The Online Tatting Class Transcript as of Fri Jan 16 03:12:26 2009 GMT (44 KB) Page 1 of 1 - Char 1 to 45555 - Newest entries at the bottom ============================================================ AKTATTER from x.x.x.6 cleared the room 55 minutes ago Mimi: EEK, THAT HURT LOL AKTATTER: The screen goes blank when the room is cleared Cynthia: WHERE DID I GO? Mimi: NOW WE DON'T HAVE THE LIST OF ALL THOSE ATTENDING! OOPS Tammy: lol AKTATTER: now the class log begins again AKTATTER: ! let's sign in again! Mimi: HOW ABOUT WE ALL SIGN IN AGAIN SO MY PEA BRAIN HAS A REMINDER? Cynthia: LOL LOL LOL SC Lady: I lost ever thing jane armstrong: it's our 27th anniversary tonight AKTATTER: Georgia Seitz Greenup IL Mimi: It's good practice Tammy: Tammy Bowser, Strongstown, PA, Bernadette: Bernadette Netherby Ft Wainwright, Alaska, USA Laura Covey: Laura Covey, Jackson, MI USA happyrock1963: Jean Spodeck DePere, WI USA Mimi: congrats Jane, our 27th is May 30th coming up. Pam: Pam Crane, Morganton, Georgia pamcrane at Vicky: Vicky Fowler Del City OK USA Cynthia: Cynthia Stevenson Stillwater OK, USA Paty: Paty López, Mexico City, Mexico, Cynthia: brb someone needs help to get in Mimi: Mimi Dillman,Snohomish, WA USA, ntrop at AKTATTER: Cynthia it is probably wise to go in and copy the log and save it to a text file at least 2 time during the class jane armstrong: Jane Armstrong, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, AKTATTER: if the log fills up it just dumps the early part Mimi: Thanks for the tip AK Mimi: I've noticed the "dump" effect lol Mimi: OK, BACK TO WHERE I WAS Mimi: I THINK I REMEMBER SC Lady: Elizabeth "LIBBY" Harris York, SC AKTATTER: 27! cnogratulations! Mimi: (PEA BRAIN AGAIN) Mimi: AFTER ALL HAVE SIGNED IN, WE'LL ASK IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS FROM THE PREVIOUS WEEK'S LESSON Mimi: ONCE THOSE ARE ANSWERED, WE'LL START ON THE CURRENT LESSON SC Lady from x.x.x.49 joined the chat 52 minutes ago jane armstrong: ready and rarin' to go Mimi: TONIGHT'S LESSON IS POSTED AT Mimi: DID ANYONE HAVE A CHANCE TO READ IT OVER? SC Lady: Yes Mimi: IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO AT LEAST READ OVER THE CONTENT BEFORE CLASS jane armstrong: yes Tammy: I am sorry, I did not Vicky: sorry no Paty: just an overview Mimi: TAKE A MOMENT TO PULL UP THE LESSON IN A NEW WINDOW happyrock1963: yes Mimi: OR PRINT IT OUT IF THAT'S EASIER debi: yes. Cynthia from x.x.x.211 joined the chat 50 minutes ago Mimi: SOMETIMES IT CAN GET DICEY TRYING TO SWITCH/SWAP BETWEEN THE CHAT WINDOW AND THE LESSON WINDOW ON SCREEN Bernadette: What previous lesson? I thought this was the first lesson, a meet and greet? Mimi: MORE THAN ONE OF USE (guilty) HAS ACCIDENTLY LOGGED THEMSELVES OUT! Cynthia: sorry trying to do too much at once and got booted Mimi: NO PREVIOUS LESSON, BERNADETTE, JUST EXPLAINING THE CLASS AND HOW THE CHAT WILL GO Cynthia: Patricia is trying to get in...she is having difficulty Mimi: TONIGHT WE HAVE 4 GOALS jane armstrong from x.x.x.63 joined the chat 49 minutes ago Flupigirl from x.x.x.7 joined the chat 49 minutes ago Mimi: FIRST ONE IS TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE CAN GET IN TO THE CLASSROOM Mimi: YOU ALL READING THIS HAVE PASSED THE FIRST TEST :) happyrock1963 from x.x.x.131 changed name to Jean S 49 minutes ago Flupigirl: Thanks for your help, Cynthia. Mimi: THE CHATZY SCREEN IS ACTUALLY PRETTY EASY Flupigirl: Thanks for your help, Cynthia. Cynthia: are you Patricia? Mimi: YOU KNOW TO CLICK THE "JOIN CHAT' BUTTON Mimi: YOU KNOW TO TYPE YOUR TEXT IN THE LINE AT THE BOTTOM AND CLICK "OK" Flupigirl: Yes, I am. Mimi: OTHER IMPORTANT BITS ARE THE TABS ON THE LEFT Mimi: COMMANDS TAB WILL TELL YOU OTHER COMMANDS AVAILABLE - INCLUDING HOW TO LOG OUT Cynthia: WELCOME Mimi: AND THE VISITOR LIST IS HELPFUL TOO TO SEE IF ANYONE IS IN Mimi: ANY OTHER CHATZY QUESTIONS? jane armstrong from x.x.x.63 joined the chat 46 minutes ago Mimi: THAT'S RESOUNDINGLY QUIET, I'LL GO TO THE NEXT ITEM: SUPPLIES Cynthia: WE'RE ALL FLABERGASTED WE MADE IT Mimi: LOL, TOO SHELLSHOCKED TO REPLY I GUESS? AKTATTER: LOL Well I can see that you are all off to a great start. debi: Nope Bernadette: Will there be photos or video? Mimi: WELL THIS PART IS MORE INTERACTIVE Mimi: NOT DURING CLASS BERNADETTE Flupigirl: I have been trying for 45 minutes. Mimi: WE HAVE SOME LINKS ON THE LESSONS Cynthia: DID YOU GET THE ANGELFIRE INFO BERNADETTE? AKTATTER: I wish you all many horus of happy tatting and invite you to drop by the regular online tatting lcass anytime AKTATTER: many thanks to Mimi, Cynthia and Jane for all their hard work. Bernadette: Not as an invite. I can get to it through another computer. AKTATTER: And remember the most important rule in class is: Mimi: REGULAR CLASS = MONDAYS 3PM AND 8:30 PM NEW YORK TIME Cynthia: IT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AKTATTER: don't make fun od AKTATTER's typoes! Mimi: LESSONS POSTED WHERE GEORGIA? Tammy: lol Paty: lol AKTATTER: they are linked from th4e main page Cynthia: BEGINNERS CLASS =THURSDAYS 3 AND 9 NEW YORK TIME Mimi: OK THANKS! jane armstrong: My nimble fingers keep kicking me out of the chat room AKTATTER: new 2009 index begins next Monday AKTATTER: good night all jane armstrong: Thank you, Georgia!! Mimi: NIGHTERS AK THANKS FOR COMING AKTATTER from x.x.x.6 left the chat 43 minutes ago Tammy: good night Mimi: OK BACK TO SUPPLIES Mimi: HOW MANY WILL BE STUDYING SHUTTLE TATTING? Paty: Gracias and good night Georgia! Tammy: Me Mimi: HOW MANY WILL BE STUDYING NEEDLE TATTING? SC Lady: I'm wanting to learn with shuttles Bernadette: Me, too! Laura Covey: I will. happyrock1963 from x.x.x.131 joined the chat 42 minutes ago Pam: I'll be doing needle tatting Paty: Shuttle Tammy: Shuttle debi: needle happyrock1963: Shuttle Laura Covey: Shuttle jane armstrong: shuttle...both left and right hand Vicky: I'll start with the shuttle Cynthia: IF YOU TAP A LETTER IT WILL KEEP YOU IN OR THE ok AT THE RIGHT OF THE BAR Mimi: LEFT HANDED!! Mimi: GOOD THING YOU'RE EXPERIENCED JANE OR I'D BE WORRIED :) Mimi: HAS EVERYONE GOT A SHUTTLE OR NEEDLE, OR AT LEAST KNOW WHERE TO GET ONE? jane armstrong: yes, i had to students (married couple) who came for a class...both left handed...I was dropped