Session Start: Thu May 08 18:02:30 2008 Session Ident: #tatchat 03* Now talking in #tatchat 01 Good evening all 04Hello, Mimi HI Mimi Hello Mimi I am not familiar with this program. 01 You're doing well so far Sandy 01 Are you using the website, or did you try mIRC? Is there a way to make the font larger? Mine is so tiny I can barely see it. <@Joanne> 06yes, click the button called Font down near the lower right corner 01 Are you using the website, or did you try mIRC? <@Joanne> 06then type in a new font size 03* Katia ( has joined #tatchat 04Hello, Katia Good evenig ladies .... sorry for my delay 01 Hi Katia 01 How was your trip? Yikes! It doesn't do anything when I click on it and there is no place to type a font number <@Joanne> 06Maybe your browser doesn't allow java applets? 04Great news! My one and only Grandson was born today! He was 8 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches long. i just got back with max from his appointment congratz Isabell 04Thanks <@Joanne> 06Isabell, congratulations! Congrats Isabell 04Great Day! When I click on it, a Java Applet window appears in the upper left corner. 01 Congratulations Isabell 01 Baby booties next on your "To Be Tatted" list? Congratulations! 04Sandy, why don't you click on "page" and then zoom up on it. That's what I do <@Joanne> 06Sandy, is there a little box with the number 10,11,or 12 in it? <@Joanne> 06I typed over that number with a 14 and mine is more readable now Mimi you wanted to know how it when with max specialist No the specialist said he would have a full recovery and they took is hard cast off and gave him a soft one, so he could start is physio 01 YAY!!! the only drawback is that he will get athritiste when he get older 01 He will be in good company then 01 if it's an arm he can keep tatting and keep good use of it! aye he was trying to dance without is cast ... but the doc told him to take it easy until his phusio his finish 01 tough during prom season he never stop tatting that all he was able to do laying down in bed or in a wheel chair he his gratuating this year .... so he his all good oups is nt Got the font larger. Thank you! i see we have 2 new names im not familiar with Sandy and Joanne 01 Sandy is a near neighbor of mine. 01 Joanne are you the one from Ravelry? <@Joanne> 06yes 01 maybe we should sign in and get started? sweet 01 THANKS FOR COMING JOANNE! welcome to the class both f you <@Joanne> 06thanks all 01 MIMI DILLMAN, SNOHOMISH, WA USA, ntrop at ix.netcom dot com Katia Vallée Sherbrooke QC Canada lady_elhasa at hotmail dot com I'm not new to tatting --Just had a break when life got in the way!! I'm brushing up on skills. 04Isabell Sandoval isabell dot sandoval at yahoo dot com Taylor, TX USA <@Joanne> 06Joanne Wortman Smithtown NY knitsalot at gmail dot com 01 I'M NOT SURE WHO "TATTER" IS? PLEASE SIGN IN? Sandy Cofer, Bremerton, WA 01 THANKS ALL FOR COMING TONIGHT 01 FIRST OFF, ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS REMAINING FROM THE MATERIAL OF LESSON 1? 