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Disclaimer: I don’t own Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. I just borrowed some of the characters.
Rated: NC-17
Willow's long divider
Ulterior Motives
Chapter 13
Ulterior Motives 13

Betaed by Skippyscatt and kitty_poker1

Xander heaved the floating wall frame upright with a grunt. It wasn’t really heavy but it was awkward, the creation of two by four’s and nails was the skeleton of a wall. It was one of the walls for a room in the stable. It was eight feet tall and six feet long. Xander would have made it twelve feet long, the length of the room, but he couldn’t handle that size alone. He wasn’t about to have any of the inexperienced ‘donors’ helping him. Some of the men might be trainable, but they were Spike’s people, not his. They didn’t answer to him and he didn’t want a crew he couldn’t trust.

He sighed as he slammed the nail gun down on the base plate, supporting the frame with one hand. This really wasn’t safe. It was way too easy to lose control of the ungainly panel. He slammed another nail into the base plate and started to work his way down the length of the wall to the next spot he’d selected for a nail.

“Oi, wot the ‘ell do ya think yur doin’? Idiot boy, if you lose control of that, you’re gonna get hurt.”

Spike seized hold of one end of the panel and held it, waiting impatiently until Xander got it nailed in place and properly braced. Xander didn’t hurry but he didn’t fool around either. When he was finished, he turned to Spike and just waited. Spike wasn’t shy. He’d let Xander know what was under his skin. Loudly.

“Ok, spit it out, you’re about to bust a gut.”

Spike just eyed Xander for a moment then he got right up in his face. “You don’t look stupid. But you sure act it. Why the hell are you doing this alone? You need help. We talked about this the other day.”

“Spike, who the hell do you suggest I get. One of the stable? I don’t think so. Most of them aren’t fit to do the job. The rest are more dangerous than doing it alone. So, suggestions are welcome, snarking is not.”

Spike just swelled up like a poisoned toad. Xander glanced his way and gulped. He knew he’d put his foot in his mouth, he just wasn’t sure how to get it out again.

“I’ll snark if I like. And I do like. You’re mine and I’ve told you no one abuses what’s mine . . . will this stand by itself?”

Xander nodded. “Yeah, if I brace it again at the other end. It won’t take but a second.”

“Get to it then.”

Spike waited until Xander had the wall properly braced then grabbed him by one arm. He dragged Xander all the way to his office and positioned him in front of his desk. Spike sat down very carefully, otherwise he’d probably break his chair.

“Ok. I don’t want you hurt, so I know I told you about workin’ alone. But you persist in disobeyin’ me. I asked you. I told you. Now you’re in for it.”

Xander kicked at the carpet sullenly. “I don’t know what you what me to do. I got to get the work done before I go back on the job. And there’s no one to help me. I can do it by myself. So ... what now?”

Spike got up and walked to an armless chair with a deep seat. He eased into the leather embrace gracefully and motioned for Xander to come stand in front of him. Xander approached him like he was going to pounce any moment. Spike waited until Xander reached him then told him to strip. Xander started to object but then just did as he was told.

“That was easy. Up to somethin’?”

Xander shook his head, cheeks red. “No. I ... just don’t want to be compelled. It makes it worse. I ...” Xander just looked at Spike, feeling vulnerable and a little sick. How bad was it going to be?

Spike patted his thigh. “Over my lap, pet. I’ll help you get settled. Don’t want you landin’ on your head.”

Xander eased himself onto Spike’s lap. Spike held him carefully until he was settled.

“Now, understand that I mean business when I tell ya somethin’. I don’t fancy wastin’ my breath. I’m gonna repeat myself. Don’t work alone. Don’t lift alone. If you can’t find someone to help, tell me. I’m gonna give you twenty and you’re gonna count ‘em.”

Xander tensed waiting for Spike to start.

At first all Spike did was rub his butt, making Xander wonder exactly what was happening. He felt that special tingle in his groin and bit his lip, ashamed of his reaction.

Spike gave Xander the first smack and Xander yelped in surprise. “Hey! What?”

Spike gave Xander another smack on the other nether cheek. “Count! Idjit boy.”

