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Book Reports/Poems

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Below are the book report requirements and due dates for the fourth quarter of 2006-2007.



For the first recitation, the student will choose a poem.  It needs to be meaningful.  Be ready to tell your teacher why you chose the poem.  The number of lines is not a reason to select a poem.  We are requesting that they do not do a poem by Shel Silverstein or Jack Prelutsky.  This poem will be recited in front of the class and is due on April 19th. 


For the second recitation, the student will recite a poem that a peer has written.  This means that everyone will write a meaningful poem with all five of the attributes of quality literature.  It should be between twenty and thirty lines total.  This poem will be due to your teacher for a language grade on April 26th.  We will assign partners to trade poems.  The poem students receive is due to be recited in front of the class on May 10th. 


Book Report Requirements for the 4th Nine Weeks


This quarter your child will be responsible for two book reports.  The genre for the first book report is well-known biographies/autobiographies.  Students should choose a person from the yellow list of acceptable biographies/ autobiographies that they were given earlier.  Mrs. Goodman should be able to help with selections from our library, but a trip to the public library may be necessary.  We realize that some students completed biographies in the past.  Please make sure your student reads a different biography for this report. Books must be preapproved by the teacher.


For this report they are to make a Bloom Ball.  Directions for what goes on a Bloom Ball are attached.  In a couple of weeks, we will pass out the Bloom Ball pieces.  Bloom Ball pieces will ONLY be handed at this time; do not lose them.


This book must also be presented orally. The book report is due  May 3.


THE BLOOM BALL- A Creative Book Report



          1.  Read a biography that is at the sixth grade reading level.

         2.  Carefully cut out  your twelve panels.  Stay on the lines.

          3.  On each of the twelve panels (sides), do the projects listed below.         If you use markers, your results will be brighter and show up more clearly.  To earn full credit, it MUST be of sixth-grade ability.

          4.  After the panels are finished, score each one (use a ruler and a              pair scissors to do this-the tabs will fold much more easily).

          5.  Fold up the tabs.  Make two “bowls” using six panels in each one.           Use a stapler to attach the tabs.  (You may do that here at school).


QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED (Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Higher Level Thinking Skills): Please number your panels #1-12 in black ink in the correct arrangement.


          1.  Draw the title and author of your book on a panel (side).  Plan the                         lettering to use up the entire space and be attractive.  Use interesting letter designs.

          2.  Write some facts about the author.  Look on the book jacket for this.  This             may include titles of other books they’ve written.  See the librarian or me; we may be able to help.



          3.  Describe the main character of the story.  Include a description of how the            character looks, how he or she acts, and what they are famous for.


          4.  Draw a picture or a map of the setting of the story.  Be prepared to tell us              about your picture.

          5.  Draw a picture of the main character.

          6.  Draw a picture of another important character.  Be prepared to tell the                            class about this character.



          7.  Draw a picture of the part of the story you thought was the most exciting,               the funniest, or the saddest.  Be ready to explain why you selected that part.

          8.  On one panel, write a summary of the story.  Tell what the main idea                     was. Keep this short-about four or five sentences.


          9.  Write a poem about the story.  Be ready to tell us what type of poem                     you have written.

          10.  Make a drawing that advertises your story so others will want to read it.                Make sure this looks like sixth-grade ability and connects to the story.


          11.  Write a letter explaining why you recommend the book for others to read.

          12.  Did the author do a good job writing this book?  Tell why you think so or              why you don’t think so.  Use literary appreciation criteria and give one or two examples to back up your opinion.



The second book report for this quarter is from a well-known, quality children’s book.  This report is due May 24 for your class’s presentation.

Your teacher is requiring you to be creative with this report.  You will be making a “Book Report in a Can” and presenting it to Kindergarten and first grades during the last week of school. This means that you will be presenting it twice.   

First you need to read the book.  Then you need to choose a character that will be retelling the story from his/her point of view.  You will rewrite the story from that character’s point of view and make a booklet with a cover, title, words, and pictures.  Your booklet has to fit in the can.  Lastly, the main character that you have chosen from the book must be designed into a puppet.  Sock, stick, or glove are just examples. The puppet will be stored inside the can that should represent a setting from the story.  A coffee can or oatmeal can works best.  You can decorate the outside of your can accordingly.

Be creative and “think outside of the box (can).”

____Can  (5 pts.)

____Booklet  (10 pts.)





        ____Other point of view 

____Puppet  (5 pts.)

____Creativity  (15 pts.)


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This site was last updated 04/09/07