Session Start: Thu Apr 24 17:59:30 2008 Session Ident: #tatchat 03[17:59] * Now talking in #tatchat [17:59] <@Margaret> 06Hi, Mimi [17:59] Hi to everyone 01[17:59] Good evening [17:59] <@Margaret> 06Mimi is our teacher 01[17:59] One of 2 teacher [18:00] <@Margaret> 06we have several new faces (everyone but me!) [18:00] Hi, Mimi! 03[18:00] * Tatter ( has joined #tatchat 01[18:00] Wow, everyone has their name in! 03[18:00] * Katia ( has joined #tatchat 01[18:00] Welcome "Tatter" [18:00] 02Hi Mimi! 01[18:00] Hi Katia 01[18:00] Hi Angela, welcome back [18:00] Good evening ladies [18:00] <@Margaret> 06Hi, Katia [18:01] Hi, Katia! [18:01] <@Margaret> 06Mimi, Katia, this is a different Angela 01[18:01] Oops sorry 01[18:01] Which Stephanie do we have? [18:01] Stephanie Bryant, aka mortaine. [18:01] <@Margaret> 06Stephanie, the author, right? 03[18:01] * Angela is now known as Angelina [18:02] Yes! :D [18:02] 02How's that? [18:02] Mimi remembr last week i said i counld nt do the m&G because i had the local fair to attend ? [18:02] Hello 03[18:02] * Tatter062 ( has joined #tatchat 03[18:02] * Tatter is now known as Isabell [18:02] <@Margaret> 06Hi, Isabell, my middle name is Isobel 03[18:02] * Tatter062 is now known as NancyCarol 03[18:02] * Angelina is now known as AngelaR [18:02] <@Margaret> 06some familiar faces at last [18:03] 12Hi Everybody! [18:03] There are more Isabells around, have you noticed 03[18:03] * Tatter ( has joined #tatchat 01[18:03] I remember Katia [18:03] well can you believe that i won the crafter of the year award of the local fair ? [18:03] <@Margaret> 06yes, Isobel is the Gaelic way of spelling the name 01[18:03] CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 01[18:03] wow! [18:04] <@Margaret> 06congrats, Katia, what qualifications did you have to meet to win? [18:04] 12That's wonderful! [18:04] Congratulations, Katia! [18:04] im the only tatter in the guild most of them ar knitters 01[18:04] Obviously very discerning folks :) [18:06] <@Margaret> 06near me, in a small town, they have a fair in July where crafters can enter in as many divisions as they like for "Queen of the Fair" where every ribbon in every category gives so many points (depending on place finish) to the final tally 01[18:06] Interesting Margaret [18:06] <@Margaret> 06the highest final tally wins the Queen of the Craft Fair 01[18:06] Maybe I should suggest the same to my buddy who knows the folks that run the Evergreen State Fair (nearest one to me) [18:06] its the same but they aslo add the #of piece that you showed during the year and may not be able to show at the fair because they are gift 01[18:07] That's nice to take into account whgat you couldn't bring. [18:07] <@Margaret> 06two years ago, I won second prize in crocheted clothing at the Western Fair (London and region) [18:08] 12What did you crochet? [18:08] i made 2 piece that got first prize and 1 second [18:08] all tatted .. i dont crochet that art kind of elude me [18:08] <@Margaret> 06a dress that I had given to my girlfriend's daughter for her fourth birthday 01[18:09] Wow such talented people come here. [18:09] <@Margaret> 06I didn't have a working camera at the time or a computer or scanner and she hasn't given me a picture yet [18:09] That reminds me to get my tatted medallion out-- it needs to get to California in a week. [18:09] <@Margaret> 06it was mauve and white 01[18:09] I like to photograph what I give or take to the Fair. Now there's Ravelry to record stuff about the knitting/crocheting too [18:10] 12I have yards and yards of beautiful lace that my mother-in-lar crocheted and inserted into pillowcases, sheets, and tablecloths [18:10] <@Margaret> 06yes, one of the girls in my art class is in that [18:10] wow nice nancy carol 03[18:10] * Tatter394 ( has joined #tatchat [18:10] <@Margaret> 06keeps record of your patterns and wool too [18:10] 12How many of you all are on Ravelry? 01[18:10] Speaking of beautiful lace, anyone subscribe to Piecework Magazine? [18:10] I'm in Ravelry. 03[18:10] * Tatter394 is now known as Winkerbill 01[18:10] I'm MimiD on Ravelry 01[18:10] Hi Stephanie [18:11] Hi Mimi and everybody [18:11] Hi, Stephanie! [18:11] 12hi! [18:11] hello stephanie [18:11] <@Margaret> 06hi, Stephanie, now we have two of you, so we will have to call you winkerbill [18:11] 12I'm KnitJazz. Don't have much on there yet [18:11] You can call me mortaine, if it'll be easier. [18:11] 12Hey, the bar cookies I had trouble getting out of the pan on Monday - I set them on the stove, turned the burner on low [18:11] I'm mortaine 99% of the time online. [18:11] 02I'm on ravelry as ruggrat. [18:11] 12and they came right out. [18:11] <@Margaret> 06does it really organize all your stash? [18:11] I'm on Ravelry also [18:11] No. But it gives you tools to organize your stash. 