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So Mote It Be

What is Wicca
Meditation Exercies

The objective of So Mote It Be is to help guide anyone interested in the path of the Goddess to the right start. We are not here to judge or to be judged.

We want everyone to have spritiual growth and religious tolerence. Let this site start you on your journey to a better spritual you, a more positive outlook on religion and a better understanding of the Pagan nation.

Our love for the Goddess and our desire to have a better place to live has been our basis for this site and our classes. We are here for beginners and others who just want to take a peek. We have a combined 14 years of practicing.

Classes will be at your own pace and are meant for your spritual enlightenment and growth. Please look around our little site and let us know what you think.

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