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Tygors Forest Retreat
The forest area is like any other forest leave the pathway which all are protected on, you may be considered as prey as all of the animals of the forest are considered as.

Tygor built his lodge and home here on this land which is in the woods Outside the gates of Samnium.

The lodge is a Gorean home and as such follows Gorean protocol and traditions. The lodge is a place where He and his slaves can spend time together and greet and converse with friends and members of Samnium and the lodge is a safe zone for all visiting.

House rules
1) Respect will be shown to ALL.
2) Free may not IM any slave without permission of the slave's Owner and the slave. If the slave's Owner is not present, a Free of the house may grant such.
3) ALL slaves will not IM any Free with out Free's permission.
4) This house abides by both north and south protocols.
5) Tygor has final say in this house.
6) Samnium Free and administrators of Samnium will have standing here if I Tygor is not here.
7) All Samnium city slaves are protected here and with be treated as would slaves of this home and they follow their city rules and this homes slave rules.
8) This Site is Patrolled, Only Tygor Can Drop Tags, Others Are Safe If Rules Are Followed...

This is Gor and if you break the house rules or Gorean protocol/tradition, you may suffer punishment or be banned by the house by Tygor.


site designed by kethral_KRB [02 2006]& jadelyn [03 2006]