Cynthia from x.x.x.211 joined the chat 35 minutes ago Cynthia: Hi sorry I'm running late nanners: If I can. That way when I look at illustrations the will make sense to me. nanners: Hi Cynthia. AnneB: Ok, Now I'm checking for illustrations - just some minutes... Cynthia: let me find the link--to both right and left handed pictures/videos for you nanners nanners: thank you Cynthia: is 1 Cynthia: Mimi from x.x.x.11 joined the chat 32 minutes ago AnneB: Some thread control exercise (if a word look strange, try replasing s with c or opposite -I'm s-c comfused when writing English) AnneB: Take the thread around your fingers like in this photo: Cynthia: AnneB you do better than I do and I only do 1 language. I tip my shuttle to you AnneB: My spelling is bad in Norwegian too - lol Karo from x.x.x.141 joined the chat 28 minutes ago AnneB: exercise cont: make a pinch with the index finger and thumb Cynthia: Hi Mimi and Karo I didn't mean to ignore you Mimi nanners: great. Thank you. I added the sites to my favorites. Am I supposed to be trying to do the thread right now? Mimi: Nanners did you look at the links provided on Mimi: Did all those diagrams confuse you? Mimi: No worries Mimi: No worries Cynthia I'm at my desk in the office AnneB: exercise cont (now or later): tighten the ring by pulling the shuttle. nanners: yes. I could not try to do the thread and shuttle and move the screen up and down at the same time to see what to do next. AnneB: exercise cont: expand the ring by spreading the 3 free fingers Karo: i'm here and ready, both windows open. Cynthia: You can print them out so you have it all in front of you nanners: Will do. Why didn't I think of that? AnneB: This exercise is the same kind of move I do when tatting rings, just to check all the flips were ok. Mimi: Also, if you have to flip printouts, here's a youtube video Cynthia: Mimi Beverly says hi and why didn't you tell her we had a beginner class??? LOL Mimi: She starts a ring at around 1 minute Mimi: Which Beverly? Karo: Hi AnneB Cynthia: Elrod Mimi: Must be BJ, she forgets a lot Mimi: Elrod? For crying out loud, how many times have we written to ask permission for adding her links? LOL Karo: i hope BJ shows up, nice to meet someone who lives close to me. AnneB: Hi All! My intention was not to ignore you, I just had to finish the exercise :-) Cynthia: ROTFL I added her without getting info on her.... Cynthia: Not a problem AnneB Karo: i know its hard to type and tat at the same time Cynthia: We have a small group this afternoon. Shall we sign in and I'll go to caps... Cynthia: CYNTHIA STEVENSON, STILLWATER OK, USA BRASTHATFIT@YAHOO.COM Karo: warning, i may get cut off, cloud cover. AnneB: Anne Bruvold, Tromsų, Norway, nanners: Thank you to all Karo: Karen Ogden new Mexico Mimi: MIMI DILLMAN, EVERETT, WA, NTROP@IX.NETCOM.COM nanners: Nancy Merritt, Franklin, PA, USA Karo: waving to mimi, i used to leve in Seattle and Index WA AnneB: Sun is supposed to be back after the dark season, but it has been cloudy lately Cynthia: GOAL FOR THIS LESSON--READING PATTERNS