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Third part in the Five Gold Rings series:

Part 1     Part 2     Part 4     Part 5

Aug. 2nd, 2005 | 06:18 pm

Rating: Mature Audiences (M/M sexual content)
Summary: Post New Year's Resolutions, Spike tests the waters at Sacramento, can they truly 'be a couple'?
Spoilers: Season 7 latter part only – departs from canon as you will see.
Author’s Note: Don’t own the characters etc and bow down to their original creators Joss, et al., plus all the wonderful online writers who continue to give them life.

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Collective Experience


Part One

Sacramento ….Jan 1 2010

The flight had been delightful in the end. The reunited couple quickly becoming favorites for the crew as the lovers’ good spirits permeated the cabin. Somewhere over Kansas (or Illanois) the champagne was replaced by an apparently endless supply of fine cognac, coffee and a selection of chocolates. Xander was relieved to note that they had followed sundown, and at the terminal were able to ‘exit the building’ without concern.

The trip from the airport to ‘home’ had been strangely quiet. Xander worried that his newly established lover might not approve of… whatever it was people disapproved of in these circumstances… his job, his home, the ‘working day’ rather than the ‘holiday Xander’ of the last few days. As he pushed open the pale solid wood door and invited his guest in, the worry intensified to panic.

His apartment was exemplary – for an upwardly mobile, successful, very single (and now confirmed gay) guy in Sacramento. Devoid of the detritus usually indicating loving habitation, it was neat to the point of being a magazine feature.

“Bloody hell Xan you’re worse than me sire! Do I need to take off m’ shoes at the door or should I just stand here ‘til you de-louse me so’s I meet your approval!”

Xander’s back was to his friend when the statement came, but fortunately heard the mirth in the voice. When he turned, the friendly grin and customary snort from Spike was all Xander needed to confirm that he was worrying about the wrong things. Spike had come to be with him, and was probably the least likely person to care about the sterile, or otherwise, state of his abode.

Almost to emphasize this point, what followed was a progressive ‘de-clothing’ and consequent ‘untidying’ of the apartment as Spike launched himself at his tense partner and proceeded to kiss and undress him as they made their way to Xander’s neutral tone bedroom.

A short time later, lying on the large bed, spooned by his smaller companion in a haze of ‘coming down’, Xander smiled contentedly – making a silent wish to whoever might be listening, that the emotional roller coaster ride of the last few days – and particularly the angst in the past twenty four hours - would be an aberration and not indicative of a pattern for the rest of the year.


The next morning did not start too smoothly. Xander had woken to Spike’s yelp of pain, the smell of singed flesh and a vampire scrambling over him to the relative safety of the dark corner near the side table.

Both of them had checked the curtains the previous night but failed to notice that though Xander’s south facing picture windows were well covered, the rising eastern sun had crept through a tiny crack caused by a discarded piece of clothing at the very end of the track.

Xander sprinted to shut out the lethal sunshine, then turned to his cowering friend who, he noted, was currently in game face gently licking the burnt hand and arm in an effort to both calm himself and accelerate healing.

Xander raced to the kitchen, threw some ice into a towel and returned to sit beside the injured vampire, handed him the cool towel then pushed his wrist under Spike’s nose. Spike pulled back with a look of embarrassment in the golden eyes, and mumbled a hurt “’ll be alright.”

“Drink.. please… God Spike… you have to. I’ve got no blood in the house until I can come home with some at lunchtime – and you need to heal.” The human pushed the limb forward again. This time his partner nodded, laved the wrist first, then pressed the razor sharp canines against the flesh so gently that when they slid in Xander hardly felt anything beyond the sensuous licking and sucking that drew the precious liquid. All too soon for Xander, the wrist was returned and a near inaudible “Thank you, Xan” came from his now blue eyed lover.

Xander reached over, took the injured arm carefully, stroking the skin that had remained in tact and leaned over to kiss the still sleep tousled curls, then rested his cheek against their softness continuing to pet and comfort his lover.

“I’m *so* sorry Spike… I’m *so* sorry. If I’d woken earlier I could have checked… I mean… Geez! What if…”

“Stop it luv…stop it” He turned to lock blue eyes on the guilt filled brown one, “Not your fault… master vampire remember – century and a half under me belt, you reckon I shouldn’t ‘ave realized? This is nothing pet, had far worse runnin’ in and outa your mobs’ homes under that bloody blanket after the bloody chip.” Instead of the relief he had predicted the reaction was one of horror. *Oh Bollocks, *not* the right thing to say*

“Oh G… Spike… I never… and I was all ‘Fangless’ and you were… Oh I am so, so sorry!... How can you even…” Spike cut him off with a swift kiss.

“Not the point luv, just sayin’… and Xan?... Please look at me pet….?” Spike waited until he had the full attention of his distressed companion, “”s the best breakfast I’ve had for ages.” Accompanied by an infectious grin, Xander could do little but relax and hug his partner to him. Spike felt the smile against his collar bone…. *Another ‘crisis’ over*

After some coaxing, and much reassuring and checking of window drapes, Xander had departed for work, Spike slept until just after three then rose to begin his day. True to his word Xander had dropped off a few days’ supply of animal supplemented by four bags of ‘ABpos’ but had not woken his sleeping companion. He had stood watching his friend sleep motionless for a time. Pondering the strangeness of seeing someone without breath, sleeping. He also wondered at the innocent and stunningly beautiful face, as always appearing younger in its repose.

Spike had woken slowly, ‘supped’ fitfully then written uninterrupted for almost three hours until a key in the door signaled the arrival of his ‘some’t better to do!’

Pleasuring his friend was almost effortless. Xander was progressively stripped from the door as he entered from work until he was pressed into the bed without protest. Spike had never had a more responsive or willing human partner, certainly none that could be described as lovers. He had waited until his human fell into a sated sleep, snuggled for a while then returned to his writing. He slipped back into the bed as he felt the heartbeat speed up, capturing his lover in a cool embrace as though he had been present all night. And so a pattern was set…

They had stayed in the first night; on the second ‘did’ a Korean restaurant and movie then returned; on the third they ordered out and watched DVDs ‘in’; on the fourth Xander was caught in a meeting with clients until late, but came home to a very nude Spike cooking classic Italian cuisine clad – for his own protection - in a small hand towel that he had somehow fastened around his hips with the aid of a long piece of ‘multipurpose kitchen tie’ and a good deal of ingenuity.

On the fourth night Xander stopped to consider.

In just on two weeks, their lives had gone from tumultuous scenes of long lost lovers in a frantic holiday romance, to domesticated nudism, queries about pasta preferences, and sleepy video evenings (not that certain post movie activities weren’t ‘of the definite good’… )

Xander had three problems on his mind – the first originating from the apparent ease and swiftness with which their ‘couple-dom’ had evolved. The second, the fact that he had let two of his closest workmates know of his ‘switch hitting’ a while back but was celibate at the time, and now he really did need to ‘come out’ if only to acknowledge Spike. And the third and most difficult problem, a sickening sense of impending crisis as ‘Xander and friend’ were invited to his CEO’s birthday on Sunday – an evening barbeque no less – compulsory attendance.