03[18:12] * Tatter is now known as Michele [18:12] <@Margaret> 06anyone want to come to my house for an organizing party? [18:12] 12You still have to input all the stuff, but it does help a lot [18:12] Winkerbill: i'm so glad you were able to get them out! [18:12] <@Margaret> 06I have lots of stash from thread to wool to fabric [18:12] i should join ... i need all the help i can get into organizing my stuff [18:12] I find myself using it to organize my queue of things I want to work on. [18:12] 12not even hard to clean the pan once I got the stuff OUT of it! [18:13] 12;-) [18:13] Since I recently added my stash, it's easier to match "things I want to knit" with "yarn I already have." [18:13] 12and they're not hard to eat - sort of like a granola bar but not quite as "hard" as a commercially made granola bar. [18:13] Yum! [18:13] <@Margaret> 06I was supposed to be at a choir practice and party tonight but have a parasitic infection so am home [18:13] 12sorry you're not feeling well. 01[18:13] I need to try that StephanieB [18:14] 12Sorry margaret. [18:14] <@Margaret> 06thank you [18:14] sorry to ear that margaret 01[18:14] We can keep y ou company Margaret, htanks for coming [18:14] 12Did you talk about the "all edges" brownie pan last time? [18:14] 12looks like a maze [18:14] <@Margaret> 06please explain [18:15] 12oh, i've never seen one of them! [18:15] 12I saw one at Bed Bath and Beyond. You know how lots of folks fight for the crunchy edges? [18:15] 12I like the ones in the middle the best.... [18:15] 12DH likes the edges. [18:15] 12let me see if I can find a link to show. [18:15] 12;-)\ [18:15] My sister and I fight for the middle pieces! [18:15] 12I LOVE the edges. [18:15] <@Margaret> 06I like the middle too [18:16] Has anyone ever had "No Pudge Fudge"? [18:16] I enjoy all of it! [18:16] 12and when I bake biscuits he likes the edge ones best [18:16] 12Well, then you're porbably happy with a regular pan. [18:16] <@Margaret> 06right now I would appreciate any decent food. [18:16] 12never heard of no pudge fudge [18:16] 12is it good? [18:16] It's a box mix brownie mix that you blend with vanilla yogurt. 01[18:16] Yum!! [18:16] It's all natural, low fat/fat free. [18:16] 12sounds good! [18:17] It's moist enough, but not sweet enough for my sweet tooth, I think. [18:17] It comes in a bright pink box. [18:17] <@Margaret> 06I can have the BRAT diet right now -- banana, rice, applesauce, and toast (white) [18:17] Hi, I am new. I would like to learn to tat. I was shown once and I like it. Sorry it took so long to introduce, I am tpung one handed holding baby in another. 01[18:17] While chocolate is totally on topic, I'll ask a tatting question - anyone subscribe to Piecework Magazine? [18:17] 12I substitute plain yogurt for sour cream - raises the calcium level, lowers the fat level [18:17] 12Hi Michele [18:17] 12I don't.... [18:17] What I like about it is that the box has instructions for making 1 brownie at a time, if you want (amounts of mix and yogurt to use). [18:17] Never heard of it, Mimi. [18:17] good evening michele [18:17] <@Margaret> 06welcome Michele, how old is the baby? boy or girl? 01[18:17] May/June issue is LACE!! [18:17] Ooooh! 01[18:17] AND! There's a tatting pattern [18:18] <@Margaret> 06no [18:18] girl, 14 mos [18:18] It's an Interweave pub, eh? [18:18] 12there's a TATTING pattern? Wow, that's rare in a "modern" magazine, I bet! 01[18:18] the article is about shuttles made by the writter's grandfather, very nice. 01[18:18] PW also put a pattern on the web for us [18:19] Piecwork magazine is a great mag 01[18:19] I think so too Isabelle [18:19] <@Margaret> 06is the magazine in hard copy or internet? 01[18:19] Hard copy 01[18:19] You may find it at Borders and other large bookstores 01[18:19] 01[18:19] oops [18:19] <@Margaret> 06brb my behind is getting sore from sitting on this wooden typing chair [18:19] Or at your Local Yarn Shop-- lots of LYS's carry Interweave mags. 01[18:19] [18:20] I am interested in historical tatting, preferably 18th century. 01[18:20] Unlike Interweave Knits and Crochets, it's more articles and fewer patterns 01[18:20] Tatting is rare, maybe once every couple of years [18:20] mimi should we start ? 