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Protest For Nativity

In the past few years, the ACLU and other organizations have been fighting to have Nativity Scenes removed from public places. It is an attack on the Christian faith and an attempt to cover up the true meaning of Christmas in an attempt to make a very important day in to just another generic, commercialized holiday. If you feel that this movement is unjust, join myself and a many others who have resolved to participate in a silent, non-violent protest of the ACLU's actions by thinking of creative ways to carry our nativity scenes with us during the season. We will have them on our person at all times when we are in public, whether it is at the grocery store or the post office, and we will put special emphasis into saying "Merry CHRISTmas" as well. This is a place to discuss the movement, display photos of your nativity scenes and nativity crafts. PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!

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Ways to Display Your Nativity Scene