[18:08] 06at least you know what's yours my DH just re-packs and leaves my lavels on it [18:08] 12Hi Mimi! [18:08] 06labels that is 01[18:08] Hello all [18:08] 06 Hi Mimi 01[18:08] Sorry I'm late 01[18:08] Small group? [18:08] 07Hi Mimi! [18:08] Hello Mimi [18:08] <@Isabell> 10Hi Mimi [18:09] 12we've been haivng a nice chat while we waited fo ryou to navigate through the traffic. 03[18:09] * Katia (Tatter@simplySPACE-4C18366.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #tatchat [18:09] 06you are??? Lately we have been getting going about a quarter after [18:09] 12Hi Katia [18:09] 06Hi Katia [18:09] <@Isabell> 10Hi Katia [18:09] Hi Katia 01[18:09] Hi Katia [18:09] 07Hi Katia! [18:09] 12Every clock in myhouse says a different time. I just figure every room is in its own time zone.... [18:09] 12;-) [18:09] 07LOL :-) [18:09] 06good wink :) [18:10] 06;) [18:10] good evening everyone [18:10] 12oh, is Max with you tonight, Katia? Hi Max! [18:10] sorry for the delay 03[18:11] * Guest_917_ (Tatter@simplySPACE-4C18366.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #tatchat [18:12] d 03[18:12] * Tatter (Tatter@simplySPACE-A3043368.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #tatchat 03[18:13] * Tatter is now known as willow [18:13] we are having some really bad winds so i hope ill be able to stay connected 01[18:13] Welcome willow [18:13] <@Isabell> 10Hello Willow [18:13] 12hi Willow [18:13] hello willow 01[18:13] Who is our "Guest_917_"? [18:13] hi willow [18:13] howdy all sorry I am late [18:13] 06me too--lots of harsh wind in Oklahoma [18:13] 07. 02[18:13] * Katia (Tatter@simplySPACE-4C18366.mc.videotron.ca) Quit (Ping timeout) 02[18:14] * Guest_917_ (Tatter@simplySPACE-4C18366.mc.videotron.ca) Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever) 01[18:14] Well, then, should we get started? 03[18:14] * Katia (Tatter@simplySPACE-4C18366.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #tatchat 01[18:14] Let's sign in first. 01[18:14] Mimi Dillman, Snohomish, WA USA, ntrop AT ix.netcom.com [18:14] 12wb Katia [18:14] thanks [18:14] Willow Taylor Glendale Az willowtaylor AT cox DOT net [18:14] Becky Karr Ossian IN beckycer AT verizon DOT net [18:14] 06Cynthia Stevenson, Stillwater OKlahoma, USA, brasthatfit AT yahoo DOT com [18:14] 12Stephanie in N. Georgia for a little longer.... trompete # bellsouth dot net [18:14] Katia Vallée Sherbrooke QC Canada lady_elhasa AT hotmail DOT com [18:14] <@Isabell> 10isabell.sandoval AT yahoo DOT com N Taylor, TX USA [18:14] 07Natasha Wiegelman, Nashua, NH lunazot at hotmail.com 01[18:15] Thanks everyone for coming. 01[18:15] TONIGHT IS OUR FINAL LESSON 01[18:15] http://www.angelfire.com/planet/newtatters/lesson5.html 01[18:15] BUT FIRST, ANY QUESTIONS FROM LESSON 4 REMAINING? [18:15] 06how long before the next session --I'd hate to get tatting class withdwawal! [18:16] 12none from me.... [18:16] <@Isabell> 10no [18:16] 07no questions 01[18:16] KATIA AND I TAKE NEXT WEEK OFF 01[18:16] BACK FOR MEET AND GREET THE NEXT SESSION ON THE 24TH [18:16] 06I know you need a break from our antics....I just can't stand the thought of no class 01[18:16] KATIA, I DON'T KNOW AOBUT YOU, BUT THAT SESSION WILL BE GOING ABOUT AS LATE AS I CAN INTO JUNE 01[18:16] SO FOR ME IT WILL BE THE LAST SESSION UNTIL FALL [18:16] SAME FOR ME [18:17] 12oh, then work gets crazy, for you - I almost forgot 01[18:17] UNLESS THERE'S OTHERS WHO'D LIKE TO TEACH (WINK WINK) [18:17] 06I know we all need a summer vacation to do other things--work--family etc 01[18:17] OK THEN, SINCE THERE WERE NO QUESTIONS ON LESSON 4 01[18:17] LET'S GO ON TO LESSON 5 [18:17] <@Isabell> 10Will the session be announced? [18:17] WELL STEPHANIE AND CYNTHIA COULD HAVE A SUMMER JOB HERE ;) 01[18:18] DID EVERYONE HAVE A CHANCE TO SCAN THE LESSON? [18:18] 07I am definitely thinking about jioning next set of classes, especially week 