kicked into learning both methods. Laura Covey: Yes Tammy: I have needles, and two shuttles debi: yes, haave both Bernadette: Yes. SC Lady: Have 3 different shuttles Flupigirl: I will. Vicky: yes happyrock1963: yes Pam: yes Paty: I have shuttles too Mimi: AWESOME! Mimi: HOW ABOUT SOME THREAD? Cynthia: THERE ARE SOME VERY GOOD LH SHUTTLE debi: Yes SC Lady: I have perle 8 Tammy: yep, got lots of thread Vicky: got it Laura Covey: Yes, lots! Mostly size 10 Pam: plenty of thread Paty: I have "omega" nr. 10 Mimi: PERLE 8 IS GOOD, BUT YOU MIGHT BE HAPPIER WITH SOMETHING A LITTLE LARGER (5 MAYBE?) AT FIRST ANYWAY happyrock1963: yes Mimi: SIZE 10 IS PERFECT SC Lady: have some 5 also Mimi: ITS BIG ENOUGH THAT YOU CAN SEE THE KNOTS Flupigirl: I'm all set with materials. Mimi: EXCELLENT Cynthia: FOR LEARNING AS IT IS BIG ENOUGH TO SEE AND TAKE OUT THE OOPSES SC Lady: also some 3 Mimi: ONCE YOU HAVE MORE PRACTICE YOU CAN GO AS TINY AS YOU LIKE Mimi: 3 MAY BE EVEN BETTER FOR YOUR FIRST FEW PRACTICE PIECES Mimi: OK, HERE'S A TOUGHIE Mimi: NEEDLE TATTERS, CAN YOU THREAD YOUR NEEDLE? LOL SC Lady: Thanks this kind of info I need debi: LOL Cynthia: CUTE MIMI Mimi: I FIND THAT WITH COMMERCIAL TATTING NEEDLES AND THESE BIGGISH THREADS, I NEED A NEEDLE THREADER Pam: with my needle threader ;-) Mimi: GREAT! Mimi: OK SHUTTLE TATTERS, HAVE YOU TRIED WINDING A SHUTTLE YET? SC Lady: Yea Bernadette: Yes. Tammy: yes happyrock1963: yes Laura Covey: Yes Paty: yes, but I am not sure if it is right Vicky: yes Cynthia: DID YOU WALK THE THREAD ON? Mimi: WHY NOT SURE PATY? Paty: does it have a direction to do it? Tammy: What is walk on the thread mean? SC Lady: Just wind it on Flupigirl: Yes, is there a certain direction that the thread shoud be wound? Flupigirl: What does it mean to walk the thread on? Mimi: IS LINKED IN THE LESSON - INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOW-TO Cynthia: YOU'LL FIND IF YOU JUST WIND IT ON IT TENDS TO GET TWISTY Mimi: ACTUALLY WINDING A SHUTTLE IS NOT INTUITIVELY OBVIOUS TO SOME FOLKS Paty: ok, thx happyrock1963: Should it be wound on tight or loose? Mimi: TENSION: NOT SO TIGHT THAT YOU STRETCH THE THREAD Cynthia: YOU CAN LET IT UNTWIST BY LETTING IT HANG OCCASIONALLY Mimi: ABOUT LIKE THE TENSION WHEN YOU WIND THE BOBBIN OF YOUR SEWING MACHINE Tammy: awesome, that was the site I found to learn how to do it Mimi: JUST ENOUGH THAT WHEN YOU PULL, THE THREAD DOESN'T DIG INTO THE CENTER OF THE SHUTTLE AND GET STUCK jane armstrong: not loose Mimi: DIRECTION Mimi: DIRECTION IS PERSONAL PREFERENCE Mimi: I'VE SEEN BOTH CLOCKWISE AND COUNTERCLOCKWISE Mimi: MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE IS (LET M E THINK) Paty: all right Mimi: COUNTERCLOCKWISE Mimi: I WIND IN A COUNTERCLOCKWISE DIRECTLY Mimi: DIRECITON Mimi: DIRECTION!!! Vicky from x.x.x.77 joined the chat 33 minutes ago Mimi: AND I LEAVE THE TAIL EXITING AT THE 5 OCLOCK POSITION Mimi: ALSO, DON'T JUST CUT THE TAIL SC Lady: I see others fingers hit wrong keys Mimi: DOES THE WINDING OF THE THREAD MAKE SENSE? happyrock1963: so you don't tie it on the shuttle Mimi: TYPOES WILL BE RAMPANT FROM ME, SORRY Mimi: