Witness To The Nations

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America's Work Sheet


DEC 30th 2008 at 8 AM to 10:PM
To Protest Company Thieft and Greediness against this nation's hard working Americans.
See Entry #18 Below
Do Not Buy Food for One Day at Grocery Stores or Restaurants

CONSPERACY discovered: see entry #19

A Place to ask and get answers to questions or make comments about The people of United States of America
and About whom America's Soverion God is as our fore-fathers did so reconized, Washinton, Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Monrow, ECT.
Who We Are, a remnant of Manasseh of Israel
This is why we are so hated today over seas.
Some of us are, decendents of Israel here in the USA.
How We Are mostly children of God in Faith grafted into the line of Abraham which from his loins did come Isarel.
Who We Worship, God Almighy our The Father of Israel and his son Jesus the Christ.
By The Promise of God To Abraham This nation was born.
One of those tribes of which were 13 tribes was Manasseh.

(Dan 5:19) And for the majesty that he
gave him, all people, nations, and languages, trembled and feared before him: whom he would he

slew; and whom he would he kept alive; and
whom he would he set up; and whom he would he put down.
(Deu 32:8) When the most High divided to the nations
their inheritance, when he separated the sons of
Adam, he set the bounds of the people
according to the number of the children of Israel.
(Isa 11:12) And he shall set up an
ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the
outcasts of Israel, and gather together the
dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.KJV
(Isa 11:12) He will set up a banner for the
And will assemble the outcasts of
Israel, And gather together the dispersed of
Judah From the four corners of the earth.NKJV
(Gen 12:3) I will bless those who bless you, And I
will curse him who curses you (Israel); And in you all
the families of the earth shall be blessed."

We Are Americans!
  • Life (In the pursuit of happiness.)
  • Liberty (To Have Free Will and Choices.)
  • Justice (That the Innocent shall be free of the guilty.)
  • Charity (The poor shall be looked after.)
  • Freedom (To be and do as we were intended to be.)
  • Security (To secure the Right Freedom for the Poor and Downtrodden underdogs.)

(Gen 12:3) I will bless those who bless you, And I
will curse him who curses you; And in you all
the families of the earth shall be blessed."

God's Intentions for America

And it came to me a sinner aginst God, to
let the Word of God from my lips that the fear
of the Almighty God's word be heeded so that no
one shall parish in the time to come.7/11/06 2:10 PM
(Romans6:23) For the wages of sin [is] death; but the
gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
As I was walking to my employment I heard a voice
from above saying "Where are you in this life O son of man.
Where do you stand in my midst.
Must you be contrary to my ways?
Will you not know That I AM the beginning and the end.
Do you not know that I love you as my own?
Can you not see?
Now I say to you go forth and warn the Nations of
their unrighteousness.
Come back to me that I may be your God.
Come back to me that I may bless you and fore fill your lives.
Know that I am The Lord your God and I will exact revenge upon your enemies
I will cause them to flee from you as women in the sands.
Put your sin away and walk in my light that I may set
you apart as a great nation once more.
Be at the right hand of my people that they may trust
in you and be a blessing to you.
Be with them that they may know that I have sent my
son and be a witness to them.
Turn away form your gods and lusts let my light shine
in you.
For if you do not heed my words and my warnings I
will take away your pride and strike you down and
scatter to the winds.
I will cause you to serve other nations of unkind nature.
For I am the Lord your God.
For I did set you up in the midst of tyranny.
For I am the founder of the world and I do so give
dominion to you to please it.
Turn back to me so says the lord.
Be and example to the world that they may know I am
the Lord as my son shall rule.
Turn back to me and be my blessing to the world.
For I AM the Lord your God.




