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Odin's Hand

Welcome to Odin's Hand the website is presently under construction we appreciate your patience THX :)

Herald Members page
Guild Rules
Vision of Sages
Character Builder
SC Program
Vn Boards

Vent Download pageMake sure to download the proper client program.

Current news around the guild and alliance is as follows we have many new members so welcome to you all we appreciate your help in building this guild from the ground up.There are many things to be done in the guild such as getting some levels first and foremost we need to pull our weight in RVR and give whatever help we can to the alliance i know this is hard at this point but we will get there.

Just a few things we are working on are a guild house of course this is dependant of money which is hard to make until high levels :)

If you need help i'm Doogun in game and my Wife is Kerrianna in game or you could look for one of 5 officers Snowluvr,Rabidthane, Shiekah,Idoovoodoo and Ventricle they are all very helpful and good people.

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