Cynthia: MAKING A RING Cynthia: MAKE A PICOT Cynthia: SO ANNEB YOU WERE JUST GETTING STARTED WITH NANCY Cynthia: OOPS SORRY WELCOME EVERYONE....I READ FASTER THAN I TYPE AnneB: We were both early, so we started warming up Cynthia: THANK YOU....HUBBY HAD A LUNCH MEETING AND I ENDED UP GOING nanners: I don't know what I am supposed to be doing Cynthia: WE CAN WORK ON RING FIRST Mimi: NANNERS NEEDS THE DS FIRST Cynthia: DOES EVERYONE HAVE THE LESSON PRINTED ON ONSCREEN? Mimi: KARO CAN YOU MAKE A DS? nanners: do you mind if I moitor this class and try to come back on for tonights class? Mimi: THAT'S FINE NANNERS THEN WE DON'T HAVE TO INTERRUPT CYNTHIA nanners: I am having problems typing today I meant monitor the class Cynthia: NO BUT PLEASE STAY WITH US WE ARE HAPPY TO WORK ON DS TOO Karo: yes Mimi: GREAT KARO, PLEASE FOLLOW ALONG THIS CYNTHIA Cynthia: KARO DO YOU USE NEEDLE OR SHUTTLE? Mimi: (we have more teachers than students today so pardon us if we step on each other or others!) Cynthia: NANCY--SHUTTLE RIGHT Cynthia: NOT A PROBLEM FOR ME I TRUST YOUR HELP Karo: shuttle AnneB: Notice how I'm (trying to) keeping quiet lol Cynthia: DO YOU HAVE THE FLIP DOWN? Karo: i do yes Mimi: doing betterthan I am anne, thanks for being here as this is my lunch hour at work... Cynthia: GREAT ONE WAY TO DOUBLE CHECK IS AFTER A COUPLE STITCHES TO TRY TO SLIGHTLY CLOSE THE RING AND OPEN IT BACK UP Karo: i do Cynthia: AND EVERY COUPLE STITCHES UNTIL YOU ARE VERY COMFORTABLE WITH THE DS Cynthia: GREAT Cynthia: DO YOU GET YOUR DS RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER ? Karo: yep nice and neat finally Cynthia: IT TAKES PRACTICE....SOME DAYS I DO BETTER THAN OTHERS STILL Cynthia: NOW TO ADD THE SNEAKY PICOT Karo: miles and miles of doing chains Cynthia: GREAT THEY CAN BE FUN CAN'T THEY AND YOU CAN MAKE FANCY KNOTS (CELTIC) WITH THEM Cynthia: MORE ON THAT LATER... Cynthia: THE SNEAKY PICOT ABBREVIATED P OR p OR - Karo: mine looks like a twisted mess. but i keep it Cynthia: GOOD IT IS FUN TO LOOK AT LATER AND SEE HOW FAR YOU'VE COME Karo: now my ? why do some of my Ps twist?? Cynthia: AROUND THEMSELVES OR AROUND THE CORE THREAD? Karo: around themselves looks like a fancy G Cynthia: AFTER YOU MADE THE P OR AS YOU ARE MAKING THE P? Cynthia: AH HA YOUR THREAD IS A TWISTY THREAD.... Karo: well ya Cynthia: ONE WAY TO ALEVIATE THAT IS TO HOLD THE WORK NEAR THE PINCH AND LET THE SHUTTLE SPIN UNTIL IT UNTWISTS Karo: i have the dreaded twisted P Karo: drop and untwist before a P Cynthia: ANOTHER IS TO WALK THE THREAD ONTO THE BOBBIN (OR SHUTTLE) TO PREVENT TWISTS Cynthia: HOW DID YOU WIND THE THREAD ONTO THE SHUTTLE? Karo: Aero, wrap round and round kempbarb from x.x.x.53 joined the chat 4 minutes ago Cynthia: OK I DID THE SAME WAY FOR 20 YEARS AND STRUGGLED Cynthia: TO WALK THE THREAD ON HERE'S HOW i DO IT.... Cynthia: WRAP UNTIL THE THREAD STAYS ON THEN HOLD THE BOBBIN BY THE SIDES AND SPIN IT Cynthia: THE TRHEAD GOES ON WITHOUT A TWIST. Karo: walking is slower but i will try it, Cynthia: YOU CAN ALSO ROLL IT ALONG A DESK "WALK THE DOG" FASHION FOR A YOYO. Cynthia: yES IT IS SLOWER. Cynthia: ANY OTHER WAYS? Cynthia: hI KEMPBARB Cynthia: SING PLEASE... Cynthia: SIGN THAT SHOULD BE LOL Cynthia: 3RD TRY IS THE CHARM....SIGN IN PLEASE AnneB: I find it just as easy to let the shuttle dangle and untwist every now and then. Cynthia: ANNEB OR MIMI ANY OTHER IDEAS ON WINDING THREAD ON? Cynthia: I'M KAKING A LIST OF POSSIBLE SITES TO HAVE READY AS HELPS FOR THE FUTURE Cynthia: ARE WE READY TO GO ONTO READING PATTERNS? Karo: yes GreenEyedGirl: sure nanners: sure Cynthia: THIS N TAT HAS A GOOD ONE ON PICTORAL PATTERNS Cynthia: DO YOU ALL HAVE IT? GreenEyedGirl: yes Karo: yep nanners: what do you mean? Cynthia: HTTP://WWW.THISNTAT.COM/READING_PATTERNS.HTML nanners: Am I supposed to go to that website? I am confused. AnneB: Fist link under "reading patterns" in lesson 1: Cynthia: iT IS EASIER IF YOU PRINT IT OUT BEFORE CALSS BUT SOME PREFER TO GO BACK AND FORTH ON THE COMPUTER Mimi: If you don't have ti printed, yes please go to the link (but use a new browser session so you can stay in this class) Karo: or side by side GreenEyedGirl: if you open a new screen and make it half the size you can see this page and the new link at the same time GreenEyedGirl: yes lol side by side Cynthia: MINE SHUFFLES THEM BACK AND FORTH FROM FRONT TO BACK SO I PRINT OUT FIRST Karo: i don't use my pointer finger like she does, can't grip that way, use 2nd finger Cynthia: EITHER WAY WORKS WE'RE ALL INDIVIDUALS--SO DO I Karo: really!! go happy to know i'm not alone GreenEyedGirl: me too lol Cynthia: LOTS OF US DO IT DIFFERENT....ACTUALLY THE OTHERS ARE THE DIFFERENT...LOL Karo: oh yah!! Cynthia: LET'S LOOK AT THE PICTORAL PATTERN Mimi: PALMETTO TATTERS GUILD PRODUCED A 30 MIN VIDEO OF 20 TATTERS, NONE OF WHOM TATTED THE SAME Mimi: BUT THE RESULTS *LOOK* THE SAME AND THAT'S WHAT MATTERS Cynthia: BUT THEY ALL TAT! AND THAT'S WHAT MATTERS MOST Cynthia: SAMPLE 1 SHOWS THE RING WITH A 5 BY IT....EVERYONE SEE IT GreenEyedGirl: yes nanners: yes Karo: yes Cynthia: IT INDICATES VERSION ONE R 7p SEP BY 5 DS, CL RW Cynthia: THAT CAN ALSO BE WRITTEN Cynthia: R5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5, Cynthia: OR THE LONG WAY AS Cynthia: RING OF 5 DS, P, 5DS, P, 5DS,P,5DS,P, 5DS, P,5 DS,P5DS, P,5 DS CLOSE RING Cynthia: WHAT WAY IS EASIES TO READ? Karo: 5-5-5-5 GreenEyedGirl: I agree with Karo Cynthia: I USUALLY PUT THE NUMBER OF P AT THE END IN PENCIL. Cynthia: AS I HATE COUNTING IN THE PATTERN GreenEyedGirl: Oh, that's a good idea AnneB: I like R: 5x8 best. 8 groups of 5 dst with P in between ;-) Cynthia: EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT IN THAT. i LIKE THAT NOTATION TOO ANNEB nanners: Why is there a W after R? GreenEyedGirl: I would forget if that was 5 sets if 8 or 8 sets of 5 Mimi: just give me a diagram :) Cynthia: REVERSE WORK Karo: thank goodness for post its AnneB: I have a problem with that too - always checking the photo to make sure if it is 5 dst 8 times or 8 dst 5 times lol Karo: brave women mimi Cynthia: WHEN YOU SWITCH FROM RING