Part Two

Xander stumbled through the door late Friday evening, over tired and rather cranky, suit jacket over his shoulder and tie askew, briefcase and three tubes containing building plans clamped rather precariously under one arm. He had all but forgotten he had a guest when he tripped over the large mail delivery that had apparently come while he was at work.

“Oh for *f@#k* sake! Spike!!!’

His house guest arrived seconds later, leaning against the bedroom door jam, bare-chested, top button of his jeans undone, and appearing relaxed and pleased to see him. Xander took several seconds to process the centerfold-ready picture his lover presented and was left with a combination of annoyance at his partner’s good humor, and pleasure at finding someone who might counter his bad mood. He sighed heavily, dropped the accoutrements of the day, moved to his vampire and pulled him into a tight hug that spelt tired adoration.

“Hey sweetheart. ‘Cha been up to today?”

“Until now? Only been up a couple ‘a hours.”

Xander groaned his envy at this statement…

“Writing mostly – logged on, had a chat to a few folks, uploaded me next chapter, read some… That sort of thing. Oh and I had to do a bit of money stuff – figured you wouldn’t mind, I used your land line for a few calls…”

Xander put his head down on his partner’s shoulder and just held on for a moment, licking and nipping gently at the base of his neck.

He stilled, answered, “Nahh ‘s fine”, then went back to his ministrations. Spike arched his neck back to allow more access to the sensitive spot, and at the same time snaked his arm around his partner’s hips and pulled him closer.

The vampire rocked them both gently for a moment then gave a lust filled, “C’mon lover let’s you ‘n me find something more interestin’ to do, than standin’ in the entrance hall.” He wiggled an eyebrow suggestively, pushed a knee between Xander’s legs and pressed his hardness against his partner’s hip. He then squeezed the backside one more time and pulled his tired partner toward the bedroom.

Xander let out a loud ‘umph’ as he was pushed back onto the bed. His shoes and socks were removed before he struggled determinedly and sat up, protesting that he needed a shower.


“What no!?”

“I smell bad… let me shower… ”

“Like you the way you are luv… c’mon… missed you…”

“C’mon Spike, stinky boy here.”

“Nah pet, you just smell like you… all lust and salt, musk and male…” As if to prove a point, he slowly tugged his partner’s shirt from its tucked position, buried his nose in the flesh, sniffed loudly then licked around the exposed belly button.

Xander stopped his amorous partner mid suckle, pushing the tongue from its task, closed his eyes and determinedly stated, “Spike!… Stop!… sorry… just stop… I need to… just…No...No!!”

Spike reeled back with surprise at the final ‘No’, memories of a certain blonde many years earlier salting an old wound. In truth, Xander’s demeanor was one of self disgust not annoyance with his significant other as he pushed away, but his lover was long gone by the time he reopened his eyes.

Oblivious of the level of hurt incurred, he shrugged off the rest of his clothes and wandered to find the welcome jet of hot water.

Xander had half expected company in the shower but as he emerged from the bathroom, rubbing his hair with a towel, he saw the door to the study pulled almost shut and heard the furious tapping of computer keys. Deciding that Spike must have resolved to do some writing, he wandered into the lounge, noting that the fish tank needed cleaning again; that he really should do some laundry; and that his work gear was still lying in the entrance hall and needed retrieving. Instead of following the innate urge to tidy, he grabbed a large cushion from the recliner and lay nose down on the soft leather of the four-seater to ponder the ‘crappiness’ of his day.

He and his team had spent months on the tender, a multi-million dollar contract with seventeen key sites across California, a government project no less, and only days away from signing when he went away. But a change of the governor’s staff and intervention by lobbyists over the Christmas-New Year break, had seen the project disintegrate into a political quagmire of epic proportions. They had finally been told today that there was “a possibility of re-tendering in a year or so…. after we re-evaluate the changing needs of all stake holders.” *Right… that makes me feel *so* much better!* His boss had been careful to point out that Xander’s team had done nothing wrong per se – indeed was most complimentary, but it still left Xander feeling flat and upset and uncannily like Xander the Zeppo of Sunnydale…

And yet…Turning to face the balcony window, he spotted the flare of a lighter followed by the glow of a cigarette in the dark. He realised Spike had again been left unattended. *And the award for the worst host in the world goes to……* He stood, rewrapped the bath towel to Roman approved toga standard and headed outside.

Spike was facing away from him as Xander pulled open the sliding doors. He flicked a glowing butt over the balcony and continued to stare into the night.


It came as a demand not a question.

“Just came out to spend some..”

“No.” This time the answer was an emotion filled growl.

Spike still had not turned to face him, and Xander felt a sinking sense of real fear and rejection as he stared at his partner’s tense shoulders and white knuckled grip of the balcony rail.

“Spike, wha...” He was cut off by a hand thumping the rail hard.

“You said no, so that’s it…. I wasn’t even… You *know* I wouldn’t! Never have… Couldn’t …ever... Even when I didn’t… But you said no... so… ” There was a pause and heavy sigh into the night. The voice dropped to almost a whisper, “Always a bad man… just thought… knew it was too good… but for a few days… thought for a moment… but always the bad man…” the words trailed off.

Xander suddenly realized the gravity of the issue, and was acutely aware of his role in the present *and* the history – his hatred of the blonde vocalized even after they were reluctant partners in ‘Buffy’s wake’; the condemnation that endured after the soul; all recalled and distilled by his simple ‘no’ this evening. That ‘no’ borne of fatigue and frustration had nothing to do with Spike or the past, yet was a direct hit of depth charge proportions to the vampire’s hope for their blossoming relationship. That single, simplest of words had rekindled memories of the harshness and insanity of the chipped years, the sadness, the hunger and errors borne of desperation.

“Oh…God… Spike! Sweetheart… I am *so* sorry… I didn’t…”

“You don’t get to do that…” the voice was flat, low and without emotion.

“Do what??? Spike I was just tired – tired and pissed off… but not with you …. Not with you! Do you understand… Come on Spike…. Please understand?!” Xander walked up behind his partner and pulled him into a spooned hug, but the vampire’s head remained down and there was no effort to show love in return. The self loathing was running far too close to the surface to contemplate letting anyone else ‘in’.

“No.” Spike remained firmly facing away from his friend and pushed out of the embrace to flee to the other side of the small balcony.

Xander was at a loss, the women he had dated were always so articulate when it came to any of his
errors, and defined their needs very specifically as to how he was to ‘fix things’. Yet now he was faced with a male vampire, golden eyes shedding blood tinged tears, as taciturn as his broody sire, and currently refusing to look at him.

He did the only thing he could think of and walked into the study, noted the laptop on screen saver and hit the space bar. A document opened,

“No one to tell
No one to tell
Century and a half
Not a fast study
E’en now
Hurt the boy

Broken, defective, ce moi
Teacup with no handle
Repugnant, despicable, contemptible
Was it always thus?
Demon eyes drip blood
Silent markers on marble cheeks

Eternal hatred
Damned to solitude
The soul bleeds
The soul bleeds”

There was no rhyming, no pentameter, no rhythmic imperative… just the overwhelming evidence of

Realization hit hard. Spike was in Sacramento *because* of Xander. Yet had been left on his own all day, every day, and borne it without complaint. Whenever his host was present Spike had been attentive and loving, and yet Xander had repaid that by rejecting him in the cruelest possible way… reminding him of the event that drove him to regain his soul in the first place.

