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       So what should the aspiring Atheist do now? We each choose our own path. We may call ourselves Humanists, Brights, Objectivists, Rationalists, Naturalists, Freethinkers, Skeptics, Infidels, Heretics, Non-believers, or merely Atheists. We may join a Humanist congregation or an Ethical Society or an Objectivist Salon or an Atheist Meetup Group or post at Internet Infidels. We might become politically active or not. But whatever we choose to call ourselves, whoever we choose to associate with, whatever we choose to do, we all remain committed to the ideals of goodness and morality and rational thought.

       What will the future hold for Good and Moral Atheists, for all Freethinkers, indeed for all mankind? No one yet knows. We don’t know the fate of humanity, or the fate of the universe. But it is in the power of each and every one of us to make changes to the world around us, and with such efforts ultimately change the final outcome. Our choices define our legacy in life.

       Once more, we reflect upon The Five Tenets of the Good and Moral Atheist:

I. Morality

       We commit to be Good and Moral, strive to be Virtuous and Ethical, and trust in the Goodness of Humanity.

II. Purpose

       We each strive to better the world in the time we have.

III. Life

       We seek to love and be loved, to reach our own potential and help others reach theirs, and to enjoy life.

IV. Freedom

       We promote and guard freedoms and civil rights among all peoples.

V. Reason

       We use only reason to solve problems, and encourage others to shun the falsehoods of the supernatural.

       These five principles, Morality, Purpose, Life, Freedom, and Reason, will serve to guide us into the future. With them, we will make the world a better place, and take pleasure from the lives we are fortunate enough to experience. Humanity, and the human spirit, will prosper and bloom throughout our world and beyond. We take the time for one final reflection:

Let us reflect.

May we use our time wisely,
for this time upon this earth
is all the life we have.

May we take pleasure from it,
and leave a positive impact
on the lives of others.

When we at last
reach the end of our journey,
may we be able to look back and say,

“Yes. I enjoyed life.
I loved my family and friends.
I made a difference.”

May our efforts add
to the goodness that is humanity,
and help it endure.