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Scottish Community Song Groups

Scottish Community Song Groups


If you have found your way here through a book mark or your favourite search-engine, our apologies - we are no longer operating.

Several reasons, really. We are delighted that over the years that we have been providing a directory of community singing groups, there has been an explosion in the number of such groups working on the same principles we have always promoted: no auditions; no need to read music; no need even to believe you can sing. We all know that everyone can enjoy singing!

This growth of singing groups has created challenges – in particular, keeping up with new groups, and trying to ensure that we have up-to-date information from people who have asked to be listed.

Over the time we have been operating, search engines have enormously improved their ability to find groups for us – it was surprisingly difficult when we started - and other websites, part of much bigger enterprises, have also taken upon themselves to provide listings.

We would recommend either Scotland Sings or Big Big Sing – Find me a choir

Alternatively, we would suggest that you search for “community singing group" or "community choir" in [area of your choice].

Thanks to all of the people who have helped us over the years, and we feel that if only one person started singing through finding a group on our website, it was worthwhile!

Keep singing!