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Use your journal to record the information you find on the appropriate page. Remember to use the words from the question in your answer.

1.Where in Philadelphia is Christ Church Burial Ground located?

2.Who is the most famous leader from the colonial times that is buried at Christ Church?

3.In what year was this famous Philadelphian buried and how and what famous document did he sign?

4.Looking at the photo in the next link, what items are tossed by visitors that you see scattered over Franklin's grave marker?

5.How many grave markers remain in Christ Church graveyard today?

6.Download and print a map of Christ Church burial ground and answer these questions by reading the map. Write the answers on the back of the map:
a) Name all the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
b) What was Samuel Wheeler known for?
c) Are any women buried here? If so, name one and tell what she is known for.
d) In what year did Ben Franklin's printing partner, David Hall, die?

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