TO CHAIN TO RING YOU ALMOST ALWAYS REVERSE WORK nanners: Thanks, I actually prefer reading the first version. It is more like crocher or knitting instructions Karo: and the thread you are going to use is always on top right?? Cynthia: TRUE SOME PATTERNS DON'T PUT IN THE RW JUST FIGURE YOU WILL DO IT ANYWAY GreenEyedGirl: I like the diagram to go with the 5-5-5-5-5-5 so I can "see" what I need to do Cynthia: NO BUT OFTEN...LOOK FURTHER DOWN AND FOLLOW FROM THE BOTTOM Karo: Gun B, the frist book i had had now RWs hd to figure those out on my own Cynthia: IT CAN BE DONE WITHOUT FOR A DIFFERENT LOOK BUT THAT COMES LATER Karo: are you talking about the shoe lace trick? Cynthia: IS USUALLY NOTED AS *DNRW* OR DO NOT REVERSE WORK Cynthia: NOT YET AnneB: short hand 5-5-5, and diagram or detailed photo is best Cynthia: MIMI DO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE AND GET BACK TO WORK? Cynthia: ANY THOUGHTS YOU WANT TO LEAVE US WITH? Mimi: I'M AFRAID I DO - BEEN TAKING CALLS THE WHOLE TIME (DON'T THEY EAT LUNCH??? LOL) Cynthia: I AGREE ANNE Mimi: MOSTLY THINK HARD ABOUT THE PATTERNS YOU READ Mimi: CHECK THE PHOTO IF ONE IS AVAILABLE Mimi: MAKE SURE THE PROPER THREAD IS ON TOP (THAT WAS A GREAT QUESTION KARO) Cynthia: I TRY TO READ AND FOLLOW ALONG WITH THE PICTURE OR DIAGRAM IF THERE IS ONE OR JUST DO IT IN MY HEAD FIRST Mimi: AND YOU WILL CREATE LOVELY TATTING Mimi: THAT'S WHAT I DO TOO CYNTHIA Cynthia: KARO I MISSED THAT SORRY.... Mimi: BUT THAT'S A "MUSCLE" YOU AND I DEVELOPED OVER TIME Karo: count twice before a close!!! Mimi: I ENCOURAGE THE NEWBIES TO DO THE SAME Mimi: OMGOODNESS YES Mimi: REOPENING RINGS IS POSSIBLE BUT A PAIN Cynthia: AND IF YOU HAVE TO OPEN A RING.... Mimi: RETROTATTING IS A PAIN TOO :) GreenEyedGirl: I break thread when I have to re-open a ring Cynthia: ADO IT BY PULLING THE CORE AT A PICOT IF POSSIBLE THEN WIGGLE IT OPEN Cynthia: THAT HAPPENS A LOT --GRG Mimi: AND IT'S A GENTLE WIGGLE TO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T UNFLIP THAT LAST DS Mimi: AND MAKE A STOPPER KNOT ON TEH CORE GreenEyedGirl: oh, ok. I will try that Karo: if i can unknit, i can do anything Cynthia: gREEN EYEDGIRL WHAT SIZE THREAD ARE YOU USING> GreenEyedGirl: Bigger this week 10 GreenEyedGirl: I am saving all the 80 for later Cynthia: TO START I RECOMMEND SIZE 10 OR 20 CROCHET THREAD AnneB: I have been doing some retro tatting today as my fingers tat on theirs own while my brain is following the "talk" Mimi: GOOD AFTERNOON ALL - I'M SURE I'LL SEE SOME OF YOU TONIGHT Mimi: GOOD TO "MEET" YOU ANNE Mimi: LOVE YOUR DRAGONS Cynthia: GOOD AS THE FINER THREADS TEND TO BREAK EASIER BUT AFTER YOU GET GreenEyedGirl: Bye Mimi Cynthia: MORE PRACTICE IT WILL BE EASIER Karo: anneB can you post your web site again please Cynthia: BYE MIMI AnneB: Thanks - good to meet you too Mimi. Karo: bye mimi GreenEyedGirl: did I miss the dragon> AnneB: I'll be sleeping when you have the second class Cynthia: NO WE ARE STILL IN THE BEGINNING CLASS LESSON 1 AND THE DRAGON COMES LATER nanners: Thank you MIMI Cynthia: A