YES, YOU WILL TIE IT TO THE SHUTTLE AT FIRST Cynthia: YOU CAN BUT THEN IT IS HARD IF YOU RUN OUT OF THREAD TO ADD MORE Vicky: got lost in the changing of tabs Mimi: WHY CYNTHIA? Cynthia: WELCOME BACK WE ALL DO THAT OCCASIONALLY Cynthia: THE TIE ON CAN BE HARD TO UNTIE IF YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SPACE Vicky: oops I already cut the tail Mimi: ACTUALLY, I LEAVE THE FIRST TAIL ON A NEW SHUTTLE Mimi: IT'S OK VICKY jane armstrong: don't worry about oops... Mimi: FOR LEARNING IT'S FINE - FOR LATER, YOU'LL SEE NOT CUTTING CAN BE AN ADVANTAGE Cynthia: I HOLD IT AND WIND OVER IT SEVERAL WRAPS THEN Mimi: THEN FOR FUTURE THREAD ADDITIONS, I TIE THE ATTACHED TAIL TO THE NEW THREAD, THEN BEGIN TO WIND Cynthia: WALK THE THREAD ON SO IT DOESN'T GET TWISTY Mimi: NO MORE DIGGING BETWEEN THE LEAVES TO GET TO THAT KNOT Cynthia: GOOD IDEA MIMI...I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT Mimi: THANKS, DIDN'T THINK OF IT MYSELF BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT TALENTED TATTER SHOWED ME Cynthia: AK MAYBE??? jane armstrong: how is everyone doing? Tammy from x.x.x.251 joined the chat 29 minutes ago Mimi: NO, SOMEONE AT A TATTING DAY I'M SURE, PROBALBY IN SPOKANE Mimi: ANY OTHER QUESITONS ON WINDING A SHUTTLE? Tammy: oops, tried the save and print and got kicked out Mimi: THAT'S WHAT THIS SESSION IS FOR, WORKING OUT THE KINKS :) Cynthia: YOU HAVE TO CKICK RETURN AFTER SAVE Tammy: :) Tammy: oh thanks Cynthia Cynthia: YOU HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE ONLINE PART FIRST....BEEN THERE Mimi: OK THEN, I'LL ASK ANOTHER QUESTION: HAS ANYONE TRIED A DOUBLE STITCH YET? Paty: yes Tammy: me debi: yes Pam: yes SC Lady: sort of Bernadette: Yes. Laura Covey: no happyrock1963: no Vicky: no Cynthia: IT CAN TAKE AWHILE TO GET THE HANG OF IT SO DON;T DESPAIR Cynthia: WE'RE HERE TO HELP--E-MAIL TOO Flupigirl: I have. jane armstrong: be patient with yourself Mimi: I'M GLAD TO SEE A FEW HAVE TRIED, AND HOPEFULLY SUCCEEDED TOO Mimi: WITH THE NEEDLE, IT'S ACTUALLY PRETTY EASY SC Lady: I did 3pm session, and returned to this session better informed Flupigirl: to leave and say goodnifght to my daughter. Sorry. Tammy: I think I have the ds down, just need more practice jane armstrong: Three cheers, Tammy Mimi: THE NEEDLE MAKES IT EASY TO GET THE KNOT ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE CORE THREAD (NEEDLE MAKES THE CORE) Tammy: thanks Cynthia: PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE IS WHAT IT TAKES Mimi: CONGRATS TAMMY AND SC LADY Paty: It took me some time, but finally I succeeded Mimi: SHUTTLE TATTERS HAVE TO LEARN THE "FLIP" Cynthia: GOOD Mimi: OR TRANSFERRENCE Mimi: OF THE STITCHES debi: Relax its ea-er you think Tammy: I heard that the flip is the hard part!! lol debi: easier Mimi: IT'S NOT VERY INTUITIVE THAT SC Lady: I don't also flip, have to loosen and pull again Mimi: THE TREAD FROM THE SHUTTLE Mimi: THAT DOES ALL THE MOVING Paty: what is "transference of the stitches"? Mimi: ACTUALLY HAS TO BECOME THE STRAIGHT, CORE, THREAD AT THE END Paty: ah, that's for needle ones, right? Cynthia: AKA 'FLIP' THE