01[18:20] but for those who like other needlecrafting 01[18:20] it's great 01[18:20] YES LET'S BEGIN 01[18:20] THE WAY THESE CHATS WORK 01[18:20] IS THAT THERE'S A LITTLE BIT OF CHATTING AT THE BEGINNING 01[18:20] (BEST TO COME EARLY TO GET IT OUT OF THE WAY SO WE CAN START CLOSER TO THE TOP OF THE HOUR) [18:20] 12 is link for pan 01[18:21] THEN WE SIGN IN 01[18:21] LIKE THIS: 01[18:21] Mimi Dillman, ntrop at ix.netcom dot com, Snohomish, WA USA 01[18:21] YOUR NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, AND LOCATION [18:21] Katia Vallée Sherbrooke QC Canada lady_elhasa at hotmail dot com 01[18:21] SO EVERYONE SIGN IN PLEASE! 01[18:21] TEACHERS WILL TYPE IN ALL CAPS [18:21] 12NancyCarol Birmingham Ala USA bookjazz at yahoo dot com [18:21] 12Stephanie W packing for teh move out of N. Georgia but still here trompete at# bellsouth dot net [18:21] Stephanie,, currently outside Washington, DC. 01[18:21] THAT WAY, YOU CAN TELL THE TEACHER'S "TALK" FROM THE OTHER STUDENTS [18:21] Isabell Sandoval (needle) isabell.sandoval AT yahoo DOT com Taylor, TX USA 01[18:22] WHEN READING THE LOG (TRANSCRIPT) LATER [18:22] Michele, mmluvera AT yahoo DOT com, NJ 01[18:22] LOG ISN'T IN TECHNICOLOR, SORRY :) [18:22] 02Angela, ruggrat AT gmail DOT com, Massachusetts, USA [18:22] <@Margaret> 06margaret I. Boos, London, Ontario, Canada, shuttle, maggiep54 AT sympatico DOT ca 01[18:22] AFTER THE SIGN-IN, KATIA AND I WILL ASK IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS FROM THE PREVIOUS LESSON 01[18:23] BUT THERE WAS NONE THIS TIME 01[18:23] SO WE CAN JUMP STRAIGHT TO THE LESSON TEXT 01[18:23] TONIGHT'S LESSON IS: [18:23] Carla B, northern Ca, carlab2001 AT earthlink DOT net 01[18:23] DID EVERYONE HAVE A CHANCE TO READ IT OVER? [18:23] 12y [18:23] yes [18:23] yes 01[18:24] THAT'S GREAT [18:24] 02yes 01[18:24] SO HOW MANY NEEDLE TATTERS DO WE HAVE - i SEE ISABELL IS ONE, [18:24] <@Margaret> 06yes [18:24] I do both. [18:24] 12i'm both but mostly shuttle... [18:25] 02I"ve done only a tiny bit with shuttle [18:25] 12I've bought some needles now [18:25] would like to someday, but now shuttle [18:25] <@Margaret> 06I am shuttle only [18:25] NICE NANCY 01[18:25] WOW WE'VE CONVINCED NANCY TO TRY THE OTEHR WAY, THAT'S GREAT 01[18:25] EITHER "IMPLEMENT" WILL GIVE YOU LOVELY LACE [18:26] 12I remember several times when folks said the needles were easier for some things 01[18:26] NEEDLE TATTERS MIGHT HAVE AN EASIER TIME LEARNING [18:26] AND STEPHANIE IS STILL DOODDLING WITH THE NEEDLE 01[18:26] WHAT ARE THEY NOT EASIER FOR? [18:26] <@Margaret> 06joining? [18:26] 12That I don't remember... maybe WinkerB remembers? [18:26] Split rings? 01[18:26] MAYBE AVOIDING THREAD ENDS IS EASIER WITH SHUTTLE (CAN USE MORE THREAD WITHOUT CUTTING?) [18:26] 12putting in your pocket to carry along is a lot harder with the needle [18:26] FLOATING RINGS ARE NOT EASY WITH NEEDLE [18:26] 12;-) 01[18:26] GOOD POINT KATIA (SORRY FOR PUN) [18:26] 12be careful how you sit down.... ;-)\ [18:27] INVERTED JOIN BUT WE DONT SEE THIS IN CLASS 01[18:27] STEPHANIEB, SPLIT RINGS ARE TONS EASIER WITH THE NEEDLE, YOU'LL SEE IN LESSON 4 [18:27] 12so are split chains - much easier with the needle 01[18:27] MY 2ND NEEDLE TATTED RING WAS A SPLIT RING [18:27] I CARRY MY NEEDLE IN A PLASTIC CASE FOR MY GLASSES 01[18:27] BUT I SHUTTLE TATTED FOR 15 YEARS BEFORE I TRIED NEEDLE [18:27] YES SPLIT CHAIN AND SPLIT RING ARE VERY EASY WITH THE NEEDLE 01[18:28] OK IT APPEARS EVERYONE HAS DECIDED WHICH KIND OF TATTING TO LEARN 01[18:28] DOES EVERYONE HAVE SUPPLIES TO USE? [18:28] 12y [18:28] <@Margaret> 06yes [18:28] yes [18:28] yes [18:28] 12y [18:28] So... many... shuttles... [18:28] 02yup 01[18:28] WOW WELL PREPARED STUDENTS!! [18:28] 12I love my new SewMate shuttles 01[18:28] SHUTTLE TATTERS CAN YOU WIND YOUR SHUTTLE 01[18:28] ? [18:28] I went overboard. I think I have about 10 shuttles now and about 30 balls of thread. I wanted to try out several shuttle types. [18:29] <@Margaret> 06excuse me ladies, I am going to leave, I feel the need to go to bed. (not feeling up to it) 01[18:29] THAT'S NOT OVERBOARD STEPHANIE 01[18:29] GOOD NIGHT MARGARET GET WELL SOON [18:29] G'night, Margaret. Feel well. [18:29] 12Take it easy and get well! [18:29] NIGHT MARGARET TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF 01[18:29] STEPHANIEB YOU'LL LOOK BACK ON THESE DAYS AND WONDER WHEN YOUR STASH WAS SO SMALL :) [18:29] <@Margaret> 06thank you all. Good night 01[18:29] SHUTTLES TEND TO MULTIPLY 03[18:29] * @Margaret ( has left #tatchat [18:29] G'night 01[18:29] AND THE BALLS OF THREAD... WELL, THE MORE I USE THE MORE APPEARS. I HAVEN'T FIGURED IT OUT YET :) [18:30] DONT LAUGH BUT TOMORROW IS MY THREAD SHOPPING DAY [18:30] 12it took a bit of getting used to it (the size, primarily) after so many years of using my Clovers, but teh Sew Mate shuttle [18:30] 12What are your favorite ways of storing balls of thread? Mine are mostly in shoe boxes now 01[18:30] THREAD SHOPPING DAY? SOUNDS WAY FUN [18:30] 12holds enough thread to actually make something without having to tie knots - [18:30] 12the clovers sometimes run out in the middle of the "next" round, which sort of defeats the point of climbing out of a round to [18:30] I got a cardboard pencil box and put the thread in there. Sorted by color.... [18:30] 12Yes, that's why I like the SewMates 01[18:30] I LIKE THE SEWMATE SIZE BETTER TOO - CLOSER TO THE OLD RED PLASTIC BATES THAT ARE SO TOUGH TO FIND ANYMORE [18:30] 12avoid C&T, right? [18:30] 12;-) [18:31] IM TAKING MY HOMWTOWN STUDENT ON A SHOPPING TRIP FOR TATTING THREAD [18:31] 12Thread shopping down......sigh....sounds wonderful. [18:31] 12Where do you shop? [18:31] I LOVE MY WOODEN SHUTTLE [18:31] OUTSIDE OF MY TOWN [18:31] The Sew Mate: doesn't join up? 01[18:31] THREAD STORAGE - I TRY TO USE PLASTIC MORE, AS I FEAR MY NON-ARCHIVAL CARDBOARD BOXES MIGHT CAUSE PROBLEMS. NOT THAT WRONG PLASTIC DOESN'T OFF-GAS TOO... [18:31] 12I sort of like the Clover size - but maybe I just have small hands. [18:32] I need to leave early today. Will see you next week. 01[18:32] I HAVE SHORT FINGERS BUT WILL USE A TATSY TO AVOID KNOTS 01[18:32] THANKS FOR COMING ISABELL [18:32] 12Sew Mate holds a lot of thread, enough to do pretty much a whole project (if it's not humongous) 02[18:32] * Isabell ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) 01[18:32] DOESN'T JOIN UP STEPHANIEB? [18:32] 12join up? [18:32] 12I've used a Tatsy when I was first experimenting with yarn tatting [18:32] You know, like the Clovers, with the little clicky. [18:32] 12but decided using the needle was better for that. [18:32] Um... 01[18:32] OH THEY CLICK ALL RIGHT [18:33] Ok. 01[18:33] AND THEIR POINTS ARE THE SAME AS THE CLOVER TOO [18:33] 12the sew mate is pretty much exactly like the clovers, but bigger. [18:33] FOR THREAD AND WOODEN SHUTTLE CAN BE STORED IN PLASTIC BOX , AND PUT THOSE LITTLE BAG THAT WE GET WITH SHOES AND LEATHER [18:33] PURSE 01[18:33] THEY ARE SEE-THRU AND COME IN PURPLE AND GREEN [18:33] I got 2 shuttles that are huge,but no clicky. I drop them often and they fall all the way, spilling thread everywhere. [18:33] 12I hate it when that happens [18:33] ARE THEY PLASTIC STEPHANIEb [18:33] 12The point on SewMate is fine for larger picots. If small picot, I just use the little crochet hook [18:33] 12Sometimes when I get new shuttles they're like that. [18:34] Katia: That's Silica gel. You can also get it as crystal cat litter, if you haven't bought leather goods in a while. [18:34] They're plastic, and real old-- got em on eBay in a lot of other stuff. [18:34] THANKS STEPHANIEB BUT THAT HELP WITH THREAD AND WOODEN SUTTLE WITH THE HUMIDITY 01[18:34] HERE'S A SEW MATE : [18:35] 12they may be "sprung" then 01[18:35] FOR ME, NO CLICKY-NO USEY... EXCEPT... [18:35] I am very new to this. I have Clover shuttles but is sounds as if there are better. Can someone recommend an easy to find brand for next week? 01[18:35] CLOVERS ARE ACTUALLY VERY GOOD [18:35] 12wow, that probably depends on where you live as much as anything else. 01[18:35] I HAVE A FRIEND WHO TATS MILES AND MILES 01[18:35] AND SHE WILL ONLY USE CLOVERS 01[18:35] SHE DOESN'T HAVE THREAD END PHOBIA [18:35] 12some stores don't have anything much to choose from. [18:35] TAKE YOUR SHUTTLE AND PASSED THEM UNDER HOT WATER THEN TAKE (THOSE THINGY TO HANG THE LAUNDRY) PINCH BOTH END AND THEY WILL GET THAT CLICING AGAIN 01[18:36] SO KEEP LOOKING AROUND BUT GIVE THE CLOVERS A TRY [18:36] 12clothes pins 01[18:36] YOU MIGHT FIND THEM [18:36] 12the kind with a spring in them 01[18:36] YOU MIGHT FIND YOU LIKE THEM [18:36] I will try that, Katia! 01[18:36] MEANTIME NO CLICKY SHUTTLES ARE GREAT FOR BEADING [18:36] 12I like the clovers....still use them for pretty much anything and everything 01[18:36] NINA LIBIN USES SHUTTLES WITH SPRUNG TIPS ON PURPOSE [18:36] 12Clovers are fine. I have a dozen or so of them. [18:36] SORRY IM FORGETING MY ENGLISH WORDS TONIGHT [18:36] 12mostly because they feel like you're not holding anything in your hands....they sort of feel like tatting with air. 01[18:37] HECK KATIA I FORGET ENGLISH WORDS TOO AND ITS MY ONLY LANGUAGE!! [18:37] 12No problem Katia. You remember more English words than I can remember of French words. ;-) 01[18:37] I REMEMBER WHEN CLOVERS FIRST CAME OUT - THE RAINBOW COLORS BLEW OUR MINDS [18:37] 12hehehe...yeah, Mimi, I have trouble with English, too, and it's really my "only" language, unless you count tatting. 