Pary for the New President Obama even though he is
Muslem led and influcented, Nothing is Impossible to
God Almighty.In Jesus(Yeshua's) Name Amen, who has the authority.
(21) 2/4/09
What is Important to Islam?
It is an Idea, a thought, a belief, a passion for Islam to recover the passion of
being in control of its own destiny. Even though they claim it for Alia! Why is this
so? Because of Ishmael’s birthright from Abraham. See Wikipedia on Ishmael.
Ismael history of the abandoned?
With this being the case in today’s Historic results of Hamas and Iran’s willingness to
erase Israel from the face of the earth it is becoming evident that Ishmael’s
decedents Arabia are using Persia’s decedents to do the work of reclaiming Ishmael’s
birthright for them.
Abraham provided Hagar and her child with bread and a bottle of water and sent her into
the desert of Paran. Hagar, with her son, wandered in the wilderness and ran out
of water. When they were reduced to great distress, an angel appeared and showed
Hagar a spring of water saying "What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God
has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand,
for I will make him into a great nation."
One might ask why? Simple…God’s Favor!
Now God set hedges about Israel and these are Ephraim and Manasseh at a later date for
his God’s plan to come to pass for Israel.
Remove the hedges and you can gain access to destroy Israel. Simple!
the Great Enemy( Satan) of mankind desires this so
that he can claim victory over the Lord Yeshua (Jesus), King of Kings to prevent his
judgment by the Saints even thought Jesus our Lord has already won.
So there it is in a nut shell…
This is why we The United States and Great Britain has to go through as a nation as we are part of Israel.
Pray for the favor of God’s Son who is the authority of all things
to Allow us to prevail over the enemy of US and Israel for the glory of God
Almighty and the kingdom.

(0) E-Letter to the possible next President 2009
Mr. McCain, The national Gas crises is now becoming a
Natational Security Issue. It is effecting all
walks of American's life and it will not stop
until Congress issues a halt to it and we get off
forgen fules. Effecting our Schools, food supply,
Military definces, Business,Medical resources,
Transportation commorce and touriest induestries.
Freezes need to implimated before it
gets worst. We need to reduce our prices back to
afforability not increaseing them to cover losts.
About 1995 costs would do. It is greed that
has gotten us here and now we are paying for it and soon dearly.
This will be the deciding factor in this up comming
election in Nov. Be a rightious Guy and
work this problem and save America lives from it's own greed.
A Voting Citizen
Michael D. Jenkins
We Are AT War Folks, lets act like it.
(1)COMMENT 4/22/07
I have known this part of the world for some 55 years now and I am afraid that this nation
is becoming a GREEDY Nation of Peoples. Because of Our Lust for Money
we now have trained our enemies to war against us over money and use it as a
weapon against US. I remember when I was a Child a House would only cost
$10,000.00 dollars for a 2BR home 1 bath. I remember when my Parents bought
brand New Cadillac for $2000.00 dollars. Today $30,000.00. What has
happen to us? ARE we truly that Greedy?
Is the USA in leage with EU for control of Earth?
Is there a body of men who already control the world
and are wating to have a godly leader.
These and many questions asking for the Truth for the
Seekers of Truth and many more.
M.D. Jenkins
Dallas, Texas
(2)COMMENT 4/26/07
I believe in the Right of a Sovran National Language.
In this it is American English that has
been the norm for some 235 years now. What Right
does The Government have to take this away from
Us? the Fore Fathers of this Nation were not Spanish nor French or any other national orgin but English and spoke english as their language.
Write Your Congress man and Let them know
that English is your Sovran Language with the Right to speak that language you were born with as a natural citizen in this land and not
another being forced upon you by Immigrants of non legal insertion who
choose not to speak your language you speak to them in their language. It will lead to division
within this nation and bring civil war.
To much of a good thing can be a BAD thing.
P.K. Stanly
Many Alzheimer's caregivers seek help in God
Now, Chavis said, she sees her husband reduced to
tears a couple times a week, complaining of
the "splitting" in his head or his inability to
do something. Like caregivers for Alzheimer's
patients all over, she watches
helplessly. And so she pushed herself closer to God.
"Who would I turn to?" she said. "I've tried talking
to my friends, I've tried having a cocktail or
two, I've tried … thinking about other things….
And I know it's going to get worse."
The experience, Chavis said, has taught her to trust
in God's ways. She recalled moments of
prayer: "I would say, 'You made him, you made the
universe, you have to help me. You know the
answers, I don't.'
Alzheimer's Caregivers Seek Help In God
(4)Immigration Marchers Take To U.S. Streets
Is this the fall of the United States when the
citizen’s yes I said citizens of another nation
can tell the USA what we can and cannot do
with our sovern Nation? Who can be a citizen and who can't?
Yes We are a nation of Immigrants however our
founding fathers made laws to see that we were United
not Divided in this action. This was to
sort out who would be Loyal to this Nation and
not come here and try under the guise of
citizenship destroy US. I guess the Constitution
doesn’t mean anything any more. Why don’t we just
open our boarders up to any one who wants to come
here and do what ever they want and come and
go as they wish? Why don’t we just lie down and
give it up? Alternatively, do we fire every
politication that supports foreign government
interference by its citizenry?
That is coming into this Nation Illegally?
This Just May Be The End Of The USA.
Defiantly as we know it, we have becoming the Laughing stock of the world!