Xander gathered himself together and started counting. “Um ... two?”

“No. One. If you don’t count it out, it doesn’t count.” Spike sighed at that, the boy was ruining what little proper English he had left.

Xander squirmed a bit. Then settled back. Spike hid a smirk at what he felt pressing into his thigh.

Xander counted ten more smacks, each one hard enough to make his flesh tingle and burn but not hard enough to mark him. Then he started to sob, softly at first then hard enough that Spike noticed.

Spike eased Xander around until he was curled in his lap. “Here, pet. Not that bad, is it? Hold hard now.”

Xander just sobbed harder. Spike shifted him, easing Xander’s head onto his shoulder then began alternately patting and rubbing is back. “Hush. Ease up. It’s all right. You’re not hurt, so what’s all the blubberin’ about? I know I didn’t smack you too hard.”

Xander hiccuped once then managed between sobs, “Nno ... you didn’t ... and that’s ... it ... you ... it doesn’t hurt ... and Pop.”

Spike couldn’t help his snarl. Xander was so used to being horribly abused for nothing that Spike’s correction had shaken him badly.

“I’m so gonna eat that wanker. Take a breath an’ get control of yourself. Here, let’s get to the couch. I’m not comfortable and I’m sure you’re not either.”

Spike looked up to see Timmins hovering and wringing his hands. “Here, stop that flutterin’ about and get a blanket. And some water. He’ll be wantin’ it later.”

Timmins didn’t take Spike’s remarks amiss, instead he just bowed and did as he was told, vowing to see that Xander’s father got his due.

Spike got Xander to the couch where he eased into the corner and got Xander back into his lap. Timmins covered Xander with a blanket, put his clothing close by and then positioned himself in a corner where he could watch his two charges.

Xander sobbed himself into hiccups while Spike offered what comfort he could. He realized that Xander was way over due for some sort of break down. He’d never seen anyone as strong as Xander. The idiot boy would throw his heart over the tallest fence without a flinch. But it took a toll on him.

“Hush. Ssshh. Easy.” Spike patted and soothed, like he’d done for Dru for nearly a century. He began to purr.

Xander conquered his hiccups and settled against Spike pressing his cheek into Spike’s chest. He was nearly asleep when he realized, “Hey! You’re purring! I didn’t know you could purr.”

“‘M not. An’ I’ll deny it to ‘m dyin’ breath. Sleep. We’ll talk later.”

Xander drifted off to Spike purring and running his fingers through his hair.

~ * ~

Spike woke Xander by shaking his shoulder. “Wake up, pet. I wanna talk to ya.”

Xander mumbled softly then levered himself up from his curl under the blanket. “Wake. What?”

Spike ignored this impertinence. “I remember talking to some of the men in the stable. They were willing to work with you. One or two claimed to have experience. What happened? And don’t give me shit.”

Xander, unprepared for the questioning, just told the truth. “There were four? Or was it five? Anyway ... they aren’t around anymore. Some of them got real jobs and left. One just sort of freaked and Timmins says he got himself admitted to a hospital. So, it’s just me. I can do it. I’m used to having to manage for myself. It’ll be alright.”

Spike shook his head. “I hear of you workin’ alone and I’ll blister ya proper. “ Spike ran a hand over his hair. “Pet, I meant it. I’ll find ya someone, but until I do, no more work on the stables. They’ve got good walls in the dorms now. And that’ll be enough until ya get help.”

Xander sighed and capitulated. He really didn’t like doing work like that alone. If a flat fell on him, he could be pinned for quite some time. Not something he found attractive.

“Ok, I’ll make arrangements with Master Bruce for more lessons. And I’m still working on the translation of that hieroglyphic text. Interesting stuff. You see if you can’t find me some help. And I’ll be in my gardens. I have some ideas there.”

Spike just nodded and left.

~ * ~

Timmins searched out Spike a while later with questions.

“Master, I don’t understand. I know you’re not that patient a person so ... why did you repeat yourself so many times? And, most important, what happened to Master Xander?”

Spike smiled at Timmins, the vampire was almost as protective of Xander as he was.

