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U.S. Navy Photo

These messages were in the original guestbook which, unfortunately, was deleted by the provider. We hope you will enjoy browsing through them.


11/07/02 10:55:13 AM
Your Name: Jay


09/14/02 10:01:10 AM
Your Name: ROS
Where are you from? Texas

Comments: I love this website! I am SURE it was made with a lot bittersweet memories. We should never forget those who have served, are serving and will serve in our military to keep this great nation free. Thank you for helping to make the Internet a memorial to them. God bless you...and, God Bless America!

08/29/02 10:15:33 AM
Your Name: Lynne

Comments: It was such a little thing that I didn't tell anyone but about a month ago, I noticed that the counter on this webpage was nearing a "special number." I hadn't thought much about it lately, but today I found the link again and decided to look at the website. I wanted to be the 1949 visitor to this site - I logged on today - and guess what the counter showed? 1949! He's still with us, guiding us and helping our dreams come true!

08/27/02 08:44:23 AM
Your Name: Hal Wood
Where are you from? El Paso Texas

Comments: You have done a great job.I know Joe would be very proud of what you have done.

08/21/02 11:27:40 PM
Your Name: Allan Svensson
Where are you from? Sweden

Comments: I visited your beautiful Website. Welcome to visit my Site. I wish you God's blessings.

06/16/02 01:13:39 PM
Your Name: Betty Carmody
Where are you from? Hendersonville,Tennessee

Comments: Hello, I just finished reading about the U.S.S.LITTLE DD803, and it moved me to tears., It happened before I was even born, but even tho, I still feel drawn to it in some way. She did her job,and did it with great pride.I Thank You Sir from the bottom of my heart. God Bless you.-- Betty

06/06/02 08:43:37 PM
Your Name: Pat Smith Phelps
Where are you from? Morgantown, Kentucky

Comments: My father James W. Smith was on the USS Little when she went down May 3 1945. He passed away in June of l999.

03/25/02 07:55:45 AM
Your Name: Marilyn Flanagan Farrar
Where are you from? Oswego, Illinois

Comments: I am the daughter of Ernest Flanagan who was on the USS Little when it was sunk on 5/3/45. My father passed away in September 1983. I am learning things that I didn't know from the USS Little web site and appreciate all of the work that has been put in to that web site as well as this one. If anyone who sees this knew my father, I would love to hear from you.

12/07/01 08:44:50 AM
Your Name: Loretta Montgomery

Comments: Really enjoyed the site! Thanks bunches for all your hard work! Chao LM

11/24/01 01:42:04 PM
Your Name: Janet Poncsak
Where are you from? Hebron , IN

Comments: God Bless you for this wonderful webpage. Thank God for all those who fought for our freedom before us and how very much we appreciate it. Please take the time to check out our webpage. was formed out of Love to Show Support For ALL Our Military Family WorldWide. Our Mission is to Unite the Nation and Embrace Our Military Family unlike ever before. GodBless you for your support to Our Country. GBU Sincerely, - Janet Poncsak
Remember CAMPAIGN AMERICA!!/WorldWide & FaithCanMoveMountains/VertrouwenKanBergenVerzetten

10/10/01 07:17:36 AM
Your Name: Irv Langworthy
Where are you from? Palmdale, CA

Comments: A very nice memorial to the brave folks that served. Although I was a child at the time of the Little's sinking, my friend Doyle Kennedy, a member of the crew at the time of the Little's demise, gave me a first person account of its last hours. So many brave men, God bless them all.

10/07/01 01:36:24 PM
Your Name: Carol Thompson
Where are you from? Michigan

Comments: My father was on the USS Little ... thank you for this tribute. God bless all the brave men who have fought for our country.

09/23/01 02:35:44 PM
Your Name: Ken
Where are you from? Ontario, Canada

Comments: Beautiful website. A great tribute.

09/23/01 11:09:50 AM
Your Name: Janet Justis
Where are you from? Odessa, Texas

Comments: Janelle, I enjoyed your website. You did a wonderful job. At a time like this, it is important to remember all our hero's that have made this nation great.

08/31/01 08:23:08 PM
Your Name: George
Where are you from? Brooklyn NY

Comments: Thanks for sending me this site. I think it is a great tribute to your uncle and the men of the USS Little.I am placing your link on my Patriotic Links.

07/28/01 07:41:12 AM
Your Name: Edna Chambers
Where are you from? Hempstead, Texas

Comments: What a beautiful website and tribute. Thank you for your hard work in creating it. I enjoyed it so much.

07/25/01 07:51:27 AM
Your Name: Bob & Ann Beadel
Where are you from? Brownwood, TX

Comments: Bob is son of Allen Beadel, who served on the Aaron Ward.