SHUTTLE THREAD BECOMES THE CORE Mimi: IF YOU HAVE MADE THE MOVEMENTS CORRECTLY PATY - FOR SHUTTLE - Mimi: THE SHUTTLE THREAD WILL "POP" STRAIGHT AT THE END Cynthia: NEEDLE DOESN'T HAVE TO DO THE FLIP Mimi: AND THE THREAD OVER YOUR HAND WILL BE LOOPED AROUND THAT THREAD Mimi: SO THAT THE SHUTTLE'S THREAD SLIDES IN THE MIDDLE Mimi: DON'T BE WORRIED Mimi: I'M TELLING YOU THE RESULT BEFORE EXPLAINING HOW TO GET THERE Cynthia: YOU CAN CHECK AFTER EACH STITCH IN SHUTTLE Mimi: BUT I FIND IF STUDENTS KNOW THE TARGET POSITION Mimi: TO GET THE THREADS INTO Mimi: THEY HAVE A BETTER TIME UNDERSTANDING WHY THEY HAVE TO GO THROUGH SOME MANIPULATING TO GET THERE Mimi: BUT I READ, PATY, THAT YOU'VE DONE A DS? Mimi: WAS IT SUCCESSFUL? Paty: yes, it was Mimi: OK, THEN IT'S JUST "TRADUCCION" Paty: after a while, but yes jane armstrong: congrats, Paty Mimi: :) Mimi: CONGRATULATIONS BY THE WAY Mimi: THIS IS THE TOUGHEST PART TO TEACH BY WORDS Mimi: SO DIFFICUJLT FOR SOME STUDENTS TO VISUALIZE Mimi: LUCKILY THERE ARE SOME PHOTOS AND VIDEOS OUT THERE Mimi: SO THOSE OF YOU THAT HAVE NOT TRIED YET Mimi: I ENCOURAGE YOU TO CHECK THE LINKS AT Cynthia: IS A GOOD VIDEO Cynthia: WELL YOUY HAVE TO FIND IT BUT IT IS THERE BOTH RIGHT AND LEFT HADED SHUTTLE Tammy: I will be using any and all links, I can find! :) Mimi: I ALSO LIKE THE VIDEO BY "NOBONES" ON YOUTUBE Mimi: THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS TO ACHIEVE DOUBLE STITCHES WITH SHUTTLES Mimi: IF YOU FIND OTHER TATTERS Mimi: YOU'LL SEE THEY HOLD THEIR SHUTTLES MANY DIFFERENT WAYS Mimi: IT'S WHAT'S COMFORTABLE FOR THEM Mimi: AND THE RESULTS ALL LOOK THE SAME Cynthia: ALSO SEVERAL WAYS TO HOLD THE LOOP Mimi: SO THE ONLY WRONG WAY TO TAT IS WHEN YOU CAN'T SLIDE THE CORE THREAD INSIDE THE DOUBLE STITCHES Cynthia: IF YOU FIND 100 TATTERS YOU'LL FIND 100 DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES...SOME SIMILAR Paty: interesting! Tammy: My battery is about ready to die, so see you all next week. jane armstrong: sharon briggs video demonstrations Tammy: I will practice the lesson Mimi: THANKS FOR COMING TAMMY, PLEASE READ LESSON 1 BEFORE COMING Tammy: Good night, and I will Cynthia: AND LOOK AT LESSON 1--DOWNLOAD AND PRINT I FIND HELPS Mimi: Cynthia: TAKE NOTES IN THE MARGINS THAT WAY Mimi: ALL LESSONS ARE LINKED ON THE INDEX PAGE Paty: I'm afraid it's time to leave too Mimi: Mimi: IT IS TIME TO END THE LESSON Mimi: ARE THERE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS BEFORE WE SIGN OFF? Cynthia: THANK YOU TO ALL THE BEGINNING TATTERS jane armstrong: I look forward to next week. Cynthia: AND THE HELPERS Mimi: YES INDEED HTANK YOU ALL FOR COMING Pam: Thanks to all of you who volunteer your time to teach us! Paty: Thank you very much, it is was great to tat with you all Laura Covey: Thanks! See you all next week. Happy practicing! debi: so w are to do lesson one? SC Lady: Which type of shuttle do think best? Mimi: IT'S NO FUN IF THERE ARE NO STUDENTS TRYING TO LEARN! Vicky: Thanks see you next week Flupigirl: Goodnight everyone. Mimi: AS MUCH TIME AS YOU CAN SPEND ON LESSON 1, PLEASE SPEND Paty: next week, same