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The report.... ..... MAY 2005... Fished double island approx 70 kms offshore looking for "reds" The days fishing was very slow and hardy any fish in the box but this was not just us as the others were doing it hard also. There was a call that large Wahoo was in the area and a troll was called for so ken [always ready with a rod or two] went about setting up a halco hard body out the back. Within minutes there was line screaming off the reel..... pulled aboard a estimated 14 kgs dolfin fish that caused some havoc in the back of the boat [ I would hate to get connected to one of them lures with a fish as angry as that fish was] until I could finally get a death blow to the head without hitting the bottom of the boat.. 70 km out we then decided to shift north another 20 km looking for better ground and emperor. Late afternoon and a decision to move back towards double island and anchor for the nite ready for the raising moon around mid-nite. before this happen the mackerel show up 4 hook ups for one mackerel but the funny thing was I caught it with kens outfit as he was taking on the radio and by the time he turned around I was already starting to bring the fish to the boat and I never offered to give me the rod either.... Soundered around and picked our mark to anchor on... sleep time and be ready around mid-nite but I guess we were too tired and slept through to early morning. Ken had boated 4 good snappa before he could wake me [not sure on this..?]. I did manage to boat the largest snappa for the trip... Serial fisher anchor further out for the nite and did score some large “reds” This trip did not produce any "reds" but I was happy with the end results of snappa. Dolfin fish. Mackeral. Coronation trout...NOTE the moon was raising around mid-nite.. .
Report by SNAPPA….

skipper of "reel tuff" ken mcgrogan holding up a dolfin fish we estimated at 14kgs.

"reel tuff" a 635 Haines Hunter powered by Yamaha 200 hpdi