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                             Academy of Western Artists 2009

      "Western  Music Female Performer of the Year"


                                2 GRAMMY NOMINATIONS (2005)
                             for performance and for song: "Texas Canyon"
                             on TTT's Award-winning CD "San Antonio Waltz"

- sings and swings guitar with this cowboy band 
-wears fancy hats   
-began wearing hat while performing when she was just a little tyke.  
-suspected of running around in a red hat . . . .

Miss Devon is the singin', yodelin' voice for Jessie, The Yodelin' Cowgirl on the 
GRAMMY-WINNING CD "Woody's Roundup featuring Riders In the Sky"
released by Walt Disney Records in August 2000.
"Howdy!  I'm Jessie!"
(click here)

                Western Music Assoc. 'Top Five' nominated
Western Swing CD of the Year
and Song of the Year ('08 & '09)
"Keepin' Your Head Above the Water"

Miss Devon 2005



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