debinmtns from x.x.x.224 joined the chat 4 hours ago debinmtns: Debi Marik,, sandpoint,Idaho debinmtns: I am on my wireless and we having bad weather coming in. debinmtns: I am the only one here, I am early. BJ from x.x.x.141 joined the chat 4 hours ago Phyllis from x.x.x.4 joined the chat 4 hours ago BJ: beverly june davis Silver City NM Hi, I made it! I remembered! Phyllis: phyllis rhodes deer park tx -- not sure how long i can stay tonight BJ: How's the weather in Texas? Phyllis: very nice... chilly, sunny skies today Phyllis: hasn't rained since last sunday BJ: nice here in the bootheel of NMexico, also Mid 60's BJ: we hope to get some rain BJ: CA is being blasted right now ~ daughter lives in Sacramento Phyllis: did anyone do the valentine heart? BJ: What are you gals tatting on at the moment? BJ: I haven't been following the lessons, life keeps happening Phyllis: nothing.. getting ready to throw it all away if i don't figure it out BJ: LOL never give up! BJ: I've been tatting heart after heat from various sources. BJ: heart Phyllis: i'm a perfectionist.... and to not be able to GET this... reading pattenrs mainly... is driving me insane BJ: I still struggle with reading some designer's patterns...but I have their e-mail addys. hehehehe Phyllis: if i read something... and the drawing doesn't appear to match it.... it throws me completely off BJ: well, that happens with some designers more than others... BJ: Tatting can be very forgiving and after you get into it ~ you begin to compensate and adapt. Phyllis: i have a question... BJ: yes? Phyllis: oh y'all needle or shuttle? Phyllis: i shuttle BJ: shuttle only Phyllis: ok Phyllis: so... when using two shuttles.... let's say you've made a chain and need to make a ring BJ: yes? Phyllis: looking at the thread as it is in your fingers.... hand shuttle thread is on top, shuttle thread on bottom,right? BJ: Let's call shuttle one (the one in your hand) and shuttle 2 (the one in the left hand) Phyllis: ok Phyllis: when you go from chain to ring, do you put the thread in FRONT of shuttle 2 or BEHIND shuttle 2 thread BJ: so what I'm reading is....the shuttle 2 thread is in your left hand fingers...and the Shuttle 1 thread is in right...and that thread is on top? debinmtns: Have either of you done lesson 3 heart? Phyllis: tried and stopped BJ: When you switch from chain to ring, point the ring DOWN...THEN make a regluar ds BJ: I've done a bunch of hearts debinmtns: me too, I am needle tatting Phyllis: ok maybe i am not remembering when i have this problem...l Phyllis: oh i think it is when you RW BJ: when you Reverse Work, the ring will be in down position, the next stitch should be made just like a regular ds snugged up against the gap Phyllis: oh geez i can't even remember. see i can't even explain my problem to get help. debinmtns: Cl ring, tie, start chain Phyllis: tie?? BJ: well, yes...close the ring....then .... debinmtns: Sorry needle tatting Phyllis: oh ok debinmtns: cl ring, rw start chain BJ: yes, Phyllis: ok so close ring... rw... but then isn't your shuttle 2 thread on the bottom when it should be on the top? Phyllis: my chains are twisting BJ: wait and I'll pick up my shuttles....never thought about it Phyllis: AFTER i rw BJ: The thread coming from Shuttle 2 (the ball thread) is on the bottom debinmtns: I am little differnt, sorry. Phyllis: after you rw? BJ: yes, needle is different debinmtns: I did order DVd for tatting its wonderful for visual Phyllis: i was doing the awareness ribbon Phyllis: i would chain.. rw then start a ring debinmtns: yes BJ: after you reverse the work and the ring is upside down, the thread in the left hand (ball thread shuttle 2) will be on the botttom. Then you do an under stitch (1st step of ds) and then an over stitch Phyllis: attach to the last picot... then finish ring... the ds sections were twisting Phyllis: and the chains were flipping around BJ: Ok...let your shuttles dangle and unwind...twisting comes from thread needing to relax and straighten Phyllis: no it's not that BJ: tension? Phyllis: when you rw and the threads go from top/bottom to bottom/top... BJ: perhaps it is too loose Phyllis: it's right here where i'm having the problem... you have to bring one of the threads around into position on your hand... and the other thread is either in front of it or in back BJ: yes, BJ: Well, I'm making chains and rings right