“Well, for starters. Whelp’s so used to doing for himself, by himself, that I pounded it into his head that I don’t want him doing alone. The only thing that will keep the stubborn shit in line is beating a dead horse. As to the crying, he’s so used to being beaten half to death for nothing that a simple spanking not only turned him on, it confused him. He just couldn’t cope. It’s good for him though–washes away the bad. Fix him something he’s fond of, will you?”

Timmins thought over what Spike had said. It did make sense, so he relaxed and started planning what to fix Xander.

Spike picked up the journal and put on his glasses. “Where’s the whelp now?”

“Working out with Master Chen. He’s getting very good.”

Spike replied, absently, “He’s gettin’ more than good. I’m gonna start teaching him how to dust vamps proper soon. He takes too many chances.”

Timmins smiled gently and left for the kitchen.

~ * ~

Xander faced Master Bruce and waited. He wasn’t sure exactly where this session was headed but he was sure it was important. He set himself and watched as Master Bruce circled him. The attack wasn’t unexpected, what else were they going to do? But, since Master Bruce jumped over Xander’s head and attacked at the top of his jump, it was different. Xander just grabbed the vampire by one ankle and slammed him to the mat.

Xander turned to face Master Bruce, resuming his defensive stance. Bruce just held his hands in an ‘I surrender’ gesture.

Xander reached out and helped Master Bruce to his feet. “I do good?”

“Yes, very good. You’re amazing. I’ve never seen anyone learn as fast as you have. Now it’s time to move to the next level. Attack, rather than defense. So far, all I’ve taught you is defensive. Now, I’m going to teach you to attack. And more weapons work.” Xander gave an excited little hop, making Master Bruce smile. “We’ll find you ‘your’ weapon. I’ve taught you how to handle several weapons, but there’s one out there that’s yours. You understand me?”

Xander nodded. “Yeah, one type that I’m especially suited to. One that’s as natural to me as breathing. I ... always wanted ... I’m not sure.”

Bruce nodded encouragingly. “Go on. It doesn’t matter how silly it sounds. Just tell me.”

Xander sighed, this was no time for babbling, he had to get his thoughts straight. “Ok. Deep breath.” Xander followed words with actions and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Two swords. One, like a ... gladius, or something similar. The other, maybe a tachi. Long, but not a broad sword. Never could like one, you can’t get them really sharp. And sometimes you really need a sharp sword. Especially if you’re dealing with like a Ramankt, or a Sma’ak. All scales and teeth. And then there’s your zombie. Need to have a long sword to deal with them. One scratch and then there’s the badness that is infection. And then there’s the embarrassment factor. No matter how I train, I’m no good. I mean you trained me so I’m fair but good not so much with the good.”

Bruce took a deep breath and snarled. “Shut up.” Xander shut. “Never do that. You’re good. I don’t train men who can’t learn. There’s some things you need to work on, and you will. Now, I want ... one hundred speed snaps. An equal number of squat kicks and pushups. Then, we’ll see about a pair of swords. Your choices and the reasons behind them are sensible. That ... babble is not. Now move.”

Xander didn’t grumble or complain, he just started working out. Master Bruce said that his habit of babbling made him look stupid, and he supposed it did. Master Bruce also said that no student of his was going to act the idiot, therefore the punishment. And a punishment it was. By the time Xander was finished he was sweaty and exhausted.

“Fuck.” Xander flopped over on his back and swiped at his face with his sweat soaked t-shirt. “Sensei, you trying to kill me?”

Bruce just handed Xander a water bottle, remarking, “No, I’m trying to see that you don’t get killed. Do you want to do a few laps around the dojo?”

Xander swallowed quickly. “Um ... no. Really rather not.”

“I didn’t think so. Come with me, we’ll look at swords.”

Bruce led the way across the room to the weapons cupboard, Xander close behind him.

Spike stuck his head in the door and saw them walking across the room. He wondered what they were doing so he used his vampiric speed to catch up.

“Hey ...” Xander jabbed him in the nose with an elbow and whirled to aim a punch at his solar plexus. Spike took the elbow in the nose and rolled with it. Xander’s punch didn’t miss but it lost a lot of its power. “Easy there!”

