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When will DIMHRS Be Implemented?

    The Army will be the first branch to use DIMHRS, followed by the Navy, Marine Corps, and the Air Force, respectively. 

    The Army is currently designing and developing Army-unique aspects of the system, which should be completed in early 2007.  At that time, it will conduct developmental tests of the system from January to June.  In July 2007, the Army is scheduled to conduct an operational test of DIMHRS.  Assuming no problems arise, the Army plans to implement DIMHRS in April 2008.

    The Air Force is also currently designing and developing Air Force-unique aspects of the system, which should be completed in April 2007.  In July 2007, it will start conducting developmental tests of the system, which should last until November.  In November 2007, the Air Force is scheduled to conduct an operational test of DIMHRS.  Assuming no problems arise, the Air Force plans to implement DIMHRS in May 2008.

    No implementation data is readily available for the Navy or Marine Corps.


NOTE:  DIMHRS is primarily being developed in New Orleans, LA, at the Naval War Systems Command IT Center.  In August 2005, the development team had to move to a temporary location in Virginia due to Hurricane Katrina.  The DIMHRS development team returned to New Orleans and resumed its work there on August 28, 2006.  This relocation will likely lead to delays in the current implementation schedule.