along after Spike, eating his pineapple and gazing around at this part of the market. He'd never been here before.

The booths were smaller and they all had counters in the front of them. The streets were very broad and had guards waking around in them. Xander smiled at some of the jewelry, now he knew where Spike got some of the more creative things he had him wear. He stopped once to look at some amber but Spike called him to heel, he hurried to catch up.

"Don't get too far away from me. I don't want you to have to kill again. Not that you didn't do a beautiful job of it, but that's my prerogative. We'll get you something nice. Promise."

"That's good. I want something ... extravagant. Something that'll make their eyes pop. If I have to wear it, I want it to make a statement."

"Gotcha, pet."

Xander settled at Spike's feet, kneeling on the cushion provided for him. Spike took the empty bowl from him and handed it off to someone.

The master smith came in himself. He asked Spike a few questions then sent for a tray of Torc's.
Most of them were bronze, a few silver. Spike shook his head. "No. Not good enough."

The smith shrugged. "I don't have anything else. Could you look at them and tell me if you like any of the designs? If you do, I can duplicate it in any metal you like."

Xander looked over the edge of the table and examined the jewelry. He realized that they were made from many slender rods of metal twisted together. Three rods twisted into one, then three of those twisted together, then another three. The finished rod was then bent into a circle with a gap. The ends were capped with different finials. Dragons, horses, eagles, knobs of various sizes and designs, but one stood out. The ends were flattened with a hole in the middle. Xander tugged at Spike's sleeve.


Xander fished his sketch out of his pocket. Spike unfolded the paper and smiled. He handed it to the smith. "Want that as the tag. See?" The sketch was rather simplistic, an X and an S intertwined, they were formed from what was obviously railroad spikes.

Xander examined the torc's. "Master Spike. I like that one. Please?" Xander poured on the ‘eyes', Spike looked at the one Xander wanted and thought Xander was nuts. It was made of steel, square stainless steel rods, the end caps milled into oval shapes. The holes in the end caps were just the right size for a ring.

"If you're sure. I like it. The smith will have to take careful measurements or it won't fit."

"I know. That's ok. And look ... if you make the fastening ring oval, you can bend it down and hand the tag right off it. See?" Xander held up the torc and the ring to demonstrate what he meant.

"I see, pet. But that's a hunk of steel. It's going to be heavy."

"Not really. Stainless is fairly light and he doesn't have to use rods as thick as that. But it's really up to you. You're the boss."

Spike ran his fingers through Xander's hair. "An' don't you forget it. But if that's what you want, that's what you'll have." Spike turned golden eyes on the smith, who shuddered. "Right? An' if he gets so much as a pink spot. I'll play with your guts before your dying eyes. Got me?"

The smith nodded, Xander just muttered, ‘Eeeeuuwww! With the guts again. What is it with you and playing with guts?' Spike smacked him on the back of the head, making the smith snicker.

Spike dickered with the smith for a while until they were both satisfied that they'd gotten the best of the deal. Xander listened idly, wishing for ice cream. Spike got up and called him to come along. Xander got up and followed.

"Pet, that was something special. Very special. But why? I know you don't want that collar."

"I don't. But neither one of us can spend all our time messing around with that kind of shit. Sooner or later one of those idiots has to get lucky. Master Bruce says to pick your fights. This one wasn't worth the air wasted on an argument. I'll save it for something more important."

Spike just shook his head. "Who decided you were the stupid one again?"

Xander shrugged. " ‘M not smart, just ... practical"

Spike shook his head. "Oh, pet."


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Last updated 1/15/2006