*Oh My God… Omygod!* Xander flew outside in time to see the swish of a duster as it disappeared over the third story balcony, though heard no sound as the vampire landed and sped away.

He had hoped for a quiet ‘makeup’ snuggle with his undead partner but seemed to have badly miscalculated Spike’s level of hurt. He contemplated searching for the vampire, quickly deciding that there was little merit in trying. One thing vampires excelled at was disappearing into the night…

Xander watched his way through two of the three Lord of the Rings extended versions in his collection before falling into a dissatisfied sleep, balcony door still wide open to let in any errant partners.

He was woken around daybreak with the warble of various birds; the pain in his back from a number of misplaced cushions on the couch; and an overall feeling of cold.

He pushed up and went to the bedroom with the vague hope that he would find his friend in bed asleep, but Spike had not returned…

Saturday was supposed to be about lying in with his guest; about fooling around and snoozing afterwards; about pondering what they might do that night. Instead Xander was left with a sense of dread. This wasn’t like losing a puppy, one couldn’t put an ad in the local drug store window or on the back of a milk carton ‘Lost one vampire – answers to the name ‘Spike’’!

He checked the underground garage of the apartment twice, then stared into and called repeatedly down a sewer entrance in the next street, all to no avail.

By nightfall he was frantic, alone and beginning to grieve for the friend he was convinced had gone for good. He could do nothing. The sheer powerlessness and the not knowing too reminiscent of other times… Times of war and loss and grieving… and the Sunnydale Xander.

He jumped online on his own computer, hoping in vain that Spike might have somehow sent a message… then logged off again almost immediately, frustrated by his own stupidity. He rang a work colleague at 8pm, hoping that the distraction of a club or at least a beer and a movie might be on offer. The answering machine chirped a promised call back and hoped he had a good night. *If only that could be true.*

He wasn’t stupid enough to go wandering to look for his friend in the gloom of the evening, too many years on a hellmouth left him with a self preserving avoidance of such activities, though he was sorely tempted to do just that. Instead he poured a full glass of the JD that had been purchased specifically for his missing friend, forewent the ice, and sat in front of the absentee’s computer for the third time that day.

There was mail in the inbox this time, and Xander opened it.

“FB for “Dark Princess”

Dearest NP

Thank you for writing again!

I observe that when tears drop onto a keyboard, they inevitably end up on the letter 'n' and spread from there.....

Your story is poignant, evocative, and speaks of an acute loss that only those who have felt the same might dare to express. Through your impeccable characterizations you draw a picture of angst all the better for its 'societally expected' formalities (or lack thereof), and the absence of resolution that accompanies the death of a beloved... the exquisitely understated painand grief in this piece juxtaposed to the mundane discussion of what to do with her collection of dolls…all so *very close to home*.....

Thank you for allowing tears to flow... to strike such a cord is to heal a little more.....

Your devoted reader

Xander sat staring at the screen until he realised that he too was splashing large salty droplets onto the letter ‘n’.

He flung himself onto the couch and began to weep in earnest.

Sometime around 3am, he woke enough to grab a much needed glass of water, divest himself of clothes and bury his person miserably under the covers of the bed that until his error had been filled with a wriggling vampire who in sleep had alternated between starfish and limpet, either of which would have been unbelievably welcome now. He grabbed a pillow hugged it tight and fell back into an uneasy slumber.

Rising again around seven Xander pulled on a t-shirt, sweat pants and headed out to buy a paper and hopefully find a bakery open. Depression called for donuts.

Opening the door resulted in a very drunk, very injured vampire collapsing onto the entrance hall floor.

“Oh sweetheart!! Oh thank god! Oh Spike”

He dropped to the ground, cradled the beloved, now blood covered, head in his lap and pondered
what to do next.

Part Three

His donut mission forgotten, Xander gently stroked the vampire’s bloodied blonde hair and carefully ran the other hand over the rest of the body, examining for more serious wounds. He gingerly lifted his near comatose friend, carried him to the bathroom, placed him on the mat and began to run a bath.

He stripped his lover, noting the deep bruising on the torso that even vampire healing rates had only just begun to address. There was a puncture wound in his shoulder that appeared as though something sharp and very pointy had penetrated.

“God Spike! What happened? Who did this?”

Spike whimpered as one of Xander’s hands slid under the badly injured shoulder and he was lifted no longer protected by the leather duster. The human heard him begin to breathe in an attempt to pant through the pain. As Xander settled the vampire into the heat of the bath water and knelt along side, he heard his lover grind out “Slayer.”

Xander paled and felt instantly cold…

“Oh god Spike. Who? Not one of the Sunnyhell crew surely…. Oh geez Spike, I could have lost you…. I could have lost you! And it was my fault, all my fault.”
Spike’s eyes fluttered open for a moment as he whispered, “Nahhh pet. New bint. No one’s fault. Just happened. ‘Sides, Slayer of Slayers... ‘member?” The statement would have seemed far more convincing had Spike not flinched with pain at that moment.

Xander carefully cleaned the blood from Spike’s hair – relieved to find the crimson fluid had all but come from a simple cut on his hairline.

Of more concern was the puncture wound near the collar bone. Xander sluiced it with clean water from the tap then a little disinfectant. He stood and watched his friend for a moment as an exhausted head fell back onto the bath edge and eyes fell shut. Xander left him to rest, headed for the kitchen, briskly heated two bags of blood, poured them into a large soup mug and carried it back to the bathroom.

Spike opened his eyes as he smelt the food.

“What is it with you and feedin’ me in the bloomin’ bathtub pet?”

“C’mon Spike – hardly the same is it?!”

“Dunno, you might enjoy a bit of cuffs ‘n chains action these days.” Spike wiggled his scarred eyebrow a little, but accepted the blood with no further comment, downing it in one go, then leaned back once more with a heavy sigh.

Xander replenished the hot water and let his injured friend soak for another fifteen minutes.

He picked up the blood soaked t-shirt and filthy jeans, throwing them into the wash basket. He slung the duster onto a good wooden hanger and pegged it to the edge of the cupboard, then returned to retrieve his now slightly rosy partner from the bath. Spike looked significantly improved, but still allowed the human to lift him to the bed.

Xander took particular care not to bump the injured shoulder, gently easing the vampire down to a semi reclining position and tucking up the covers. As he moved to stand however, his companion smiled knowingly and pulled him back down. “Hey luv, stay a while?” then added a “Please?” the word along with the somewhat shy smile, far more effective than any physical force he could have applied. Xander complied, lying on his side and stretching a hand over to caress and pet his friend.

“God Spike, I thought you had gone for good! I was so scared that you had gone for good!”

“Oi, some credit here whelp! Harder to get rid of than that, pet. Just got a bit caught up is all.” He looked pointedly at the bruised knuckles on his left hand.

“So what happened Spike – what were you doing taking on a Slayer – that’s no you any more?! And drunk as well?!”

