

The archive below consists of a variety of resources I have put together over the years; old Lent courses, leaflets of prayers or information. which don't have a home anywhere else on the website. You are welcome to take and use anything you like - please acknowledge where it came from if you can.Thanks.


Lent 07 -  All are welcome.  An exploration of God's welcome for us and our welcome for each other.
Lent 08 - Practicing Faith. The things Christians do, and why they do them
Lent 09 - The Week that Changed the World. An exploration of the crucifixion and resurrection according to Mark
Lent 10 - Poles Apart. The issues that divide us
Lent 11 - Into the Desert. An exploration of Jesus temptations in the wilderness
Lent 12 - Holy Ground - Finding God where you are
Lent 13 - What's the point? What is life for and what are you doing with yours?
Lent 14 - we used one of the Pilgrim booklets this year.
Lent 15 - Open with Care. Reading the Bible
Lent 16 - Roots of Faith - Church History
Lent 17 - Singing the Faith - hymns
Lent 18 - Coming to our senses - perceiving God through our five senses
Lent 19 - About time

Other resources

Jesse Tree
Hour of Silence - handouts to accompany our "Hours of Silence" through Lent 11, linked to the course "Into the Desert" above.
Hour of Silence 1
Hour of Silence 2
Hour of Silence 3
Hour of Silence 4
Hour of Silence 5

Many of these are traditional in origin, but rewritten by me. If you use them  in the form I have written them, please acknowledge me as the author

Christmas  Stories - told at Christmas Day services in place of the sermon
The Christmas Branch
The King's Storyteller This is an original story - please credit me with it as author.
Marko's Christmas Visitors - adapted from a Serbian folk tale
What can I give him? Another original by me - please credit me
St Brigid's Christmas  Adapted and assembled from a patchwork of stories about St Brigid
Brother Comgall and the mouse
The Crib of Bo Bossu
The Gift of the star
The Holy Night
Old Tom
The Owl's Christmas
A light in the window

Advent Reflections - you can also find these on the Church blog. Search for the title and it should bring up the whole series.

A Child is Born - reflections on the stories of childbirth in the Bible
One Word
In the Picture
Home for Christmas
Sing Christmas - reflections on Christmas Carols
Advent Angels - angels in the Bible

More about prayer and silence: Some resources I found elsewhere to accompany the Lent "Hour of Silence".
"Growing into Silence"
Article on silence
"At foot speed"