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ROCKY - DEISHER 086-2006 Blue Bar Cock, direct son of my FIENEKE’S BOY GFL 1434-05, son of SILVER BOY & FIENEKE 086 when mated to TRUE BLUE GFL 1403-04, pure Verheyen Hofkens going back to TOPMAN & GOLDEN WOMAN!! I was just at Mike’s this past week and he really has expanded his family of birds built around the FIENEKE family of Flor Vervoort Hofkens. ROCKY is bred total quality, he is a full brother to the bird that was Equal 1st, clocked 9th Place at the World Ace Challenge 2006 at 300 miles and 66th place at 250 miles. ROCKY has a brilliant orange eye, you may be able to see it in the photo!! He is medium in size, built to fly and win the big races and with his breeding will prove to be a foundation breeder.

"SILVER BOY" The fantastic breeding male from Ludo Claessens. Father, grandfather, and great grandfather to countless winners. Everyone in Holland knows of "SILVER BOY", he is a key breeder. Now let's look at his family tree. Nest brother, "VOS 77" (NL 9410377-77), 3 years running (1996, '97, and "98) in the top 15 Golden Crack Aces. Then his famous father, "LATE RODE 430" (NL 8926430-89) sire to 25 - 1st prize winners and 3 Golden Crack Aces of Holland. Possibly the best breeder Ludo ever owned. Also his half sister, "DOUBLE GOLD", also a multiple winner bred "RED VENUS" (NL 9779579-97) the best record hen ever for Ludo at long distance winning: 5th Prov. Chateauroux vs 2,012 birds, 5th Provencial Limoges vs 1,981 birds, 8th Provencial La Souterraine vs 3,408 birds, 8th Provencial Dax at 600 miles vs 1,295 birds, 15th Bordeaux 600 miles vs 1,584 birds and the list goes on. Now you can see why "SILVER BOY" is a dominate key to the family of Ludo Claessens pigeons. A super breeder.

BELG 6135086-01 "FIENEKE 086". From the best comes the best. In August 2002 I had the opportunity to visit Flor Vervoort and his loft full of Olympic Champions and race winners. I went there because I have had great success with his family of birds. A Hofkens family built around winners. Flor has had 5 Olympic winners over the past 10 years including the famous FIENEKE 5000 (BELG 6162118-97) - one of the greatest racing and breeding pigeons ever. Flor passed away in November 2002 and due to the success of his great family of birds his final auction totalled over $900,000 USD. A new record for the pigeon sport around the world. Going back to my visit in August 2002, I had the opportunity to select 9 birds from this great loft of champions. I selected FIENEKE 086 as one of the finest hens I have ever seen. She is a full sister to the best Olympic hens of all time - FIENEKE 5000. FIENEKE 086 is a medium size, strong body, rich eyes, super quality breeding hen.

"TRUE BLUE" GFL 1403-04 direct daughter of COLT 45 when mated to "SUPER BLUE". Granddaughter of SUPER 45 when mated to FIRST LADY and TOP MAN when mated to GOLDEN WOMAN. Inbred Frons Verheyen Old Family Hofkens around the TOP MAN bloodlines. COLT 45 and TOP MAN are full brothers.

"COLT 45" full brother to TOP MAN. The Old Hofkens family bred by Frons Verheyen of Belgium. This champion fancier lived just a couple of miles from Hofkens and built his family of race winners for over 30 years with this super family of Hofkens birds.

Verheyen bred more Olympiad Champion birds than any other loft in Europe. A true champion fancier. COLT 45 is a super breeding male. Strong body, rich red eyes with a light violet ring, medium in size, just one super male. SUPER BLUE is a super breeding hen. Strong body, rich red eyes with a light violet ring, medium in size, just one super hen.

The Hofkens pigeons dominated the sport in the early 70's just as they do now. Yes, 30 years later. With a family defined racing pigeons that win from 200 miles to 500 miles under all kinds of conditions. They seem to have an ability to win when there are very tough conditions that most birds can't find their way home. The big money races in the last couple of years have been tough but the Hofkens birds came through just fine - not all but a good percentage did winning Don Barker over $250,000 in just 9 months.

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