01[18:37] SHUTTLES WERE HARD TO FIND IN COLORS [18:37] 12Oh, stupid me, I had to color-coordinate them at first! 01[18:37] SUCH DARK AGES :) 01[18:38] I DO THAT TOO STEPHANIE [18:38] 12Had a blast tatting with colored shuttles and matching thread.... 01[18:38] IF I DON'T LIKE THE COLOR OF CLOVER WITH THE THREAD, I CHANGE ONE OR THE OTHER [18:38] 12I do like having colors if I'm juggling more than two shuttles at a time 01[18:38] CAN'T DO ORANGE THREAD WITH A PINK SHUTTLE ;) [18:38] 12Still tat with color-coordinated shuttle and thread sometimes but if I can't find anything except an orange one, I'll do it with whatever color.... [18:38] 12just don't look at it.... [18:38] 12;-) 01[18:38] SO DON'T BE DISCOURAGED CARLA 01[18:38] AND TRY WHAT YOU CAN FIND AT FIRST 01[18:38] IF YOU DECIDE YOU WANT TO KEEP TATTING, THEN TRY MAIL ORDER OR [18:39] Ok, thanks. [18:39] 12You will find that eventually you will like certain types of shuttles better than others. [18:39] 12but you don't know til you try.... [18:39] 12Oh, no. I try to pick contrasting colors so I can see better how much thread is left! [18:39] And of course, you can tat with anything. 01[18:39] WHERE IN N. CAL ARE YOU? NEAR BAY AREA? [18:39] 12I wind about 2 yards of very thin thread - sewing thread usually - on the shuttle before I start "winding" it "for real." [18:39] In the Bay Area. 01[18:39] LACIS IN BERKLEY HAS ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLES 01[18:39] LACEMAKER SHOPPING NIRVANA [18:39] 12Handy Hands is good source also 01[18:40] I'M TOLD ITS ON A BART STOP 03[18:40] * Tatter ( has joined #tatchat 01[18:40] JUST DON'T DRIVE SOUTH FROM THERE ON TELEGRAPH ROAD. I MISSED FREEWAY ONRAM AND WAS SORRY [18:40] That's where I got the clovers. I'll go back and have a look at the rest. [18:40] 12THEN tie the tatting trhread to the end of the sewing thread and keep winding. That contrast tells me when I'm low on thread *and* it's simple to add thread when you run out - snip, tie, wind, no trying to get that thread through the little hole in the shuttle.... 03[18:40] * Tatter is now known as Cynthia [18:40] I order from Lacis online, good stuff! 01[18:40] THEY SHOULD HAVE SEWMATES TOO - SEWMATES NOW COME WITH "LACIS" ACROSS THE FRONT [18:40] 12don't remember where OR when I learned that trick, but it works great 01[18:41] GOOD TIP STEPHANIE 01[18:41] HI CYNTHIA [18:41] GOOD EVENING CYNTHIA 01[18:41] WE'RE ALL ENVYIONG CARLA BECAUSE SHE HAS A LOCAL SHOP FOR SUPPLIES... LACIS!! [18:41] 12keeps you from having to finger-tat sometimes too, and we ALL work ourselves too close to the "end" at one time or another. [18:41] 12We're gonna make a field trip - everybody spend the weekend with Carla! [18:42] I just ignore the little hole and tie around the post.... [18:42] 12go shopping.... 01[18:42] LAST PORTION OF THE CLASS LESSON IS THE DOUBLE STITCH 01[18:42] EVERYONE HERE SOUNDS PRETTY EXPERIENCED 01[18:42] HAVE YOU ALL DONE A DOUBLE STITCH [18:42] 12y [18:42] Yes. [18:42] 12y [18:42] 06Hi my computer is doing odd things tonight--not moving down [18:42] yes [18:42] 12Not on needle yet... but will try this week [18:43] NANCY DO YOU KNIT? [18:43] 12yes [18:43] 02y [18:43] 12and beginning crochet [18:43] DID YOU EVER CAST ON WITH YOUR THUMB ? [18:43] 12yes, cast on with thumb most of the time [18:43] No [18:43] THAN YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE THE DS WITH THE NEEDLE [18:44] 12Hurray!! 01[18:44] YAY! 01[18:44] THIS IS WHY NEEDLE TATTING IS SO POPULAR 01[18:44] YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'VE DONE IT BEFORE 01[18:44] AND YOU PROBABLY HAVE :) [18:44] 06awesome...I never thought of that :) [18:44] 12Well, this is exciting to hear. 01[18:45] FINALLY, ONCE WE COVER ALL THE CONCEPTS IN THE LESSON, WE REMIND EVERYONE TO READ THE NEXT LESSON FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK'S CHAT 01[18:45] NEXT WEEK IS 01[18:45] IF YOU AHVE THE TIME TO TRY THE PATTERNS TOO, THAT'S EVEN BETTER! [18:45] 12This might be easier to teach my friends who want to tat, but who just can't get that flip thing 01[18:45] EXACTLY NANCY 01[18:46] ANY OTHER QUESTIONS TONIGHT? [18:46] THAT IS HOW I TEACH NEW TATTER NANCY THEY ALL LEARN NEEDLE TATTING AND THEN BEFORE THEY KNOW IT THEY CAN SHUTTLE TAT 03[18:46] * Retrieving #tatchat modes... [18:47] 12Smart way to sequence teaching [18:47] 12Mimi and Katia - Any idea how many new tatters you've started on the road to addiction? [18:48] 06We need a better word than addiction but tatting is addicting I know [18:48] NO CLUE NANCY [18:48] 12hundreds? 