06/14/01 06:31:55 AM
Your Name: Christine Marsh
Where are you from? Amherst, Massachusetts

Comments: My dad was on the Little and most of his memories were good ones. I attended the Denver reunion and had a great time meeting the shipmates he sailed with. Thanks for a wonderful site and I can't wait to see you all again in San Diego

06/07/01 03:31:24 PM
Your Name: Herb Fahr
Where are you from? Long Island, New York

Comments: Great site and a tribute to a great ship and crew. From the USS Missouri crew, smooth sailing and keep a straight wake!

06/03/01 10:36:36 PM
Your Name: Angela Recker
Where are you from? Buffalo, NY

Comments: I wanted to say this is a beautiful site and tribute to the brave men of the USS Little. My Dad served aboard the USS Missouri during Korea - I am so proud of him & his ship as I am of ALL who have served in the US Navy! Sadly he has recently passed away so I cannot ask if he knew of this ship. I know the men of the USS Little would be proud and honored to know they are still so loved & cared about. May God Bless them all & may they be in His eternal presence. God Bless their familes & loved ones too.

06/02/01 03:34:26 PM
Your Name: Ryan & Pearl Garvin
Where are you from? Odessa and Waco, Tx

Comments: Great tribute to your loved one and his shipmates that served on The USS Little. He was well loved and we enjoyed reading the site

05/16/01 06:35:12 AM
Your Name: Doyle and Florence Kennedy
Where are you from? Palmdale, California

Comments: Dear Janelle: Thank you for the wonderful job you did in creating this web site. In honor of your husband Joe and all the men of the USS LITTLE (DD803) We really appreciate it and enjoyed it so much. Love - Doyle and Florence

05/13/01 05:53:45 PM
Your Name: Edward M. "Andy" Anderson
Where are you from? Seattle, WA 98146-2446

Comments: Dear Janelle: Thanks for your tribute to your late husband and our shipmate Joe. We appreciate what you and our recently elected Historian and Honorary Shipmate, Larry Papenfuss, have done to perpetuate the memory of the USS LITTLE (DD803). As our ranks are thinning out quite rapidly, we trust that with God willing we'll meet you next year in San Diego- Reunion No. 18 will be at the same palace as Reunion 1 in 1980!!

05/12/01 04:31:05 PM
Your Name: Bob Cotta
Where are you from? Sun City,Arizona

Comments: Dear Janelle, Just had the 17th reunion in Denver,Co. While I was there I thought of Joe and how we all miss him. He used to love to chat with all the shipmates when he could attend the reunions. I know he is at peace now, but I will always be thinking about him. Very nice web site. Love - Bob and Scottie.

04/23/01 04:00:46 PM
Your Name: John M. Morgan
Where are you from? Yardley, PA (Near Philadelphia)

Comments: My brother Bill and I hosted the May 3-7, 2000 USS Aaron Ward Reunion in Washington,DC. Our Uncle Jack Morgan, a 19 yr old trainer on a Quad 40mm mount, was lost May 3, 1945. I especially enjoyed reading Mr.Kennedy's eyewitness report in the USS Little homepage. Thanks for keeping the memories of the Greatest Generation alive.

04/18/01 09:48:13 AM
Your Name: Lloyd Boles, Gunner's Mate, USS AARON WARD DM 34
Where are you from? Reno, Nevada

Comments: Janelle: We were taken by your moving tribute to your beloved husband and to the officers and men of the USS LITTLE DD803. Our destroyer, part of the radar picket station group attacked by kamikazes, lost 42 men when six kamikazes crashed aboard. I was one of many sailors who witnessed the explosion and sinking of the LITTLE. God bless'em all.

04/05/01 02:36:37 PM
Where are you from? SAN DIEGO, CA


04/04/01 08:09:59 PM
Your Name: Margaret Scott
Where are you from? Lubbock,Texas

Comments: Janelle, you and Louise did a great job in making this website. I can remember those picture's of you and Joe.(Pretty lady) Ceaman and I were touched by you website, you know that Ceaman is retired military. I know Joe would have been very pleased with what you did.

03/30/01 08:04:46 AM
Your Name: Leo Trzepkowski
Where are you from? Antioch, California

Comments: Nice tribute. Would like to see more entries along withg seamon's rates.

03/29/01 03:05:42 PM
Your Name: Vi
Where are you from? Abilene, Texas

Comments: A moving tribute to your loved one and his shipmates as well as to all our Navy families.

03/27/01 06:03:02 PM
Your Name: Edith (Lynne's Friend)
Where are you from? Deer Park, Texas

Comments: You have put together a beautiful website in memory of Lynne's dad. Bless you both.