now and when I RW, I'm still holding the thread in the traditional position....and making a regular ds snugged up against a closed ring Phyllis: ok sorry i left to take a pic Phyllis: can i email it to you? Margaret from x.x.x.204 joined the chat 3 hours ago BJ: sure BJ: or you can wait and ask the teacher...LOL BJ: Hi Margaret Phyllis: i can't even explain it good enough Phyllis: to get help Phyllis: <sigh> BJ: It is very hard to explain a visual action...not unusual that's why it is hard to write instructions Phyllis: which is why this stuff is getting closer and closerr to the garbage can BJ: no no no Margaret: Phyllis, take heart, you WILL get it BJ: take a cleansing Phyllis: no i need a drink! lol BJ: I really like that Learn to Tat DVD and Book...I taught a friend from church this week and she got the flip in aout 15 minutes helps to have someone with you and have photos BJ: I'm going to go look at the picture be right back debinmtns: Hi Margaret Phyllis: did you give me your email? Pam from x.x.x.68 joined the chat 3 hours ago Phyllis: oh wait duh Pam: Hey Folks! debinmtns: Hi Pam JaneArmstrong from x.x.x.63 joined the chat 3 hours ago Phyllis: hi pam Phyllis: ok bj i just sent it BJ from x.x.x.141 joined the chat 3 hours ago Margaret: I am now officially 'old' Phyllis: uh oh why? JaneArmstrong: Hello, it wouldn't let me in tonight... BJ: beverly june davis Silver City NM BJ: Why are you old? Phyllis: i just sent it to you debinmtns: Why are you old/ BJ: ok I'll go look again....LOL I'm 72 and I don't 'feel' old Phyllis: lol Phyllis: i'm 44 and feel ancient Margaret: I am now officially eligible for 10% off at Zellers (large chain department store here in Canada) as I turned 55 todya Phyllis: lolol Phyllis: yay! JaneArmstrong: Happy Birthday Phyllis: i can't wait to get discounts! Margaret: thanks, Jane Pam: Love those "young folks" discounts ;-) Phyllis: lol Margaret: several other stores, restaurants and services give discounts at 55 JaneArmstrong: When I turned 55, every speed sign was saying Happy 55! Mimi from x.x.x.227 joined the chat 3 hours ago debinmtns: Happy Birthday to you! Margaret: at VIA train, at age 60, a companion can come along FREE Margaret: thank you. Have had a great day so far Mimi: Happy Birthday Margaret JaneArmstrong: glad you are back, mimi debinmtns: Free train ride cool Mimi: Me too. I missed you guys last Thursday night debinmtns: Hello Mini Margaret: I attend a support house for women, 'My Sister's Place'. The message I gave one staff last week didn't get to the cook, so no birthday cake today but I was given four lovely presents and the cake will be on Monday. So I get to celebrate twcie Mimi: It was nice to see the customers of course, but they don't tat :) BJ from x.x.x.141 joined the chat 3 hours ago Margaret: Hello, Mimi JaneArmstrong: :-) Mimi: Hello everyone BJ: Oh Good, ask Mimi your question, phyllis :>) Margaret: does Cynthia have power tonight and is she coming? BJ: Hi Mimi Phyllis: argh JaneArmstrong: jane armstrong, chapel hill, nc, Phyllis: that means i have to remember the question :) JaneArmstrong: she emailed this afternoon Mimi: Cynthia was teaching the afternoon class today, so hopefully she's coming tonight too Margaret: it is above in this discussion, Phyllis BJ: I looked at the photo and I don't know how you ended up with looks as though you encapsulated your own stitches.... debinmtns: Mimi, I figure out what I was doing wrong. Now I am going strong. I was reserving the ring and chains endings. Phyllis: it seems like it happens after a rw and after a join BJ: Phyllis is having a hard time wrapping her head around how the threads go... on top or on bottom or vice versa after you RW and begin a chain and are using 2 shuttles. Mimi: That's great news Debi. Good work to get yourself straightened out. It's not easy being self-taught JaneArmstrong: pass the picture on...maybe we can help you Phyllis BJ: yes, send the photo to Mimi... debinmtns: thanks appreciated it BJ: the book I learned from didn't even have drawings aghhhhhhh Phyllis: just sent to jane Phyllis: email for mimi? BJ: yes, let her see your interesting delima BJ: excuse spelling it's typos Mimi: Phyllis: sent Mimi: The usual rule for starting the next element is that the needle/shuttle thread and ball thread should not cross each other Phyllis: that is where the problem is Phyllis: when