04no 01 JUST SO YOU KNOW KATIA, WE BREEZED THROUGH LESSON 1 LAST WEEK - THOSE WHO ATTENDED WERE ALREADY WELL VERSED IN THE CONCEPTS <@Joanne> 06I have a question--does everyone use picot gauges or do folks just eyeball it GREAT 01 I DO BOTH, DEPENDING UPON THE SITUATION I USE PICOT GAUGE I was recently told that I wind my thread onto my shuttles incorrectly. Do you all wind your thread clockwise or counter clockwise? THAT DEPENDS IF YOU HAVE A HOOK ON THE TIP OF YOUR SHUTTLE I almost always use them when working with beads and sometimes on other things. <@Joanne> 06I do it clockwise--is that correct? I have the little pointy plastic shuttles 01 I USE A GAUGE IF A CERTAIN LENGTH PICOT IS REQUIRED (BEADING OR OTHER REASON) OR WHEN TATTING FOR COMPETITION/SHOW 04I eyeball 01 WHEN I'M IN A RUSH, I EYEBALL IT. EYEBALLED IT FOR YEARS BEFORE I EVEN HEARD OF A GAUGE!! I go counter clockwise For those who logged on recently I am known as tatter because I can't get this program to accept me as Linda and now everything has stopped. What happened? and use the clovers with points. 01 GAUGES ALSO HELP WHEN SINGLE-TRHEAD TATTING 01 WE SEE YOU NOW LINDA? <@Joanne> 06I've been eyeballing a few things to put in my tattig kit, like the little flat stirrers from starbucks, and my son's clarinet reeds.... 01 ALL SORTS OF THINGS WORK FOR GAUGES. I'VE HAD PEOPLE GIVE ME BROKEN DPNS, AND THEY WORK WELL TOO! SIGN IN LINDA PLEASE AND WE WERE ASKING IF THEY WAS ANYTHING FROM LAST WEEK THAT WE NEEDED HELP I use Georgia Seitz' little wooden ones and like them. THOSE ARE THE ONE I USE SANDY 01 SANDY I DO CLOCKWISE - BUT I DON'T THINK COUNTER SHOULD BE "WRONG"?? 01 ONLY TIME I'D THINK THE WINDING WAS WRONG WAS IF IT FELL OFF!! 01 OR BROKE THE SHUTTLE TIPS APART (BTDT :-() AND THE WAY YOU OLD YOUR SHUTTLE TO WORK 02* Tatter ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) 03* Tatter ( has joined #tatchat 02* Tatter ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) 03* Tatter ( has joined #tatchat 01 WE NEED TO GET LINDA A SEATBELT! Dianna Stevens uses a beautidul little set that is all hinged together that I'd love to have! 01 NEXT TIME I SEE ONE OF THOSE FOR SALE I WON'T HESITATE - HINGED ONES LOOK REALLY NICE 01 PRICEY THOUGH I'll try clockwise and see if it works for me. Hey Mimi you called me Linda! You know I am here! 01 I'VE SEEN MANY ACCOMPLISHED TATTERS USE THE CLOCKWISE WIND (SOME RIGHT-HANDED ONES TOO) SO IF IT DOESN'T WORK, DON'T DESPAIR 01 YES LINDA, WE SAW YOU EARLIER 01 I THINK EITHER YOUR COMPUTER OR ISP IS HAVING SOME ISSUES. I agree. IS THERE ANY LEFT HANDED SHUTTLE TATTER IN CLASS? 01 ANY OTHER QUESTIONS FROM PREVIOUS LESSONS? 01 IN THAT CASE, HOW ABOUT LESSON 2. 01 DID EVERYONE HAVE A CHANCE TO LOOK IT OVER? <@Joanne> 06yes Yes yes 04yes 01 GREAT!! 01 ANY SPECIFIC PARTS I NEED TO GO OVER? EVERYONE GOT DOWN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REVERSE, TURN, AND ROTATE? 01 REGULAR JOINS? Yes <@Joanne> 06yes 01 HOW ABOUT THE FOLDED JOIN...? 04yes No. I need to study that one. 04I was yessing to regular joins 01 FOLDED JOIN IS USED ONLY IN A CERTAIN SITUATION 01 USUALLY WHERE YOU'RE MAKING THE FINAL RING IN A CIRCLE OF RINGS WHERE THE BOTTOMS OF THE RINGS ARE AT THE CENTER 01 HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT JOIN WHERE YOU JOIN THE LAST RING TO THE FIRST RING IS TOUGH TO DO? 01 THE WORK IS ALL OUT OF POSITION 01 AND IF YOU TRY TO DO IT NORMALLY, THE JOIN COMES OUT TWISTED 01 SHOWS THIS SITUATION WELL 01 THE UPPER LEFT DIAGRAM SHOWS THE CIRCLE OF RINGS IN PROGRESS <@Joanne> 06I've never done a ring motif so I guess I'll have to take your word that it's hard to do! 01 THE REST OF THE DIAGRAMS SHOW HOW TAMMY FOLDS THE WORK, MAKES THE JOIN, FINISHES THE RING, AND *MAGICALLY* THE JOIN IS CORRECT AFTER UNFOLKDING! 