M.D. Jenkins
Dallas, Texas
We As A Nation Just Celebrated our 231st birthday.
Today we are fighting an enemy with the determination
to see us fall with a mighty hit.
Our political arenas are bloody from disagreement with each other.
Mat 12:25 And Jesus knew their
thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided
against itself is brought to desolation;< br> and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
Are We going to allow this House to fall to the
kingdoms of the Evil One?
How is it that we can elect officials that sell us short
and give away our heritage that God did give us?
And how is it we can elect officals that give away Israel's Heritage, promised by God to Abraham's
Decedents. Who the hell do we thinke we are to
allow this to happen?
How is it that when we start taking God out of our
learning institutions and banks and think us
won't loose anything?
How Would God begin to Punish a nation that went
against Him?
1. Take away their Pride.
2. Take away their Resources.
3. Take away their Rain in due season.
4. Take away their buying Power.
5. Take away their Liberties and Freedoms.
Findley but last
6. Send a Profit to have them repent of their sins.
Last but not least,
7. Take away their Lives.
Is this what we want for this Nation?
We as a people's are headed in that direction!
"Oh Nation of the Eagle, turn Back to Me as your
Fathers did before you and be my right mighty arm. So says the Lord God."
I call for this Nation to call upon your elected leaders and to pray for them
To Make their choices of leadership
according to the will of God and his peoples.
According to that which is right and just according to
the Almighty God.
James 4:17 Therefore to
him that knoweth to do good, and doeth [it]
not, to him it is sin.
Let US not fall into the pit of darkness
and become lost to be condemned of our transgressions against God's ways.
Our Children are too important to become slaves to others whom would
make that so of US.

Click on White House Seal.

How many more years and lives will it take to get this nation back on track?
How much more are we as peoples are we willing to take from those whom are suppose to be working for us.
Why are we willing as a people to allow enemies in our borders?
Who will have to die next before we see the light?
Why are we letting God be taken out of our schools and public places and replace with
a nothing or pagan gods?
What the H--- is gone wrong with us that greed takes president over all things in life.
No one wants to listen to the poor anymore or take care of them.
Does any one care that we are making God angry at us?
I for one try to be a good citizen for my children’s sakes however
It’s hard when foolish laws are passed to prevent what might
happen or is thought could happen.
Our pay doesn’t keep up with the greed of the day.
We are growing poorer each day and companies are getting richer each day.
When will we stop what our parents started?
When will we see that the congress is a problem and not just the president or senate?
When will we see that our goal is to bring peace to the world by example not force?
We are not getting the respect of the world by bullying the world. That’s the Ugly
American way.
We are no longer cowboys but supposedly peaceful citizens of the world.
And what is this new world order that hasn’t done a darn thing for us.
We are alarmed that China is going to start something. We are alarmed that Islam will
get the better of us.
We are alarmed that the EU will over take us in the market place.
People what’s right these days.
Let get off our fat duffs and do something before it’s too late.
A Citizen in New York
When Americans were asked what they were for as
Americans they answered in a Poll.
91% One Nation under God to remain on our money.
85% English is the national language.
Should we defend our allies against their enemies or
? Should we defeat them and America answered was 75% to defeat them.
The Majority should still be what Washington D.C.
they should be listening to Our Will.
It appears The Congress and other powers that be are
not listening to us.
What should we do about it?
A Brother in Christ Jesus our Lord
Has anyone noticed that Corporate America is making law all on their lonesome?
They call it policy but its taking the rights of
Americans away.
Has anyone noted that Congress and the Senate is doing nothing to stop them from
Making Americans go broke?
Has anyone noticed the Dollar is becoming nothing and worthless?
Is it just me or am I not the only one who sees this happening to
us all on account of the dollar.
I see Greed unbelievably strong in this country.
Companies just buy and sell American lives as though we were part of the products they
have been given control of by us.
I am writing my Congressman to see if there is anything that can be done about it.
I personally believe it’s that New World Order thing we bought into back in the 90s.
If ever this nation needs God it is now.
Concerned citizen.
For The Faithful in Business Through the Holy Spirit

