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Mr. Freeman's Web Page

Dear Parents,

I was in the Air Force for 21 years and embrace the core values of (1)Integrity, (2) Service before self, and (3) Excellence in all we do! Additionally, I believe in a TEAM concept.

Integrity is a must, both individually and academically! It's doing the right thing when no one else is looking. Being a TEAM requires that we work together for the better good of each other before one's self. Another way of looking at this concept is that there is no "I" in "TEAM". Finally, Excellence is an expectation in my class. It does not mean perfection but it does mean doing ones' best. In order for that to happen, we (TEAM Freeman) must work diligently together to achieve our goals for the year. (Some might say "work hard" but if we do this right, it will not be "hard" work at all!)

I have a phrase you will hear me say over and over, "Let's work smarter not harder." As part of that philosophy, I have included some web pages that you may find useful throughout our time together. Please check them out and bookmark them for future reference. Again, welcome to TEAM Freeman. I look forward to an exciting time of learning together during this course.

Dudley D. Freeman, AAS, BS, MHR

Physical Science / Georgia Studies

Rome Middle School

Hey! Check this out!
Click on Icons below for helpful links

To Social Studies Sources

Awesome Library has multiple areas that students and parents can enter to enhance the learning experience. BONUS: It is also in several languages.

To The Library of Congress

The Library of Congress is a one-stop Guide to U.S. History!!

Student Help

To Infoplease

Help with Social Studies homework and much more.

To Social Studies Sources

This page is designed for K-12 social studies teachers and students. It also has information and topics that are useful to pre-service social studies instructors and students. The World Wide Web offers almost unlimited opportunities for social studies education and we hope that this page will benefit both the novice and the experienced Web user

Daily Assignments

Subject MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
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Homework Assignments

Subject MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
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Georgia Professional Standards


This link is to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and provides you access to information concerning what your child will be learning this year.

Lesson Planning Sites


This link is to California State University Northridge and provides assistance with creating Social Studies lesson plans.

Email Me