01 IT'S NOT HARD, JUST FIDDLY 01 BOOKMARK THIS DIAGRAM 01 AND ALSO FIND THE EXPLANATION IN REBECCA JONES' BOOK OF TATTING IF YOU HAVE IT 01 WE'LL HAVE A PATTERN IN A LATER LESSON THAT STARTS THIS WAY, SO YOU'LL NEED IT! 01 YOU MAY ALSO FIND THIS SITAUTION IN MANY ANTIQUE PATTERNS 01 DON'T BE AFRAID, GIVE IT A TRY! YOU ALSO NEED TO REMEMBER THAT IN SOME MOTIF WITH RING AND CHAIN YOU MAY INCOUNTER THIS TYPE OF JOIN ALSO SO KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN 04Is this also for needle tatters? Is Tammy's different from Rebecca Jones'? ITS THE SAME WAY FOR NEEDLE 04Thanks 01 SLIGHTLY - JONES' IS ALL WORDS FEWER DIAGRAMS 01 I PERSONALLY FIND DIAGRAMS EASIER, BUT I UNDERSTAND SOME FOLKS NEED THE WORDS. THAT'S FINE, WE'RE ALL DIFFERENT I thought that Tammy's looked easier but hadn't really compared the two yet. 01 NOW YOU HAVE AN OPTION IF ONE DOESN'T WORK WHEN YOU NEED IT (BECAUSE WHEN YOU NEED IT, YOU NEED IT! lol) 01 ANY OTHER QUESTIONS BEFORE WE GO ON TO CHAINS? I usually have to refer to the book as I don't do them often 04no 01 ME TOO SANDY - AND ONCE I LEARNED SPLIT RINGS TO CLIMB OUT TO THE NEXT ROUND, I'VE ENCOUNTERED IT EVEN LESS 01 OK ON TO CHAINS 01 I JUST SAW JOANNE'S LAST NIGHT, SO I KNOW SHE'S GOT THEM DOWN HEHE 01 I'M GUESSING THAT SANDY AND ISABELL DO TOO? 01 HOW ABOUT LINDA, ARE YOU STILL THERE? Yep I am here. Yes! With my thread going the wrong way after all this time!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR THREAD GOING THE WRONG WAY SANDY? Not really --I wind my shuttle thread on counter clockwise rather than clockwise. DO YOU HAVE A TIP/HOOK ON YOUR SHUTTLE? Usually FOR NOW JUST TRY TO FLIP YOUR SHUTTLE SO THE THREAD COME OUT LIKE IT SHOULD .... DONT WORRY ABOUT THE TIP/HOOK 01 brb 01 ISABELL, HAVE YOU TRIED THE TRANSITION FROM THE NEEDLE TATTED TRUE RING TO A CHAIN? 01 KATIA HAS A GREAT EXPLANATION IN THE LESSON 01 LINDA, I CAN'T REMEMBER... ARE YOU SHUTTLE OR NEEDLE TATTING? 04no I haven't 01 04I saw the pdf but couldn't print because of printer 01 KATIA, CAN YOU GIVE A PRECIS OF WHY IT'S IMPORTANT? THE RING A BETTERLOOKING LIKE THAT :) I am doing both but concentrating on shuttle at the moment. ;) BESIDE THEY LOOK BETTER , THE TRUE RING WITH THE CHAIN LOOK ALOT MORE LIKE SHUTTLE TATTER THEN NEEDLE 04I will practice this 01 GREAT! 01 NOW WE COME TO THE LAST SECTION - THREAD ENDS 01 THIS HAS BEEN A VERY POPULAR SUBJECT IN OTHER SESSIONS OF THIS CLASS 01 HAVE ANY OF YOU ENCOUNTERED DIFFICULTY WITH FINISHING OFF THREAD ENDS? 01 OR HAVE YOU FOUND WAYS YOU LIKE THAT WORK FOR YOU? YES 04I work them in WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU USE A SEWING NEEDLE AND YOU ALWAYS LOST THE HOLD OF THAT NEEDLE WHEN YOU TRY TO PULL IT OUT? I work them in with a needle. I prefer the majic thread trick as I don't do a very good job using a needle. 04I haven't had that problem 01 LOST HOLD OF THE NEEDLE? MEANING THE TATTING IS SO TIGHT YOU CAN'T GET THE NEEDLE THROUGH? YESMIMI I take a pair of pliers and pull that needle through! 01 HAVE YOU TRIED A NEEDLE GRIPPER? 01 RUBBER IS KINDER THAN PLIERS 01 JUST A SQUARE OF RUBBERY STUFF I ASK THE QUESTION BUT I DID HAVE THE ANSWER MIMI ;) 01 THAT YOU CAN PINCH BETWEEN YOUR FINGERS AND PULL ON THE NEEDLE WITH THE PINCH 01 WHEN I WAS LEARNING TO SEW BEADS ON LEATHER, HTAT WAS THE 4TH THING I GOT FROM THE TEACHER 01 AFTER NEEDLE, THREAD AND LEATHER! Yes rubber is better but I can't hold on to the rubber. Hand issues. 