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CHPT. 21

Apical meristems

______ ________ are embryonic plant tissue located in the tips of roots and in the buds of shoots. They supply cells for the plant to grow in length.

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The scientific study of fossils is called _____tology.

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Embryonic Lethals

A two word name for mutations with phenotypes leading to death at the embryo or larval stage is...

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________ is a view of Earth’s history that attributes profound change the cumulative product of slow but continuous processes.

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_________ is the development of body shape and organization during ontogeny.

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What is the name for the process of the embryonic development of an organism?

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The progressive restriction of developmental potential whcich causes the cell to become more limited as the embryo develops is called....

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Descent with modification

It was Darwin who came up with this idea that organisms change with time from a common form.

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The structural and functional divergence of cells as they become specialized during a multicellular organism's development that is dependant on the control of gene expression.

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Vestigial structures

A structure that is expensive to make or to sustain, but makes no positive impact on survival or reproductive success and will ultimately be lost in the process of evolution.

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Positional information

Signals to which genes regulating development respond to which indicates a cell's location relative to other cells in an embryonic structure.

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Origin of species

Darwinism’s book which was essentially to synthesize the past current understanding of geology and the diversity of life.

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The ability of embryonic cells to retain the potential to form all parts of the animal is called ________.

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_______ is the evolutionary history of a species or group of related species.

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The homeotic genes of dropsophilla all include a 180-nucleotide sequence called the ________.

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The branch of biology concerned with naming and classifying the diverse forms of life...

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A Programmed cell death brought about by signals that trigger the activation of a cascade of "suicide" proteins in the cells programmed to die.

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Homogous structure

______ _______ is an anatomical

characteristic that serves as a homology.

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C______ is an organism with a mixture of genetically different cells.

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____logy is when a similar characteristic of two organisms derived from a shared ancestry.

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Organ-Identity Genes

A plant gene in which a mutation causes a floral organ to develop in the wrong location

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very similar to Darwinism, in terms of the first tenet of Darwinism, the origin of biological diversity by means of evolution

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Homeotic genes

The master regulatory genes of the anatomical identity. Discovered by Edward Lewis.

Genes that control the overall body plan of animals by controlling the development fate of groups of cells.

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Thomas Malthus

proposed the idea of limits on population growth

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Segmentation Genes

The genes of the embryo that direct the actual formation of segments after the embryo's major axes are defined.

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Carolus Linnaeus

was the developer of the science of taxonomy

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Segment Polarity Genes

3 of the 3, refer to gap gene.

Set the anterior-posterior axis of each segment. Embryos with mutations in _______ have the normal number of segment but a part of each segment is replaced by a mirror-image repetition of some other part of the segment.

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Fossil Record

the records a very evolutionary view of life complete with the descent of modern forms from archaic forms via numerous evolutionary transition

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The ability of one group of embryonic cells to influence he development of another

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Natural Selection

is where the environmental limits are defined by nature

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Pattern formation

The ordering of cells into specific three-dimensional structure, an essential part of shaping an organism and its individual parts during development

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Artificial Selection

is where environmental limits are defined by man; that is, artificial selection is selection imposed by man rather than by nature

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Establish an embryo's axes and other features of its form

It's part of the more specific version of the gradient hypothesis

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is the study of the geographical distribution of species

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Cytoplasmic Determinants

In animal development, substances deposited by the mother in the eggs she produces that regulate the expression of genes affecting the early development of the embryo

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a group of populations whose members are capable of interbreeding

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Cell lineage

A type of fate map, a representation of the fats of various parts of a developing embryo.

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Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium

Note that so long as no evolution is occurring within a population then allele frequencies are not changing within that population

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Egg Polarity Genes

Due to the control the orientation of the egg and consequently the fly, they are also called ________.

see maternal effect genes.

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is the occurrence of small-scale changes in gene frequencies in a population over a few generations

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Model Organisms

Organism chosen for study a particular question and that are representative of a larger group

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Hardy-Weinberg theorem

states that the frequencies of alleles and genotypes in a population’s gene pool remain constant over the generations unless acted upon agents other than the Mendelian segregation and recombination of alleles

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Maternal effect Genes

The cytoplasmic determinants are the substance that initially establish the axes of the drosphila body. Present in the unfertilized egg, they are encoded in the genes of the mother called _____.

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gene pool

the complete set of unique alleles that would be found by inspecting the genetic material of every living member of that species of population.

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Gap Genes

Its product map out the basic subdivisions along the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo. mutations in these genes causes "gaps" in the animals' segmentation. 1 of the 3 segmentation genes provides the positional information for increasingly fine details of the animal's modular body plan

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Assortative mating

is where an individual chooses a mate base do now that mate resembles the individual

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Pair -rule Genes

2 of the 3... refer to gap genes

They define the modular pattern in the terms of pairs of segments. Mutations in those genes result in embryo having half the normal segment fails to develop.

