Physical Therapy
8201 Overland Road
fax / phone:000-0000

Relax-a-Back Physical Therapy provides massage and physical therapy treatments for people with post-operative pain and range of motion restrictions, balance and walking challenges, chronic pain, pregnancy related soreness,.....

We believe the whole body is connected, and that pain and restrictions do not limit themselves to only the injured area. We use a whole-body approach to heal the body, not treat the symptoms. We use a gentle approach of manual therapy, stretching, light exercises, and education to achieve healing, and often get results when traditional therapies have not succeeded.

We accept most insurances and are a preferred provider for THIS THAT AND THE OTHER ONE. We also take Visa and Mastercard.

Meet our Clinicians

What is Myofascial Release?


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Meet our Clinicians | What is Myofascial Release? | Testimonials | Map to our Location