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A G-Token ArcadePlease insert more credits!

Welcome to the Godzilla Tower Arcade! This section is devoted to giant monster video games! Here you will find guides and reviews on most of the platform games, and a set of links to places on the web where you can actualy play some games right now! Platform reviews are right below, click on the title to go to the review/guide page (not every game has one). Right below that is a list of some of the games on the internet. The review is right there, and if you click on the title you get to play the game! Reviews are based on a standard five-point system, where * is a bad game and ***** is a great game. Platform reviews are also based on the review systems formely found in "Nintendo Power" magazine; it was a good system. So, go, read, play, enjoy, and have fun!

It's Godzilla!Godzilla GamesIt's Mothra!

NES- Godzilla: Monster of Monsters (1988) *****
NES- Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters (1991) ***
SNES- Super Godzilla (1992) ****
GB- Godzilla's Adventure (1993) **
SNES- Godzilla's Greatest Battles (1994) ***
GBC-Godzilla the Series: Monster Wars (2000) ***
GCN-Godzilla : Destroy All Monsters Melee (2002) ****
PS2/XBX-Godzilla: Save the Earth (2004) *****

George!Rampage GamesLizzie!

NES- Rampage (1988) ***
N64- Rampage: World Tour (1998) ****
N64- Rampage 2: Universal Tour (1999) *****

A T. Rex!Other GamesA Velociraptor

GN- Jurassic Park (1993) ***
GN- Primal Rage (1994) ****

The all important KeybourdInternet GamesComputer Game Joysick

Rampage: Shockwave Version **** - Found this at It's an accurate recreation of the original arcade version! Other than George the controls are tough to use, but as a whole this game is almost as fun as the arcade version (and a whole lot cheaper)!

King Pong *** - It's Pong! Only in this case you play the game of virtual air hockey against a cartoony gorilla smoking a cigarette. Lacks two-player mode, but still a good way to play the great game known as Pong!

Eight Legged Freaks: Spider Squashing Game *** 1/2 - Well designed psuedo-3D first person shooter. Walk around Prosperity Mall (the long but only level) killing giant spiders with crossbows, nailguns, shotguns, and even bug spray. The controls for shooting don't respond all the time, but it's still a nice little game comparable to early shooters like "Doom" and "Descent".

Ravage *** 1/2 - Flash game in the same vein as Rampage. Freatures decent graphics, OK crontrols, and gameplay that is almost as fun as Rampage itself. There is plenty more fun games and great flash movies on the site, just be aware of the so-called "maturity" level of the content.

ARC= Arcade Game
PC= Personal Computer
NES= Nintendo Entertainment System
GB= Nintendo Game Boy
SNES= Super Nintendo
SG= Sega Genesis
PS1= Sony Playstation
N64= Nintendo 64
SDC= Sega Dreamcast
GBC= Nintendo Game Boy Color
GBA= Nintendo Game Boy Advance
PS2= Sony Playstation 2
GCN= Nintendo Gamecube
XBX= Microsoft X-Box
NDS= Nintendo DS
PSP= Sony Plastation Portable
X36= Microsoft X-Box 360
PS3= Sony Playstation 3
NRV= Nintendo Revolution

Godzilla Tower niether promotes nor disaproves of the illegal distribution and use of roms and other files for the purpose of playing platform games on a computer.

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