Log for February 26 2009 9pm class Raven: Hi everyone am I late? txtwyst from x.x.x.4 joined the chat 3 hours ago txtwyst: hi y'all Raven: hay it think its just us so far txtwyst: oh ok.. then hey raven! :) Raven: hay txtwyst - is this your first class? txtwyst: no, i did the last beginner session... missed the last lesson though txtwyst: i'll prob still show up for the next beginner lessons too Raven: I've bn following the advanced class (completely lost!), until I was told about this one. txtwyst: LOL txtwyst: omg i can only imaging txtwyst: imagine.. i was having difficulty in the beginning class! Raven: lol ya and i have never tatted. r you using hooks or shuttle txtwyst: shuttle txtwyst: i just fell across the WORD tatting online one night... thought i knew what it was... and then here i am txtwyst: did you join the yahoo group? newshuttlesandneedles? Raven: nice! ive wanted to learn for years Raven: i did join the group today txtwyst: oh good txtwyst: you can go look at my "work" LOLOL txtwyst: my first thing to post was that blasted dove from lesson 1 Raven: ooohhh where? txtwyst: on the left menu click on photos Raven: still getting the hang of this class thing txtwyst: i'm phyllis txtwyst: take a look at that poor sickly dove LOLOL txtwyst: the other day at work i found some sewing thread... grabbed a paperclip.. and did the dove again Raven: im REALLY Raven Phyllis - gimme a sec to check out the photos :) txtwyst: it turned out really good. i posted a pic last night but they have to approve the pics before they show up.. not sure if it's there or not txtwyst: k txtwyst: i'll log out and back in with my real name.. i keep forgetting to do that txtwyst from x.x.x.4 left the chat 3 hours ago Phyllis from x.x.x.4 joined the chat 3 hours ago Cynthia from x.x.x.211 joined the chat 3 hours ago Phyllis: hi! Cynthia: Hi Cynthia: how are you doing, both of you Phyllis: i'm pretty good how bout you? Raven: ok im really slow or something - I have no pic button on the left of my page. do I have wait till my group joining is approved? Phyllis: hmm... ohhhh yes Cynthia: doing pretty good. Raven: hay cynthia Phyllis: if you haven't gotten the email then yes Raven: thats why then Phyllis: yeah Cynthia: Raven if you are looking for nsan...I just got online...I'll be back and get you added to the list Phyllis: my new dove isn't posted yet Raven: Thanks Phyllis: i'm so proud of that little dove LOL Phyllis: but that first one... omg... looks like it's been run over by a car Raven: I would really like to see it - I bit its great Phyllis: and that yellow one is so tiny too.. i've been trying to use threads 5-12... Phyllis: not sure what size sewing thread is considered Raven: your brave going that small -wow Cynthia: thPhyllis that is a pretty dove...great. I did okay it Phyllis: yeah i have some really pretty 80 sitting here... just waiting for me to be ready LOL Raven: im just using ordinary sz 10 crochet thread Phyllis: thanks! i was proud of my sewing thread paper clip dove! Raven: lol Phyllis: i've got some embroidery thread too but haven't used it Phyllis: i need to find an easier way to load these bobbins Raven: I never found out - what would be easyer for beginners thread,floss, or something else? Cynthia: bobbins can be a challenge to load....I think it is the bane of every tatter...winding...actually walking the thread onto the bobbins or the shuttles Cynthia: I think crochet thread size 10 is easiest for beginning but everyone has their own preferences...a Phyllis: i read somewhere online where a lady took an old walkman tape player... put the bobbin on one of the spindles, got her thread ready, and hit the fast forward button! Raven: Ya on that I did find that I was over loading my shuttles. Cynthia: a good crochet in 20 or even 30 Cynthia: that would be a fast way to overload Raven: ok I'll keep that in mind - thanks Phyllis: last time i used the metal shuttle i put a pencil tip thru the hole in the bobbin.. that helped a lot.. just keeping my fingers and nails out of the way Barbara from x.x.x.206 joined the chat 3 hours ago Raven: hmm Barbara: hi Phyllis: the little plastic ones are a little easier to windd Phyllis: hi Raven: hay Barbara Cynthia: if you roll or walk the bobbin or shuttle it doesn't twist quite as badly Phyllis: roll or walk? Cynthia: everyone has their own preference on shuttles... Phyllis: i'm doing good to get it on there in thefirst place! Raven: . Cynthia: roll as in lay the thread on the table and roll the bobbin along like in yoyo walk the dog...you do have to tie it on first Phyllis: mine does tend to twist... Cynthia: same way with a post shuttle..only you go end over end Raven: :o Phyllis: eek that doesn't sound easy at all Phyllis: i'd be chasing the bobbin off the table onto the floor LOL Phyllis: that doesn't make the thread too loose on it? Raven: lol Cynthia: some people don't mind the twist just let the shuttle