01 OOPS SORY THOSE ARE MARVELOUS AND WORK WELL EVEN FOR NEEDLE TATTER WHO GET SLIPPERY HAND WHEN PULLING TERE TATTING NEEDLE 01 OOOH GOOD IDEA KATIA! LOTS OF DS ON TEH NEEDLE MIGHT MAKE IT HARDER TO PULL THROUGH 01 GOOD THING YOU HAVE THE PLIERS THEN LINDS YOU COULD ALSO USE A BIGGER RUBBER. NOT SURE HOW ITS CALL BUT YOU PUT THAT TYPE OF MAT TO PREVENT THE CARPET TO MOVE 01 I THINK THEY MAKE SOME PLIERS WITH RUBBERY COVERS? NOT SURE IF THEY'LL GRIP 01 NOT SURE WHAT THEY CALL IT EITHER KATIA! NO THROW RUGS :) AND PUT THAT OVER THE NEEDLE THEN USE ANY TYPEOFPLIER AND PUL THE NEEDLE WOW MY ENGLISH IS GETTING WORST BY THE MINUTE Pliers with rubber tips would be ideal! I have tendionitis in my hands and arms so tools with handles really help me out a lot. 01 I THINK THEY MAY BE MORE PLASTIC HTAN RUBBER NOW THAT I THINK OF IT... BUT MAYBE YOU COULD GLUE THE RUBBER ONTO THE SIDES? 01 I FOUND MINE IN THE SECTION WITH WIRE 01 THEY ARE USED TO TEMPER WIRE AFTER IT'S BEEN BENT INTO SHAPE I wonder if you could use the little piece of rubber with hackle pliers. I'll have to try it. SORRY FOR THAT QUESTION MIMI BUT I WAS READING THE LOGS OF THE PAST AND I SAW THAT WE NEVER MENTION THAT TIP I THINK YOU COULD SANDY 01 IT'S A GREAT QUESTION AND AN EXCELLENT TIP 01 SHOULD WE WRITE IT INTO THE LSSON? Thanks I will check into the wire section at my local hardwear store and see what I can find 01 BEADING SECTION AT MICHAELS OR JOANNES MIGHT BE EASIER. I THINK IT WOULD BE GOOD AND EVEN HAD THIS TO THE MATERIAL THEY NEED 01 NOT SURE IF THIS LINK WILL WORK FOR THE PLIERS: BTW THOSE LITTLE RUBBER CAN BE FOUND WITH THE QUILTING SUPPLIES 01 I CAN SEE HOW THEY WOULD BE USEFUL FOR QUILTERS TOO AND BRODERIES I will check into all suggestions. I am grateful for all help. I've seen quilters use little 1" squares of latex/rubber to pull the needle 01 THAT'S EXACTLY IT SANDY 01 ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ABOUT LESSON 2? 01 ANYONE TRY THE PATTERNS? I don't hand quilt but can find out where to get them. 04no, but I have made sooo many doves and butterflies ANY STORE THAT SELL NEEDLEWORK EVEN SEWING STORE WILL HAVE THEM 01 GREAT! MAYBE IT'S TIME TO TRY SOME PATTERNS WITH CHAINS, THOUGH? 01 THE AWARENESS RIBBON HAS BEEN REALLY POPULAR IN PREVIOUS CLASSES Those little rubber disks can be gotten almost any place on line or even Michaels and JoAnns. I used to do a lot of quilting and used them from time to time 01 01 YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION WHEN DOING THIS "RIBBON" <@Joanne> 06I am working on hens and chicks 01 THE DESIGNER VARIES THE SIZE/LENGTH OF THE RINGS AND CHAINS TO MAKE THE CURVE HAPPEN YET KEEP THE TATTING FLAT 01 VERY CLEVER 01 HOW ARE YOU LIKING H&C JOANNE? <@Joanne> 06I'm on my third attempt... 01 IT'S A BIT OF A MIND-BENDER TO GET STARTED 01 YOU HAVE TO BE VERY CAREFUL TO REVERSE YOUR WORK EACH TIME <@Joanne> 06First, I joined a chick to the wrong side of the work (forgot to RW) 01 EEK <@Joanne> 06Then, I left a generous half inch between each side of the work, and didn't like the looks of it YOU COULD ALSO DO THE H&C ISABELL BUT REMEMBER WITH THE NEEDLE IT WILL TAKE ALOT OF THREAD SO ALOT OF PRACTICE TO HIDE ENDS 01 SPACING IS A REAL ISSUE, YOU KIND OF HAVE TO SWATCH IT FIRST TO LIKE IT TRY 1/4 INCH I have a H&C in a mini M&M tube that I keep in the car for moments I need something to do! <@Joanne> 06I closed up the length a little, it's about 3/8 " now 01 DO YOU LIKE THE RESULT JOANNE? <@Joanne> 06I have to make the last chick in the first repeat, and then I'll see if it's a size I can live with 01 IF YOU HAVEN'T LOOKED AT THE PATTERN ISABELL OR LINDA, IT'S AT 01 THERE ARE 2 THINGS YOU MAY NEED TO DO 01 1. ENLARGE THE PRINTOUT A BIT (GEORGIA SCANNED IT SMALL) 01 2. MAKE A NOTE OF A NON-STANDARD NOTATION SHE USED 01 IT LOOKS LIKE A T WITH A LINE CROSSING THE VERTICAL PART OF THE T 01 IT'S ACUTALLY A MINUS ON TOP OF A PLUS SIGN 01 IT MEANS: THIS IS A PICOT THE FIRST REPEAT, THEN A JOIN EACH SUCCESSIVE REPEAT 01 LAST, IF YOU FIND YOU LIKE THIS SINGLE-THREAD TATTING, THERE IS ANOTHER PAGE LINK: 01 01 EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO MAKE IT, ISN'T IT PRETTY? 