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INTERNET - a huge network of server computers covering the entire globe connected together like a giant spider web of communications links

SERVER COMPUTERa computer on the internet that is dedicated to providing a service to client computers - A few examples of services are: news, financial information, product sales, email, graphics, and search engines that provide information access

CLIENT COMPUTER - the computer you are using is the client computer.

INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER – there are companies that provide the communications connection between client computers and internet server computers, and they are identified as Internet service providers (ISPs)

WORLD WIDE WEB (www) –a network of server computers covering the entire globe having an address starting with www or http:// - actually the World Wide Web is a subnet of the Internet that piggy backs on the Internet for its communications. There are many other sub networks that that use the Internet like the private Intranets of large corporations, and the File Transfer Protocol  Net used by research universities that uses an address starting with ftp://

WEB SITE ADDRESS - starts with www or http:// and then a domain name and then a suffix - examples or or or (it is estimated that there are approximately 100,000,000 web addresses on the World Wide Web subnet of the Internet)

HTTP- http:// stands for hypertext transmission protocol which is the language that the world wide web (www) sub network uses to communicate between clients and servers and vice versa. In the digital world protocol and language are similar concepts. Computers/internet use protocols – humans use languages, and like languages there are many different protocols.

EMAIL ADDRESS – the address of your personal or business mail box in on a server on the internet examples or – an email box resides on a web site and each email address is unique.

NOTE: notice above the difference between a web site address and an email address

CLIENT/SERVER RELATIONSHIP- the computer you are using is the client computer, the computer you are accessing on the internet is the server computer- the client computer is lower in the hierarchy than the server computer

DOWNLOADING - copying information from the server computer to the client computer

UPLOADING - copying information from the client computer to the server computer

INTERNET PACKETS – All information transmitted on the internet is put in standard size packets and sent as individual packets across the internet’s various communication paths that are like a giant spider web.
An analogy would be if you wrote a multi-page letter and put it in the US Mail with each page of the letter in a separate envelop and numbered the envelops  ( like 1 of 5, 2 of 5, etc).
And the person receiving the letter would count the envelops to make sure that all 5 got there and if not send a message back to the sender advising that envelop #3 didn’t make it, and for the sender to resent envelop 3. And the sender would resend envelop #3
I suggest you google TCP/IP to get more in-depth info if you like.

transmission control protocol/Internet protocol – this is the worldwide standard specifying how the packets are formed and transmitted across the internet spider web

DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY – In the computer/internet world the transmission of information is done using zeros and ones (0 and1). This called a binary system of communicating. (Binary meaning two)  So all the symbols we humans use are translated into a system of zeros and ones. All the letters of our alphabet and our number system is translated into a system of 8 zeros and ones called the American Standard Code for Information Interchange or ASCII.
Digital pictures and photographs on a computer or the internet are also translated into a system of zeros and ones by dividing the picture unto a bunch of little squares called pixels (picture elements).  Each is a unique combination of zeros and ones representing a specific color and shade of that color. Each pixel frequently has as many as 24 or more zeros and ones to represent a unique color pixel