you rw how can you NOT have that happen? BJ: now I understand your question.... Phyllis: because they have to get back in the 'one's on top' 'one's on bottom' position, right? Linda-S from x.x.x.7 joined the chat 3 hours ago Mimi: You reverse work to avoid the crossing over, actually Margaret: in needle, that is after you have put the needle through the 'teardrop'? Mimi: When you reverse work - that is, rotate it toward you until the side that faced you is facing away, and what was down is up Phyllis: but when you rw you don't switch which shuttle you are using.. they stay in the same hand, right? Mimi: what happens is that the shuttle thread will be on the right/bottom and the ball thread will be on the top/left. JaneArmstrong: phyllis, do you know about "pant legs and belt" Mimi: So you will use the same shuttle for both the ring and for the chain Mimi: Right Phillis, stay in the same hand Phyllis: yes i know about the clothing :) Mimi: It appears to me that you were using 2 shuttles in the photo you sent? Phyllis: ok just wanted to make sure i had that part right Phyllis: yes mimi Phyllis: that was the awareness ribbon Mimi: Because somehow you got the core of the chain thread to be one shuttle,and all hte ds's with the other shuttle Mimi: Actually, the core thread of the chains should be the same thread as made the rings Phyllis: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh Mimi: That way you will get the nice arcs instead of the twisted look (which you might acutally want but not in this context) Mimi: Was that a light bulb? Phyllis: that will probably fix it! Phyllis: it was a BIG bulb! Mimi: I hope it does Phyllis: ok so when making the ring the hand shuttle still goes ON TOP of the hand Mimi: Margaret - in needle tatting don't reverse until after you have closed the ring (needle through teardrop Phyllis: not hanging down in front Phyllis: i think i always had one hanging when i was making a ring Phyllis: as opposed to having it over my hand Mimi: When using 2 shuttles one will always be dangling Mimi: One will dangle from your pinch when you make rings Phyllis: OMG now i can sleep tonight... and step away from the trash can :) Mimi: That's the one that you will put over your hand to make the chain BJ: well that is a relief Phyllis: and that one should be the hand shuttle? Phyllis: or? Cynthia from x.x.x.211 joined the chat 3 hours ago BJ: hullo Cynthia Mimi: the one that dangled when you made the ring will be over your LEFT hand Mimi: The shuttle that made the ring will be in your right hand flipping stitches Mimi: If the 2 shuttles are not the same color, you might want to put a sticker on one Phyllis: so they DO move from hand to hand?????? Cynthia: Sorry I'm running late,,,,, Mimi: At least until you learn to "read" your threads (you will get to the point that you will learn which one should be which) Phyllis: the shuttles that is? Mimi: Hi Cynthia, we've been helping Phyliis debinmtns: Hi cynthia Mimi: That's right Phillys, but only one will be flipping the stitches of both the ring and the chain JaneArmstrong: Hi Cynthia Cynthia: great I was reading along.... Mimi: So when you start, put a sticker on the shuttle that donated thread to go over your left hand and stayed in your right hand to flip the knots Cynthia: keep going and I'll chime in...there are 2 more who want to join and I'm getting their info Mimi: After closing, you'll reverse work. The non-sticker shuttle will donate its thread to go over your left hand Mimi: And the sticker shuttle will be in your right hand flipping the stitches Phyllis: and which one makes the rings? Mimi: STICKER Cynthia from x.x.x.211 sent out 1 invitation(s) 3 hours ago Phyllis: ok Phyllis: and one will be OVER my hand when making rings? or hanging down in front of everything? Phyllis: i am SUCH a visual person this is killing me :\ Mimi: THE ONE OVER YOUR HAND WILL BE THE ONE FLIPPING THE STITCHES Mimi: LET ME THINK IF THERE'S A VIDEO WHERE SOMEONE USES 2 SHUTTLES TO DO RINGS/CHAINS BJ: over your right hand, right MImi? Phyllis: when you say flipping the stitches, do you mean the color that you SEE when they are flipped? JaneArmstrong: mimi has described it well for you Phyllis: yes but my brain is very slow these days Mimi: NO, THE COLOR FOR THE STITCHES COMES FROM THE THREAD OVER YOUR HAND JaneArmstrong: i will look on the web, mimi debinmtns: Question: Are there any other kind of needles for tatting besides nickel plated? Mimi: FOR THE RING IT'S COINCIDENTALLY THE SAME Mimi: FOR THE CHAIN, IT'S THE COLOR OF SHUTTLE 2 (NON STICKER SHUTTLE) Mimi: BASICALLY, SHUTTLE 2 IS A HOLDER FOR THREAD. IT COULD BE A BALL IN THIS PATTERN AND YOU'D BE ABLE TO TAT Mimi: SHUTTLE 2 WILL DO THE MOST DANGLING Cynthia: there is another way to think of the rings off chains as floating rings....we had a good way this afternoon. I'll see if I can find it brb Mimi: IT WILL NOT BE GOING OVER/UNDER TO FORM THE DS'S Mimi: THESE COMMENTS REFER TO THE RIBBON PATTERN Mimi: TONIGHT WE WILL SEE A PATTERN WHERE SHUTTLE 2 WILL BE USED TO FORM A RING THAT'S ABOVE A CHAIN maria a. from x.x.x.136 joined the chat 3 hours ago Mimi: BUT FIRST LET'S GET SIGNED IN JaneArmstrong: here is a good visual that may help you maria a.: Hi! everybidy BJ: beverly june davis Silver City NM Mimi: Mimi Dillman,, Snohomish, WA Mimi: DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE QUESTIONS REMAINING FROM LESSON 2? Pam: Pam Crane, Morganton, Georgia, debinmtns: Debi Marik, Sandpoint, idaho, maria a.: maria alcantara:; mexico Phyllis: phyllis rhodes texas JaneArmstrong: Cynthia: Cynthia Stevenson Stillwater OK USA Margaret: Margaret I. Boos,, London, Ontario, CANADA, needle JaneArmstrong: jane armstrong, chapel hill, nc, Phyllis: ok that link worked Cynthia: I have the part we did about floating rings--should I put it on here? maria a.: not me debinmtns: question: Are ther any other kind of needles besides nickel plated for tatting? Mimi: OK THEN TONIGHT'S LESSON IS Linda-S: Linda Harrington,, Largo, Md Mimi: NONE THAT I KNOW OF DEBI- DO YOU KNOW CYNTHIA? Phyllis: ok i can't stay. thank you SO much for your help. have to be at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning! UGH! husband is having surgery so i will have plenty of time to practice! Cynthia: I've seen some wooden tatting needles and plastic but they tend to break Phyllis: so time for bed for me! Phyllis: goodnight everybody Cynthia: good night Phyllis check the log later debinmtns: Good nite JaneArmstrong: bye phyllis, I hope the surgery is alright Phyllis: ok iwill Mimi: MARGARET DO YOU KNOW WHAT RITA'S ARE MADE FROM? Cynthia: Peace and we'll keep you and hubby in our thoughts Phyllis: me too.. prostate cancer... hopefully it will be contained and he'll be cured Margaret: have a good night Phyllis, the tatting will speed the time tomorrow. Best wishes for hubby Phyllis: thanks everybody Phyllis: good night!! Phyllis from x.x.x.4 left the chat 3 hours ago debinmtns: I have alot of acid in my body and I am eating the nickel lating off Margaret: Rita sells the tatting needles from Handy Hands, Inc. so I think they are nickel plated too Mimi: GALE'S ARE NICKEL PLATED STEEL TOO, RATS Mimi: SORRY DEBI, ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO NICKEL? debinmtns: Thanks I will continue to hunt Margaret: by the way, Happy Birthday to you, too, Debi JaneArmstrong from x.x.x.63 joined the chat 3 hours ago debinmtns: N Margaret: (Feb. 2) debinmtns: no Mimi: OK ON TO LESSON 3 debinmtns: That Margaret Mimi: THERE ARE A LOT OF CONCEPTS IN LESSON 3 Mimi: THAT WILL HELP YOU EXPAND THE PATTERNS YOU CAN DO debinmtns: were birthday buds Mimi: THERE ARE LOCK JOINS AND THE SHOE LACE TRIC debinmtns: I love the heart pattern by Rosiemarie Margaret: before we start the lesson, does anyone know how I am to get both screens side-by-side on the monitor at the same time? Someone coached me in the first aft. classs Mimi: BOTH OF WHICH ALLOW YOU TO TAT IN AN UNUSUAL DIRECTION YET NOT CROSS YOUR THREADS (A NO-NO) Mimi: I MUST HAVE MISSED THAT LESSON, SORRY MARGARET Margaret: from the link which Cynthia sent me, it says that needle tatters never do a shuttle join JaneArmstrong: i have not done side by side only bi level debinmtns: Yes hit the middle box in upper left corner. Cynthia: Margaret make your window narrower for both and you should be able to get them side by side Mimi: NEEDLE TATTERS PROBABLY CAN AVOID THE LOCK JOIN Margaret: Cynthia, how do I get to the edge that is covered up by theother side? Mimi: BECAUSE THEY CAN PASS THEIR NEEDLE THROUGH THE PICOT - SHUTTLE TATTERS CAN'T debinmtns: Sorry upper right Mimi: BUT Mimi: CYNTHIA, HOW DO YOU LOCK IN THE PREVIOUS CHAIN BEFORE MAKING THE NEEDLE JOIN? Cynthia: brb my messages are flashing