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Renaissance timeline


1260?-1327 -- Meister Eckhart
1276-1337 --- Giotto
1300?-1349? - William of Ockham
1309-1378 --- Papacy at Avignon
1315-1317 --- Famine in northern Europe
1324 -------- Marsilius of Padua writes Defensor Pacis
1341 -------- Petrarch crowned poet laureate at Rome
1346 -------- Battle of Crecy
1347-1350 --- Black Death
1348-1351 --- Giovanni Boccaccio writes The Decameron
1356 -------- Battle of Poitiers
1374-1400 --- Jean Froissart writes the Chronicles of the Hundred Years' War
1378 -------- Ciompi Revolt in Florence
1378-1402 --- Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan
1378-1417 --- Great Schism
1381 -------- Peasants' Revolt in England
1385?-1440 -- Jan van Eyck
1386-1400 --- Geoffrey Chaucer writes Canterbury Tales
1397 -------- Founding of the Medici Bank
1399 -------- Henry of Lancaster (Henry IV) seizes English throne
1401-1429? -- Masaccio
1402-1472 --- Leon Battista Alberti
1409 -------- Council of Pisa
1414-1418 --- Council of Constance
1415 -------- Battle of Agincourt
1425 -------- Thomas a Kempis writes Imitation of Christ
c. 1430 ----- Creation of the Janissaries
1431 -------- Joan of Arc burned at the stake
1434 -------- Cosimo de' Medici establishes rule in Florence
1438 -------- Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges
1451-1481 --- Mohammed II, the Conqueror, Ottoman sultan
1452-1519 --- Leonardo da Vinci
1453 -------- Constantinople falls to the Turks
1455 -------- Gutenberg Bible printed
1455-1485 --- Wars of the Roses
1461-1483 --- Louis XI rules France
1469 -------- Marsilio Ficino publishes Theologia Platonica
1471-1484 --- Pontificate of Sixtus IV
1475-1564 --- Michelangelo Buonarroti
1478-1492 --- Lorenzo the Magnificent ruler of Florence
1483-1520 --- Raphael Santi
1485 -------- Battle of Bosworth Field
1485-1495 --- Ivan III brings Italian architects to Moscow to aid in rebuilding the Kremlin
1492 -------- Columbus discovers the New World
1498 -------- Vasco da Gama reaches India
1521 -------- Suleiman II, the Magnificent, takes Belgrade
1529 -------- The Turks besiege Vienna

Other Timelines

The Reformation Timeline
The Counter-Reformation Timeline
The Age of Exploration Timeline
The Great Awakening Timeline