01 ANYWAY, IT'S PAST THE TOP OF THE HOUR AND I NEED TO GET UPSTAIRS AND FEED SOME HUNGRY FOLKS 01 PLEASE LET US KNOW IF THERE ARE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ON LESSON 2 01 HAVE SOME FUN WITH THE PATTERNS 01 AND SEE IF YOU CAN READ OVER LESSON 3 BEFORE CLASS NEXT WEEK 04I have a question. When you tat with 2 shuttles does this mean to use 2 needles? NOT NECESSAIRLLY 01 I'LL LEAVE KATIA TO ANSWER THAT ONE, AND I'LL LEAVE THE LAPTOP ON TO CATHC THE REST OF THE LOG 01 Y'ALL HAVE A GREAT WEEK, SEE YOU NEXT THRUSDAY! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MIMI Thank you! I just tried tatting with a shuttle wound clockwise and guess what? It works well!! See you in two weeks. Off to Arizona next week. Thank you Mimi 01 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL OF YOU. MAY YOUR CHILDREN TREAT YOU AS THEY SHOULD :) THE ONLY TIME I SUSED SO FAR 2 NEEDLE WAS WHEN MAKING THORWN OFF RING ON CHAIN 01 MY CAT WON'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE :)) BESIDE THAT YOU NEED ONLY ONE NEEDLE AND A BALL OF THREAD 01 TAT LOTS ON THE PLANE SANDY. I ENVY YOU GETTING NICE AND WARM. NIGHT ALL... 04Thanks I need SUN and WARM!!!!! JUST MAKE SURE ISABELL WHEN YOU TRY THE TRUE RING AND CHAIN TO HAVE A SPARE BALL OF THREAD OR MAKE YOURSELF ON BEFORE STARTING Bye everyone! Happy tatting! BYE SANDY SEE YOU NEXT WEEK 04Will do! Thank you Katia and good bye all. See you next week. I enjoyed this very much. Linda THAT WAY WHEN YOU LL HAD THREAD ON YOUR NEEDLE YOU WONT HAVE TO CUT THE THREAD FROM THE BALL 04bye Mimi and Sandy TAKE CARE LINDA AND SEE YOU NEXT WEEK 02* Sandy ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) 02* Tatter ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) 04I was making butterflies while at the hospital and found a nurse who wants to learn <@Joanne> 06bye all--I may not make it next week, as I may be travelling for work YHEN KEEP TATTING AND COME JOIN US THE WEEK AFTER , TAKE CARE JOANNE 04bye Joanne THAT IS GREAT ISABELL , ARE YOU GOING TO TEACH HER HOW TO TAT/ 04I hope to. She's tried shuttle but couldn't,. I gave a couple of the nurses butterflies, and she hunted me up HAVE HER TRY THE NEEDLE 04We will be demonstrating this saturday and I invited her to come and join us JUST TO HAVE HER STUCK ON TATTING AND THEN SWITCH HER TO SHUTTLE , THE MORE SHE IS GOING TO SEE SHUTTLE THE MORE SHE WILL WANT TO TRY IT AGAIN 04Grandson was born today! WHAT WILL HIS NAME BE? 04Kade SWEET NAME YOIU MUST BE VERY HAPPY 04I was walking on clouds. I was in the delivery room and took part in everything FIRST TIME GRAND MOM ? 04Yes 04Son was squemish THAT MUST HAVE BEEN AMAZING FOR YOU NOT BEING TE ONE IN LABOR :) ARE NT THEY ALL IN THAT TIME? 04I don't remember mine. Couldn't see AHHH 04Well, I am going to say Goodnihgt to all NIGHT ISABELL AND HAVE A GREAT MOTHER'S DAY WITH THE NEW LITTLE ONE 04Thanks 02* Isabell ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) NIGHT 02* Katia ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever) Session Close: Thu May 08 19:21:59 2008