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I am dedicating this Page to Rexers who are no longer with us and who have passed on, Skip West, Sarge, Monty and Ginger Lewis, If I am missing names please feel free to contact me to I can update the list. You will always be part of the Rexing family and will never be forgotten.

What is Rexing

Rexing is a form of artistic roller skating done on Quad Roller Skates. It is a continuous backward skate done in a hour glass pattern.

There is Mens Rexing Singles, Womens Rexing Singles, Rexing Couples, Mens Spot Rexing, Womens Spot Rexing, And Spot Rexing Couples.

There are 6 divisions, Juvenile Boys, Juvenile Girls, Novice Mens, Novice Womens, Junior Mens, Junior Womens, Intermediate Mens, Intermediate Womens, and Senior Mens, Senior Womens.

Esquire Mens and Esquire Womens. Seniors was the highest level, but if you were over a certain age (30/35/40?) and new to Rexing you could compete at the Esquire level instead of skating Juniors.

As Rexers we all belonged to an association, the ARC. As members of the ARC (Associated Rexing Clubs) we paid a due to the association once a year. And we received a membership card once a year with our competition number on it.

As members of our clubs we paid dues once a month, these dues were used when that club hosted the competition. The club purchased the trophies for the competition and rented the rink for the competition. Each month a different club hosted a Competition at their home rink.

These competitions were held after hours, after the regular skating session ended. And these competitions would last into the early morning hours.

Each division was divided into flights with 5 skaters on the floor at a time being judged. The judging for each flight would last for 1 song. They would announce flight 1 take the floor, flight 2 report to stand by. When the music starts you will be judged. Depending on the number of individuals registered for that division is how many flights there were.

Each skater wore a number pinned to their right sleeve. Each skater had their own assigned number.

All judges went to a school to be able to be a qualified judge, if you were judging a competition you could not compete in that competition.

All of the Rexing Clubs wore Bowling shirts with their club name and emblem on the back and their first name above the pocket. Each club had their own colors, and some of the clubs had stripes down the seam of their trousers.

Each club had a large club banner they hung up at the rink where the competition was being help, at times the walls were covered with club banners.The night of the competition, during regular skate session, the rink has a Club Call, where they call out each club out for a song, then they leave the floor, and they call out another club.

Each club consisted of a Club President, Club Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Master At Arms. These positions were voted once a year by the club members. And each club had their own constitution which consisted of the clubs by- laws and rules.

Each club had a meeting every month, to vote in new prospective members, all prospective members were on probation for 30 days to where the club members got to know them and form their opinions. At the next regular scheduled meeting.

The prospective members were asked to leave the room, and the voting began. If a prospective was voted in then they ordered their club shirt and payed their ARC dues and club dues. If they were not voted in they were told one on one why they were not voted in. Then they could re-apply in 90 days.

Some of the clubs had Junior clubs for the young new Rexers, then when a Junior Rexer reached a certain age he/she was then moved up to the regular Rexing club.

We had Rexing clubs in San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles County, San Bernardino and Pomona, and Oxnard.

Information on

Associated Rexing Clubs

Note: The clubs with the question marks is clubs I remember but in the years forgot what rink they were from and their club colors. I apologize for that.

Ramblin' Rexers – Moonlight Rollerway – Glendale, Calif. Blue shirts, Black Pants with blue stripe down seam of pants.

Competitors – Moonlight Rollerway – Glendale, Calif. Gold Shirts, White Pants.

Ranch Rollers – Skate Ranch – Santa Ana, Calif. Yellow shirt, Brown Pants, Cowboy boots and hats.

Imperial Rexers- Rocket Roller Rink in Imperial Beach. Black shirts with a gold Crown on back, Black pants with gold stripe down seam of pants.

Midnight Rexers – Hippodrome, Long Beach, Calif. Black shirts with white lettering, black pants.

Nomads – Montys Skateland, San Diego, Calif. Lime green shirts, White Pants.

Ventures – Oxnard, Calif. Green shirts, White pants.

Sierra Rexers-???

Rexin' Devils – Moonlight Rollerway, Glendale, Calif. Yellow shirts with a red devil emblem, black pants.

Heavens Rexers - ???

Vaqueros – ??? - Orange shirts, Brown pants.

Mission Rexers-???

American Rexers – ??? - Red Shirts and Blue pants.

Patterson Rexers -???

Also we had a type of skate called detachable, which were plates with a sliding switch which went into a plate on the heel, it was e full plate that covered the whole heel of the boot. And it had 2 toe clamps. I wore cowboy boots with detachable plates.

Most rexers had no toe stops, I hated toe stops as they prevented a rexer from doing some good spot rexing steps. Also most of us kept our skate wheels ground down to about Ό” and used red rubbers on our skate trucks and kept the trucks very loose. Mine was so loose the bolt threads barely held.

REXING: It’s a Continuous backward skating, utilizing an hourglass formation on the floor, drivijg into the center and powering out through the corners. Usually done in singles or couples to a 98 or 108-count Boogie. Male partner is the "driver" and the female partner focuses on coordinating foot moves, utilizing cross overs, rockers, and whatever steps the rexer has invented or learned.

SPOT REXING: In a roller rink, spot rexing is done in the 10' circles in the center of the floor. The Rexer utilizes a figure 8 pattern within the circle, moving through a set of 36" steps. Some of the steps was the time step, grapevine, duckwalk, A-Spin, Flat spin, And numerous other steps.

We had something called the ARC, the Associated Rexing Clubs, presided over by Mr. Monte Lewis. It was a grand time. Every rink had it's own rexing club. At Palisades, it was the Rebel Rexers. Skateland, downtown, had the Royal Rexers and the Nomads, We had about 20 clubs throughout the Southern California Area.

We would have skating competitions once a month, usually after the normal public sessions, which put our competitions in the wee hours of the mornings. One month in San Diego and the next in LA areas. It was a great time!

Over the past few months lots of us rexers have become re-united with friends we have lost contact with. We have a internet list that helps in re-uniting rexers that have lost contact with each other over the years. Lots of friendships have been renewed.

Over the years I have forgotten what rinks the clubs were out of or the club colors, If anyone reading this can add something please feel free to e-mail me.

We welcome any other rexers reading this to come and join the fun and share your memories and pics if you have any. And relive past memories, and re-new friendships.

If you are interested please feel free to visit our site, and join the fun


This list is also open to former figure and dance skaters from Palisade Gardens and Montys Skateland in San Diego. Since this list is also made up of former dance and figure skaters.

I would like to thank everyone from our group for helping in the contributions they have made in the making of this page.

This is the old Skate Ranch in Santa Anna, Calif. The rink was home to the rexing club Ranch Rollers. The Rink is no longer there, but the memories remain.

I would like to take a moment and thank Dominic Cangelosi owner of Moonlight Rollerway in Glendale, Calif and Owner of Rinx Records for giving us many years of enjoyment with his organ music. All of his music was used in our competitions.

Moonlight Rollerway in Glendale, Calif has not changed in all these years as you can see by the photo below of the entrance to Moonlight, it is just like it was when I skated there in the 1960's.