BIT MORE PRACTICE FIRST...THEN ONTO THE DRAGON GreenEyedGirl: oh, ok. Don't want to miss that , my boys love love love dragons!!! Karo: OT who came up with the motercycle pattern? Mark? Cynthia: i THINK IT WAS BOB THE BIKE GreenEyedGirl: where is that? AnneB: There are always some dragons flying by... and I have a bad habit of putting split rings in mine Cynthia: HEIS IN ENGLAND GreenEyedGirl: I can figure out split rings, just did them this week Karo: ok i know him he did the owl too Cynthia: THE SPLIT RING IS IN THE LAST LESSON AND THEY WILL BE READY TO TACKLE THE DRAGON OF YOURS ANNE GreenEyedGirl: great Karo: ya think so Cynthia: LAST AS IN LESSON 5 i THINK AnneB: There can never be enough dragons :-) Cynthia: OR NICE DESIGNERS OF THEM.... GreenEyedGirl: or unicorns Karo: or cats GreenEyedGirl: or roosters. I love my horses and roo boys Cynthia: IT IS ALREADY 10 AFTER....DOES ANYONE NEED TO LEAVE? Karo: Siamese cats GreenEyedGirl: I'm free to stay Cynthia: i CAN STAY AWHILE AND CHAT/ANSWER QUESTIONS nanners: Can I print out this session? Cynthia: ANNE A BIG THANK YOU FOR HELPING GreenEyedGirl: I need to go back up to the top and figure out how to keep twists out of my rings Karo: shuttle join? fold join like Linda Davis? or just plain join? GreenEyedGirl: fold join! AnneB: I usually dont go to bed 'til after 23, that is 45 more minutes or so. Karo: did you get up early again Anne?? Cynthia: YES YOU CLICK ON SAVE/PRINT THEN SAVE IT --REGULAR WAY. GreenEyedGirl: does it save the whole thing? because when I want to go to the very top I am having trouble nanners: AnneB Thank you so much for your assistance. It was nice chatting with you. Thank you again Cynthia for all your support and instruction. I have to sign off. Nice meeting everyone. Good luck. AnneB: not that early today but earlier than normal. But tomorow is ut at 07 and at work just before 09 :-) Cynthia: I LHAVE IT AND WILL TRY TO GET IT POSTED OR i CAN SEMD OT TP UPI GreenEyedGirl: by nanners Cynthia: SEND IT TO YOU NANCY GreenEyedGirl: I mean bye Cynthia: Nancy I'll send it right after class. AnneB: bye nanners! Karo: bye green GreenEyedGirl: Bye Karo Cynthia: Thank all of you for working with the rookie teacher, I'm learning how to teach as fast Cynthia: as you are learning to and happy to help GreenEyedGirl: Thanks for teaching us!!! Karo: you are doing a great job cynthia. Cynthia: Thanks everyone for the vote of confidence AnneB: You are doing fine Cynthia. GreenEyedGirl: ;-) Karo: next week same time same bat channel Karo: thank s and bye till we meet again GreenEyedGirl: tat channel? Cynthia: Thanks everyone....yes same time same place and again tonight at 9 -eastern time Cynthia: . Anne sleep well AnneB: See you next week! Karo: oh ya tat channel i like that Cynthia: a tip of the shuttle to all and to all peace and bye AnneB: Thanks - I usually don't hva problems sleeping, only realising I have to go to bed... AnneB: hva=have GreenEyedGirl from x.x.x.62 left the chat 67 seconds ago Cynthia: Bye Anne sleep well and remember it's time for bed....