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David's Desk

In might just be the heat of sitting in the vehicle all day. It might be that she is right next to me all day, engaging me in various games and sing alongs to pass the time. It might be that she is the most beautiful girl in the van to whom I am not related (because I clearly have to vote that my twin sister, Gail, is best looking because I am biased). Or it might just be me. But I am starting to really like Michelle.

Of course I liked her before - we've been friends for a really long time. I'm just starting to look at her in a different light - and I'm not talking particularly about the rays of the streetlights as we pull into the motels at night after the sun has gone down, either. Although, she does look very very good, usually curled up besided me with an angelic half-asleep smile.

But what do I do about this? Will this feeling just pass?

I don't want to do anything to damage our friendship by blurting out these thoughts to her. If anything, it could make the rest of this trip very awkward. And I don't want to end up switching places with Gail, because she's really getting the hang of the whole navigating thing. And I wouldn't want Michelle to feel as though she would have to move. I don't want to make her uncomfortable.

I think I best just keep my big mouth shut.

Gail: Day 3

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