time? Cynthia: GR8, AERO, AERO WANNA BEES Mimi: READ IT AT LEAST, AND IF YOU CAN DO THE HOMEWORK, DO THAT TOO debi: bye Mimi: I LIKE SEWMATES THESE DAYS jane armstrong: bye Mimi: BYE DEBI Cynthia: SHUTTLES ARE A DISCUSSION IN THRMSELVES! Mimi: THEY HOLD A LOT OF THREAD, LIKE THE RED BATES ONES SC Lady: Thanks Bye Cynthia: OR TATSY SHUTTLSES Mimi: TATSYS ARE THE BIGGEST, BUT CAN BE DIFFICULT TO MANIPULATE IF YOU HAVE SMALL HANDS Mimi: (LIKE ME) Paty from x.x.x.214 left the chat 13 minutes ago happyrock1963: \bye Cynthia: AS ME TOO Mimi: (BUT I USE THEM ANYWAY BECAUSE THEY HOLD BEADS TOO!!) Mimi: GOOD NIGHT ALL, SEE YOU NEXT WEEK Cynthia: AND ME TOO Cynthia: BYE Mimi: CYNTHIA, JANE, IS IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO CHAT THIS WEEKEND happyrock1963 from x.x.x.131 left the chat 13 minutes ago jane armstrong: yes, when and how jane armstrong: get on in this format? Mimi: CHAT HERE SO WE CAN LOG IT Cynthia: NO i HAVE A FUNERAL IN cOLORADO Mimi: I'M SORRY TO HEAR IT CYNTHIA Cynthia: :( Vicky: okay how do I leave the chatroom? jane armstrong: sorry to hear about your loss Mimi: LONG DRIVE Mimi: I CLICKED THE COMMANDS TAB ON THE LEFT SIDE Mimi: IT SAYS TO TYPE THE CHARACTERS "/BYE" Mimi: WELL, MAYBE SOME TIME THE WEEKEND AFTER? Cynthia: YES IT IS AND WE LEAVE TOMORROW MORNING Cynthia: SURE WE CAN FIGURE THAT OUT DURING THE WEEK WITH E-MAILS? jane armstrong: I can make myself available Laura Covey from x.x.x.65 left the chat 11 minutes ago Mimi: WE CAN SURE TRY! Cynthia: tHANKS EVERYONE Vicky from x.x.x.77 left the chat 10 minutes ago Pam from x.x.x.68 left the chat 10 minutes ago jane armstrong: safe journey, cynthia Mimi: My thought is that we need to help Jane understand what's going on, and divide up the work so she can help jane armstrong: yes, Cynthia: THANKS AND YES jane armstrong: since this was my first time on, I didn't know what the boundaries were (good social work terms!) Mimi: And in the good news department, Georgia may have found us some free space for the lessons that has no popups Cynthia: JANE DO YOU HAVE TIME ON THURS AFTERNOONE? Mimi: hopefully it's easier to use for editing too jane armstrong: I have clients on Thursday afternoons (decluttering business) Mimi: And I have Monday off - I could be around on Monday afternoon after Georgia's class... Cynthia: CLASS IS AT 3 AND I COULD USE HELP--ANNEB IN NORWAY WAS HELPING TODAY Mimi: AnneB of the nifty dragon?? Cynthia: POSSIBLY BUT I MAY BE ROAD WEARY.... jane armstrong: I am working on Monday until after 6:00 EST Cynthia: i THINK SO SHE WAS CONCENTRATING ON THE BEGINNERS Mimi: Never mind that then jane armstrong: sorry... Mimi: I'll start an email chain this weekend Mimi: No worries Jane, we're all volunteers and have to work around each otehrs' schedules Mimi: And Cynthia, if having the afternoon class is too overwhelming, feel free to cancel Mimi: you've taken on a lot, and it appears neither Jane and I can help you with that one Cynthia: OK I'LL GET TO IT WHEN I GET BACK UNLESS I GET A CHANCE TO CHECK MY E-MAILS Mimi: That will work Mimi: And I just had a thought... 