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A Fresh start or a Continuation of life?

Name: Teln Jade Ruby Flaveshem
DOB: Unsure, sometime during mid winter
DOD: Febuary 22 - time : 8:46 p.m. (date left off fer Rpness people!)
Home: Cloud 8 1/2
Age at death : 42 (not that she looked it :P WHOO NYMPHNESS)
Highth: 4 ft 6 inches
Weight : Are you kidding? I'm like a feather!
Job: Guardian Angel Trainiee

Lets start this out by putting down the rules of who can and can not SEE Teln.

1. Children the age of six and younger can see Teln perfectly fine.

2. Demons and other Angels can also see Teln and openly speak with her.

3. Shoulder demons/voices/etc <3 see Teln.

4. Selected others can also see her, this is only if I whisper you and say that yes, you have permission to icly see Teln.

5. Feral creatures

People who have the 'power' to normally 'see'dead people, sprits, ghosts ect etc.. PLEASE whisper me first!

Teln has the ability to chose who can see her and cant (only if they can already see her) as if to hide from those who still see her if she wishes to be alone...ish.

Teln, as a Guardian Angel Traniee, is still getting her 'powers' so to speak. All the 'powers' and supernatural abilitys she had before death (minus the mind link to few) has been forgotten. It is obsolete, no longer used and can not be relearned unless it is a skill she picks up on Could 8 1/2.

Skills she is currently working on include:

Abilty to change sizes


Vanishing (when she wants to be invisible to ALL beings minus ferals)

Walking through things.

(This, my friends, takes consentraition for Teln. Either that or sometimes she may do it accidently, such as attempt to sit on a chair and fall right through it. No- she can not get stuck in the object.)

Players that can see Teln include:
