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the following interviews below: <> MWF <> Matt Kinnison <> <> WOODY:What is your favorite color? MATT: Green...all and any shade. <> WOODY: (rushing forward, snarling): What is the funniest thing you've ever seen? MATT:The episode of South Park entitled "You Got F*cked In The Ass" or the "Mystery Science Theatre 3000" movie...which I've tried to watch all the way through twice now but had to stop on both occasions because I couldn't breathe and I was literally going to die. (I saw a child get it's head stuck in an electronic door once, but I shouldn't count that in case it affects sales of my album in bible belt areas.) <> WOODY: What, or who, is your favorite cartoon character? MATT: Screwy Squirrel. No contest whatsoever. <> WOODY: If you were stranded on a desert island but could have three records with you, what would they be? <> MATT: "No More Heroes" by the Stranglers, "Doughnut in Granny's Greenhouse" by the Bonzos and "Tarkus" by Emerson, Lake and Palmer. <> WOODY: What's the best movie? MATT: "L'age D'or" by Luis Bunuel, but it shares top slot with "Giu la Testa" by Sergio Leone. I really can't choose between them...some days one, some days the other. L'age D'or made me a different person, and Giu la Testa makes sure I stay that way. (It's kind of hard to avoid saying Citizen Kane as well, although it seems obvious, but there it is....bit sad, though.) <> WOODY: How would you describe your music? MATT: Delicious hot...Disgusting cold. <> WOODY: What instruments do you use? MATT: I'm a bass player by trade, but I also make electronic music for Ring Modulator and have played the Yayli Tanbur, a Turkish bowed banjo, for 5 years, which can be heard on the Wood release...thanks be to Wood. I also played Bouzouki for a while, which i really enjoyed, although i absolutely hate traditional Bouzouki music. Perverse. I can't resist the old tape cut ups either...oh, and the chanter from a set of bagpipes. WOODY: What was your favorite song as a child? <> MATT: Over The Sea To's a scottish folk song that my mother used to sing me to sleep by...and anything by The Banana Splits....I think I was a bit attracted to Fleagle. <> WOODY: What is your favorite place to perform? MATT: "Supermolly"...a huge communal squat in the former East Germany,so called because they had a giant arsenal of molotov cocktails lined up on the roof ready to throw at the police in the event of trouble. Best food and best sound engineer of my life. (Although I did lose a contact there, and had to do the rest of the tour with one eye closed.) <> WOODY: Name an object. MATT: The Taj Mahal <> WOODY: What would your favorite kind of furniture be if you could eat it? MATT: Occasional table nests. <> WOODY: (the fur on his back bristling) Name a song you hate. MATT: "Another Day In Paradise" by Phil Collins. (But I only say that because you didn't have The Bay City Rollers in the States, and you should count yourselves very of them was called Woody, by way of coincidence.) <> WOODY: If you could be anyone on earth other than yourself,who would you be? MATT: Marcion of Sinope....I'd say Donald Trump for the cash, but his crazy hair isn't worth it. <> WOODY: Who is your favorite composer? MATT: Either Karlheinz Stockhausen or Anton Webern....probably Webern. John Cage is pretty cool, too, but no one can play it so you never hear it done right....then John Cage gets the blame. <> WOODY: Who is your favorite performer? MATT: James Brown circa one else need bother to apply. <> WOODY: What is the best thing about Wood Records? MATT: They seem interested in music.......this is a first for me and record labels. <> WOODY: (momentarily frightened and consused) What is a question you would like to answer? MATT: Q: What show had the best theme music ever on British TV? A: Ace Of Wands.
