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~ Best Movies of 2005 ~...some upcoming releases, and more forgotten 80's flicks !!!!
~ Best Movies of 2005 ~...some upcoming releases, and more forgotten 80's flicks !!!!
~Here are some of the best movies of 2005 that I seen, there were alot this past year, I will add more as i see them. I took like 3 months off in the fall and winter for personal resons, so I missed some hits. But I'm back now. :) Enjoy - ****TERMINATOR DR PAUL/ Pizzia boy *******
Dark City - 1998
Dark City - 1998 
The next three movies, Dark City, Strange Days, The cell, all have two things in common, they are brilliant and made no money at the box office. What a shame too, coz they are all so intelligent and involving. ....1. DARK CITY - Here's a movie that is so unique and dazzing on all levels of special effects, story telling and mystry. Its a great science fiction thriller about aliens trying to figure out the way humans tick. But guess what, audiences didn't buy it and hardly anyone saw it. It was too differnt for alot of people, they were not used to it when it was released in Febuary of 98'. I still say that if the movie was opened in summer it might have made more buisness and reached more audiences.

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