And the Lord showed unto me, The Way business shall be run according to the will of God.
Six days shall you work but, on the seventh day is a Sabbath. On that day you and all
within your home and business shall it be a day of rest to all of you.
You and all that dwell with you shall do no work there in for profit.
You shall not over charge for your goods or services.
You shall keep a fair measure to cover your costs but not on the Sabbath.
For I have set before you a blessing.
Your customers shall pay for six days within that week what they may use, but on the
hour of the Sabbath it shall be free. For I will bless those whom obey my words.
From sundown Friday to sundown Saturday shall be a Sabbath to you and all within your
lands as a reward unto you for your services.
From sundown Friday to the next sundown there shall be no acceptance of profit or pay
in anything to be used. It shall be a blessing unto you and your generations after.
For I am the Lord God. For I set up the nations and take them down.
I am the Lord God Almighty.
To prepare for this you shall double up on Friday before sundown and set it out to be
used according to my will. One volunteer shall be placed to see to the peoples needs
accepting nothing for personal gain. You shall set a doubling of your goods or
service up for the people before sundown that Friday.
A jar of earthen clay shall be placed at the center of your goods or within sight for those
whom I have blessed as an offering unto the Lord according to their blessings.
Let it be open according to their blessings I have given them.
For I will see their giving according to their blessing and judge what is fair unto their hearts.
A place of gathering shall be set up for thanks and worship unto the Lord.
It shall be on this one day a week shall this be place in the peoples midst during that time.
It shall be done so before the Sabbath and High Sabbaths to come.
One hour before the Sabbath begins in the seasons you shall allow your employees and
servants depart from their service in order to do the Lord’s will for that Sabbath.
This is so that they may be with the Lord Their God. You shall schedule
this according to the Lord’s will.
For I will see your works according to your will.
I am the Lord your God
You shall do these things I the Lord God have directed according to my will throughout
your generations.
You shall meet these obligations each Sabbath and High Sabbath according to my will.
For I am the Lord Your God.
Shalom Betas, Mordus Copaporis Yeshua
Do this as a faith offering each and every Sabbath.
I Am the Lord your God which did set you up as a mountain.
For you are a mixing pot of many thoughts and actions but not of one mind.
Seek me out for I Am the Almighty and did create the world as my foot stool.
Follow my ways as I have given them to you through my servents and you shall be
blessed among nations as the strength of my right arm.
Follow me not and I will strep you of your strength and set you up to fall by the hand of the nations.
For I Am the Lord God Almighty and there is none before me.
Truly I have seen the Movement of our God in this ministry through television this week.
Pastor Perry Stone of Manna-Fest had truly been given Truth in what is
going to happen to The United States if we continues on this path to destruction by
not Obeying God’s will and the covenant our fore father of this nation did agree
upon in prayer when signing the Constitution and bill of Rights.
If you would like to see this television program and learn how to turn this nation around

Perry Stone Ministries of Manna-Fest
May God Bless America!


Lately as I see the news on CNN or Fox and others I have noticed a trend going on in this
A stealing or selling off of American Business and Social development has become
and Issue.