03/27/01 05:29:47 PM
Your Name: Bill McGinn
Where are you from? Matthews, North Carolina (Charlotte)

Comments: This is a really great site, you did a good job with it. My uncle, Louie Varner was one of the 30 that went down with the ship. I also served in the Navy for 11 yrs. Hope to attend a reunion sometime. I feel that it is very important to remember people like my uncle who served their country at a time when the world was at war.

03/27/01 01:35:53 PM
Your Name: K.H.(Bud)Curley
Where are you from? Dallas, Tx.

Comments: Love never dies does it? You did a great job in memory of Joe. I was raised in Odessa,Tx around Louise and the rest of the Landrums. I knew Joe through Bert. Joe was a good man and a Christian. I bought a 1955 Ford off Joe after I was discharged from the US Army. He will always be remembered...friends always are. - Bud Curley

03/26/01 02:35:34 PM
Your Name: Pat Godail (Lynne's sorority sister)
Where are you from? La Porte, Tx.

Comments: What an awesome tribute to a great group of guys. All our armed forces are a special and unique group of men and women.

03/26/01 12:52:14 PM
Your Name: Ernie Hill
Where are you from? Jacksonville, Fl.

Comments: Only one word, awesome!!!

03/26/01 11:57:48 AM
Your Name: Cynthia
Where are you from? Texas

Comments: Very nice tribute. It's a reminder of just how much our armed forces gives for us. My son has just enlisted and this touches close to my heart.

03/26/01 11:51:30 AM
Your Name: Saul Braverman
Where are you from? westminster md

Comments: What an amazing tribute to the men of the U.S.S Little.Its astonishing that it has taken over 55 years for us to erect a memorial for the men of WWII. ( My father being one them who came home) May our hearts and prayers go put to the familes of the men who gave their lives.

03/26/01 11:47:08 AM
Your Name: Diana Garrett (friend of Lynne's)
Where are you from? Deer Park, Texas

Comments: Enjoyed the website very much. My dad was in the Air Force, so I also appreciate everything those men and their families went through.

03/26/01 11:45:53 AM
Your Name: Anthea Mize
Where are you from? Houston, TX
Comments: What a great tribute to our men of honor! It brought tears to my eyes - tears of pride that there are still people who remember to honor our military. After all, they are the ones who guard our freedom! I am a friend of Lynne's and now I know where she gets her integrity!

03/26/01 08:44:52 AM
Your Name: Rowena Hawk (Janelle's sister)
Where are you from? Jacksboro, Tx

Comments: I enjoyed the website. I remember when this happened even though it was many years ago. I am so thankful that Joe survived and that we got to enjoy having him in the family for over 50 years.

03/25/01 10:26:08 AM
Your Name: Jackie & Lindsey Venske
Where are you from? Odessa, Texas

Comments: Joe & Janelle became My (Jackie) "Odessa Parents" and my kids (Scott & Lindsey) "Odessa Grandparents" nearly 16 years ago when we moved in next door to them. Lynne is "Sis". Better people are not to be found. You did such a beautiful job on this webpage! I know Joe is smiling down on you. And is so glad you are honoring him and all the men of the USS Little 803 along with all the brave men & women who fought to give us that special privilege "Freedom", that we all take for granted today. Joe was so modest tho' that I am sure he is whispering in my ear now that I should have put all the men who served on the Little ahead of him in that previous sentence. I always loved listening to him talk about the Little and how excited he was when he was getting ready to go to one of the reunions. It wasn't easy to get him to talk about himself because that "was Joe". He would "listen" to other people rather than "talk" about himself. And tho' I am a civilian...I say thank you and "salute" all the brave men of the USS Little DD803 for giving of themselves so that I might enjoy the privilege of freedom I have today! It was a very moving webpage that brought tears to my eyes.

03/24/01 08:42:18 AM
Your Name: Franklyn A Whall
Where are you from? Norfolk Ma.

Comments: Great job on this web site. Everyone who has ever attended a reunion misses Joe. He was a great guy. Thanks again for sharing this site with us. - Frank and Edith

03/23/01 12:59:46 PM
Your Name: Robert C. Cotta
Where are you from? Sun City, Arizona

Comments: Yes I remember Joe. He was a good shipmate on or off the USS Little. We had some good times together. I sure miss him at the reunions that we are having. Janelle, that sure is a beautiful picture of you. Joe was a lucky man. God bless him and all his family. - Bob Cotta.

03/22/01 07:58:42 PM
Your Name: Christine Hansman Marsh (daughter of Harold Hansman)
Where are you from? Amherst, MA

Comments: My dad never talked much about his tour of duty but the name "Little" came up with any conversation he did make concerning the war. Thanks for a wonderful web site. Unfortunately, he passed away exactly two years ago today but thanks to web sites like this I feel like I am getting to know more about him. When my mom gave me a box of his things, he had saved all sorts of memorabilia. I'm happy he saved a reunion invitation because after making a few emails, I found out there is one in Denver this year. See you there!!

