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                                                                                                                                                           Developed by: Bryan Velasco

      Sir John's Internet Cafe

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     Hi guys welcome to Sir John's Internet Cafe Website. I hope you'll like the environment, cause this is only a trial, and I'm still trying to enhance this in the future. But actually my purpose is to have a commercial advertisement that will promote our business.
     As of now my business is passed beyond my expectation, we have now three branches and it continues for it's success. Hopefully, that I can have more branches in every corner of the philippines, hehe.. I know it may look like so impossible, but through dermination and hardwork I know I can.

Our History

     I can't tell you in very detail our history because I've always look forward and I think I almost left my past, Joke!. by the way I started my business year 2005 and infact I have two Pentium II computers, it is so slow when I run this computers, but I tied my patient that's why I became successfull.
     Then my father help me in my business he loans a money and we buy four more computers that better than our the first two. After that I convince my friend to support my business that actually my regular costumers. But at first, I have a problem to maintained each computer that's why I'm always asking for some friends that has knowledge in troobleshooting to fixed some problem and of course I paid them.

An eye opener

     I hope, my story may serve as an inspiration to whom that may read our history. We all have the potential to become sucessfull in our life, the only key is on how we do it by our own. And for those who tried and they failed don't quit, just try and try until you succeed.
     Try to experiment something new and different, and don't worry if you don't follow the standard or the norms they said, try to be unique. Because I think being different is the one who make things happened

My corner
    "I can see you fly.You are an angel with wings, high above the ground!"
(-traditional haiku poem)

    "And in such indexes, although small pricks to their subsequent volumes, there is seen The baby figure of the giant mass of things to come."
(-William Shakespeare)

It's free to use!
Enjoy my web page at no cost. This is my first web page designed, so I am just a beginner, actually I've made this for almost four weeks.

For questions?
You can Email me at
All right reserve 2006
developed by: Bryan Velasco