    I do not believe my eyes or my ears when I hear that the China is trying to buy the US up
    and just maybe trying to kill off our children with bad toys.
    That we anr in debt to them for 500 billion dollars!
    I cannot believe that on CNN, I hear that the last few Presidents did not want NAFTA but
    the European Union demanaded we include that part of the pact in the treaty.

Since when doese another nation have the right to dictate to the United States?
What can we do and what we can not do and more important where our boarders are.
Only God has that Right and no one else.
It is our soventy as a free nation I am speaking about in this letter to you. Have we as
People gone mad to allow our Government Officials to allow this to happen to us?
It's almost treason!
Why did all those young American boys die in all those
wars we have fought for our right to exist and to have Life, Liberty and Freedom? Othere Nations soil has
ourblood in it's ground yet we do nothing to correct the problem. How many more must die again
before we learn that freedom has a high price and we
should never allow any nation to dictate to us what
we are all about. We are becomming puppets of the United Nations and the European Union and China is really an enemy waging finacial war on us.
Why are American Companies all running to Foreign investors to secure the American Way of Life?
Do we not know it is becomming a Security Risk for our children and grandchildren?
And the excuse that we are a lazy People is outrageous!
Most of what the world has to day is because of the US people.
It's a lie the rest of the world has bought into.
Yes, I may sound anti E.U. or Chinese or even anti Mexican
    when the Mexican President tells us that his country does not stop at our boarders.

Of course it dosen't when himself and his predecessors have been allowing Illegal's to come accross our borders and
infiltrate our national common wealth only to send it back to Mexico never to
be seen in or national economy again.
What is wrong with us that we are that blind or just plain stupid.
Yes, I am hoping to get some people angry as to what is happening to US.
This Nation use to stand for allotin the world and now we cower down to others to
make peace with them or some other enemy.
Our National Pride is leaving us and our land with it soon after.
We have tryed buying them off in the past but that has not done any good Now.
Our Officials have one so far as to make little Israel
give their land away to the Palestine Government
in order to appease The E.U. and Rome not to mention the Arabs.
PEOPLE WAKE UP! before it is too late for you and your kids or grand kids.
Your Freedom is at stake here!
Isuggest for every voting American to take the time to write
their Congressman and Senator and let them know how you feel about what is happening to US as a
people before someone else owns our homes and lands which is the USA.
of which can tell us where, when and what to do or when we can go.
Lests not leave this one to our kids to solve because we are the ones who messed it up.
Thank You,
Richard L. Campy
Note to the worthy
As we notice Gas prices have risen to the record high
of $4.00 dollars a gallon in this nation
and the dollar is becoming less valuable in the world's
economy, it would be little surprise to any one
that gold is headed the opposite direction.
Now I am going to put my head on the block with this, but my faith in God is true
and I hope I am wrong.
This Past evening God gave me a vision of things to come.
while accompanying my family to visit to one
of the largest stores chains in this nation called Wall-Mart
something God revealed to me as follows.
While standing in the middle of the store I began to
sees shelves empty of products. Look at the bread
shelves and saw gray metal shelving with no bread
on it. Other places had no clothing on the racks.
Registers were not open except one or two. As crime rises and people are beginning to feel unsecured
from the harms done by their own government. Laws
are passed in secret in order to appease greater forces seen and not seen so that the
Governments can make more money off it's
citizens there is no more concern for it people's
well fare as many more are dumped into poverty our
larders become richer and richer and this nation is becoming weaker and weaker.
No people were in the stores and the parking lot very
little vehicles parked much like that of a
holiday. I asked the being standing beside me when
will this be? Its reply was 2010.
Brethren it is time to stow up the goods and put back
for the famine coming of goods and services in this nation.
Greed has taken over in this world due to competition and strife. We as a nation are in
for a wild ride in this 21st century. It is
time to return to God to secure his blessing upon
this nation and its people's Children. Get
ready it is coming.
Prepare your self for the
Kingdom of God is near!
In Jesus' Name Amen.
A Warning Address to the Peoples of the United States of America
I AM the Lord God
Why do you do treachery against my people Israel
O eagle of my right hand? Do you not know
my wrath will be swift and terrible
I know of your secret meeting places and your plots
against my people Israel’s lands,br> I am the living God and I will avenge my people.
Take heed you do not take from my people Israel.
Nothing is yours to give or take, I AM.
For your day of judgment shall be utterly terrible and
destructive. Slavery shall be your punishment.
Your power shall be erased for the world.
Turn back to me says the Lord God. Know my ways and
obey my commandments.
I Am the Lord God
You remove my name from the covenant of your father’s
houses and I will judge you to be unworthy of your
power which I did give unto you. I shall
shake the very foundations of your nation that you
may see I AM is your God. My judgment will be
just and righteous unto the core of the seats of
your power. I will ignore your prayers until
judgment is passed and my people are set apart in Says the Lord God
(14)11/01/08 @ 10:58 am
Take heed People of the U.S.A that your leaders
deal fairly with Israel for they are
the root of your blessing and power.
Given to me by the Holy Spirit of our Lord Jesus in
his Holy name Jesus the Christ, Amen
Remember not to take of the chip into your hand or
forehead as IT IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST 666.
SMARTCARD by Motorola.
Now all that is
needed is a world wealthy man to take over and
become the antichrist.
President Obamba, Who is he anyway and how he will
lead the United States. Not a natural citizen of American and not as a Christian for the first time in this nations history has been elected.