someone needs help... debinmtns: Sorry upper right Mimi: TO PREVENT FUTURE CHAIN TENSIONING FROM PULLING PREVIOUS CHAINS OUT OF SHAPE? Mimi: THAT'S WHY I LIKE HTE KNOTTED NATURE OF THE SHUTTLE TATTER'S LOCK JOIN Margaret: the link does mention lock stitch and passing the thread from the eye over the needle and passing the needle through Mimi: SO YOU ARE MAKING A LOCK JOIN, JUST IN A DIFFERENT WAY. Mimi: ? maria a.: I make it mostly the same... debinmtns: sorry on wireless Margaret: Freedman calls it lock stitch and says there is a difference between that and shuttle join Margaret: shuttle join has never been done by a needle tatter he says Mimi: WELL NO SINCE THEY DON'T USE A SHUTTLE :) Margaret: LOL Pam: I locked my stitches somehow with my needle tatting, but I'm not sure I did it correctly Mimi: DOES IT LOOK RIGHT TO YOU PAM? Margaret: Freedman says "pulling the needle thread up through the picot, and passing the needle through the loop formed" What is the needle thread? the part of the thread through the eye of the needle? Mimi: RIGHT MARGARET Pam: I did Rosemarie's heart and had started it before this lessons and couldn't get it to look right. It turned out pretty nice tho once I took time thru this lesson Mimi: AND WHAT YOU TYPED IN DESCRIBES THE SAME STRUCTURE AS THE SHUTTLE LOCK JOIN Cynthia: the link is in the lesson, for everyone. I think we are getting bogged down in words and forgetting the concepts Mimi: BECAUSE TO MAKE THE LOCK JOIN YOU PULL THE THREAD ATTACHED THROUGH YOUR TATTING IMPLEMENT OF CHOICE debinmtns: Pam, if you are a visual person, get the needle tatting DVD you will love it, maria a.: I sue the needle the same way i use the shuttle debinmtns: ilove that pattern Mimi: THEN PUT THE TATTING IMPLEMENT OF CHOICE THROUGH THE LOOP OF THREAD THAT IS COMING OUT OF THE PICOT Mimi: THAT'S WHY I PREFER TO CALL IT A LOCK JOIN INSTEAD OF SHUTTLE JOIN Mimi: LESS SHUTTLE-CENTRIC ;) Mimi: IT IS A PRETYT PATTERN, I'M SO GLAD KATIA SUGGESTED WE USE IT AND THAT ROSEMARIE GAVE HER PERMISSION Mimi: THE OTHER THING YOU'LL NEED TO MAEK THAT PATTERN IS THE "SHOE LACE TRICK" IF YOU ARE A SHUTTLE TATTER Mimi: NEEDLE TATTERS DO THE SHOE LACE TRICK ALL THE TIME Mimi: IT'S HOW THEY LOCK THEIR RINGS/CHAINS IN PLACE maria a.: ok Mimi: IT'S LIKE TYING THE FIRST HALF OF A SQUARE KNOT, OR THE FIRST PART OF TYING YOUR SHOE debinmtns: brb JaneArmstrong: you almost have me ready to trying needle tatting, too! Mimi: IN THIS PATTERN IT'S NEEDED AFTER RING D SO THAT YOU CAN FORCE THE CHAIN AFTER RING D TO CURL BACKIN THE DIRECTION OF THE PREVIOUS WORK Mimi: INSTEAD OF TRAVELING ON Mimi: HAS EVERYONE SEEN THE PATTERN? Mimi: SO APPROPRIATE FOR THIS TIME OF YEAR maria a.: i finish mine with shuttle, iŽll try it tomorrow with needle Mimi: GOOD IDEA MARIA Margaret: k Mimi: THAT'S HOW I LEARNED TO NEEDLE TAT TOO - I THOUGHT ABOUT HOW THE SHUTTLE WOULD HAVE DONE IT AND TRANSLATED IT TO NEEDLE Mimi: OMETIMES IT'S NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO THINK debinmtns: I love it so much Mimi: FOR INSTANCE I OVERCOMPLICATED SPLIT CHAINS FOR MYSELF I LATER FOUND OUT Margaret: when I put the thread from the eye through the picot and forced it next to the stitches alrady on the needle, I have a line of thread going across underneath the needle. Is this right? Mimi: BUT AT LEAST YOU HAVE THE BASIS TO KNOW WHAT THE TATTING SHOULD LOOK LIKE AND A GUESS HOW TO GET IT THAT WAY Mimi: SO ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE HEART, LOCK JOINS, SHOE LACE TRICK? maria a.: few inconvinice maria a.: not me Mimi: NEXT PART OF LESSON 3 IS 2 COLOR TATTING Cynthia: yes margaret that happens Margaret: yes, I can't seem to get this right. I have a line of thread on top the completed chains and underneath the needle Mimi: YOU'VE PROBALY DONE 2 COLOR TATTING ALREADY Mimi: WHEN LEARNING - IT HELPS TO HAVE 2 DIFFERENT COLOR THREAD TO SEE WHICH THREAD IS DOING WHAT Mimi: (AND HELP SHUTTLE TATTERS UNDERSTAND WHEN THEY'VE FLIPPED OR NOT) Cynthia: margaret I'll try it after class and we can chat...and I can figure out how to tell you what to mind is a bit slow tonight.. JaneArmstrong: and the difference between ring and chain Mimi: IS WHAT'S UNDER THE NEEDLE ALSO CONNECTED TO THE NEEDLE'S EYE (NAMELY WAITING TO BE PULLED THROUGH?) Margaret: now my threads are all backwards -- the thread from the ball is going inside the thread