hang and unwind as necessary to keep it from getting twisty... Mimi-TS from x.x.x.227 joined the chat 3 hours ago Phyllis: i'm going to make some shuttles out of some pretty wood Phyllis: and see how that goes Raven: Hay Mimi Cynthia: you only do a short streatch at a time...No it doesn't be too loose...my favorite method for a bobbin shuttle Phyllis: hi mimi Mimi-TS: Good evening everyone Cynthia: is to hold the bobbin in my fingers and spin it...some people say to put it on the end of the shuttle and spin it but all I do is have to chase the bobbin when I try that Cynthia: Hi Mimi Phyllis: hmm that way sounds interesting Raven: : Cynthia: for years I did the wind the clock method and just let the shuttle spin out the twists/kinks as needed Phyllis: that's me Cynthia: Mimi sorry I wasn't much help earlier as the computer kept blacking out my screen but I wan't getting bumped Cynthia: We'll see how it goes this evening Barbara: I use a small crochet hook to spin the bobbin, but you cant spin too fast Cynthia: I do approve pictures...not the pictures just to make sure something that isn't tatting rated gets slipped in Barbara: it will wind the thread onto the hook instead of the bobbin Mimi-TS: No worries Cynthia... that's why we try to have multiple teachers. I was shocked that Anne hadn't done beading yet. Maybe by next time she'll be comfortable wtih it Cynthia: Me too but Anne indicated she had just never tried it before and really now wants to learn it Raven: okaaayyy - was I suppose to prebead my thread or something? Mimi-TS: She seems a quick study and has a good understanding of tatting's underlying structure Mimi-TS: So as long as she can take the time out of her schedule to study it, she'll get it Cynthia: I had 1 "rejected" picture of a nude baby but the gal was absolutely horrified that she had sent me the wrong file! Phyllis: omg Mimi-TS: Oh my goodness!! Raven: lol Cynthia: She said I don't do PORN!!!!!!!!! I didn't say it was I just rejected it as not tatting Phyllis: that's a big oopsie!! lol Phyllis: good thing it was a BABY! Cynthia: The nude baby was cute just not tatting...The only reason I rejected it was it was not tatting... Mimi-TS: For tonight's lesson, there isn't a quickie exercise I'm afraid. Normally we don't have the luxury of a full hour devoted to it Mimi-TS: Usually we just mention it in passing and give links for self-study later Raven: Cynthia should I long off and back in to be able to see the pics? Mimi-TS: But if you have a couple of shuttles that already have thread on, you can add af ew beads to both Mimi-TS: So that you can follow along as we talk about the different ways to put the beads in Mimi-TS: But if you can air-tat or visualize, then you're fine Cynthia: you should be able to see them now I had not approved them yet but they are now Mimi-TS: Also, while we're waiting for folks to come, a neat pattern was shared this afternoon that we can look at that is a bit simpler than the one in the lesson Cynthia: let's get on with the lesson.... Cynthia: Shal we sign in....Cynthia Stevenson brasthatfit@yahoo.com Stillwater OK USA Phyllis: Phyllis Rhodes txtwyst@comcast.net Deer Park TX USA Mimi-TS: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~nickeb/Snowflake2004.pdf is the one (actually it's homework this lesson) Raven: Raven ravenworks@ymail.com Sacramento Ca Mimi-TS: MIMI DILLMAN, ntrop Mimi-TS: ntrop@ix.netcom.com Snohomish WA USA Barbara: Barbara Wolf, West Palm Beach , FL Mimi-TS: Deer Park! How did I miss that in the past? I grew up in West Houston, not so far west as Katy, though Phyllis: no way! Phyllis: i grew up in pasadena... moved here to keep my son in the school district Mimi-TS: Way, went to Stratford High and also Rice Mimi-TS: Small world Phyllis: small world! Phyllis: lol Mimi-TS: OK BEADS Mimi-TS: DID ANYONE HAVE THE CHANCE TO TRY ADDING BEADS TO THEIR TATTIN GTHIS WEEK? Raven: . Phyllis: not me Mimi-TS: OR HAVE YOU USED BEADS BEFORE? Raven: no Phyllis: not me Mimi-TS: WOW, GROUND ZERO. Phyllis: lolol Cynthia: sure but us teachers are supposed to... Mimi-TS: THE BASIS FOR THIS LESSON IS IN http://www.angelfire.com/planet/newtatters/lesson5.html Mimi-TS: BEADS CAN BE PUT IN A LOT OF PLACES ON YOUR TATTING Mimi-TS: EITHER BY ADDING WITH A CROCHET HOOK OR BY PRE-STRINGING ON YOUR THREADS AND DROPPING THEM IN THE WORK AS YOU COME TO THE PLACES YOU WANT THEM Mimi-TS: MOST OF US HAVE SEEN WORK WHERE IT LOOKS LIKE THERE ARE BEADS ON THE DECORATIVE PICOTS Cynthia: the pattern uses both methods...prestrung and adding to picots Mimi-TS: THE EASIEST WAY IS ON CHAINS Mimi-TS: These beads will need to be strung on the ball (or shuttle 2 thread). You will slide it (them) down on the picot before making the next ds. Mimi-TS: Beads on a picot of a ring (above the line of ds's). For needle tattters, these come from the ball thread. Barbara: what size beads do you recommend Mimi-TS: For shuttle