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Welcome to my new and improved site. Here you will find all of my fanfiction and fan art dedicated to, of course, Power Rangers.

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To be clear, I do not own the Power Rangers. Once upon a time, in a land called Japan, a network called TV Asahi aired a show created by Toei and Bandai called Super Sentai. Quite a few seasons later, Saban Entertainment adopted this series for American television and called it Power Rangers. In 2001, Saban was sold to Disney and renamed Buena Vista.

So, to recap, Toei and Bandai created the concept of Power Rangers, Saban made it what we've all come to know and love and brought it to the US, Buena Vista owns it today, and I write Power Rangers theamed fics that I make not profit off of.


Last Updated: 03/16/08

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