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Kissing The Face Of God  

Kissing The Face Of God



A bright star did shine that night.
Leading the Shepard's and Wisemen to the site.
All came bearing gifts to the new born king.
And  an Angel above, with a heavenly choir did sing.

A baby came forth and laid in a manager of hay.
Bringing forth a celebration of a glorious holiday.

Sounds of silence in the air.

Just a soft baby sighs.
Sparkle of love from a new Mothers eyes.


She swaddled him in her loving arms so tight.
Knowing this was a very special night.

The Savior of man was here for the world to see.
To give us all salvation
and heaven's halls through eternity.

Glory to God for His gift to us from up above.

The Holy Spirit came forth, a beautiful white dove.
Showering us all with Christmas , the season spirit of Love.

 Blessed Mary, she does hold her baby Jesus
 and gently bows with a  tender nod.
For Mary is softly "Kissing the Face of God.


Poem by: Sharon/AngelHeart



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Page Created : Pam Gallo

Midi :Ave Maria






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