“Course it’s not bloody me. And just for the record – got drunk after, well mostly! Anyway, stupid bint caught me doin’ a little recon around McKinley Park. She must’ve seen me in game face when I took on a couple of ‘charmers’ who were hasslin’ some old homeless bloke behind the community centre. Think she misinterpreted the situation a mite. I felt the tingle of her I guess, but was a little preoccupied at the time…”

“Jesus, Spike, didn’t you explain who you were?!”

“Well...No!... Not exactly much point was there! Shall I do the full rebuttal for you, or just go for the summary?!… One: I am *supposed* to be dead – accordin’ to the watcher records – three times, if the bint had bothered to study… which I doubt – given her lack of banter, obviously not the sharpest pencil in the box.”

“But you only died twice! You survived the fight with the senior partners!”

“And only me sire an’ me knew that… and now you o’ course. Anyway….Two: kind of busy fending off ‘Ms Wannabe Electra” slayer’s bloody messy fighting style – don’t know what they’re teachin’ them these days but I swear I could have put a third notch on me belt without even tryin’ if I’d bin inclined.”

“But she staked you in the shoulder!”

“Do you *honestly* think that would have stopped me, were I fightin’ for real?!... C’mon mate, bit o’ credit… I wasn’t *trying* to kill her… if the daft bitch had taken two seconds to sort the situation, she would ‘ave seen that too!”

“Shit Spike, we have to let the guys at Watcher HQ know you are around… How the hell did you live in Boston for so long without being found?”

Spike raised a disdainful eyebrow and didn’t bother to qualify the question with a reply.

“And thirdly: I hardly think that the ‘No really, I’m a ‘good’ vampire with an investment portfolio and web based literary career’ is a particularly compelling argument mid fight yeah!”

“And again I marvel at the focused debating skills, maintained by the scholar from prehistory”

“Oi!!!” Spike, this time pulled away looking quite indignant.

“Hee hee, come on Spike! I get it OK! I just think that it’s time you let Giles or Willow know you survived. I mean… Both of them really cared about you.”

“Watcher bloody didn’t! Complicit in a daft plot to have me done in by the Slayer’s boy. Not t’ mention a number of nasty bathtime incidents post chip!” Spike cocked his head and waited.

“OK, but not after you saved them all! Giles knew that… And not after the ‘mysterious funds’ came to the Watchers Council – he must have known it was you.” Yet as he said it, Xander realized, all the money had apparently flowed from Angel. And if they had known of Spike through Andrew, all of the money flow predated the two master vampires’ apparent demise in the final battle with the Black Thorn and the Senior Partners’ army.

“God, Spike they really don’t know do they?”

“No, an’ you’re not bloody telling them!”

“But… Just Willow, at least tell Willow! She liked you Spike. She went through stuff and she understood the darkness and what you did to make it right…”

“Listen pet, I may be beaten and tired, and still a little pissed off with you for bein’ such an f’ing prick the other night… but let’s keep our heads down for a bit longer, aye mate?”

Xander stroked down the defined cheekbones then placed his hand on the back of Spike’s neck, caressed Angelus’ claim mark with his thumb and leaned forward to kiss his partner. “OK sweetheart, when you’re ready though… OK… but no more outdoor adventures without me at your back while you’re here – agreed?”

“Hopin’ to have you at my back in more than one fashion in the very near future ‘s a matter o’ fact….. or me at yours.” The lascivious grin defined the end of the argument, signaled that the vampire was recovering rather quickly, and marked the beginning of an hour of heavy petting, and general fondling alternating with the ‘who’s at who’s back’ game.

It was almost five when Xander awoke from a sated snooze, his limpet friend firmly attached to his side, and suddenly remembered the work party.

“Geez Spike get up, c’mon shower and get up… we’ve gotta go in an hour!”

“Oh, Bloody Hell!”

Part Four

Spike sat in the lounge watching a muted game of soccer on cable and tapping his foot. He’d waiting for his dinner partner for more than twenty minutes.

“Bloody hell Harris, how long does it take you to put on a shirt?!!”

His partner answered from the en suite, “It’s alright for you and the not worrying about the reflection! But these are my colleagues and I kinda need to…”

“Oh Please! You sound like me bloody sire! Just get your cute derrière out here and let me fix the rest!”

Xander appeared at the door, a shirt in either hand and a sheepish look on his face.

Spike didn’t even look up. “The Mambo button down.”

“Wha..?? How did you..?? OK. Stop right there – How did you…..?”

“Just put it on, you know I’m right.” Spike stood and stalked toward the door.

Xander could not help but admire his partner’s penchant for seeming ‘larger than life’ regardless of his attire. Spike was effortlessly beautiful. He was dressed in a black ruffled shirt, obviously expensive dark grey pants and an almost knee length matching jacket. He had tied back his blonde curls with a simple black strip of leather, and the one or two escaping curls gave him a less formal, deliberately roguish, twenty something appearance. *(Gay) Xander and (the apparently younger and extremely attractive) friend.* He groaned, buttoned down the suggested shirt, tied the arms of cream colored sweater around his neck and grabbed the birthday gift from the kitchen bench. He trusted Spike enough to know that there was little need for a ‘cover story’ and yet Xander suddenly felt even less confident of what the coming evening might hold given his friend’s poster boy appearance.

The drive to the party was somewhat tense. He knew they were a little later than planned but figured the celebrations would be in full swing, somewhat taking the focus off their entrance. Xander attempted to calm his own nerves by pointing out a few of the company projects as they drove through downtown. Spike tried to look vaguely interested, smiled, then put his hand on Xander’s thigh and caressed his partner lightly.

“Stop worrying pet. I’ll be good, until I get you back home that is – then I promise to be bloody marvelous.” Xander caught the trade mark smirk out of the corner of his eye, sighed and focused on trying to keep his arousal at bay, an increasingly difficult task given the hand by now stroking perilously close to his groin and now accompanied by his own visuals of just how Spike might be ‘bloody marvelous’ later. By the time they pulled up outside the party, he was contemplating multiple chaos demons and accompanied slime. That and the rekindling of his extreme nervousness as they got out of the car finally seemed to do the trick.

Just before they walked up the drive, Spike grabbed his partner’s hand, brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it firmly. An almost shy smile and the low “That’ll have to last you ‘til later, luv,” had Xander back thinking of slime.

The doorbell was answered by his boss’s fourteen year old daughter, Janine. Xander noted her wide eyed stare and slightly nervous giggle as he introduced his friend William. Spike had nodded politely but stood well back and made no attempt to enter the house. Xander suddenly realizing that the invitation clause still applied to the vampire.

“So are we…?” Xander gestured toward the hallway and finally Janine, who was still staring at Spike, grinned with embarrassment and gave the obligatory “Oh, yeah come in, gahh sorry please, come in.”

They were led through a large hallway with a broad staircase and white marble floor, past a formal lounge then the dining room and out to a large entertaining area that opened onto a deck. The hostess of the evening rushed over as she saw Xander, dragging two female companions with her.

“Alexander, how lovely to see you, Jim said you were coming but I didn’t realize you were bringing company.”

“Um, gosh, sorry, I did let him know but…” Xander nervousness began to show.

“Oh you naughty boy, don’t you apologize,” she slapped him on the wrist playfully and batted her eyelashes at Spike, “It’s wonderful to have another attractive single male around. I was just saying to Cheryl and Em that all the good ones here tonight are already taken.”