01[18:48] NOT HTAT MANY? [18:48] historically, did needle tatting come before shuttle? 01[18:48] MOST REASEARCHES SAY YES, MICHELE 01[18:48] AND INTERESTINGLY [18:49] then i'm on board 01[18:49] THEY WERE TATTING WITH A NEEDLE BUT LIKE A SHUTTLE 01[18:49] FLIPPING THE KNOT 01[18:49] AT ONE TIME ALSO [18:49] where do I get a needle? [18:49] YOU CAN GET THEM AT HANDY HAND WWW.HHTATTING.COM 01[18:49] DO YOU HAVE HOBBY LOBBY, MICHAEL'S, OR JAOANNES NEARBY [18:49] 12Got mine at HobbyLobby [18:49] Michaels [18:49] 12we have all 3 of those stores here in town but none of them sell tatting needles any more. 01[18:50] THEY ARE BECOMING RARER IN TEH SHOPS [18:50] 12and only 2 of them sell shuttles [18:50] also has them 01[18:50] BUT IF YOU LOOK FOR THE TUBE, SOMETIMES YOU CAN FIND THEM [18:50] 12tube? 01[18:50] THEY TYPICALLY COME 3 TO A TUBE 01[18:50] 3 DIFFERENT SIZES [18:50] 12Michaels had them about 5 or 6 years ago here.... 01[18:50] AT LEAST WHEN I'VE SEEN THEM AT HL, MICHAELS, ETC [18:50] 06also if your hobbylobby doesn't have them check as they can order them... [18:51] 12they sold them with a storage tube. 01[18:51] EXACTLY - KIND OF LIKE A LONGISH BEAD TUBE 01[18:51] WITH A WHITE PLASTIC TOP [18:51] Michaels doesn't special order (or they didn't use to). 01[18:51] IF YOU'RE NEAR A GROUP OF LACEMAKERS MICHELE, HTEY MAY KNOW WHERE THEY LIKE TO FIND THEM LOCALLY TO YOU TOO. [18:51] 06I was talking to the manager today at Hobby Lobby and he told me anything that any of the Hobby Lobbys carry he can get so ask [18:52] I want to tat for re-enactments for lace for the 18th century clothes that I make and for demonstration purposes [18:52] THOSE NEEDLE YOUR TALKING ABOUT MIMI ARE FROM HANDY HAND 01[18:52] YES THEY ARE 01[18:52] I THINK BARBARA IS SELLING TO THE CHAIN STORES TOO 01[18:52] I'M NOT SURE THAT TATTING IS 18TH c [18:52] 12the tatting needles they used back int eh 18th century were different from modern needles, though, weren't they? 01[18:52] FIRST BOOKS WITH TATTING PATTERNS WERE PUBLISHED 19TH C 01[18:53] AT LEAST THAT ANYONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO FIND. [18:53] IF SHE ONLY DO HENS AND CHICK SHE CAN TAT [18:53] 12I think what they did WAY back was "knotting," which is similar, but different, right? 01[18:53] KNOTTING IS A DIFFERENT TECHNIQUE 01[18:53] IT GETS MIXED IN WITH TATTING 01[18:53] BECAUSE THEY USED A SHUTTLE TOO [18:53] Tatman has an article on the history and background: 01[18:54] AND OH WHAT SHUTTLES THE KNOTTING SHUTTLES ARE... BIG AND BEAUTIFUL [18:54] 12cousin of macrame that we did in the 60s? 01[18:54] BUT NO CLICKY 02[18:54] * AngelaR ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) [18:54] 12Hobby Lobby is where I originally got my tatting needles - they were marking down all the tatting pattern books, and a set of needles came with the book I bought. 01[18:54] NO, NOT AT ALL 01[18:54] IT'S ONE STRING OF KNOTS EVENLY SPACED ON CORD, THREAD OR YARN [18:54] I read that 1745, infant in Italy given tatting shuttle for gift...our personas are from Italy 01[18:54] THEN COUCHED DOWN IN EMBRODERY [18:54] 12and there's netting....but I haven't a CLUE when that started.... 01[18:55] INTERESTING MICHELE, WE NEED TO GIVE YOUR SOURCE TO TATMAN AND SEE WHAT HE MAKES OF IT [18:55] [18:56] AYE I READ THAT SOMEWHERE ALSO MICHELE [18:56] 12Michele, I'm glad to have that link. Thanks! [18:56] BUT BACK THEN ALOT OF TECHNIC WE KNOW TODAY DID NT EXISTE , LIKE JOIN AND CHAIN 01[18:57] INTERESTING ARTICLE. 01[18:57] SUE HANSON BROUGHT AN ANTIQUE PARASOL COVER TO THE WORKSHOP IN SPOKANE 01[18:57] NOT A JOIN IN IT AS WE KNOT IT 01[18:57] KNOW IT 01[18:57] THAT LACEMAKER TIED ALL HTE LITTLE MEDALLIONS TOGETHER [18:57] THE WAY THEY WORK WAS MAKING PATTERN WITH A 1 SHUTTLE MEANING RINGS AND PICOT 01[18:58] BY TAKING A 3RD THREAD AND TYING A KNOT BETWEEN 2 PICOTS, THEN CUTTING!! 01[18:58] NO CHAINS EITHER [18:58] 12all those ends....cut and tied.... [18:58] SHE KNOTED OR SEWED THE PICOT ? 