tatters, it's more problematic: these beads will come from the thread of the shuttle making the the ring. Cynthia: brb Mimi-TS: Not only must they be strung in advance of winding, but they must also be placed inside the ring before you make the first ds of the ring. Barbara: I have thought i have the idea, but... Mimi-TS: GETTING THESE BEADS INSIDE THE RING IS THE TRICKY PART - THEY HAVE TO BE ON THE THREAD OVER YOUR LEFT HAND Cynthia from x.x.x.211 changed name to Cynthia TA s-n 2 hours ago Mimi-TS: AND NOT BETWEEN YOUR PINCH AND SHUTTLE Mimi-TS: I USUALLY KEEP THEM JUST ABOVE MY PINKY, OVER THE "HUMP" OF MY 3RD AND 4TH FINGERS Barbara: I did realize that Raven: :) Mimi-TS: THEN WHEN I NEED TO DROP THEM IN THE PLACE OF A PICOT, I CAN JUST PULL THEM OVER HTE HUMP AND LET THEM DROP DOWN Cynthia TA s-n: I often make a loop in the thread and wrap the beads around my little finger to keep them out of the way Mimi-TS: GREAT TIP Cynthia TA s-n: it is a bit fiddly until you get used to working with beads and having them touch the back of the han d Mimi-TS: The order of stringing of your beads becomes very important if you are using more than one color or type. Cynthia TA s-n: does that make sense... Mimi-TS: YOU WILL STRING IN REVERSE ORDER OF USE - STRINGING THE LAST BEADS TO BE USED FIRST, SO THAT THE FIRST BEADS YOU NEED ARE AVAILABLE AT THE FIRST PART ON YOUR SHUTTLE OR BALL Phyllis: that's the same for both shuttles? Mimi-TS: IF ANYONE HERE HAS DONE BEAD CROCHET OR BEAD KNITTING, IT'S THE SAME PRINCIPLE Mimi-TS: YES SAME FOR BOTH SHUTTLES Mimi-TS: LUCKILY MANY DESIGNERS WILL LIST THIS OUT FOR YOU Mimi-TS: BUT IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO DOUBLE CHECK THEIR WORK Raven: : Mimi-TS: NOTHING WORSE TO BE IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR WORK SOMEWHERE AND NOT HAVE THE RIGHT BEAD THERE WHEN YOU NEED IT Mimi-TS: I'VE HAD TO CUT AND TIE AND RE-ADD THREAD SOMETIMES TO CORRECT STRINGING ERRORS. YUCK! Cynthia TA s-n: you will begin to recognize mistakes and how to correct them as you get more practice Mimi-TS: BUT BEADED TATTING IS SO PRETTY Mimi-TS: OH I FORGOT A COUPLE OF OTHER PLACES YOU CAN PUT BEADS Mimi-TS: BETWEEN DOUBLE STITCHES ON THE CORE THREAD - BUT THERE WILL BE A BIT OF THREAD GOING OVER THE TOP Mimi-TS: AND BEADS CAN GO ON JOINS TOO Mimi-TS: http://www.thisntat.com/bead_lessons1.html SHOWS PHOTOS OF ONE WAY TO DO IT Mimi-TS: EVERYONE IS QUIET, DID I LOSE YOU ALREADY Phyllis: lol Phyllis: what's the best way to get them ON the thread? Barbara: just visualizing the process Raven: im still here Phyllis: i've got some beads here but my needles are too big Mimi-TS: MY FAVORITE TOOL FOR STRINIGING BEADS IS MY DENTAL FLOSS THREADER THAT I USE FOR MAGIC LOOPING Raven: fumbling Barbara: and if you can recommend a size for these poor tired eyes, size 10 crochet thread Mimi-TS: I'D USE SIZE 8'S WITH 10 BARBARA Mimi-TS: I'VE BEEN ABLE TO GET MY THREADER THROUGH SIZE 11'S WITH SIZE 20 THREAD Barbara: cool i can try those Mimi-TS: AS LONG AS THE HOLES ARE A GOOD SIZE (SOMETIMES YOU AHVE TO DISCARD A FEW Cynthia TA s-n: Ithe floss threader works well for lots of sizes Phyllis: 11? as in mm? Mimi-TS: AND EVEN DELICAS AND SIZE 15S IF I'M USING SIZE 80 Barbara: it is too hard to get other thrpiecesead for practice Mimi-TS: EEK, BEAD SIZING, A WHOLE OTHER DISCUSSION Mimi-TS: NOT MM AT ALL Phyllis: arg Mimi-TS: IT'S THE NUMBER OF SEED BEADS THAT CAN BE STRUNG IN A CERTAIN DISTANCE. AN INCH MAYBE? Phyllis: hmm ok Cynthia TA s-n: the floss threader works well too for the magic thread Mimi-TS: SIZE 11 ARE VERY COMMON IN BIG BOX CRAFT STORES UP HERE LIKE MICHAELS AND JOANN'S (SORRY NO HOBBY LOBBY SO I CAN'T SAY THERE) Barbara: so smaller number larger bead, right Mimi-TS: EXACTLY BARBARA Mimi-TS: AND I'VE SEEN SOEM VERY NICE 8'S AT JOANN'S Mimi-TS: LOTS OF PRETTY COLORS Barbara: sometimes you can get 8 or 6 Raven: :o Phyllis: completely opposite from thread sizing.... terrific Cynthia TA s-n: Hobby Lobby has them in little vials and occasionally in bigger packages Barbara: they would probably work Mimi-TS: 15'S ARE VERY SMALL AND USUALLY ONLY AT BEAD STORES Mimi-TS: OK GREAT Barbara: i think have everything to practice Phyllis: i have to go shopping now :) darn Mimi-TS: YOU CAN ALSO USE BEADING NEEDLES BUT YOU HAVE TO WATCH YOUR SIZING Cynthia TA s-n: stay while we walk thru the pattern....it does help Mimi-TS: SOME ARE BIG IN DIAMETER Raven: by Phyllis Barbara: I think i am the only tatter in South florida Mimi-TS: SO THEY MIGHT BE DIFFICULT TO GET THROUGH WITH 2 THICCKNESSES OF THREAD AND THE NEEDLE Phyllis: oh i'm not leaving Phyllis: i have to go shopping for beads! and something to thread with Mimi-TS: PLUS BEADING NEEDLES TEND TO HAVE TINY HOLES Raven: oh Cynthia TA s-n: no I've heard of at least one other...don't remember her name... Raven: my bad Mimi-TS: BIG EYE NEEDLES ARE KIND OF BIG - SOME TWISTED WIRE ONES