She smiled brightly at Spike and held out her hand, “Hi, I’m Sandy, and this is Cheryl, she’s my husband’s PA.” The woman on Sandy’s left gave a shy smile and dropped her eyes to the floor, reminding Spike of a certain blonde witch from Sunnydale. “And this Emma, my tennis partner, and they’re both single so you two could be in luck tonight.” Assumptions had been made but Xander still tried not to look at his vampire for fear of laughing at the last statement, he somehow hoped luck would have nothing to do with it.

Spike took Sandy’s proffered hand but instead of simply shaking it as the woman expected, he kissed the back, and in the quiet tones Xander remembered from breakfast in Boston, said, “Charmed I’m sure, William Aurelius at your service.” Xander could barely contain a giggle as Sandy squealed “Oooh you’re English”, grabbed Spike by the arm, signaled to her friends to follow, and started to show William around her home. As they left the room and headed back toward the lounge, Xander heard her gushing enthusiastically about the various pieces of art, her pet Siamese cat and the general design details of the house.

Left to his own devices Xander wandered outside to greet is work mates. There were only about twenty people present all standing around relaxed with drinks in hand. He shook hands with a number of the men and simply nodded to others, “Adam, Mike…Jim”. Passing the bottle of port he had been holding over to the host, he gave a smile “Many Happy Returns”.

“Xander, much appreciated.” Putting the gift on the top of the small bar fridge, the guest of honour leaned down, took out a beer and handed it to Xander. The conversation amongst the small group of his colleagues’ gathered around the fridge, reverted back to what it was before Xander joined them - one of work issues, fishing, and Jim and Adam’s recent golfing exploits.

Some half hour or so later, Xander found himself standing next to the barbeque chatting to civil engineer and work friend, Andy, while the other man prodded the thick steaks and salmon slices with a fork.

“I thought you were going to bring that friend from Boston with you. What’s his name again?”

“S..William – yeah he came. Jim’s wife is showing him around the house.”

“Trying to match-make for that friend of hers more like.” Andy grinned and as he looked over to the patio doors Spike and entourage came through to join the others.

“Will was telling me that you two met at a poetry reading in Boston?” Sandy released Spike’s arm and wandered over to inspect the meat.

“Thought you said you knew each other for a while.” Andy put down the fork, wiped his hand on the barbeque apron, and took up his beer as he held out the wiped hand to Spike “Andy by the way.”

“William” Spike shook the man’s hand, “And yeah we worked together a while back. Certainly didn’t expect to find Xan in Boston.” Andy looked from Spike to Xander and back again. He saw the look of real affection in Xander’s eye and wondered if there was more to it. This William certainly was a good looking guy in an androgynous sort of a way, and by the looks of it, a fair
bit younger. Knowing his work colleague was gay was one thing but possibly meeting Xander’s lover over a beer and a chat seemed, oddly, much more of a challenge. He frowned a little at that thought but continued to converse pleasantly.

“So what do you do William?”

“Investing mostly.”

“Oh you’re broker?”

“No client.”

Andy looked puzzled as Jim joined the group, handed Spike a beer and nodded his welcome.

“Ever considered West Coast property?” the host asked.

“Sold out of LA when we went to Boston.”


“My Da and I. Was just the two of us left so we ah... He died a while back.” Spike’s look of pain had Xander wanting to pull him into a tight hug and away from the interrogation. He tried to will his support instead.

“Sorry to hear that, he elderly?” Jim looked genuinely concerned.

“Not old enough.” Recognizing grief and hurt in the young man’s eyes, Jim immediately shifted to fatherly mode and worked to change the conversation.

“They never are son…. So, while you’re out here guess you’re going to do a bit of sightseeing. What’s Xander got planned for you boys on the weekend?” Jim looked expectantly at the Xander.

Hardly able to say “pounding my undead lover into the mattress, sleep, then let him do me.”, the brunette said the first thing that came to mind, “Um, I think we’re planning on working out aren’t we Will?” He looked to his lover for help, not initially aware of his unintentional double entendre.

Spike raised an eyebrow and began to smile, but saw the look of panic on his lover’s face and took the hint, “Um yeah, like to keep in shape, bit of martial arts and so forth…”

Andy, who was now piling the cooked meat onto a platter, piped up, “You should try the racket club near my place, open 24 hours – that way you two could go later and use your day for other things. Hey, how about I meet you there tomorrow night and we can have a few rounds of tennis.”

“Not sure Xander is much for tennis mate – leastways not at night.”

Andy looked over at the eye patch and recognized his error, “Oh, sorry man, how about racketball then?”

Xander, not realizing Spike’s displeasure at the prospect of ball sports, was actually warming to the idea, “If we can do basketball you’re on.”

“Done, time?”

“Round eight work for you?”

“You’re on – I’ll see if anyone else wants to come too.” He turned to find if there were some other similarly minded workmates and wandered inside with the meat. A short time later, Jim invited them all inside to start the meal.

As soon as everyone else was out of ear shot Spike looked at his friend and growled quietly, “What did you bloody well go and do that for Harris! I had us out of trouble there ‘til you opened your trap. Now we’re gonna be playing sodding ball games instead of having games with each other’s balls!”

“Cmon Spike, it’ll only be a couple of hours.”

“Yeah, couple of hours less of shagging my boy,” Spike’s voice was getting louder.

“Shhh Spike! OK look sorry OK didn’t realize you weren’t keen? But it will be fine you’ll see.”

Spike gave Xander a look of disbelieving annoyance and spun away from the conversation to stalk inside.

The meal was a pleasant enough, a serve yourself affair with plenty of ‘pass the…’s, please’s and thank you’s, and a steady flow of wine. Jim had seen his wife’s enthusiasm for Xander’s slender young friend but hadn’t really taken much notice of his daughter’s until they were almost finished their main course. Under the guise of being a good hostess some very obvious teenage flirting was taking place at the opposite side of the table. Jim noticed that William, though keeping the exchange very polite was also engagingly attentive and seemed apparently oblivious to Janine’s attraction.

He noted that William excused himself from the table as dessert was served, retreating to the garden for a smoke. And that his daughter had made a flimsy excuse to leave the table shortly afterward. Not knowing William well enough he still harbored some concern, so chose to also excuse himself and observe the girl at a distance, taking care of any ‘issues’ that might emerge.

What he saw from the balcony endeared him to the young man even more. As he approached he saw William sitting on a garden wall, a deliberately large distance from Jim’s daughter, smoking a cigarette, ignoring her hair flicking and intuitively flirtatious posturing. Personal questions were being deflected or answered succinctly and without innuendo.

“So… where did you go to school?”


“Yeah but where?”

“Reading School – boys only”

“Ooooh that’s like a private school, are your folks really rich?”



Spike raised an eyebrow and looked at his young inquisitor, “Were – as in, they’re all dead.”

“Oh… Sorry” Janine’s face fell at that point, and Spike relented a little. The kid reminded him of the Bit in the months before Buffy’s loss.

“Don’t worry.” Silence fell and Spike flicked the butt out into the shrubbery and slid off the wall. Janine followed him.