Xander pulled the second punch he had aimed at whatever he could get to. “Sorry. Don’t do that! I swear I’m going to put a bell on you. Damnit!”

Spike however was grinning at Xander with real pride. “Why is it always my nose? Great moves, pet. Great.” Spike turned to Master Bruce. “Bringin’ ‘im along nicely. What’s up?”

Bruce bowed to Spike. “Thank you, master. He’s improving quickly. We’re picking out swords. Would you like to see?”

Spike nodded rubbing his injured nose. But he was smiling in a rather nasty way. Xander wondered what that was about but forgot almost immediately as Bruce opened the weapons cabinet and pulled out a sword.

“Try this one. I know it’s not the right one for you but it’ll give me an idea of what will fit. Just go through a kata while Master Spike and I watch.”

Xander took the Wakazashi and unsheathed it. It felt way too light, but he wasn’t familiar enough with it to make a real decision. Master Bruce had taught him enough sword work earlier that he could defend himself. But the master had told him he was going to teach him attacks now, which were an entirely different thing. He started his kata.

Spike shook his head. “Damn thing’s too light. And short. If he wants a short sword ...”

“I was thinking a gladius for a short sword. And that sword is too short. I thought it might be but I’m picking a sword for him the way one was picked for me. Tradition is tradition for a reason.”

Spike just nodded his head.

Xander brought the sword back. “Too light and too short. I thought ... maybe a tachi.”

Spike picked at his lower lip for a moment then turned to Master Bruce. “He’s tall enough but what about his skills?”

Master Bruce nodded, looking thoughtful. “Don’t worry about his skills. By the time I’m done with him, he’ll be able to handle any sword he gets his hands on. But for a personal sword, a tachi is what I was considering too. So ...”

Xander listened to the exchange carefully, then remarked softly, “Are you sure I’m strong enough to use such a sword?”

Bruce just returned. “You’re strong enough. It’s skills that make the real difference. And you’ll have the skills. I’ll see to it. Here.”

Xander took the tachi, weighing it in his hand. “Feels good. Should I do the same kata?”

Spike looked at Bruce, who shook his head. “Try the one you’ve been calling Oak Leaves.”

Xander stepped into the middle of the room again and started the kata. Spike watched in happy awe as his puppy-dog-eyed Scooby turned into a dervish. Xander worked his way through the kata and returned to his Masters.

“I like it. It feels like part of my arm. Can I have it? Please?” Xander turned to Spike with his best wheedling expression firmly in place. “Pleaseplease. I’ll be extra good. I swear. Ok? Ok?”

Spike nodded. “You can have it, if Master Bruce says it’s ok. After all, it’s his sword.”

Xander turned his pleading gaze on Master Bruce who just nodded sharply, saying gruffly. “I wouldn’t have let you try it if I didn’t intend for you to have it.” He turned to the cabinet again and rummaged. “Now for the gladius. All I’ve got in the line of such a thing is a cheap one but it’ll do for now.”

Xander meanwhile was admiring his new tachi. The slightly back curved hilt with its sharkskin and silk cord grip felt natural in his hand, like an old friend. When Bruce called to him, he turned around to see Spike holding a short Roman Gladiators sword. Xander reached out, handed the tachi to Master Bruce and took the gladius.

Master Bruce told Xander to try out the moves he’d shown him, using the wooden practice sword. Xander returned to the middle of the room to work his way through a series of stabs thrusts and counters that made Spike blink. “Bloody hell! He’s good. I figured he’d be fair to middlin’ but I’m beginnin’ to think somethin’s up with the boy.”

Master Bruce turned to Spike. “Master, he’s very good. I’d give you all the particulars but it’s ... well. He ‘appreciates’ well. He has a wide eye, and he ... he can’t be dissuaded. Stubborn doesn’t measure it when he’s made up his mind.” Spike made a rude noise. “Yes, but he’s been nearly ruined by that, I believe the word you use is wanker, he calls a father. His reflexes are still off. As you know, I worked with him and he’s much better, but I’d like to see him work out with humans that resemble his father. It would help a lot.”

