Reading the Bible 
Online Bible 

Every month there will be a leaflet of Bible study notes which you can find to download on this page. There will also be copies at the back of church. Click on the link below for this month's notes.


•    You can use this Bible study on your own or you can get together with a friend or two to talk it through together. If you would like to be part of a group and need help to find others to meet with, please let me know.

•    You don’t have to be a Bible expert to take part. All you need is to be open to listening honestly to God, to yourself and to others.

•    The passage chosen for study each month will be one of those set for the Sunday readings in the coming month. I can’t guarantee that whoever is preaching will focus on it, but there is a good chance that we will do so – if you are meeting with others you may like to get together before the date for which the reading is set.

•    I have printed out the Bible passage we are looking at in full, but you’ll need a Bible to hand as well to get the most out of this study. In church we read from the New Revised Standard Version, but any good modern translation will do – e.g. New International Version, or Good News Bible. Many people love the language of the old “Authorised” version (King James Bible), but it is not always easy to understand and is not always as accurate a translation as modern versions, since translators now have access to a greater range of literary and historical research. 

•    Bible references are written “Book, Chapter, Verse” – so Mark 13.3 means the book of Mark, Chapter 13, verse 3.

•    If there is anything you would like to ask or to say – an unresolved question or issue that has arisen from this study – you can send it to me by email or post, or write it on a slip of paper and post it in the box labelled “Opening the Bible - feedback” on the red table at the back of church. If it is a question or point which it would be good to share, I will include a response in the following month’s study sheet – I won’t identify the questioner.