“So do you have a girlfriend?” At this point the youngster moved much closer to her guest, Jim was ready to intervene when he stopped to listen to the quiet exchange.

“No pet, what about you?”

“Nope but I’d like one, Dad thinks I’m too young but you know, it’s important to date don’t you think?” She looked at Spike expectantly, figuring he was the next youngest person at the party and hoping for some affirmation.

“Not so sure about that, figure it’s important to keep your distance until you know who they really are.”

Janine leaned toward him again, forcing Spike to step back.

“So, if we were at school together would you date me?” Her body language reeked of an attempt to captivate. She idled forward and to stand far closer than was the personal zone.

The double edged sword did not escape Spike’s notice, and he immediately had disturbing images of a flirting Dawn and various boys at Sunnydale High. He really was beginning to feel uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation and despite their previous argument, was keen to locate Xander, then take his lover and himself to their apartment *alone and soon*, and participate in more preferable activities.

“Listen pet, don’t get me wrong, you are a very attractive lass, all bright and near grown up from what I’ve seen, but I really don’t think I should answer that.” He stepped well away from her, and hoped that she would take the hint.

It was obviously not the response the girl had hoped for, and she immediately switched to ‘offended mode’, turning on her unwilling companion, “Why not? You’re not that much older than me and I am *so* datable pal!” Spike took a couple more steps back and began to form a suitably placating response.

“I’ve no doubt, no doubt at all, look I think I need to get back to the house yeah?”

The girl, obviously unimpressed, huffed her frustration and stormed off in the direction of the swimming pool.

Jim retreated, pleased that the young man had done the honorable thing and extricated himself without the need for a father to embarrass his daughter by intervening.

Sandy observed her husband and then Spike surreptitiously returning to the party, and saw the look of deep concern on Xander’s face and watched a subtle reassuring touch of hands as his friend rejoined them. It was a simple gesture but to Sandy, explained away a world of questions confirming yet again her hypothesis that ‘all the good ones were taken… or gay!’

Not long after, Xander judged it polite to leave and smiled a signal of their departure to a relieved Spike who managed to extricate himself from the in depth and rather tedious dialogue, he was by that stage enduring, regarding the merits of touring the USA versus Europe. A discussion to which, Xander noted, Spike had virtually managed to avoid contributing, somewhat of a lesson in restraint given his vast knowledge of the ‘other continent’ and his fellow party goers’ rather ill informed observations particularly regarding England.

Sandy and Jim saw them to the door.

As they watched the men walk down the drive Jim commented “He’s a nice lad, very respectable, good head on his shoulders.”

“Hmm, they do make a good couple don’t you think?”

Her husband shut the door with a bang and hurried after his retreating wife… “What do you mean ‘couple?’”

Spike heard the door shut and growled out, "Your ass is mine tonight Harris - you owe me one mighty shag for that little effort."

Xander, equally relieved, took off at a run toward the car, grinning, "Last one to the B'mer bottoms."

He was always going to lose.

Part Five

The relief of having the party over, saw the trip home requiring a two stops. One to pick up some more liquid refreshment (of the blood variety) for the coming week, and the second so Xander could avoid slamming them both into random stationary objects as Spike freed the driver’s very obvious erection and enveloped it to the back of a cool throat and began to work it expertly. After only two very proficient moves up and down, Xander managed to park in a relatively dark spot in the ‘nicer’ suburb they were traveling through. Making sure the windows were obscured from view at least from one side by the trunk rather large elm, he was silently thankful that windows of houses opposite were out of view behind their own row of trees and it was unlikely that much traffic would come past at this hour.

Happy with the stopping point, he adjusted the steering wheel up as far as it would go, pushed the seat back and dropped the backrest to near horizontal. Spike momentarily lost his contact and scowled at the interruption.

Noting his friend’s awkward position but obvious annoyance at the break in proceedings, Xander coaxed, “C’mon Spike – the console is no-one’s friend right now. And hey, if you can go top the other way I might be able to return the favor?” Spike saw his friend’s decidedly lusty grin, instantly dropped his own seat back in an effort to get into the rear seat, and somehow divested himself of his pants on the way through. He kissed his partner passionately as he swung around and positioned himself sixty nine fashion using the back seat, door handle and offending consol as support points. As he returned to his task, he felt his own hardness enveloped in a warm and well educated mouth.

Spike groaned his pleasure around the warmth in his own throat, eliciting a matching sound when the vibrations heightened the stimulation for his partner, and so was well rewarded by a copycat feeling. Xander moved his hands up to caress and squeeze the tight backside while he felt the soft fuzz of Spike’s sac brush his forehead and nose occasionally. A cool hand snaked under one leg to tickle along his perineum and nudge at his rear entrance. For all the maneuvering, it took only minutes for both parties to succumb to their climaxes. At the first feel of the balls above him lift and twitch in readiness, Xander released stream after stream of his own warm seed into the welcoming mouth, and swallowed the reciprocal cool jets with appreciation.

A few quiet, cleansing licks later, his partner lifted off and returned to the passenger side. Spike flopped back into the reclined seat and took up Xander’s hand. Interlocking their fingers he lifted the hand to his mouth and kissed the back gently.

“God Spike, that was so… good.”

“Wait ‘til we get home mate – told you, bloody marvelous still to come.”

Xander let out a needy whimper, “I’m gonna be crap at basketball tomorrow aren’t I.”

“Ohh, you bet your tanned ass… Oi just a thing… where’d you put that FedEx’d box you got on Friday?”

His now sated and rather sleepy partner replied, “Oh um, I’d almost forgotten, pushed it in the hall cupboard, out of the way.”

“You open it, luv?”

“Just said I forgot, what’s it to you?”

“Oh nothin’, jus’ curious I guess.” Xander had relaxed totally, closing his good eye and therefore missed the very wicked twinkle in the blue eyes of his soon to be quite marvelous lover.

They eventually returned to the apartment, arriving back at the door looking decidedly more disheveled than when they had departed.

Spike led his partner to the bedroom and pushed him back to rest on the bed and removed the loafers and socks.

“Shower pet?”

“Wha’? Oh! Yeah of course… um” Xander began to sit up but stopped staring at his partner a little sheepishly, “Are you coming… I mean will you come in too?”

“‘Course.” With that Spike hauled up his friend up to sit on the edge of the bed, then with a deliberately evocative stare, stood within touching distance and stripped slowly in front of his partner. As Xander finally succumbed to temptation and reached out his hand to caress, Spike spun around and headed for the bathroom.

Standing under the hot jet of water face tilted to take the full pressure from the faucet, the vampire felt rather than saw his partner enter the shower behind him.

He felt a warm slippery body spoon him from behind, erection obviously hard on his back. Two warm hands covered in liquid soap began sliding up and down his torso. A soapy hand stroked over Spike’s sex and Xander rubbed his own erection gently up and down Spike’s crack in time with the pace of his hand…

Spike leaned forward and braced himself hands on the wall. The nudging and fisting continued still without penetration of any kind. He needed more, trying to push back and force the issue a little, he finally gave in.

“Oh Guhhh! Xan, please, please!! C’mon luv! Need you…. in me… need you.”

Xander finally relented, grabbed some conditioner from the soap rack applied the makeshift lube and drove in with one resounding stroke.