WORK WELL THOUGH Phyllis: tiny holes for what? Phyllis: lol raven Mimi-TS: THREADING THE NEEDLE - TINY EYE SORRY Phyllis: ohhhh the hole the thread goes thru. got it Phyllis: oh right eye Barbara: yes i am good at visualizing Cynthia TA s-n: I found a very long needle with a long eye--almost as long as the needle and it works pretty good. I don't remember the name but it was with the tatting supplies Mimi-TS: I'M TIRED, SORRY, ENGLISH IS MY ONLY LANGUAGE BUT SOMETIMES I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK THAT Barbara: i'm staying Barbara: long day at work here too Mimi-TS: SO DOES EVERYONE REMEMBER THEIR SCMR? Cynthia TA s-n: and our typos prove it Mimi...lol Phyllis: :-\ sort of? Mimi-TS: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~nickeb/Snowflake2004.pdf HAS SOME IN IT Barbara: i'l have to catch that skill on the next go Mimi-TS: HMMM SHOULD WE STILL TALK ABOUT THIS ONE THEN CYNTHIA? Cynthia TA s-n: the scmr is basically a chain that makes a loop and yes Phyllis: the only scmr i remember was a butterfly Cynthia TA s-n: same principle Mimi-TS: OK THEN LET'S LOOK AT JANE'S 2004 SNOWFLAKE Mimi-TS: IT HAS ONE SMALL ERROR - IT'S MISSING A BEAD IN THE DIAGRAM Cynthia TA s-n: Barbara it will make sense as we get to it... Cynthia TA s-n: and the picture doesn't show all the beads either... Raven: : Mimi-TS: THERE SHOULD BE ONE AT THE BASE OF RING 7 Barbara: ok Raven: brb Mimi-TS: IT'S MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUCTIONS - FOR AWHILE I COULDN'T FIGURE OUT WHY WE HAD TO STRING 48 BEADS@ Mimi-TS: BUT NOW I KNOW Mimi-TS: FIRST, WHY DO WE HAVE TO STRING 48 BEADS? THERE ARE 54 IN THE PHOTO Cynthia TA s-n: where it shows the mock picot on picture 2--second page Mimi-TS: 6 ON THE INSIDE ROUND, AND 8 PER REPEAT IN THE OUTER Mimi-TS: THE ANSWER IS THAT THE 6 ON THE INSIDE ARE BEADED JOINS Mimi-TS: ONE DOES NOT PRE-STRING FOR BEADED JOINS Barbara: isn't that the mock picot Mimi-TS: YOU KEEP THOSE BEADS LOOSE UNTIL YOU NEED THEM Mimi-TS: (IN A SMALL PADDED TRAY IS BEST, PADDING WITH A NAP SO THEY DON'T GO SLIDING ALL OVER) Cynthia TA s-n: yes but it should also have a bead over it Mimi-TS: THE BEADS IN THE OUTER ROUND ARE EITHER ON CHAINS (MEANING THEY NEED TO BE PRESTRUNG ON SHUTTLE 2) Mimi-TS: OR ON A RING OFF AN SCMR (ALSO REQUIRED TO BE FROM SHUTTLE 2) Mimi-TS: SO THAT'S WHY 6X8=48 ARE REQUIRED TO BE PRESTRUNG Mimi-TS: THE PATTERN STRUCTURE IS FAIRLY SIMPLE WITHOUT THE BEADS Mimi-TS: YOU START WITH A CENTER RING Mimi-TS: MAKEA MOCK PICOT Mimi-TS: (PICOT BETWEEN CETNER RING AND RING #1) Mimi-TS: tHEN MKAE RING #1 AS A SPLIT RING TO CLIMB OUT Mimi-TS: THE REST ARE RINGS JOINED TO EACH OTHER (WITH BEADED JOINS) AND TO THE CENTER (PLAIN JOIN) AND NON-BEADED CHAINS Cynthia TA s-n: on round 1 be sure to make the picots large enough to put the bead over and make the join Mimi-TS: LAST CHAIN WILL BE A SPLIT CHAIN TO CLIMB OUT TO THE LAST ROUND Mimi-TS: THIS NEXT MOCK PICOT IS WELL DIAGRAMMED Mimi-TS: RIGHT CYNTHIA, THE PICOTS NEED TO BE ONLY AS HIGH AS THE DIAMETER OF THE BEAD (HEIGHT ACROSS THE HOLE) Mimi-TS: OTHERWISE THEY COULD BE FLOPPY Phyllis: i don't recall reading how to "add" a shuttle Mimi-TS: OK WE JUST CLIMBED OUT AND IT'S TIME TO MAKE RING 7 Mimi-TS: IT WILL BE A SPLIT RING ON THIS FIRST REPEAT, BUT *A REGULAR RING ON FUTURE REPEATS* - FUTURE REPEATS IT'S #12 Cynthia TA s-n: to :add" a shuttle you either have to work the thread in after or tat over the tain Mimi-TS: NO ADDING REQUIRED ON THIS APTTERN IF YOU START CTM Cynthia TA s-n: tail...does that makes sense Phyllis. Phyllis: oh ok Mimi-TS: SHUTTLE 2 WILL JUST "BE" THERE AFTER THE INNER RING TO MAKE THE SPLIT RING (RING #1) Phyllis: i haven't caught on to the hiding ends Phyllis: got the ctm tho Mimi-TS: SEWING THEM IN WORKS TOO - YOU'LL LEARN HIDING WHEN YOU'RE READY Cynthia TA s-n: good better than hiding ends Mimi-TS: (MENAING: WHEN YOU'RE TIRED OF SEWING lol) Phyllis: lol Barbara: lol Mimi-TS: AFTER YOU CLOSE RING 7 (OR RING 12 IN 2ND REPEAT ON), YOU TAKE A BEAD DOWN FROM SHUTTLE 2 THEN MAKE THE CHAIN OF 8 DS Mimi-TS: THIS WILL LEAVE A BEAD AT THE BASE OF THE RING (NOT SHOWN IN THIS POSITION IN THE DIAGRAM BUT IT'S IN OTHERS) Mimi-TS: THEN YOU'LL MAKE RING 8 WITH NO BEADS Mimi-TS: RING 9 IS AN SCMR Mimi-TS: WITH BEADS AND A BEADED RING THROWN OFF Mimi-TS: EEEK Mimi-TS: THIS IS THE MOST DIFFICULT TO VISUALIZE Mimi-TS: PARTICULARLY IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE IT MCUH Phyllis: argh Mimi-TS: BUT JUST REMEMBER Mimi-TS: A SCMR IS JUST A CHAIN Mimi-TS: AND YOU KNOW HOW TO BEAD PICOTS ON A CHAIN (OR WILL) Cynthia TA s-n: but it isn't hard....you can already do all the techniques just not by this name... Mimi-TS: AND YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE A RING ON A CHAIN (SOME CALL IF FLOATING RING) Mimi-TS: SO USE THAT LOGIC TO BREAK IT DOWN INTO SMALLER BITS Mimi-TS: YOU'LL SET UP FOR THE SCMR (CHAIN