3pm NY Time is actually lunchtime Mimi: DUH Mimi: If I can keep a thought in my pea brain, I'l ltry to log in then jane armstrong: one thing I learned tonight is to have back up materials at my disposal for each segment Cynthia: NO IT ISN'T OVERWHELMING I JUST FELT A BIT AWED THAT THEY THOUGHT I COULD HELP Mimi: I don't think Europeans are used to finding instruction for free jane armstrong: Do you have other tips Cynthia: AND ANNE WAS JUMPING IN AND VERY HELPFUL Mimi: Jane did you get a Chatzy account (free) jane armstrong: yes Mimi: I signed up for the free account - that way I don't have to remember the goshawful URL if I'm at a different computer Cynthia: DEFINATELY HAVING EXTRA MATERIALS IS NICE Mimi: I can just go to and it finds the classroom for me jane armstrong: anything else? Cynthia: i'D LIKE THE INFO IT WOULD HELP Mimi: I keep a shuttle handy too jane armstrong: have one Mimi: sometimes I have trouble visualizing Cynthia: DON'T WE ALL? Mimi: (like the time I had to figure out what direction i wind thread!) Cynthia: ALSO A NEEDLE Mimi: Do you needle tat at all Jane? jane armstrong: no needle tat jane armstrong: sorry....should I learn? Cynthia: NO UNLESS YOU WANT TO Mimi: You'll probalby pick it up by osmosis Mimi: but no it's not necessary Cynthia: SOME THINGS WORK BETTER WITH NEEDLE Mimi: Cynthia is trhe most experienced with it Mimi: I've played with it some - handy for beaded tatting sometimes Cynthia: BUT THE SHUTTLE IS GOOD TOO jane armstrong: if two of the teachers respond, should I put my two cents in, too. Mimi: Always jump in if you have more to add/clarify Cynthia: i HAD TO MY ARTHRITIS SOMETIMES IS A CHALLENGE Cynthia: back to regular letters Mimi: Sometimes multiple conversations will jump up Mimi: so having multiple folks helps there too Cynthia: and a second or thrid set of eyes helps when that happens jane armstrong: there were a couple of times I wanted to add Mimi: At some point, we need to alternate leading the lessons while the others help Mimi: But mostly having 3 teachers means that someone will have electricity at class tiem :) jane armstrong: but didn't know the proper ettique jane armstrong: oops, spell check! Cynthia: sure but let's get thru this session first Mimi: No problem Jane, I figured you'd need a few lessons time to observe what goes on Mimi: Typoes totally allowed Cynthia: we all have typos and usually can read thru thrm jane armstrong: Great, I can excel with typos! Mimi: Once you're comfortable with how the classes go, we can figure out leadership, ettiquette, etc Mimi: your experiences as a teacher and faciliator Mimi: can really help me I'm sure Mimi: Eek, oven is beeping, I'd better sign off Mimi: Time for dinner Cynthia: go eat and enjoy jane armstrong: okeedoke...I feel better...I will have more prepared next week (back up info, etc. Cynthia: nice meeting you jane jane armstrong: time for bed Mimi: Thanks Cynthia, sorry again about your loss Mimi: Have a good trip Mimi: Night! jane armstrong: yes, safe travels Mimi from x.x.x.227 left the chat 23 seconds ago Cynthia from x.x.x.211 left the chat ============================================================ Created at