Just click on and Open file.


The year 2025: Oil, dollar out; Russia, Islam in By PAMELA HESS, Associated Press Writer Pamela Hess, Associated Press Writer – Thu Nov 20, 7:35 pm ET Featured Topics: Barack Obama Presidential Transition AFP/File – WASHINGTON – Global warming could be a boon to Russia, a European country could be overrun by organized crime and the U.S. and its dollar could further decline in importance during the next two decades, says a U.S. intelligence report with predictions for the world in 2025. The report, Global Trends 2025, is published every four years by the National Intelligence Council to give U.S. leaders insight into looming problems and opportunities. The report says the warming earth will extend Russia and Canada's growing season and ease their access to northern oil fields, strengthening their economies. But Russia's potential emergence as a world power may be clouded by lagging investment in its energy sector, persistent crime and government corruption, the report says. Analysts also warn that the same kind of organized crime plaguing Russia could eventually take over the government of an Eastern or Central European country. The report is silent on which one. It also says countries in Africa and South Asia may find themselves unstable and ungoverned, as state regimes collapse or wither away under security problems and water and food shortages brought about by climate change and a population increase of 1.4 billion. The potential for conflict will be greater in 2025 than it is now, as the world's population competes for declining and shifting food, water and energy resources. Despite a more precarious world situation, the report also says al-Qaida's terrorist franchise could decay "sooner than people think." It cites its growing unpopularity in the Muslim world, where it kills most of its victims. "The prospect that al-Qaida will be among the small number of groups able to transcend the generational timeline is not high, given its harsh ideology, unachievable strategic objectives and inability to become a mass movement," the report states. The report forecasts a geopolitical rise in non-Arab Muslim states outside of the Middle East, including Turkey and Indonesia, and says Iran could also be a central player in a new world order if it sheds its theocracy. The report, a year in the making, also suggests the world may complete its move away from its dependence on oil, and that the U.S. dollar, while remaining important, will decline to "first among equals" among other national currencies. U.S. global power also will likely decline, as Americans' concerns about putting resources into solving domestic problems may cause the United States to pull resources from foreign and global problems. ___ On the Net: Global Trends 2025:
Year 2025?

