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Sweet By and By


Sweet By and By

Shirley Jean Harwood

In the sweet by and by

when Jesus splits the eastern sky

and comes back to earth to take his bride away,

First the dead in Christ shall rise

they will meet him in the sky

then the rest of us will meet him in like way.

In the sweet by and by

if we do not live a lie

we can be sure we will be ready for that day,

When our Lord will say, "Well done",

and because we loved Gods Son

he will keep his sheep, but turn the goats away.

In the sweet by and by

if to live for him we've tried

and helped others from the narrow not to stray,

We will each receive a crown

and to our God will all bow down

and forever will rejoice and sing his praise.



Shirley Jean Harwood



Page Created: Pam Gallo

Midi : Sweet Hour Prayer




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