from end of needle to eye of needle Mimi: BEST STRAIGHTEN THEM THEN MARGARET maria a.: is easy for me Cynthia: hmmmmmmmm I'll work on it Mimi: IT SOUNDS TO ME LIKE YOU MIGHT HAVE RUN THE NEEDLE UNDER THE BALL THREAD Margaret: the thread from the needle's eye is now at the opposite end of the needle Mimi: ????? Mimi: HOW CAN IT BE THERE IF THE EYE ISN'T? Margaret: maria a. can you help me? Mimi: UNLESS YOU'RE DOING A TRUE RING MAYBE? BJ from x.x.x.141 joined the chat 2 hours ago maria a.: what i do is use only one needle... Cynthia: easy if you are doing the true ring....I had to struggle to figure it out with the needle Margaret: I used a crochet hook to loop the thread from the eye end of the needle through the picot and then put the needle through that loop maria a.: that way is easier to know what colo iŽm using maria a.: and what i want to do Margaret: I am using ball and thread technique so SCMR Mimi: DID YOU DO THAT BEFORE PULLING THE NEEDLE THROUGH THE CHAIN FORMED BEFORE THE JOIN? Mimi: I RECOMMEND FINISHING YOUR CHAIN -PULLING NEEDLE THROUGH - BEFORE STARTING LOCK JOIN Mimi: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE CHAIN TENSIONED THE WAY YOU LIKE IT AS IT WILL STAY THAT WAY maria a.: no, i make a chain, and when is finish i change color if is needed Mimi: AFTER YOU PULL THE LOOP OF NEEDLE THREAD THROUGHT HE PICOT AND THE NEEDLE THROUGH THE LOOP Mimi: PULL THE NEEDLE ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE LOOP AND TENSION UP THE JOIN Mimi: BEFORE PUTTING THE NEEDLE LBACK INTO POSITION FOR CASTING ON DS'S AGAIN Mimi: DOES THAT MAKE SENSE MARGARET Margaret: I looked really closely at my work. -- thread is going from where it left last ring under stitches on needle, through piot, and up over needle and I stopped Cynthia: JustinaKnits is trying to find her way in.... Margaret: no MIMI it does not make sense Mimi: IT DOESN'T MATCH WHERE YOU ARE IN YOUR WORK maria a.: where i can show you my homework? Margaret: righrt now I have the picot looped over the needle and waiting for me to add the rest of the ds Mimi: I'M AFRAID I'M NOT VISUALIZING WHAT YOU DID MARGARET Mimi: I'M AFRAID YOU MAY HAVE MADE AN ERROR AND NEED TO TAKE OUT AND TRY AGAIN Margaret: Mimi, could I send you, right now , a scan via email? Mimi: IF YOU ARE DOING SCMR AND JOINING TO A RING IN THE NORMAL WAY YOU SHOULD NOT BE CASTING ON STITCHES WITH THE NEEDLE THREAD Mimi: SURE Mimi: MARIA HOMEWORK CAN EITHER BE EMAILED TO A TEACHER OR BETTER YET, UPLOADED TO THE GROUP'S PHOTO FILES Mimi: THAT WAY EVERYONE CAN ADMIRE IT Cynthia: I know what she did...sorry I've been trying to get it to do is harder to do it not standard than it looks maria a.: ok. iŽll do it tomorrow moening Cynthia: sorry it looks like I don't speak english.... Mimi: IF YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT MARGARET IT DOING CYNTHIA IT WOULD BE GREAT IF YOU CAN HELP HER Mimi: THEN MAYBE WE CAN GO BACK TO 2 COLOR TATTING? Cynthia: I'll try....Margaret can we chat after class or will it be too late Justina from x.x.x.73 joined the chat 2 hours ago Cynthia: hi Cynthia: glad you made it... Margaret: taking a break to scan and email MIMI Mimi: WELCOME JUSTINA PLEASE SIGN IN NAME, CITY, EMAIL Justina: Hi, I made it! Mimi: AS PHYLLIS MENTIONED EARLIER, ONE THREAD WILL MAKE THE COLOR (THAT OVER THE HAND) AND THE OTHER THREAD WILL BE INSIDE AND NOT SHOWING BJ: Welcome Justina Justina: Justina Grafton, WV Mimi: SO THAT SHUTTLE TATTERS WILL FIND THAT RINGS ARE THE COLOR OF THE SHUTTLE THREAD AND RINGS THE COLOR OF THE BALL THREAD Mimi: NEEDLE TATTERS WILL HAVE THE SAME COLOR FOR ALL I'M AFRAID Justina: Hi Bj Mimi: UNLESS THEY MAKE A "TRUE RING" INSTEAD OF THE USUAL WAY OF CASTING BALL THREAD ONTO THE NEEDLE AND PULLING THE NEEDLE THROUGH Mimi: A TRUE RING IS MADE IN NEEDLE TATTING BY CASTING ON YOUR STITCHES WITH THE THREAD THAT'S ON THE NEEDLE Mimi: BIZARRE SOUNDING BUT NOT DIFFICULT ONCE YOU GET IT maria a.: yes JaneArmstrong from x.x.x.63 joined the chat 2 hours ago Cynthia: and it uses up thread fast.... Cynthia: or you end up with a long thread that gets tangled Mimi: THES ARE THE SAME RINGS NEEDLE TATTERS DID TO MAKE HENS & CHICKS AND OTHER SINGLE THREAD PATTERNS Mimi: THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO "BREAK" THE USUAL COLOR ALTERNATION Mimi: CAN ANYONE GUESS HOW? (HINT: DID YOU READ THE CANDY CANE TUTORIAL?) Pam: Cheat and use varigated thread ;-) Mimi: LOL PAM JaneArmstrong: :-) maria a.: you cut both threads BJ: SLT? Mimi: RIGHT BJ! BJ: :>) Mimi: FOR SHUTTLE TATTERS THE SLT WORKS JUST RIGHT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CHAINGING WHICH THREAD IS CONTROLLING THE COLOR Mimi: HERE'S THE CANDY CANE TUTORIAL Mimi: Mimi: SCROLL DOWN TO THE END TO SEE THE COLOR ARRANGEMENT Mimi: THE IDEA WAS TO DO A CANDY CANE Mimi: RATHER LIKE 1/2 AWARENESS RIBBON Mimi: RINGS AND CHAINS ALTERNATING Mimi: BUT Mimi: INSTEAD OF RINGS ALL THE SAME COLOR AND CHAINS ALL THE SAME COLOR - NOT CANDY CANE LIKE AT ALL BUT THE NATRUAL PROGRESSION Mimi: WE WANTED TO HAVE A RING AND A CHAIN OF RED, THEN A RING AND A CHAIN OF WHITE Mimi: TO MOCK THE STRIPES OF A CANDY CANE Mimi: AN INTERESTING EXERCISE BUT MAYBE ONLY TO THOSE INTERESTED IN COLOR IN THEIR TATTING :) Mimi: ANOTHER CONCEPT IN LESSON 3 IS RINGS OFF CHAINS BJ: I love color! Mimi: OOPS FIRST ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT USING 2 COLORS IN TATTING Mimi: ME TOO BJ Margaret: I just don't have enough time to try everything I want and I am starting bobbin lace classes maria a.: no Margaret: can I do two colours with a needle? Mimi: I AGREE MARGARET, 48 HOURS IN A DAY WOULD BE NICE Mimi: YES YOU CAN MARGARET - TAKE A LOOK AT THE CANDY CANE TUTORIAL JaneArmstrong: good for aging to use all the brain cells in learning new things!! Mimi: ANITA DID IT FOR NEEDLE TATTERS Margaret: and I only work spare crossing guard Margaret: thanks, Jane, LOL BJ: That's why I stick to tatting.... Margaret: did she use two needles? can I needle tat with 2 needles? JaneArmstrong: i'm in the aging field and getting older by the minute, i have to rationalize JaneArmstrong: :-) BJ: don't we all? Mimi: I DON'T THINK SO MARGARET Margaret: is that the Anita from London, here that gave me the white motif with the blue beads in it? Mimi: SHE WOULD HAVE HAD TO AVOID SLT'S IN SOME CASES Mimi: AND ALTERNATE TRUE RINGS AND SCMR TYPE RINGS Mimi: BUT YES YOU CAN USE 2 NEEDLES FROM TIME TO TIME Mimi: IN FACT Cynthia: yes Margaret but it is easier to just thread and unthread the needle as you go Mimi: RINGS OFF THE TOP OF A CHAIN IN PROGRESS IS ONE OF THOSE PLACES (IF YOU DON'T WANT TO RETHREAD YOUR NEEDLE THAT IS) Margaret: Katia did that PDF on how to start a true ring from ball and thread but it didn't have anything about transferring back and forth Mimi: BUT MOST NEEDLE TATTERS WILL JUST UNTHREAD AT THAT POINT, MAKE A TRUE RING WITH THE BOTTOM FOT HE RING GOING OFF THE TOP OF THE CHAIN, THEN FINISH THE CHAIN AFTER CLOSING THE RING Mimi: IT'S SAD THAT KATIA WENT AWAY WITH OUT ADDING SOME OF THE PLANNED CONTENT Mimi: AS THE RESTOF US LEARN MORE WE HOPE TO FILL IT IN Margaret: where did she go? Is her son Max okay? Mimi: I HAVE NOT HAD ANY REPLIES FROM HER SINCE THE END OF LAST SPRING'S LESSONS Mimi: I'M HOPING EVERYONE IS OK, JUST NO TIME FOR EMAILING Cynthia: I think we all are hoping for that Mimi Margaret: Max could have had deep emotional scars from that accident that takes a lot of dealing to cope with Mimi: IT WAS A SAD ACCIDENT INDEED Mimi: DID ANYONE TRY THE PATTERN FOR THE ROUND ROBIN CENTER WITH THE RINGS ON THE CHAINS? Margaret: only with the shuttle in last year's class Mimi: (SORRY TO RUSH BUT IT'S AFTER 10 - 7 MY TIME) maria a.: yes wiyh shuttle not needle Pam: No time for me on the round robin Margaret: maybe we should push that back to next week? Cynthia: should we add another class between now and 5 so we'd have 6...we didn't get thru as much this afternoon either Mimi: For needle tatters, you will need either a 2nd needle to use on what was the ball thread, or you can just thread and rethread your single needle as you switch from one thread to the other. Margaret: if I have the time, I would like to try both ways Margaret: I haven't had the time yet to do the communion cloth, either last year or this Margaret: Mimi and Cynthia, I sent both of you scans of what I was trying to do Mimi: To form the ring on top of a chain, stop making the chain at the appropriate place. Do not reverse your work. Unthread the needle, and thread it onto the ball thread to make the ring as called for in the pattern. Mimi: it will be the "true ring" type, casting on with the thread now hanging from the needle Mimi: after closing that ring Margaret: am I starting with a cut piece of thread