Court: No review of Obama's eligibility to serve
WASHINGTON, ASSO. PRESS– The Supreme Court has turned down an emergency appeal from a New Jersey man who says President-elect Barack Obama is ineligible to be president because he was a British subject at birth. The court did not comment on its order Monday rejecting the call by Leo Donofrio of East Brunswick, N.J., to intervene in the presidential election. Donofrio says that since Obama had dual nationality at birth — his mother was American and his Kenyan father at the time was a British subject — he cannot possibly be a "natural born citizen," one of the requirements the Constitution lists for eligibility to be president. Donofrio also contends that two other candidates, Republican John McCain and Socialist Workers candidate Roger Calero, also are not natural-born citizens and thus ineligible to be president. At least one other appeal over Obama's citizenship remains at the court. Philip J. Berg of Lafayette Hill, Pa., argues that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii as Obama says and Hawaii officials have confirmed. Berg says Obama also may be a citizen of Indonesia, where he lived as a boy. Federal courts in Pennsylvania have dismissed Berg's lawsuit. Federal courts in Ohio and Washington state have rejected similar lawsuits. Allegations raised on the Internet say the birth certificate, showing that Obama was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961, is a fake. But Hawaii Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino and the state's registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, say they checked health department records and have determined there's no doubt Obama was born in Hawaii. The nonpartisan Web site Factcheck.org examined the original document and said it does have a raised seal and the usual evidence of a genuine document. In addition, Factcheck.org reproduced an announcement of Obama's birth, including his parents' address in Honolulu, that was published in the Honolulu Advertiser on Aug. 13, 1961. (This version CORRECTS that Hawaii officials, not secretary of state, confirmed Obama birth certificate.)
Manufacturing companys of Food products are now charging more for your product or at the keeping the same price saying because of high fule costs but giving you 2 to 8 oz less when you buy from the already high middle man the grocery store chains. WHATS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?
or are we just foolish enought to believe they are right?
    I am calling for a,

**A NATIONAL DAY OF FOOD PRODUCTS BOUCOUT** Do Not Buy Food for One Day at Grocery Stores or Restaurants
Pray for the people to see the light on honesty that we American's will servive this ecconomic war we are in.
This is to tell companies that,We the American people will no longer tolerate Greediness or thief of our heard earned money. We Will Be Treated Fare! We are the people and these people work for us not the other way around. Also write your congressman and tell them to investigate and have open hearings if they can give away our money to Car Companies then they can have an open hearing on why we are being cheated on our products and truth in advertising.
(19) 12/12/08
The Fleecing of America
A CONSPERACY: There is a trend in this nation under pressure from foreign sources to cause the Unites States to fault and destroy our way of life, to restrict our values and to down play our religious beliefs and to completely remove us as a world power. All of this has come about because we as a People no longer recognize a sovern God whom set this nation up as an Authority in this world by those chosen at its beginning. WE ARE ABOUT TO GO COMPLETELY BROKE AS A PEOPLE IF WE DON'T HEED GOD! Take away our money and you take away our power. So if any Christian can see a pattern developing as in the Times of the ancient Egypt when the people gave all they owned to Pharos (the government) to survive and not starve. Take away the power of choices of the worker and you strip him of his powers with rights to that power to govern him self. Here We as a Nation are doing the same to save our jobs at the cost of our Liberty to make choices in freedom, (such as the UAW). We are so Close to becoming slaves it no longer funny. Slavery does not mean just labor however; if you owe someone you have to work it off. Debit is a danger to us as a nation. If we owe someone it is certain they will collect in the short run. A human patient only waits so long. If the Government Owns it they can say what goes on in it and how citizen can and can not within do in it. Next it will be the Families of America and how we believe. After that it will be made into law that we can not teach this or that or believe in this or that and believe in this or that and we will then be SLAVES to this whom control our way of life. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT AMERICA? TURN THIS NATION BACK TO GOD AND THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN. DO AS GOD SAID TO DO and HIS 10 COMMANDMENTS, PRAYER, TITHING, TAKING CARE OF THE POOR, DOING AWAY WITH PAGEN HOILDAYS, KEEPING GOD’S COMMANDMENTS AND HIS WAY OF LIFE. IT’S UP TO YOU AMERICA because if you do not you will reap the curses of disobedience! **************************************************

Wanna Know whats going on at the White House?


Who Are We America?


Email: dalart@yahoo.com