Spike watched Xander with a discerning eye. Xander moved well now, most of his awkwardness gone. And he knew his stuff, the sword danced around him in a ring of flashing steel. Spike cleared his throat to call Xander in, Xander glanced his way and tripped over his own feet. Spike couldn’t believe it, although he was quick to make sure Xander didn’t fall on his own sword. “Damn, pet. Bloody watch what you’re doin’!”

“Sorry, I just ... well, I got spooked. It’s stupid of me but ... oh, hell.” Xander ran a hand through his bangs. “Ask Master Bruce about it. I don’t understand it. He says I got a PD, and it’s triggered by authority figures. Change the subject. Can I have the gladius?”

Spike glanced at Master Bruce, he already knew what a Psychological Dominance was, and Xander having one explained a lot of things. And he knew how Xander had gotten it. His father had beaten it into him with a belt.

“Yes, pet, you can have the gladius. I’ll get you a better one later, and a better sword too. For now just work on your skills. Meet me in my office after you’re through here. I want to talk to you about your debut at court. First impressions and all that.”

Xander couldn’t help a small whimpering sound. Spike kept his tongue firmly between his teeth.

~ * ~

Xander winced as he sat down. The butt plug wasn’t even remotely comfortable. Timmins had used the next size up and it was jabbing Xander where he didn’t want it to. And he wasn’t even faintly aroused by it.

“Got a problem there, pet? Somethin’ I can do?”

Xander shook his head. “No. I’m fine. Just a little ... er ... never mind. You wanted to talk to me? What about?”

“We need to finish up some stuff before you go to court. You said you were going to write up a contract. I want to read it. Where is it?”

Xander shuddered slightly. “I wrote it up right after we talked about it but ... I can’t seem to make myself bring it to you. I don’t understand it. It’s all in my computer and even printed out. But ...” Xander shrugged irritably.

Spike nodded more to himself that to Xander. “Ok. I think I know what’s wrong.” He used his Master voice to command Xander. “Bring me your contract. Now.” Xander gave Spike a startled look then hurried from the room.

He returned seconds later with six printed sheets and handed them to Spike. Spike settled to read them without comment. Xander thought to himself that Spike looked ‘smart’ in his glasses, in more ways than one.

Spike read carefully and realized that Xander was being reasonable in his demands. No drawing blood. No body mods, other than piercing of ears. No humiliation. (Spike had a feeling that was a real biggy and that it could cause some problems.) The list was fairly short and only covered two pages, double space. It didn’t contain anything that Spike couldn’t live with.

The next two pages were what Xander would do for Spike. Spike blinked slowly at the list. It included, body guard, body servant, sex toy, general translator, carpenter, and general contractor. He was, frankly, startled at the whole thing. There wasn’t a thing he could object to.

The last two pages were simply the signature page and the witness statement page.

Spike pulled out a pen, mumbled something about ‘bloody ball points’ and signed on the line bearing his name. Xander signed on his line and handed the whole thing back to Spike. Spike called Timmins in and had him sign as one witness and asked him to find two more. It only took him a moment to return with two men who had obviously been waiting in the hall.

Xander nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw the first man. Spike had to admit that he looked astonishingly like Tony Harris, except for the lack of a beer gut and blood shot eyes.

Xander recovered quickly and settled to watch him sign the paper. The next man was a vampire and he resembled Tony as well. Xander glared at Spike who just raised an eyebrow and started folding the papers.

“Now that that’s done. On to the next bit of business, which is your appearance in court.”

Xander just gazed at him with the blandest expression on his face. Spike gazed back for a moment then just told Xander that he expected him to show up in a proper dress with an attitude befitting a thrall of a High Master Vampire. And no stunts. Xander just nodded said, “got it in one” and left. Leaving Spike to worry that the stupid boy would cause some kind of trouble. Then he’d have to punish him which would, naturally, include the humiliation of being bare ass in front of the court. Spike sighed, juggling the demands of his court and caring for Xander was beginning to get on his nerves. He decided, if he had to chose it would probably be Xander by a very wide margin, then he realized it would be Xander, no probably about it. “Fuck!”


