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April 27 births

April star birthdays

It happened...

Today in history

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Previous messages can be seen here


Today's the day...
Your 30th birthday…
Here's the remaining messages...

You are a lady that inspires youth and children to want to learn and grow.  I am so honored that you have chosen to mentor my daughter and teach music to my children.  You are a friend that we can be comfortable around, that I trust to tell the truth and to accept the truth.  We enjoy playing games with you and only occasionally begrudge your competitive spirit.  Since we first met you and Jon and welcomed Jordan we have known that you guys are friends for life and for eternity.

Stephen Johnston

Dear Venessa,
I didn't want this grand occasion to go by without sending my regards and thanking God for bringing you to us. I really appreciate your enthusiasm, talents and faith. I am grateful for your love of children and using your talents so freely. I pray that God will continue to bless and challenge you as you demonstrate even more of Him in your life. Thankyou for always being there.




Entertaining( She loves to play games- skip-bo, cards almost anything)

Smile , great

Sense of humor( you can hold your own with our family)

Artistic- Musically inclined

The Langleys

It's hard to follow so many wonderful message. What else can be said.

In the seven years we've been married, I've come to believe we were created for each other.

Now I see, you were created for so much more...

To inspire and touch the lives of so many with love, compassion, patience, understanding and a nuturing spirit.

You were created to represent the God who lovingly created you and still scupts you to this day, His son who lives in you and through you and the Holy Spirit that guides you and lives inside of you.

You inspire me and love me unconditonally. Jordan, I and so many others are blessed to have you in our lives.

My outmost love,


Jon Michael