WITH A LOOP OF CORE THREAD HANGING OUT AT THE BEGINNING) Mimi-TS: AND CHAIN 4 DS, SLIDE A BEAD DOWN FROM SHUTTLE 2 IN THE PLACE OF A PICOT, 4 DS, THEN DROP SHUTTLE 1 Mimi-TS: WITH SHUTTLE 2 IN HAND, GET OUT 3 BEADS Phyllis: <whimper> Mimi-TS: AND SET UP FOR THE RING, MAKING SURE THAT YOU GET THE BEADS INSIDE THE RING THREAD (OVER THE PINKY) BEFORE THE PINCH Barbara: the loop will be used to close right Cynthia TA s-n: what is worrying you Phyllis? Mimi-TS: RING 4 DS, SLIDE A BEAD OVER THE HUMP, 4DS, SLIDE AGAIN, 4 DS, LAST BEAD, THEN 4DS AND CLOSE Phyllis: ummm everything? until i DO it.. or TRY... i'll be confused Mimi-TS: LAST, YOU PUT SHUTTLE 2 BACK OVER YOUR LEFT HAND Mimi-TS: MAKE 4 DS, SLIDE A BEAD DOWN FROM SHUTTLE 2 INTO PICOT POSTION, 4DS AND CLOSE THE SCMR Mimi-TS: LUCKILY I'M GETTING BETTER AT THE LOS Mimi-TS: OG Mimi-TS: LOG Mimi-TS: DANG Mimi-TS: MAYBE I'M GETTING BETTER AT IT Mimi-TS: SO THAT YOU CAN REVIEW THE LOG AGAIN WHEN YOU'VE PREPPED TO TAT THIS PATTERN Phyllis: k Mimi-TS: AFTER CLOSING SCMR (RING #9) YOU'LL MAKE A NON-BEADED CHAIN, Mimi-TS: RING #10 Mimi-TS: THEN DROP A BEAD FROM SHUTTLE 2 BEFORE TATTING THE DS'S OF THE NEXT CHAIN Mimi-TS: RING 11 Cynthia TA s-n: you can always e-mail us for help....be sure to put in some times we could mett here in chatzy Mimi-TS: CHAIN AGAIN, FIRST PUTTING A BEAD IN POSITION BEFORE MAKING THE DS'S Phyllis: oh yay cuz i'm completely lost Mimi-TS: AND RING 12 (WHICH IS THE EQUIVALENT OF RING 7, SO YOU'LL HAVE THE FIRST RING OF THE NEXT REPEAT) Mimi-TS: EASY AS PIE (LOL) Mimi-TS: BUT EASIER THAN YOU THINK Phyllis: HAHAHA Cynthia TA s-n: Phyllis can you stay later and we can go over it 1 on 1 Phyllis: ok thank you Phyllis: oh yes i mean Mimi-TS: BABARA SORRY I MISSED YOUR QUESTION, BUT YES THE LOOP OF CORE THREAD LEFT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SCMR IS USED IN CLOSING Cynthia TA s-n: it seems scary when in class as we tend to go a bit faster.... Mimi-TS: ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ON BEADING BEFORE I ADDRESS BLOCKING AND ATTENDING GEORGIA'S MONDAY CLASSES? Barbara: not scary, and that's when i realized how to do the the scmr Barbara: but i am very slow Mimi-TS: NOT SLOW, DELIBERATE Barbara: i think may start beading with a simple daisy Mimi-TS: OK THEN, BLOCKING Barbara: and slow Cynthia TA s-n: we all were when we started and some of us still tat slow or deliberate Mimi-TS: GOOD IDEA BARBARA Barbara: you see i work Barbara: and i can tat on my break Barbara: bout 15 min Barbara: cluding unpacking whatever i'm working on Mimi-TS: EVEN SIMPLE BLOCKING WILL MAKE YOUR WORK LOOK MUCH NICER Cynthia TA s-n: that is a good stretch of time....especially when the hands are doing a new skill Barbara: it has to be "away" at the end Mimi-TS: IT CAN BE AS SIMPLE AS WETTING YOUR PIECE, SHAPING IT, AND LEAVING IT TO DRY ON TEH COUNTER OR OTHER FLAT SURFACE Phyllis: that's what i have done Barbara: i so block Mimi-TS: i'VE BEEN KNOWN TO SANDWICH MY WET TATTING IN SOME PAPER TOWELS UNDER A PHONE BOOK Barbara: i knit, etc Phyllis: i was surprised it worked so well Mimi-TS: MAKES THE PHONE BOOK A BIT WAVY BUT WHO CARES IT GETS RECYCLED THE NEXT YEAR Mimi-TS: BLOCKING IS GREAT FOR KNITTING, ESPECIALLY LACE Mimi-TS: I LOVE LACE KNITTING Barbara: dont "recycle" your tatting though Mimi-TS: NO, LOL\ Mimi-TS: YOU CAN ALSO PIN OUT YOUR LARGER WORK Mimi-TS: NANCY TRACY (BE-STITCHED.COM) HAS A PAGE ON HOW SHE MADE H ER BLOCKING BOARD Mimi-TS: http://www.be-stitched.com/blockingboard.asp Barbara: i have a "quilters cut n press Mimi-TS: AND A PHOTO TOO OF SOEM WORK PINNED OUT ON IT Cynthia TA s-n: about the same thing...Barbara Barbara: which is basically a padded plastic board Mimi-TS: http://www.be-stitched.com/images/blocked.jpg Mimi-TS: THAT' WILL WORK BARBARA Mimi-TS: LINES HELP MAKE SURETHE REPEATS ARE ALL THE SAME SIZE AND LINED UP ON DIAGONALS (OR HOWEVER THEY SHOULD LINE UP) Barbara: i know i have used it for that Mimi-TS: IT REALLY IMPRESSES THE JUDGES AT THE FAIR WHEN YOU ENTER YOUR WORK Barbara: made edging for towels as my first larger project Mimi-TS: WOW THAT'S A LOT OF TATTING Mimi-TS: LAST, YOU ALL HAVE DONE RELLY WELL IN THESE LESSONS Barbara: i'll try to remember that at the appropriate time Mimi-TS: YOU'RE UNDERSTANDING A LOT OF WHAT WE SAY WHEN IT COMES TO EXPLAINING VARIOUS TECHNIQUES Mimi-TS: I ENCOURAGE YOU TO JOIN IN WITH GEORGIA'S WEEKLY LESSONS ON MONDAYS Mimi-TS: AT FIRST YOU MAY HEAR A LOT OF TERMS YOU DON'T KNOW Cynthia TA s-n: You all know a lot more than you think you do Phyllis: are those the advanced lessons? Mimi-TS: BUT WITH EITHER ASKING QUESTIONS, OR DOING A LITTLE RESEARCH ON HER SITE USING GOOGLE'S ADVANCED SEARCH FEATURE Barbara: i try, but as i said i work Cynthia TA s-n: but Georgia explains them and yes Mimi-TS: YOU CAN USUALLY FIGURE OUT WHAT'S GOING ON Mimi-TS: ANY LEVEL PHYLLIS Barbara: and when i work it is 12 hours Mimi-TS: SOME ARE EASY, SOME ARE WAY OUT THERE Barbara: like today Mimi-TS: DEPENDS UPON WHAT GETS CONTRIBUTED Cynthia TA s-n: she calls it advanced to seperate it from the beginners Mimi-TS: LOL BARBARA Barbara: but i like to listen in Phyllis: ok Mimi-TS: THIS WEEK'S LESSON WAS FAIRLY EASY REALLY Cynthia TA s-n: You can always read thelog and e-mail questions Mimi-TS: THE BOCHER BOOK RECONSTRUCTION IS GOING ON Mimi-TS: THE PATTERNS IN THAT BOOK ARE FOR THE MOST PART FAIRLY SIMPLE Mimi-TS: RINGS AND CHAINS SIMPLE Phyllis: are there lessons posted for that class? Cynthia TA s-n: and it is very easy... Mimi-TS: http://www.georgiaseitz.com/2009/2009index.html Mimi-TS: THE PAPERCLIP/BOOKMARKS ARE A BIT MORE CHALLENGING BUT NOT MUCH MORE Mimi-TS: THIS MONTH'S SHAMROCK FEATURES DIMPLED RINGS Mimi-TS: (CLICK THE MONTH NAME "MARCH" FOR THAT PATTERN) Mimi-TS: YOU CAN CREATE A DIMPLE IN A RING VERY SIMPLY Cynthia TA s-n: they are explained very well and it is easy to follow Barbara: all ears Mimi-TS: IT'S KIND OF STRANGE TO THINK ABOUT, BUT DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN JOIN TO THE PICOT YOU JUST MADE A FEW DS'S BEFORE Mimi-TS: IN THE SAME RING OR CHAIN? Mimi-TS: YOU CAN! Mimi-TS: AND WHEN YOU DO, A LITTLE DIP IN THE CORE THREAD AND DS'S ON IT GETS MADE Cynthia TA s-n: You are also welcome back here anytime Mimi-TS: YOU CAN STILL CLOSE THE RING/TENSION THE CHAIN Mimi-TS: BUT YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL AS THE DIMPLE MAKES IT A LITTLE MORE DIFFICULT Cynthia TA s-n: either as a refresser or to work on the basics again Mimi-TS: THE 2ND HALF OF EACH LOBE OF THE SHAMROCK Barbara: i can see that Mimi-TS: IS JUST A CHAIN THAT HAS A JOIN TO THE PICOT - A LOCK JOIN, WE REMEMBER THOSE RIGHT? Barbara: but i might have done that on accident before Mimi-TS: THE LAST NEWISH THING IN THE BOOKMARK Mimi-TS: IS THE LONG TAIL WITH THE DIMPLED RINGS COMING OFF IT Mimi-TS: THE TAIL LOOKS LIKE IT TWISTS AROUND Mimi-TS: BUT IT'S ACTUALLY JUST A CHAIN Mimi-TS: WHERE SHE'S ONLY MADE THE SAME HALF STITCH OVER AND OVER Mimi-TS: I USUALLY DO 2ND HALF SINCE IT'S FASTER FOR ME Barbara: josephine Mimi-TS: WHEN YOU ONLY DO THAT HALF OVER AND OVER Mimi-TS: RIGHT!! Cynthia TA s-n: either the first half or the second half Mimi-TS: WHEN YOU MAKE A JOSEPHINE CHAIN, THE WORK WANTS TO SPIRAL Mimi-TS: GO AHEAD AND LET IT Mimi-TS: IT KEEPS THE CHAIN STRIAGHT AND THE SPIRAL IS QUITE ATTRACTIVE Barbara: twist is to the left - i think Mimi-TS: I USE THAT A LOT TO FINISH OFF BOOKMARKS Barbara: cool Cynthia TA s-n: it is a pretty look Mimi-TS: WITH A TASSEL ON THE END Mimi-TS: NO ENDS TO SEW IN :) Barbara: and my edging was only rings and chain Cynthia TA s-n: that is a good edging.... Mimi-TS: SO THAT'S MY CHEERLEADING FOR TONIGHT Mimi-TS: PLEASE KEEP READING THE CLASSES AND EXPLORING WHAT INTERESTS YOU Barbara: clover leaf motifs connected with a chain Cynthia TA s-n: very good Mimi Barbara: different color Mimi-TS: DON'T TRY TO LEARN EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE Mimi-TS: THERE'S PLENTY OF TIME Mimi-TS: MORE OF IT WILL MAKE SENSE THE MORE YOU KNOW Barbara: and picots to sew to towel edge Mimi-TS: VERY MUCH LIKE ANY OTHER CRAFT Cynthia TA s-n: Barbara do you mean 2 colors? Barbara: very sturdy in size 10 Mimi-TS: GET A GOOD GROUNDING IN THE BASICS AND MORE ADVANCED STUFF EVENTUALLY BECOMES MORE CLEAR Barbara: yes ecru and forest green Barbara: ight green and beige towel Mimi-TS: SO I HOPE TO SEE EVERYONE IN GEORGIA'S CLASSES. YOU'RE ALSO WELCOME BACK HERE ANY TIME IF YOU NEED MORE WORK ON THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON OF THE WEEK Barbara: and i was very early in learning Cynthia TA s-n: sounds very pretty Mimi-TS: PRETTY! Barbara: see y'all next month if i can Mimi-TS: any last questions before i sign off? Cynthia TA s-n: Phyllis I'll be here for awhile Barbara: nah brain is probably fried if i try to think too hard Barbara: lol Mimi-TS: I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN... I RESEMBLE THAT REMARK ABOU TNOW Barbara: i have been up since 430 Phyllis: ok i have some random basic questions that need clarifying in my brain Cynthia TA s-n: my brain would be way beyond fried... Barbara: i'll try to listen Barbara: today was work Cynthia TA s-n: sure all are welcome to stay Barbara: hats when i get up Phyllis: shuttle 2 is ALWAYS the one in/over your left hand? Cynthia TA s-n: not necessarily but it is used for chains Phyllis: arg i thougth that was the right hand one Phyllis: that did chains Phyllis: ok let's back up another step Mimi-TS: SHUTTLE 2 IS FAIRLY COMMONLY USED TO NAME THE SHUTTLE THAT IS OVER YOUR LEFT HAND FOR CHAINS Phyllis: but..... for chains you use both, right? Cynthia TA s-n: ok back up --thanks Mimi Phyllis: two shuttles Cynthia TA s-n: yes Cynthia TA s-n: you can use a ball for the second shuttle but it does the same thing as shuttle 2 Cynthia TA s-n: did that