Xander bent over the bathroom counter and gritted his teeth. Timmins waited until Xander nodded then he spit on his finger and carefully pushed it into Xander’s anus. Xander stiffened, his shoulders hunched.

“I’m sorry, young master. I don’t know what else to do. I’m sorry it hurts.”

Xander shrugged. “I doesn’t really hurt. But it’s really uncomfortable. Maybe more spit?” Timmins obediently spit on his fingers again and inserted two fingers, carefully levering them apart to stretch the uncooperative muscles as much as he could. He didn’t like this at all but the one time he’d refused he’d come into Xander’s study to find him sitting at his desk in tears. The stubborn boy had tried to put the plug in himself and hurt himself rather badly. So now Timmins did the best he could.

Xander groaned and snarked. “Hey, centuries old vampire valet, I thought you would know more about this kind of shit.”

Timmins didn’t even flick an eye lash as he finally inserted the plug. “I’m sorry. My Sire was a homophobe of raging proportions. After he got dusty, I never rose in the ranks enough to attract anyone’s attention. I’m afraid I’m woefully ignorant. I’m truly sorry.”

Xander apologized as he straightened up carefully. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t be snapping at you.” Timmins just offered to help Xander get dressed. Neither one of them thought to check the internet for information.


Xander settled gingerly at his desk and picked up the small pile of messages that his secretary had left. He was still a little puzzled as to how he’d managed to get a secretary. He eyed the hand written notes and sighed, he was tired and the writing was crawling around like angle worms. He buzzed for whatever-her-name-was and told her, for the third time, not to take messages but to let the answering machine pick up.

“But sir, part of having a secretary is, she answers the phone and takes a personal message, so that, if something isn’t clear she can ask questions.”

Xander contained the impulse to snap with an effort. “Yes, and another part of the having of a secretary is she does what she’s told to. Ok? I don’t want to get nasty but I can’t read this. I ... just let the machine pick up. Please! And what the hell is your name.” The woman looked a bit startled. “It’s Marie, sir.” Xander wriggled, absently trying to get comfortable. “Are you all right, sir? Should I get Master Spike?”

Xander shook his head. “No. I’m fine. Come here and read this to me. I can’t make heads or tails of it.”

Marie took the message and read it to Xander. It was a request for a consultation on an Egyptian text. A rubbing of a carved incantation taken from a temple wall. Xander grunted, thinking.

“Who’s it from?”

“Um ... a Mister Rupert Giles. Shall I make him an appointment?”

Xander jumped like he’d been smacked, groaned as the plug jabbed at him then shook his head. “No! No, I don’t think so. Tell him to send a clear copy and I’ll look at it. And don’t tell him my name. I don’t want the ... never mind. Never give out my name, just tell anyone who asks that I’m a recluse, or a hermit, or a nut. I don’t care. Ok. On to the next one.”

So Marie read all the messages to Xander then watched as his face fell. She felt so bad for the handsome young man.

“If there’s someone special that you’re looking for a message from you should tell me. That way if they call, and I’ll remember that you don’t what me to answer the phone, but if I hear their name I’ll be able to tell you that they called at once and you can call them right back.”

Xander gave her the names of all the Scoobies and Riley and Anya as well. Marie wrote them all in her notebook and vowed that the minute any of them called Xander would get a heads up. After she tore a strip off them, in a perfectly secretarial way, of course.

So Xander settled down to do a few simple translations, and not for free either. He charged by age of manuscript, clarity of copy (whether it was an actual copy or an original.) and language; by the word. The older the manuscript, the less clear the print and the more obscure the language; the more expensive it was. He was still trying to figure out how his name got around. He mumbled, ‘word of mouth is a bitch.’ and started sorting his jobs.

He glared at one in particular. This one was going to cost, big time. It was in an obscure Latin, very old, in terrible shape and it stank, literally. It was on a scraped skin of some kind, but he wasn’t sure exactly what kind. It was rotting, or molding, Xander wasn’t quite sure which. He hated doing Latin it was too much like English. The letters crawled around and some words looked so much alike that it was a pain to figure out which was what. He settled down to work it out quickly. This one was going to cost, big time.