Spike hissed at the intrusion, stilled, then pushed back. His partner responded by matching the rhythm of his hand. His own arousal at fever pitch, he knew it would not be long until he came, so sped up his ministrations until he could hear Spike begin to pant. Feeling his own climax approaching, he bit down hard on the vampire’s neck and thrust in hard. Spike tipped over the edge, arched back and splattered cold seed on the wall of the shower. The internal spasm drove Xander over the edge and Spike was rewarded the feeling of pulsing and a warm wash inside his rear channel.
He stood upright after a few long seconds, Xander still embedded, and threw his arms up behind his lover’s head and pulled him around for an awkward kiss.

“Oh pet… Hmmmmmmm” As Xander put his arms around the slim waist and hugged him close the vampire, began a strong purr.

Purr-er and purr-ie stood hugging and rocking in the afterglow until the water ran cold.

A few minutes later, sitting side by side on the bed wrapped in fluffy bath towels, Spike patted his partner’s leg.

“Stay there for a mo.” He stood and wandered out to retrieve the FedEx parcel from the hall cupboard. He returned to drop the box on the bed next to his partner.

“Spike? What the?”

“Aren’t you curious?”

“Sure but I thought we were… you know on the way to all naked again and…” Xander stared pointedly at his own groin.

“Oh we are pet just…..” he prodded the box again.

Xander sat up with a put upon groan, pulled the delivery closer and noted that the box had a simple PO Box Number as the return address. Intent upon his task, he missed seeing the twinkle in his partner’s eye. Xander pushed away the packing and then gasped as he began lifting out the contents. He read the note “Beware the Ides of March, S”, then began extracting the items. Toys of all descriptions, and not dissimilar to the ones they had in Boston with a few classic additions..

Hand made leather riding crop, wrist *and* ankle manacles, two flavors of lube, one cinnamon body oil, one white chocolate body paint, remote control vibrating butt plug (medium), one medium gel butt plug, one long silk scarf, two different styles of cock ring, two black thongs cut for men, a glass dildo similar to the one in Boston and one deep probe.

“God Spike what did you do?? Are we opening a franchise for Joy Enterprises or something?!”

“Nahh pet, just figured you might need some supplies for when I got here. Didn’t expect to be here quite so quickly but…. Well there you have it.”

Xander was putting all the items carefully on or in the side table within easy reach.

“So pet, you up for the one minute game?”

“The wha..?”

“One minute game… let me explain…”

“Same old rules ‘cept bloke on bloke.”

Spike observed that there was still *no* sign of comprehension from Xander.

“You know?! Uugh! The ‘One. Minute. Game’??! Oh Harris, where the hell have you been in your thirty somethin’ years… a bloody nunnery??!” Spike sighed very audibly. “Alright…. You get one minute to bring your partner to climax, once the minute is up, they get a go. First one to bring off their partner in the sixty seconds wins. And a couple of extras – just for you lover – anything goes but no riding or personal penetration until the eighth round, hence” Spike made a grandiose gesture indicating the toys, “ the purchases. Once a toy is in use you can’t remove it only the other person can if they wish. Oh, and no cheatin’ like ticklin’ and such when you’re the receiver.” Xander suddenly had a fond memory of a certain basement dart game with a (very ticklish) short haired blonde vampire many years earlier, and smiled broadly.

“Thought you always said rules were made for breaking Mr Tickles.” And to emphasize his point Xander dove onto his partner, pinning him as best a human might and began tormenting his lover with lightening fingers over ribs and under armpits.

“Gahhhh, get off you git!” The words were sincere but had no effect, his partner’s teasing grin accompanying the irritating fingertips that had found their new mark and began to mercilessly tickle his inner thigh. Spike finally relented and with pure vampire speed and maneuvering, spun them both, and flipped Xander onto his back with Spike lying on top. Xander’s arms were pinned above his head by one pale hand while the other had grabbed his balls and squeezed.

Saffron eyes and fangs greeted his surprised stare as he was told, “I. Said. No. Tickling!”

Xander still grinned as he noted the vampire breathing unnecessarily from the previous excitement “Alright, Alright! Alright!!!” He was released from the hold, “But let me get this straight… sixty second and anything goes (except for the obvious).”

“Now you’re gettin’ it.”

“And no toy removal”


“You want to bet on who comes first – ‘cause gotta say Bleach boy I am *so* gonna win this one.” He was considering the ‘came twice already’ factor and had decided that for once, human frailty and turn around time might actually be an advantage.

Spike smiled broadly, “You win, I wear spandex bike shorts and an orange shirt to the racket club thing tomorrow night.”

Xander got the visual and managed to grind out a joyous “Ho yeah!!” amongst his giggles.

“I win, *I* win….. you listenin you git ‘cause I *am* gonna win…... You better bloody well stop laughin’ Harris, t’weren’t *that* funny,” Spike looked a little nonplussed then continued with a pout, “ ‘S a matter o’ fact I reckon I’d pull up just fine in that clobber… Oh come *on*!”

Xander finally tempered his mirth when he detected Spike’s genuine annoyance. He pulled his partner down for a passionate kiss, said a heartfelt “Sorry I’m listening,” then waited for the flip side of the bet.

“I win you wear the butt plug to work… all day.”

Xander was immediately reminded of a certain encounter with some beads and a shopping adventure in Boston and winced. “You can’t be serious.”

“On both counts. Man o’ honor, you swear, I swear then the games begin.”

Xander thought for a few seconds, “You’re on, so who goes first?”



“Bloody hell Harris, coin…. Flip a coin, call it for who gets to call the starting roles – like cricket… fair play and all that…!”

“And yet again I marvel at the polite vampire and rules of high tea!.... OK, heads”

Spike grabbed a quarter from the small pile of change on the side table and flipped the coin.

“Heads it is. I am at your mercy.” He fell onto his back in the middle of the large bed, flicking away his towel in the process, and waited in his naked glory for a rather bemused Xander to decide what to do.

“I get to play with you first.”

“Right then”

After some seconds Spike heard a plaintive “Have we started cause, um…”

“No Harris,” Spike sighed but took pity on his confused partner, “Turn that damned alarm clock around so’s we can see, collect what you need, then we both call ‘go’ yeah…. Oh, and from the first go on, you only have 20 seconds to start, OK?”

“Yeah sure… um….”

#Round 1

They both nodded and the clock started. If Xander was obviously excited by the game rules, Spike made no comment since his partner was busy making his life… fun!

Xander began as he had in their lovemaking many times before, kissing passionately (reciprocated which was a relief), laving nipples and nipping at the offered pale neck. His move to spend time at the flat stomach and navel was costly time-wise, and just as the hands went to grasp the fuzzy sac, Spike called time. Xander fell on his back with thoughts of what he might do next.


Like every experienced Chess player, Spike knew he had a number of ‘interesting’ rounds before checkmate, so he picked up the cinnamon oil and poured a generous amount onto the submitted torso. Undulating and rubbing his own body up and down the front and side of the well oiled human, he began to caress around the groin areas with his hands but never settled to touch the now rock hard sex.

In the last fifteen seconds of his time he pulled off to paint ‘S 4 X’ in white chocolate on the belly of his host then gently licking it off again. Time was called.

