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My Mother


My Mother’s Prayers

 Joan Clifton Costner


I never sat alone in my pain

Waiting for help - waiting in vain --

For Mama was there with sweet soothing words

Wisdom to lend when I finally heard.

Oh, how I love the guidance she gave

Helping her child to be brave...


My Mother’s prayers came from a loving heart,

My Mother’s prayers help me to stand apart.

Choosing my way in careful deeds

I stood alone - but not in need -

For she was there with her Mother’s prayer.


Each race I won - Mama was there,

Cheering me on - saying her prayer,

And when I fell, bleeding and bruised,

I could look up to that face I knew -

Shining with hope - telling me true,

“I’ll always be there for you.”


My Mother’s prayers filled me with hope again,

My Mother’s prayers made her my dearest friend,

And in my prayer I called her name

Again and again - I know the gain -

I’m only here because of Mama’s prayers.


My Mother’s eyes let His love shine through -

Her deep desires were His wishes too ...

Sometimes at night when I’m all alone

I hear a voice - much like my own -

Saying a prayer, making a plea,

Just like my Mom did for me...


My Mother’s prayers - hallowed forevermore -

My Mother’s prayers - echo from Heaven’s shore,

My Mother’s prayers I hear again

And say them when my child’s in need -

Love’s always there - in a Mother’s prayer....

Love’s always there - in a Mother’s prayer.


Joan Clifton Costner


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