After two hours of steady work Xander wasn’t more than half done with the parchment and his head was starting to ache. He put the stinking thing aside and decided to work on something else. As he shuffled through the pile, he sneezed.

“Here! What’s this? You gettin’ sick?”

Spike strode into the room, heels tapping sharply on the carpeted floor. Xander smiled up at him.

“No, just a sneeze or two. This parchment stinks. And it might be moldy too. See?”

Xander held the parchment out to Spike who took it by one corner and eyed it with some disgust. “Human skin parchment,” Spike made a face. “never holds up well. And this one is really deteriorating. Old Latin, Russian dialect. Coptic symbology? This thing is a mess. Send it back to whoever cursed you with it.”

Xander shrugged. “I’m almost done with it. I ... don’t want to spoil my reputation. You know?”

Spike did but he didn’t want Xander messing with anything written on human skin.

“I do know. But ... I’m tellin’ ya, send it back. Just tell whoever sent it that your master doesn’t want you messin’ in with that sort of filth. And tell them, him, or it, that you belong to me and you do what I tell ya to. Makes it easier all way around.” Xander opened his mouth, but Spike cut him off. “Obey me! I mean it.”

Xander said rather sullenly, “I was only going to thank you for getting me off the hook without ruining my reputation. Grouch.”

Spike slithered around Xander’s desk and pulled him out of his chair, putting an arm around him Spike chucked him under the chin, making him look up. “Sorry, pet. But you ‘ave to admit you’re a regular pit bull for argument. You’re welcome.” Spike didn’t allow Xander the chance to duck out of the way. He gripped Xander’s chin firmly and kissed him full on the mouth.

Xander felt his mind fluttering around like a chicken with its head cut off. Spike kissed like only a hundred and something vampire could. Xander knew most of his blood was not in his head, not the upper one at any rate.

“Oh, um, holy. Spike. Wow. Kissage from Spike. Not what I expected ... I mean ... wow! Just oh my fucking god wow!” Xander pulled back a little and gazed at Spike for a second then he just put his head on Spike’s shoulder and sighed. “Nice.”

Spike rubbed his back for a moment feeling how stiff his back muscles were. “I’m not askin’ what’s goin’ on, I’m just tellin’ ya. If you’re hurtin’ yourself for some reason, I’m gonna take a cane to ya. Got me?”

Xander, still dazed from the force of his emotions, all caused by kissing Spike, just nodded absently and wondered if he could persuade Spike to kiss him again anytime soon.

Spike settled Xander back at his desk and left. As he walked out the door, he touched his tongue to his lower lip, tasting Xander again. He tasted of coffee and cinnamon.


Spike settled on his ‘throne’ with a soft grunt. This was going to be difficult in the extreme. He’d ordered Xander to make his appearance today and Xander had just nodded, announcing that he was ready. But when Spike had gone to collect him, Timmins told him that Xander wasn’t quite ready yet and would he mind if Xander presented himself at court after the opening ceremony.

Since the opening ceremony was just the announcement of all his, worthless to him, titles, Spike said he didn’t see why not. So he was sitting on this hard, stupid looking chair listening to his lineage.

“Behold, your master. Childe of Drusilla, who is childe of Angelus, who is childe of Darla, who was childe of Heinrich, who was childe of ...” Spike stopped listening, the herald was going to go clear back to Aurelius, he yawned. “High Master of the line of Aurelius, First of the line, Master of the Order of Taraka, Master of the Hellmouth. All grovel before him.”

Spike waited as everyone in the room bowed. “All right. Enough of that shite, let’s get down to business. Who’s first?”

Spike dealt with several minor differences of opinion, one by yanking the tongue out of the mouth of the one in the wrong. He wouldn’t shut up so Spike shut him up.

When he called for the next petitioner, he got a demon who wanted to know when they got to see his ‘pet/thrall’. The demon implied that there was no such person. Spike wanted to gut him then go smack Xander. The boy was supposed to be there.