01[18:58] STILL GORGEOUS, JUST NOT HOW I'D HAVE HAD THE PATIENCE TO DO IT 01[18:58] KNOTS [18:58] 12I'm glad I'm living NOW! [18:58] 06definately...I can't imagaine all those little ends... [18:59] I SAW A TATTED PARASOL AND ALL THE PICOT WAS SEWED WITH SILK THREAD 01[18:59] THE THREAD IS SIZE 150 SO THE ENDS ARE INDEED VERY LITTLE AND NOT VERY VISIBLE [18:59] thanks ladies, it's been great, have a good night, till next week! 01[18:59] THANKS FOR COMING MICHELE, SEE YOU NEXT WEEK 03[18:59] * Michele ( has left #tatchat 01[18:59] GOOD NIGHT TO THE BABY TOO [18:59] TAKE CARE MICHELE AND SEE YOU NEXT WEEK [18:59] 06Have a safe week [18:59] 12150!! 01[18:59] YEP 150 COTTON [18:59] 12Goodnight! 01[18:59] I HAVE 1 BALL OF IT, FOUND IN THE DUSTY CORNER OF A SHOP IN VANCOUVER BC ABOUT 10 YERAS AGO 01[19:00] HAVEN'T TRIED TATTING WITH IT YET, I JUST LOOK AT IT AND SHAKE MY HEAD [19:00] 12Saving it for something special then? 01[19:00] MY EYESIGHT TO SHARPEN MAYBE?? LOL [19:00] IM NNOT SURE WE CAN FIND THOSE SIZE OF THREAD IN COTON ANYMORE [19:00] 12wonder what sewing thread is equivalent to in tatting thread sizes....? [19:00] 12I've seen size 120 advertised soemwhere, but it only comes in white. 01[19:00] IN JAPAN HTEY SELL SOME TINY THREADS MARKED 120 AND 160 (CARON?) [19:00] 12Oh, I hate to break it to you... those pretty eyes don't get better... 01[19:01] DON'T YOU MAKE MY BROWN EYES BLUE [19:01] My mother's eyes improved. [19:01] 12just learn to tat so you don't have to look at what you're doing.... 01[19:01] SOMETIMES GEORGIA GETS THOSE IN TO SELL [19:01] She went on some medication that temporarily sharpened her eyes. She got to go without glasses for the first time in 50 years. [19:01] I NEED TO KEEP A LOOK FOR THOSE THREAD 01[19:01] FOR THAT STEPHANIE MY MEMORY WOULD HAVE TO IMPROVE SO I COULD REMEMBER WHAT I JUST DID AND DIDN'T HAVE TO RECOUNT TO REMIND ME :) [19:01] 12My distance vision is better but not close vision [19:02] 12I hate to admit it, but after doing over 100 Christmas tree snowflakes in white sewing thread for my mother and my MIL as a gift a few years ago [19:02] 12I decided I wasn't going to take on something using such tiny thread very often.... [19:02] 12you really can't see what you're doing.... [19:02] I'm nearsighted, so I actually can see close-up small stuff (tatting) better than anything else. [19:02] 12and it's hard to hold what you're working on because it's so small 01[19:02] GOOD POINT STEPHANIE, BUT HTEN I HAVE TO TAKE MY CONTACTS OUT. AND I DO FOR FINISHING WORK. [19:02] 12yeah, i'm nearsighted too....wait 30 years, Steph, and say it's easy to see close up. [19:03] 12My arms aren't long enough now. ;-) [19:03] LOL [19:03] LOL 01[19:03] LOL [19:03] 12used to laugh at my mother for holding things out at arms length, now I do it.... [19:03] 12what size thread did you say you used for those snowflakes? [19:03] 12guess I need to get some "reading" glasses [19:03] 12sewing thread [19:03] 12whole flake was not quite as big as my thumbnail.... [19:04] Yeah, that would never work for me. [19:04] 12until you were almost DONE with the thing you had almost nothing to hold on to. [19:04] 12but it made 2 very pretty trees....small ones.... [19:04] 12and they were delighted with their gifts [19:04] 12I would be delighted too! Wow! [19:05] TALKING ABOUT TREE DID ANYONE SAW THE TATTED CHRISMAST TREE FROM JENNIFER WILLIAMS? [19:05] 12I still like using small threads, but try to use them on "larger" projects so there's something to HOLD while you work. [19:05] 12oh, I saw something on Georgia's homework site, was that it? [19:05] 12gorgeous! [19:05] 06yes...but only the picture...I got the directions [19:05] I don't think so. [19:05] [19:05] 12Oh, yes, I saw that amazing tree 01[19:05] OH MY GOSH I'M NOT WORTHY!!! TOTALLY AMAZING COVERED WITH MOTIFS 01[19:06] THE ONE ON THE HOMEWORKSITE [19:06] 06I'm thinking about for this Christmas--but I'll have to hurry to get it done... [19:06] Oh, gosh, that's too cute! [19:06] 06it is online--one of the yahoo tatting groups [19:06] 12Christmas --- which year--- is what I'd be asking [19:06] IM THINKING OF MAKING IT FOR THE NOVEMBER FAIR [19:07] 12oh, that's awesome! [19:07] 06well I didn't say which year mayba 2020?? [19:07] 12Really -- you GO GIRL!! [19:07] 12NOVEMBER??? [19:07] 06actually I think I can get it done this year [19:07] 12Please send photos 02[19:07] * Carla ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) [19:07] 06It doesn't look as tricky as you think [19:07] I LOOK AT THE PATTERN AND IT IS NT THAT HARD 01[19:07] [19:08] 06I agree Katia but I tat slow 01[19:08] Marie Janet Meisner's work. [19:08] 12i'm guessing the center wire is encapsulated somehow, then you tat up one side of each 'branch' and back down the other.... [19:08] 12but didn't look at the pattern yet. [19:09] ITSPEARL TATTING ON A WORE FOR THE