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Illusive sleep  


Illusive Sleep

I Pray the Nighttime takes me

To A Place where I can dream -

Lock out All  of the demons

That Outside my window s scream -

I need to quiet all of the sounds

Block out the Worries of The day -

Close the window To things undone

I need to find a  way -

Sleep is ever Illusive

Is the Nighttime really My friend ?

I know things not any other way

This is how it's always been -

Behind Closed Doors

Sleep beckons me.

The Night light casts a glow -

Yet , It is ever illusive

This I've come to know -


I Pray the Nighttime takes me

To A Place where I can dream -

Lock out All  of the demons

That Outside my window s scream -

To My Illusive Dreamer , Jean

Pam Gallo






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