#Round 2

Xander was (despite his earlier relief) marble hard when he tried to sit up, he decided that Spike was obviously an Olympian at this event as in so many others, so would try to follow his strategic lead.

He matched the cinnamon, the licking, the tweaking, the chocolate, stroke for stroke, but became so involved in the ‘X [hearts] S’ chocolate tattoo that he missed his partner calling time and was finally pushed off with a semi frustrated “OK pet you made your point…. My turn!”


Spike expertly used the oil on his partner’s body and began a deep, almost painful, massage of the inner thighs, finally leaving off with one hand only for it to stretch to reach Xander’s nipples and tweak hard, flicking and pinching again.

He relentlessly tweaked the nipples but moved his mouth swallowed his partner’s leaking sex to the back of his throat and sucked as only a vampire might.

Xander was groaning his difficulty at holding his release when a strangely welcomed helper arrived. In the last few moments of his ‘time’, Spike expertly attached a very adequate leather harness to cock and balls.

Xander yelled his protest then gave a mild sigh of relief… thinking that in a strange way Spike might be helping him to win!

#Round 3

Xander was hard and restrained and… had decided that his partner should be the same!

He began by laving all the sensitive spots he knew, then began to mouth the already erect member, licking and sucking with few other thoughts than his own need and the relative beauty of the musculature of the person under him.

He picked up the restraint, but was side tracked by the various efforts to keep the vampire’s erection ‘going’ and the thought that a hot mouth might just be able to pull the vampire to completion… Unfortunately seconds were lost and rather than ‘restraining’ his partner, the time was called and Xander handed over control.


Spike watched as his partner gave in to the game rules and roll onto his back.

The vampire smiled… and began again.

This time he took up valuable time to extract the probe from its packing and extra seconds to lube the toy. He noted that the wait seemed to heighten his partner’s interest rather than letting it wilt – but then that may have been the cock ring…. Wicked thoughts abounded…

He slid his mouth over his partner’s already hard sex and sucked *hard* base to tip at the same time penetrating with the lubed probe. He knew the prostate had been found almost instantly. Watching as his partner arched from the bed. He knew at that moment that the climax normally should have occurred (without the restraint) and wondered idly if a dry orgasm had ensued.

He continued the leisurely rhythm with probe and mouth while Xander writhed but as yet, did not beg, until time was called.

#Round 4

Xander was almost beyond thought and ready to plead to lose as time was called… and for some seconds lay dazed then moved into action.

He grabbed the *other* restraint and snapped it around Spike’s marble hard erection with a sense of joy that had more to do with retribution than winning the game.

He took Spike’s now trussed erection into his mouth and teased his tongue all the way to the leather and back, then set up a steady rhythm. At the same time he took the lube in a shaky hand, flipped the top up and squeezed a generous dollop onto the fingers of his other hand.

He found Spike’s rear entrance and pushed in with one then two fingers enjoying the distinctive twitch of the member in his mouth as the prostrate was targeted, but all too soon the minute was called.


Spike was thoroughly enjoying himself, and whooped with glee as his turn came again.

“You bastard…. that can’t have been a minute!”

“Check the time pet – ‘s all fair, now c’mon on your front and show me that pretty rear o’ yours.”

Xander reluctantly rolled over but at least there was a little friction against his trussed, and now very red, arousal.

The sharp sting of a riding crop, albeit struck very lightly, had him lifting up and about to roll over again.


Spike leaned down next to his good eye and licked around the shell of his ear, then whispered, “All’s fair in love and war pet and that was just a taster to let you know what’s to come… Now lift up onto you knees a bit luv… that’s it.”

Xander’s backside stung only a little now but his erection was on fire and he realized with a little embarrassment, that his body had reacted to the sting almost enthusiastically. He buried his face into the pillow and presented his behind.

Spike had lost precious seconds but knew it was worth it, so quickly lubed the ‘Asshaker’ and slid it into his partner, angled it to the prostate then cranked up the vibrations. Spike was rewarded by the brunette’s muffled cry and noted that the pillow was being strangled by the two hands grabbing fistfuls of the stuffing and twisting to ride out the stimulation in his rear.

Spike took the riding crop and lightly dragged it along underneath Xander until it brushed gently over the cherry red head and along his shaft. He remained content to tease up and down the tortured member with the leather end and listened to Xander whimper in frustration. In the last ten seconds of the round he heard it…. “Please Spike, please just let me come please!”

He grinned flicked off the vibrations leaving the plug in place and called time.

#Round 5 - Xander

It took Xander all of the twenty allowed seconds to recover enough to sit up and another fifteen to start his own round. He knew his imagination was a little challenged but he did manage to grab the red fluffy handcuffs on the side table and clicked them around his partner’s slim wrists.

“Let’s see how you do after this buddy boy!”

As he shifted around he felt the butt plug push against his prostate again, cursed at the fact it was still in place and groaned as he realized that the vibrations would be an obvious addition to each round for him from now on.

“Well come on you git. You gonna do sommit with me or what?”

Realizing he was spending valuable time staring into space pondering his own fate instead of trying to win, he dove onto his partner and began to rub their erections together. After a few second he became painfully aware of his strategic error as the activity stimulated not just Spike but both of then in equal measure, he pulled off and spent the last ten seconds of his time taking Spike as deep into his throat as he could and humming to enhance the stimulation.

He groaned and lay on his back again as time was called, knowing he was losing badly.


Spike was still cuffed, so he flicked on the vibrations to high and chose to caress his prone partner’s straining hardness with the fuzz on the cuffs, then scrape down gently with the short chain. The slow rhythm and maddening contrast of textures had Xander squirming again.

Spike watched the clock. At the thirty second mark he straddled Xander’s thighs, caressed the balls with still cuffed hands, leaned forward and deep throated the impossibly hard erection.

Xander arched almost off the bed as his partner began a suction only a vampire would be capable of achieving.

After three passes of the skilled mouth, the unbelievable stimulation of his nether regions simply became too much.

“Please! Please!! Please!!!.... Spike, let me come, I lose! Gahhhh!!.....Please let me come! Please!!”

Spike released the suction momentarily, removed the restraint with a quick flick of the leather, and returned to his task. After only one more pass, Xander felt the most extraordinary tingle begin in at his knees travel to his loins and burst there. He screamed his completion, shot stream after stream of hot seed into the mouth engulfing him and finally passed out.

Spike released his now sleeping partner, switched off the plug and removed it, found the cuff keys and released himself, then flicked off his own restraint, and brought himself off quickly. He wandered to the bathroom and cleaned off, returning to bed with a fresh towel for addressing any residual ‘wet stuff’.

Xander came to for long enough to register that Spike was pulling up the covers and snuggling into his side, and gave in once more to sated slumber.

The following day Spike held him to his bet.

He managed to control his reaction to the insertion around colleagues despite the desire to groan as he settled into the driver’s seat of the car, or whenever he had to leave or return to his office chair, or walk, or generally move at all! *And there’s a basketball match tonight.* Xander thought. He shook his head and sighed his own stupidity as he remembered, Spike had only suggested the game, it was he who had initiated the bet.


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The Spander Files