MIDDLE AND YOU TAT ONE SIDE THEN GO DOWN THE OTHER [19:09] OUPS WIRE NOT WORE [19:09] 12just looked at the pattern - pearl tatting down the wire...pretty much waht I thought it would be ...sort of.... [19:09] 12;-) [19:09] We don't do a tree anymore, so I bypass a lot of the XMas stuff. [19:10] 12I make the Christmas stuff for family mostly. We never had room for a tree....our place is *small* [19:10] The Marie Janet tree just blows my mind. Soooo much time. [19:10] 06but the tatted tree would be so easy to put up after getting it done [19:10] AYE THOSE TREES ARE AMAZING [19:10] 06definately the Marie Janet tree is awesome [19:10] 12that's the one I saw this afternoon - isn't it gorgeous, though!? [19:11] The tatted tree is definitely cute. It would get crushed here, though. (I live in a motorhome, so nothing breakable lasts very long.) 01[19:12] GOOD NEWS IS THAT YOU COULD BEND IT BACK INTO SHAPE [19:12] 12so you know the meaning of "too small for a tree" too, then? ;-) [19:12] 06I don't think it would break very easily...I can see my dog knocking it off the table [19:12] 12I've got it. I'll just print a nice color print of the Marie Janet tree and frame it for the wall. [19:12] 12I can see my mother's dog EATING the thing. [19:13] 12She even chews on ROCKS! [19:13] LOL 01[19:13] LOL [19:13] LOL 01[19:13] I agree Nancy, it's postcard worthy 01[19:13] notecard worthy 01[19:13] posterworthy 01[19:13] just plain worthy! [19:13] AND GREETING CARD WORTHY 01[19:13] You bet! [19:13] 06that too...My dog ate a heart LOL >:D< 01[19:13] Meantime ladies I need to log off and get dinner [19:14] Oh, I have a question (I know it's late). 01[19:14] What's that [19:14] I can save it for next week. [19:14] 12oh, yeah, dinner....i forgot... 01[19:14] Go aehad [19:14] 12no, ask, ask... [19:14] 06no go ask [19:14] [19:14] AND I NEED TO LOG OFF I STILL HAVE 2 DOILIES TO FINISH FOR NEXT MONTH [19:14] 12ok, night Katia. [19:14] I had this problem with Jane's hippo. [19:14] 12Don't want Mimi to starve. Thanks to Mimi and Katia AGAIN. Y'all are the BEST! 01[19:14] Katie has been busy 01[19:14] She loves those magnetic beads [19:14] 06wWhat problem...maybe Wink or I can help [19:14] How would one get the curves to stay where they need to stay? [19:14] 12i had trouble with the bead in the ring on the hippo, too. [19:15] 12the key to it is to close a ltitle at a time. [19:15] The bead wasn't the problem. The hippo's forehead won't stay... put. [19:15] NIGHT LADIES, SEE YOU NEXT WEEK [19:15] 12wont' stay put how? [19:15] It kind of flops forward. [19:15] 12Night Katia.... [19:15] G'night, Katia! [19:15] Thanks! 02[19:15] * Katia ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever) [19:15] 12is the hippo finished? or is it just "almost" done? [19:15] No, it's all done. [19:16] But there's no structure keeping the forehead where it should be. [19:16] Does that make sense? [19:16] 06maybe a bit of starch [19:16] 12hmm...let me look at my hippos....brb 02[19:16] * NancyCarol ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) [19:16] 06 yes but you may need to make the tension a bit snugger 01[19:16] Did you tat them in the proper position Stephanie? [19:16] Um./ 01[19:17] Namely, with the ds's up [19:17] What do you mean? [19:17] Oh, yeah. I did. 01[19:17] Stitchcaps up 01[19:17] ah, then it's tension and blocking [19:17] Maybe my tension is wrong. 01[19:17] with practice and experience you learn to pull up your chains more [19:17] OK. 01[19:17] with rings its easy because you are cinching the ring closed [19:17] 12hmm....maybe it's tensioning? 01[19:17] but with a chain, it's open ended [19:17] Yes. [19:18] 06not wrong just a bit looser than needed in this item 01[19:18] and blocking will help [19:18] 12some things need a tighter tension \ [19:18] 06it takes practice to get it right 01[19:18] and eveyrone has a different taste for just how much tension to leave, too [19:18] OK. 01[19:18] you'll have seen that if you looked at all the hippo photos [19:18] 12I can tell you that using a quick press with the steam iron is a "quick fix" but in a humid area (here!) [19:18] Glad I asked. 01[19:18] Glad we could help [19:18] 12after they've been lying on the table with a ton of other things they lose their [19:18] 06that's why it isn't wrong just different 01[19:18] Anyway have a good tatting week and see you next week [19:18] 12crisp steamed look.... [19:18] yeah, I blocked it, but without starch, it flops out again. 01[19:19] Good night! [19:19] Good night, mimi! Thanks! Session Close: Thu Apr 24 19:19:11 2008