make sense? Phyllis: so if you are saying shuttle 2.. over your left hand... makes chains... even though you are really using both shuttles Cynthia TA s-n: yes Phyllis: when they say "use sh2 and ch6" they are referring to the thread that will be showing????? Cynthia TA s-n: yes as when the flip occurs that happens Mimi-TS: Hmmm, i'd have to see the pattern for that one Mimi-TS: so then shuttle 2 is the same as the ball thread cynthia Cynthia TA s-n: but yes you have to know is the pattern 2 colors or just 2 color...it does make a difference Cynthia TA s-n: duh 2 colors or just 1 color...lol Cynthia TA s-n: Phyllis did we confuse you further? Phyllis: so if you are using two colors... and they say use sh1 and make a chain... would you do the slt to get sh1 over your hand??? Cynthia TA s-n: do you want the chain to be a different color or the same color as the rings? Phyllis: well let's say sh2 is white and sh1 is red... and i've been making rings and chains and "with" sh2.. so it's all white... Cynthia TA s-n: like in the candy cane.... Phyllis: if you wanted to change to red... then you'd SLT and basically switch places with them? Cynthia TA s-n: the red would have to be over your hand for the chain, yes Phyllis: and would you EVER make a ring using sh1? without SLTing? Cynthia TA s-n: yes if you were changing directions for the line of work Phyllis: argh.. ok Phyllis: oh wait ok i understand Phyllis: as in reversing Phyllis: ? Cynthia TA s-n: yes Phyllis: ok.. now the beads.... Cynthia TA s-n: you know more than you thought....it is the ah ha thought Cynthia TA s-n: yes what about beads Phyllis: LOL Phyllis: it's just that i am not completely clear on some things and haven't been able to find theanswers myself... so i wait for the pros! Phyllis: ok beads Cynthia TA s-n: thank you for the kudos but we just help you figure it out so it makes sense Phyllis: i got confused earlier when you were talking about which shuttle to thread the beads on... and which shuttle was used to put the beads in which places Phyllis: beads on sh2... go in rings? Phyllis: the inside/outside of rings confuses me too Cynthia TA s-n: ok look back at the snowlfake 2004...by Jane eborall Do you have it printed out? Phyllis: yup Cynthia TA s-n: that makes it easier for me too...I like to be able to write notes as we go... Phyllis: i know i had it turned over ready to take notes on the back lol Cynthia TA s-n: you need to start with the bare thread...you will eventually make it 2 shuttles wound CTM Cynthia TA s-n: but you start by putting all the beads on the thread...then wind shuttle 1 sliding the beads toward the ball as you go Phyllis: eventually? don't you have to start out CTM? Phyllis: ohh ok Phyllis: so thread beads... wind shuttle... ? Phyllis: then wind second shuttle and start with the one with no beads Cynthia TA s-n: Wind the first shuttle but keep moving the beads toward the ball while you are winding the beads. DO NOT CUT apart Phyllis: ok Cynthia TA s-n: pull off the ball enough thread to fill the shuttle--move the beads toward shuttle 1--already wound Phyllis: ok so beads aren't wound on the shuttle.. just hanging in front of Cynthia TA s-n: yes Raven from x.x.x.64 joined the chat 98 minutes ago Phyllis: ok gimme a sec to look at our chat above and find that other prob i had Cynthia TA s-n: hi Raven welcome back Cynthia TA s-n: sure Phyllis Mimi-TS: cynthia you're doing great - time for me to go upstairs and cook dinner. have a great evening Cynthia TA s-n: thanks Mimi I do better when I can go at my pace rather than the class pace where I have to worry about getting done.... Mimi-TS: :) Mimi-TS: one-on-one is easier too Cynthia TA s-n: Enjoy your dinner....do you want to save the log at this point? Mimi-TS: have fun with it Mimi-TS: i can unless you think it should be saved after you and phyllis are done Raven: thanks Barbara: more than 1 Barbara: i'm listening Phyllis: ok i can't find it. keeps jumping to the bottom Cynthia TA s-n: I do I won't argue with Georgia about taking over the evening class I can do the afternoon and or evening Cynthia TA s-n: Barbara and Raven I didn't mean you weren't here I meant that I didn't have a time constraint to worry about as well as getting thru the lesson Mimi-TS: we'll have to talk about her proposals more Mimi-TS: hopefully she'll let hwoever is teaching needle tatting pick the time Mimi-TS: anyway i'll come back and harvest/upload the log after dinner Raven: sokay Cynthia TA s-n: ok e-mail and mauybe we can do either yahoo IM or just e-mail or even call...I can use my cell for weekend and evening Mimi-TS from x.x.x.227 left the chat 94 minutes ago Phyllis: ok i can't find it Raven: wow my head is full Cynthia TA s-n: try save/print then pick the next lower number and do it again Phyllis: mine has exploded Cynthia TA s-n: I understand Raven Cynthia TA s-n: Let me tell you about the first time I went to Georgia's