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Gypsies:The Truth Behind the Myth

Welcome All Gadje (non-Rom) and Rom Alike!!

How the Romani Were Created

At the beginning of time, the Creator was working on

the world. All the land, the animals and the plants

were created. But the new Earth was missing something.

The Creator took out the dough used to create the

world, and thought. She took the dough and rolled it

out, shaped it into a human and put it in her oven.

She cooked it for a time, and when she removed it, it

was blackened. She considered it, and set the human

aside. She rolled out another form, and cooked it for

a much shorter time. She removed it, and looked again,

but this one was pasty white and pale. The Creator

tried and tried, but every time she did the form came

out too browned, or too yellowed, or some other way.

Over and over she tried. Then, when the Creator had

only enough dough for one more piece, she had an

idea. She rolled out the form, a beautiful one at

that, and place it into the oven. But, every few

minutes she would move the piece, shifting it all over

the oven until it was perfectly browned. And from

this last piece, this moving, travelling perfect piece were born us, the Rom."

Baxt, Aliyana Paramit

last of the family of Paramit

Singer of songs, teller of tales and dancer of life

Total population

8 to 10 million

Regions with significant populations

Albania 70,000

Argentina 300,000

Bosnia/Herz. 17,000

Brazil 678,000

Bulgaria 750,000 ±50,000

Canada 80, 000 (est)

Croatia 9,463 to 14,000

Czech Republic 12,000 or 220,000

France Finland 10,000

Germany 100,000

Greece 200,000 or 300,000-350,000

Hungary 190,046 or 500,000

Iran 110,000


Rep. Macedonia 53,879


Montenegro 2,601

Poland 15,000 to 50,000

Portugal 40,000

Romania 500,000 to 2 million

Russia 183,000

Serbia 108,193

Slovenia 3,246

Slovakia 92,500

Spain 600,000 to 800,000

Turkey 2 to 5 million

United Kingdom 40,000+

United States 1 million

Ukraine 48,000

Norway 5,000+


Romani, languages of native region


Christianity, Islam

Related ethnic groups

Doms, Domba, Lyuli, Dalit, Europeans and Indo-Aryans.

If you would like to chat with the creators of this site, we will be on yahoo messenger between the hours of 11AM AND 130PM under guitargoddess_jess. So, please feel free to say hello!

The Language of The Gypsies

Society and Culture

Self Expression: A People's History Wirtten In Song

Trials and Tribulations of a Misunderstood People

Religious Beliefs

History of The Romani People

Sights and Sounds of India

Sights and Sounds of the Rom

See What's Coming Soon!!!

The Romani Anthem-Galeem, Galeem

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This website was created by Gladys Rice and Jessica Wisdom. Profiles coming soon.