03/22/01 03:32:51 AM
Your Name: Frank W Schober
Where are you from? Birmingham, Alabama

Comments: Nice job! anybody would be a fool not to realize that you are an old "Salt" with all this display of Naval history. When we had field inspection and the band played marches, when Anchors Aweigh was played it always brought a lump to my throat. In my opinion, no greater patriotic feeling can exceed that of a military marching band playing Sousa etc. I wish you good health and God's blessings. - Frank(Grandpa)Schober

03/21/01 06:43:03 PM
Your Name: Christy Kapuschat (Janelle's "NY daughter")
Where are you from? Odessa TX now living in Rochester NY

Comments: Great job on the web page. Really enjoyed seeing it. Treasure the time that I attended the reunion with Joe and his daughter Lynne in Nashville. A wonderful group of people.

03/21/01 03:59:02 PM
Your Name: Cheryle
Where are you from? Houston

Comments: Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts.

03/21/01 03:09:59 PM
Where are you from? ARGYLE TEXAS

Comments: This is a great website. It has so much history in it and has special meaning since it was part of Joe's life. Thanks to Janelle and Louise for all of your work on this.

03/21/01 02:27:32 PM
Your Name: Ken Keenan
Where are you from? Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Comments: Great site J and L. As a Canadian who served in the Canadian Airforce for 21 years and is now retired, I know the feelings a young man has when he joins the military to serve his country. I was fortunate not to serve in a theatre of war. Remembrance Day in Canada is November 11.. this day we think of Canadians and Americans alike who served our countries and gave their lives in many parts of the world just as the crew of U.S.S. Little that we may enjoy the Democracy we have today. May I also include a group who are often forgotten, and that is the merchant mariners, the civilian sailors who died while trying to get much needed supplies overseas.

03/21/01 01:03:53 PM
Your Name: Tuffy and Eileen Locke
Where are you from? Odessa Texas

Comments: What a wonderful part of history. Thank you for sharing with all to enjoy. The pictures are great and the whole message is good and clear, Joe was fighting for America. We remember those days. God bless his family and God bless America.

03/21/01 08:30:32 AM
Your Name: Howard Worley, Jr.
Where are you from? Texas

Comments: GREAT page. GREAT job.
I especially like the blue bonnets.

03/21/01 07:10:59 AM
Your Name: Donna Mitchell
Where are you from? Kansas

Comments: A beautiful tribute to the Greatest Generation. Love, - Donna

03/21/01 06:51:47 AM
Your Name: Darcy Strickland
Where are you from? Tennessee

Comments: What a beautiful tribute to the men of the USS Little who served their country in time of great need. Thank you J & L for this website honoring them. Good job!

03/21/01 03:02:11 AM
Your Name: Jeanette Carroll
Where are you from? Odessa, TX

Comments: What a terrific website, has some pretty awesome info...and I know that the others from the LITTLE have a very warm feeling of camaraderie when they read Joe's poetic works. God bless you for the time well spent to memorialize the men...the ship...the event. What a handsome couple Joe and you were I love you, JJ !! - J

03/20/01 07:36:49 PM
Your Name: laverne King ( friend of Joe & janelle Shirley)
Where are you from? odessa, texas
Comments: What a wonderful memory to Joe & all who served with him. May we never forget the price they payed for all to enjoy freedom today.

03/20/01 05:45:59 PM
Your Name: Terry Purdom
Where are you from? Fort Worth, TX

Comments: What a great website. That was a great generation of men and women. I am 46 so I am not part of that generation. We owe a lot to them. They gave the ultimate for their country. God bless them and God Bless America.

03/20/01 01:34:53 AM
Your Name: ITCM(SW) Richard Hay
Where are you from? Naples, Italy

Comments: This is a great tribute to Sailors who paid the ultimate price while protecting the very freedom we enjoy today.
I am also glad the Chiefs of the Naples Area Chief Petty Officer Association were able to provide some info to help out.
I have provided a link to your site from our main page.

03/19/01 02:26:42 PM
Your Name: Lynne (Joe & Janelle's daughter)
Where are you from? Texas

Comments: What a wonderful tribute to my Dad and his shipmates! We owe a great debt to these wonderful, brave men who fought for our freedom so many years ago. Anyone who knew my Dad, knew how much he cared about his LITTLE shipmates. His annual reunion was the highlight of his year. Thank you, L & J, for designing this webpage. It's fantastic and I love it!

03/19/01 11:52:24 AM
Your Name: Donna Riley (Joe & Janelle's greatniece)
Where are you from? Texas

Comments: Dear "Webmistress": Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this beautiful website! It really paid off in a marvelous tribute to my sweet Uncle Joe and his valiant shipmates on the Little. God bless them (and us) all!

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