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population genetics

is the study of the distribution of and change in allele frequencies under the influence of the four evolutionary forces

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a grouping of organisms is said to e paraphyletic if all the members of the group have a common ancestor

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modern evolutionary synthesis

it brings together Charles’ Darwin’s theory of the evolution of species by natural selection with Gregory Mendel’s theory of genetics as the basis for biological inheritance

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is evolution that occurs above the level of the species

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bottleneck effect

is an evolutionary event in which significant percentage of a population or species is killed or otherwise prevented from reproducing and the population is reduced by 50% or more, often by several orders of magnitude

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Convergent Evolution

describes the process whereby organisms not closely related independently acquire similar characteristics while evolving in separate and sometimes varying ecosystems

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describes the situation where more than one allele is present within a gene pool at a given locus

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all organisms in that group are known to have developed form a common ancestral form, and all descendants of that forma are included in the group

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is increased street of different characteristics in hybrids

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a taxon is a polyphyletic if it is descended form more than one root form

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heterozygote advantage

describes the case in which the heterozygot genotype has a higher relative fitness than either the homzygote dominant or homozygote recessive genotype

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the taxonomic system recognizes the generally accepted grouping of animals with certain evolutionary traits into taxa below the kingdom level

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allele frequency

is a gradual change of character or feature in a species over a geographical area

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is the top level, or nearly the top level, grouping of organism in scientific classification

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gene frequency. all alleles at not-fixed loci possess a frequency that is somewhere between 0.0 and 1.

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is an element of taxonomy, e.g. in the scientific classification in biology

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stabilizing selection

is a type of natural selection in which genetic diversity decreases as the population stabilizes on a particular trait

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is the top level grouping of organism in scientific classification

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sexual selection

is the theory that competition for mates between individuals of the same sex drives the evolution of certain traits

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Assortive Mating

is a grouping in the classification of living organism having one or more related and morphologically similar species

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gene flow

is the transfer of genes form one population to another

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Radiometric Dating

is a technique used to date materials based on a knowledge of the decay rates of naturally occurring isotopes and the current abundance

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Founder Effect

is an evolutionary phenomenon. Founder effects arise when a new and isolated environment is invaded by only a few members of a species which then multiply rapidly

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is the name Alfred Wegener used to refer to the super continent during the Mesozoic era

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Genetic Drift

is a mechanism of evolution that acts in concert with natural selection to change the characteristics of species over time

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Half Life

is the time required for the quantity to fall to half its initial value

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Natural Selection

is the primary mechanism within the scientific theory of evolution

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Phylogenetic Tree

is a tree showing the evolutionary interrelationship between various species or other entities that are believed to have a common ancestor

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is breeding between close relatives

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Geologic Timescale

the table and timeline of geologic periods presented here is in accordance with the dates and nomenclature proposed by the International Commission on Stratigraphy

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Directional selection

occurs when natural selection favors a single allele and therefore allele frequency continuously shift in one direction

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is the study of the diversity of organism characteristics

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Sexual Selection

selection based on variations in secondary sex characteristics, leading to the enhancement of sexual dimorphism

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Polyphyletic Taxon

represents a mistake in classification

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Sexual dimorphism

is the systematic difference in form between individuals of different sex in the same species

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is a graphical representation of phylogeny

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Darwinian fitness

a measure of the relative contribution of an individual to the gene pool of the next generation

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Sympatric Speciation

is the idea of speciation events being initiated without a geographical isolation of populations

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Diversifying selection

natural selection that favors extreme over phenotypes

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is that transfer of genes from one population to another

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Directional selection

natural selection that favors individual on one end of the phenotypic range

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is the transformation of one ancestral species into more than one descendant species; cladogenesis is a type of speciation

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relative fitness

the contribution of one genotype to the next generation compared to that of alternative genotypes for the same locus

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is a morphologically distinct population that nevertheless have incomplete reproductive isolation form another such population

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adaptive radiation

describes the rapid speciation of a single or a few species to fill many ecological niches. This is an evolutionary process driven by mutation and natural selection

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Hybrid Zone

when two formerly isolated populations come back into contact, the range over which this occurs typically will not encompass the entire range of either population

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are two (or more) individuals who are members of the same species

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Reduced Hybrid viability

the hybrid dies, either before successfully reproducing or before reproducing at a rate that is as high as that experienced by non-hybrid progeny of the parent species

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Reproductive Isolation

means that genes (alleles) do not pass from one population, one with which the first population is reproductively isolated

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punctuated equilibrium

is a theory of evolution which states that changes such as speciation can occur relatively quickly, with long periods of little change - equilibrium - in between

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Allopatric speciation

is speciation by geographical isolation

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cells or organisms contain more than one copy (ploidy) of their chromosomes

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concept that evolution of species and higher taxa is the result of large scale changes in gene frequencies over time

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refers tot he appearance of a new species of life on earth, particularly as seen in the fossil record

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is the progressive evolution of species involving a change in gene frequency in an entire population rather than a cladogenetic branching event

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Assortative Mating

is an evolutionary splitting event in which each branch and its smaller branches is a “clade”; an evolutionary mechanism and a process of adaptive evolution that leads to the development of a greater variety of animals or plants

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the term for low-level movement of alleles through reproductive barriers