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       Think for yourself! Do not be afraid to question all the statements in this book. This book contains the thoughts and opinions and interpretations of regular people, just like every other book you have ever read, without exception. Accepting the teachings of others without questioning them is a recipe for narrow-mindedness and ignorance.

       Use this book as a guide to a life based upon reality. The start of the trail has been marked for you. We will show you where to find out more information on every aspect of Atheism, and how to live life as an Atheist. But, you alone will choose how to complete your journey to understand the nature of the world, to put aside the false supernatural, and to live as a good and moral person.

       This book is not intended to be an authoritative guide to the study of morality, nor a set of rigorous philosophical or logical arguments for or against god. It is not meant as a scholarly treatise on the science of the Big Bang or evolution, nor an exact timeline of the events involved. It is merely an introduction to such concepts in common terms, in addition to being an outline for life as an Atheist. More detailed and accurate papers and books exist on all of these topics (the Book of Books offers a good selection of such material), and the interested are encouraged to seek out such information, and to read it all using the sharp lens of reason.

       Many other books on Atheism concentrate on the “whys” of Atheism. They either ask why we should believe in the concept of Atheism, or tell us why we should not believe in god. Although this book covers such questions in a basic way, answering the “whys” is not the primary purpose of this book. The Bible of the Good and Moral Atheist is about the “hows” of Atheism. How should an Atheist approach the world? How should we seek purpose? How should we deal with death? How do Atheists approach morality? How do Atheists pray? How should we celebrate life?

       The goal of this book is to make Atheism accessible and comfortable. We are used to reading religious tomes such as the Bible, the Torah and Talmud, or the Quran. We are comfortable with learning moral lessons in this manner, and modifying them to apply to our own lives. Those books give us structure and guidelines, even though the miracles and supernatural events that supposedly occurred are obviously fictional. Religious words comfort us in times of distress, and help us to comfort others. What The Bible of the Good and Moral Atheist does is give us the same moral lessons, explanations of existence, and comfort, but without the fables.

       If you are not an Atheist, please feel welcome to read about our philosophy! Atheists are not evil, scary, devil-worshipping monsters. We are good, wholesome, moral members of society. We go to school with you and work with you, we have friends and raise families, we coach soccer and donate blood and give to charity. We are conservatives and liberals and moderates. Whether you are a Theist, a Deist, an Agnostic, or still searching for a way, we’re sure you’ll find our Bible enlightening.

       The Bible of the Good and Moral Atheist is divided into three testaments. The first section, the Testament of Philosophy, describes the philosophy behind Atheism, covers the basic arguments for Atheism, and gives the reader a guide to quotes and books concerning Atheism and freethinking in general. Next is the Testament of History, which tells the history of the universe, the world, life, humanity, and human understanding. In this section there are also basic descriptions of the scientific theories and discoveries behind this history, and the evidence supporting these explanations. Finally, the books of the Testament of Life serve as a guide to living life as a Good and Moral Atheist. Much like religious tomes have in the past attempted to do, these books educate the Atheist on questions of life and death, answer questions, and offer sources of inspiration and reflection. Included in the Testament of Life is the Book of Resources, where we categorize and give short reviews of websites of interest to Atheists.

       If you choose to embrace Atheism and reject the supernatural, you will receive the key to true morality, true understanding, and true purpose in the world. Take what you wish from this guide, and go out and live your life to the fullest. Find the purpose that motivates you, and strive to make a difference. We only get this one life; we each must make the most out of what chance has brought to us.

       Good luck on your journey!