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< User talk:TenOfAllTrades

This page is an archive of talk page comments for the months of October and November 2005.

Please add any new comments to my current talk page at User talk:TenOfAllTrades. Thanks!

Jaxl's RfA

Hi TenOfAllTrades, thanks for supporting me on my RfA, and thank you for your comment regarding AfD. I really appreciate it! Robert 16:00, 1 October 2005 (UTC)

RoyBoy RfA

Thanks for the support! - RoyBoy 800 22:42, 1 October 2005 (UTC)

Administrator's noticeboard

I noticed that thread was being modified extensively on the AN too. I've left a note at the bottom of Category talk:Terrorists, and hopefully this will help it. It is simple and absolutely free. Will you be able to monitor the activities there? If not that's okay. For something like this, it would be nice to have someone look over my shoulder too. I might repost something at the AN if it degenerates any further. --HappyCamper 15:01, 9 October 2005 (UTC)

Asking or the third neutral opinion

Since I've got message from you regarding our argue with ccole in spyware article, I would like to ask your opinion. Brief history: 1. Spyware Remover and Adware Remover Tool - Spyware Removal Adware Removal Spyware
and remove it. ccole created account only yesterday, and started to add his site errorwindows. com/forum to spyware article. this site is completely empty, thats why I deleted it instantly. Got the email from him that I should not delete his site. After that he started to remove my site www. Adware. 2-spyware. com which in my opinion compliment the article a lot. 2. His so called Facts, that my reviews not written by me, but taken from somewhere, thats complete nonsense and because of that we started to argue. We carefully install all the software on clean and infected systems and after that we are writing the reviews and taking snapshots from the software activity. Plus spyware tesla, aol keyword spyware clean footprints. Home   yah   yahoo spyware scanner   yahoo spyware tool bar   2004 key nuker registration spyware   absolutely free spyware removal   2004 nuker sn spyware   2005 download nuker spyware   4.0 download eliminator spyware   spyware remove program   spyware removal review   spyware remover freeware   spyware ad remover   xp spyware remover   spyware snooper   spyware seek and destroy   spyware stopper   spyware stormer free download   spyware stormer   spyware stormer software   spyware search and destroy   spyware search and distroy   spyware search destroy   adware free program remover spyware   adware destroy search spyware   adware download free remove spyware   adware download free removal spyware   anti free software spyware   anti free removal spyware   anti spyware beta 1   anti spyware beta download   anti spyware comparison   anti review software spyware