and then going to a ball? Cynthia: yes but you can just to a scmr instead and eliminate the problem Margaret with the needle Mimi: you will have started a chain with needle and ball thread, but the ball thread will be cut from the ball when you have to thread it onto a needle Margaret: I think we need to defer this part of the lesson to next week Mimi: SORRY LOST MY CAPS! Mimi: OK, MARGARET - IF YOU HAVE TIME I HOPE YOU CAN RE-READ THAT PART OF LESSON 3 AND SEE IF YOU CAN DO THAT ROUND ROBIN CENTER Cynthia: that's ok I do it all the time.... Mimi: SO MAYBE IT IS TIME TO DRAW THIS LESOSN TO A CLOSE Cynthia: Margaret we can chat and I'll walk you thru the round robin center Mimi: UNLESS THERE ARE SOME BURNING QUESTIONS KEEPING YOU FROM CONTINUING YOUR HOMEWORK OR AN IMPORTANT PROJECT? Margaret: I have yahoo IM open Cynthia: I'll be there shortly Margaret from x.x.x.204 left the chat 2 hours ago Cynthia: I can't open it and have chatzy up at the same time Pam: Just a lack of time on my part for not getting all the way thru homework Mimi: I GOT THE EMAIL MARGARET AND I SEE WHAT IS WRONG Mimi: OOPS SHE'S GONE NOW Mimi: CYNTHIA SHE ORIENTED HER WORK INCORRECTLY TO Mimi: START THE CHAIN AFTER RING D Mimi: SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN CASTING ON WITH THE WORK BELOW THE NEEDLE INSTEAD OF AVBOVE Cynthia: everyone look over the afternoon session is great on the floating ring Mimi: IT HAPPENS TO US ALL PAM The Online Tatting Class Transcript as of Fri Feb 6 05:39:10 2009 GMT (105 KB) Page 3 of 3 - Char 102467 to 107703 - Newest entries at the bottom ============================================================ Mimi: DID YOU DO THAT AFTER I LOGGED OFF CYNTHIA? Cynthia: ok I'll find her in IM Mimi: DID YOU SAVE A COPY? Mimi: MY COPY OF THE SAVED LOG ENDS WHEN I LEFT Mimi: THAT'S THE ONE I WAS GOING TO POST Cynthia: yes Mimi no one wanted to leave...yes it is in a word document...I'll send it to you.. Cynthia: would adobe or document be better Mimi: THANKS I CAN CONVERT WORD TO THE USUAL TEXT AND UPLAOD Mimi: IN ANY CASE THANKS ALL FOR COMING TONITE Cynthia: that is will be on its way mementarily maria a.: Well....I have to go .Thank you Mimi and Cyntia.Good nigt. Mimi: I'LL TRY TO GET BOTH LOGS ONTO THE "ARCHIVES" PAGE BEFORE THE WEEKEND Mimi: YOU'RE WELCOME MARIA HOPE TO SEE YOU NEXT WEEK Linda-S from x.x.x.7 left the chat 2 hours ago Mimi: GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE ELSE. THANKS FOR COMING JANE, I HOPE YOU'RE GETTING MORE COMFORTABLE WITH HOW THIS ALL WORKS/ Mimi: ? Cynthia: Peace everyone and see you all next week. Justina I'll be sending an e-mail with some info I need maria a.: iŽll try is hard, and i preferr to read the class when i can... Justina: bye, thanks for letting me in! JaneArmstrong: I am not a needle tatter, so not able to participate maria a.: BI Mimi: YES IT WAS PRETTY NEEDLE ORIENTED TONITE Cynthia: maria is language a problem" JaneArmstrong: is there a way to help both without being too confusing? Cynthia: somedays it is ...I've got an idean mimi but it needs to work a bit before JaneArmstrong: both meaning those who shuttle only or needle only Mimi: WOULD LOVE ANY SUGGESTIONS Cynthia: yes Mimi: I'M NOT SURE WHAT I'LL DO IF WE NEED A NEEDLE'S ONLY SESSION AND A SHUTTLES ONLY SESSION... ? JaneArmstrong: i would be able to help the shuttle tatters, but none were involved that I knew Cynthia: I need to work on it before I toss it out ...think of 2 sessions...possibly different days.... JaneArmstrong: It would be helpful...promote more communication for the other type Cynthia: let's let it season a bit...there are others who we can call on Mimi: MAYBE WITH 3 TEACHERS WE CAN COVER ANOTHER SESSION - WE ALREAYD HAVE 2 Mimi: OK NOT PANIC-ING Mimi: YET Mimi: lol Cynthia: let me work on it for a bit.... JaneArmstrong: I can help with worked alright last week Mimi: MEANTIME DH JUST CAME HOME Cynthia: you need to eat... Mimi: THANKS JANE, DID YOU SAVE THE LOG Mimi: I FORGOT TO ASK YOU IF YOU DID? Cynthia: Peace everyone.... JaneArmstrong: night time for me, too no JaneArmstrong: i tried to save it last week JaneArmstrong: not sure i retrieved all of it JaneArmstrong: all the best, email if you have suggestions JaneArmstrong: nighty night Mimi: tHANKS JANE, EMAIL THE LOG IF YOU FIND IT AND I'LL POST IT Mimi: NIGHT! Mimi from x.x.x.227 left the chat 2 hours ago