A shuffling of feet caught everyone’s attention. Suddenly there was a ripple through the crowd as they made way for a cloaked figure.

The figure walked down the open aisle, Spike heard the soft rattle of chain against concrete. The cloak covered the figure from the top of its hooded head to the floor. It walked slowly right to the foot of the dais where Spike was seated. Spike watched in silence.

Timmins stepped from somewhere nearby and went to the cloaked figure. He reached up and opened the clasp then pushed the cloak from the figures shoulders letting it drop to the floor.

Spike nearly bit his tongue. The figure was Xander.

Xander was wearing nothing more that some straps and chain. He was wearing a collar around his neck with a leash looped over his back. His arms were restrained behind him in a traditional box, each wrist bound to the opposite elbow. A chain dropped from the collar to a big ring centered in Xander’s breastbone. Straps went over each shoulder from there and a single strap to the belt around his waist. The soft rattling sound had been the leg irons. His ankles were wrapped in studded leather cuffs, heavily padded and connected with a glittering diamond cut steel chain. But the thing that made Spike do a definite double take was the chastity pouch. He knew damn good and well the only way one of those fit properly was with a butt plug. Suddenly Xander’s wriggling and groaning made sense.

Xander bowed slightly from the waist but he didn’t take his eyes off Spike for a second. His challenging look put Spike on notice that he’d better take this seriously. He did, so he just sat waiting for Xander to make his next move.

Xander walked forward, chains rattling. He knelt at the base of the dais and bowed his head. “Master, I present myself.”

Spike looked at Xander’s bowed head for a second. Then a demon stepped out of the crowd, unfastening his pants. “Goody, I get first shot, always wanted a taste of human.” Xander shuddered slightly. He didn’t want his first experience to be some strange demon.

Spike moved so fast that Xander felt the breeze across his back. Spike stopped the demon with a quick gesture. “First ya have ta prove you’re worthy. Lemme see.”

The demon dropped his pants and Spike took things in his own hands. He pulled the demons genitals off and stuffed them in his mouth. “Any one else? See, I know how it’s supposed to go and my court will be run on the proper traditions. You keep your hands off what’s mine. If others want to share, that’s their malfunction. Xander! On that cushion.”

Xander stood up using only his thigh muscles and his new found sense of balance. He managed the step with a minimum of fuss and settled on his knees on a thick cushion, called a zabuton. Spike returned to the huge chair. He glared around until every demon and vampire in the room found somewhere to look that wasn’t at Xander.

“Next. I posted the rules for court days ago. Anyone who can’t read should have gotten someone to read them by now. Any questions?”

A demon hesitantly held up one hand, Spike just nodded to him. “Is that the human who built the dormitory?” at Spike’s nod the demon seemed satisfied, bowing and returning to his place. The rest of the room looked at Xander with interest, but carefully so as not to annoy Spike.


Xander sat on his cushion and watched and listened. Spike heard grievances from the mundane and even silly to arguments that could tear Sunnydale apart despite Buffy’s best efforts. He realized that what Buffy was for was to keep the resident population of idiot demons under control and to avert the occasional apocalypse. Not an easy job, but an impossible one without Spike’s behind the scene manipulations.

~ * ~

Spike realized that Xander was getting extremely tired. He’d maintained an up kneel position for an hour. When Spike realized that he was beginning to tremble, he’d had Xander kneel back on his heels. Now Xander was starting to sweat, so Spike pulled him into a sideways kneel, usually referred to as the mermaid, and patted him into place with his head on his thigh. Spike liked the feel of the boy’s head resting there. He ran his fingers through Xander’s hair and shifted so that Xander’s shoulder wasn’t pressed into the edge of the arm. “We’ll be done in a little bit, pet. Then I’ll help you out of that kit. Just relax. You done good.” Xander rubbed his cheek on Spike’s jean clad leg and relaxed.

Spike petted Xander’s hair for the rest of the session, feeling his relaxation and reveling in the knowledge that the ‘whelp’ trusted him enough to walk into a master vampire’s court bound hand and foot. He wasn’t about to let the man down.

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