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Wow, I haven't updated this in forever, oh well. The only reason I'm updating now is because Grant send me an email telling me to update it and I had nothing better to do. On a different note: SLIPKNOT, SYSTEM OF A DOWN, ETC. ARE NOT HARDCORE. They're nu-metal, hardcore music is more like No Trigger or HORSE the Band. Anyways, I'm not sure everyone will get this because it's based on an iside joke. I was talking to someone about Slipknot and I was like "Slipknot is always like 'ZOMG WERE HARDCORE' but they're really not" and later I said "ZOMG HARDCORE" just to be weird and someone else was like "what's hardcore?" and I "hardcore reggae mon!" and yeah. That's the entire story pretty much. Also I would like to wish Grant a happy birthday, because his birthday is today. Well I guess this concludes my rant as I still have more HTML code I need to screw with to make this update official.

Have a Merry Xmas

Can't forget our good friend!
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