advanced class...I'd been tatting 20 years Barbara: oh i think i learned a lot tonight, i just wont have time to do it and then i forget Cynthia TA s-n: I was so lost I could not even think. I went to Mimi's beginner class and got the terminology down Phyllis: can you explain again which beads on which shuttle get used where? Phyllis: did that even make sense? Cynthia TA s-n: when I learned to tat the only thing the gal did was rings and picots...no joins, no chains, no beads Cynthia TA s-n: sure Phyllis Raven from x.x.x.64 joined the chat 91 minutes ago Cynthia TA s-n: it does make sense. if the bead will be on the picot Raven: i keep getting the boot Cynthia TA s-n: does it ever show a square that indicates stay or leave Barbara: :( Raven: no Cynthia TA s-n: Why the frowm Barbara? Barbara: raven keeps getting kicked out Raven: thanks Barb Cynthia TA s-n: if the bead will be on the picot it is on the shuttle that has the thread going over the hand Barbara: sympathy empathy of vague electron ick Phyllis: ok Cynthia TA s-n: if the bead will go over the picot where itjoins then it will not be on either thread Barbara: ah-ha Cynthia TA s-n: does that help Phyllis? Phyllis: ok Phyllis: yes Cynthia TA s-n: also Raven you can tap any letter when your name gets close to the top and you should stay Phyllis: what about on /in rings? Cynthia TA s-n: we usually use k or c Cynthia TA s-n: if it will be on the thread that goes thru the ds then it needs to be on the thread that goes over the left hand Raven: . Raven: thanks Phyllis: ok Cynthia TA s-n: I keep the beads on a U shaped loop that I wrap around my little finger--pinky Cynthia TA s-n: does that help and make sense? Phyllis: yes.. Phyllis: and on chains they go on the right hand shuttle? Cynthia TA s-n: Chatzy lets us stay about 4 minutes the other place bumped us every 90 seconds so there were a lot of letters during lessons Cynthia TA s-n: and Yes Phyllis they do if they will be on the outer part of the thread Cynthia TA s-n: we would start with a then b then c....you get the idea...it looked like a kindergarten class learning their letters lol Phyllis: and on ball/sh2 if they will be on top part? Barbara: i "refresh" if the window doesn't seem to be moving Barbara: oesn't add a letter Raven: . Cynthia TA s-n: that could help as well I've not had the problem....you can also just click on the OK at the right of the bar you type in too Cynthia TA s-n: Any other questions tonight? Raven: ya Raven: not a tat Q Phyllis: nope i am questioned out! for the moment anyway :) Raven: where r the class pics Cynthia TA s-n: Yes Phyllis I missed our Cynthia TA s-n: your wuestion... Cynthia TA s-n: my typing is getting bad...sorry Phyllis: ok Phyllis: raven you don't see the menu on the left? Raven: r they on this Chazty page or the lesson pages Raven: ya see the menu but no pics option Cynthia TA s-n: I'll ask Mimi but I think they are on the lesson pages or possibly on georgia's site.... Phyllis: home messages post files photos?? Phyllis: she's talkin about the photos we post on yahoo Phyllis: after files and before links Cynthia TA s-n: they are on nsan in the photos... Raven: are there two different locations? Raven: ok Cynthia TA s-n: the g rated ones...lol... Raven: lol Raven: :D Thanks Phyllis: does this work? http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newshuttlesandneedles/photos/album/841366310/pic/list Cynthia TA s-n: yes Raven they are on more than 1 place...we probably need to make one the official site...lol Cynthia TA s-n: yes it does Raven: Phyllis that helped a lot -thanks Phyllis: oh good Raven: I better let you ladies go - its not to late her in the west but your prob tired Phyllis: ok i am off to bed. cynthia thank you SO SO much for all of your help tonight. Cynthia TA s-n: I still am learning how to link Raven: TTFN Cynthia TA s-n: You are welcome. It is getting close to 10 here Phyllis: raven don't laugh too hard at my first dove! LOLOL Phyllis: night all!! hope to see you on monday! Cynthia TA s-n: I hope you will join us next time and if you can try Georgia's classes as well Phyllis: what time on mon? Phyllis: and i will def be back to thebeginners classes!!! Cynthia TA s-n: That is a great dove, Phyllis...don[t ever be ashamed of it...yest it will get better but that doesn't me it is bad Phyllis: oh my second dove is good.. my first one.. poor thing Cynthia TA s-n: afternoon at 3--eastern and 8:30 Pm eastern is the evening time Phyllis: ok 7:30 houston time Cynthia TA s-n: keep it to remember how hard it seemed when you did it Barbara from x.x.x.206 joined the chat 74 minutes ago Phyllis: alrighty then night night everybody! Phyllis from x.x.x.4 left the chat 73 minutes ago Cynthia TA s-n: Barbara did you have any more questions? Barbara: nighty night Cynthia TA s-n: Peace and see you Monday or during the next beginner class it starts March 12.... Cynthia TA s-n: Peace and Bye