4 and 5... They are the hardest 01[18:18] SCHEDULE IS UP ON THE MAIN CLASS PAGE [18:18] 06I learn something from each class [18:18] 12if i weren't going to be in the middle of moving and don't know if I'll even have an ISP this summer, I'd volunteer, I think... [18:18] I scanned the lessons but didn't get to try 01[18:18] http://www.angelfire.com/planet/newtatters/ 01[18:18] YES INDEED THIS LESSON IS PACKED 01[18:19] FIRST OFF IS THE SPLIT CHAIN 01[18:19] IT'S THE NATURAL COMPLIMENT TO THE SPLIT RING 01[18:19] IN THAT IT ALLOWS THE TATTER TO BRIDGE GAPS WITH A CHAIN AND GET TO THE NEXT ROUND WITHOUT STOPPING TO TIE AND CUT [18:19] <@Isabell> 10I scanned the lesson and read about split chains, BUT I can't remember anything about it 01[18:20] BASICALLY, THE WORKING THREADS WIND UP SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SPLIT CHAIN WHEN YOU FINISH IT [18:20] 12for split chains, I remember printing all the info/photos/diagrams, and spreading them all around me while I worked on it. 01[18:20] I FIND MARIE'S WAY OF DOING IT BY FAR THE EASIEST [18:20] <@Isabell> 10I'll do that, thanks 01[18:20] FOR A SHUTTLE TATTER, THAT IS [18:20] 12i do, too, but it's worth learning both ways. [18:20] 12i think.... 01[18:20] WE HVCE NEEDLE TATTERS HERE TONIGHT RIGHT? [18:21] <@Isabell> 10Yes, I'm one [18:21] ISABELL HIS A NEEDLE TATTER [18:21] 12i'm sort of 1/3 needle tatter now. ;-) [18:21] 07I really liked description of SP on this web site: http://www.tat-man.net/howto/SC_MarieStyle.html 01[18:21] SINCE THE NEEDLE TATTED SPLIT CHAIN IS SO MUCH EASIER, COULD YOU EXPLAIN THAT ONE FIRST KATIA? 01[18:21] MARK'S DIRECTIONS ARE FOR THE SAME AS JANE'S, AND ARE GREAT TOO. [18:21] SURE 01[18:22] THANKS, I'D MAKE A HASH OF IT :-( [18:22] FOR THE NEEDLE TATTER TO MAKE THE SPLIT CHAIN YOU TAT THE DS UP TO THE PICOT THA WILL BE USE TO BRIDGE TO THE OTHER ROW [18:23] 07Mimi, photos on Mark's web site helped me a lot to understand at least the wrapping around a ring part... [18:23] THEN UNTHREAD THE NEEDLE AND TURNED THE NEEDLE TO YOU WORK OVER THE EYE AND WITH THE NEEDLE THREAD YOU MAKE THE REST OF THE DS [18:24] 06that sounds tricker than it really is once you do it [18:24] POKE THE EYE OF THE NEEDLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE WORK RETHREAD THE NEEDLE AND PULL ON THE NEEDLE TO CLOSE THE CHAIN [18:24] ET VOILÀ [18:25] TRUE CYNTHIA [18:25] 12sounds like there is NO WAY it can possibly work, then you try it, and it's easy....and it works! 01[18:25] WE SHUTTLE TATTERS DISBELIEVE HOW EASY BECAUSE WE' [18:25] 06definately wink :) 01[18:25] HAVE DONE IT A LONGER WAY 01[18:25] BUT THE SHUTTLE DOESN'T MOVE AROUND (AND UNTHREAD) LIKE A NEEDLE DOES 01[18:26] ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE NEEDLE TATTED SPLIT CHAIN? [18:26] 12well...i gues you could unwind the shuttle, but it would be a real pain. [18:26] <@Isabell> 10No, Thanks 01[18:26] OK FOR SHUTTLE TATTERS [18:27] . [18:27] 07. [18:27] HERE IS A LINK FOR NEEDLE TATTER http://groups.msn.com/NeedleTattingTwo/splitchaintut.msnw 01[18:27] THE SPLIT CHAIN STARTS THE SAME: NAMELY, A REGULAR CHAIN UNTIL YOU GET TO THE SPOT AT WHICH YOU WANT THE THREADS TO LEAVE THE CHAIN [18:27] <@Isabell> 10Thanks Katia 01[18:27] REGULAR MEANING FLIPPING THE STITCHES AS YOU GO 01[18:27] THEN 01[18:27] YOU TAKE THE SHUTTLE THREAD [18:28] 07. 01[18:28] LEAVE A BARE SPACE A FEW DS SHORTER THAN THE NUMBER OF DS'S THAT WILL HAVE TO BE TIED ONTO IT 01[18:28] (IF IT'S SHORTER 4-5 DS, MAKE IT ONLY 1 DS SHORTER) [18:28] 06c 01[18:28] AND TIE A LOCK JOIN TO THE FAR END OF THE CHAIN WHERE IT JOINS TO THE WORK 01[18:28] SUCH AS TO THE BASE OF A RING 01[18:29] THEN *TURN* YOUR WORK LIKE THE PAGES OF A BOOK 01[18:29] SO THAT THE LOCK JOIN IS ON YOUR RIGHT, BARE THREAD IN THE MIDDLE, AND ORIGINAL PART OF THE CHAIN ON THE LEFT 01[18:29] STILL WITH ME? [18:29] 07yes [18:29] 06yes 01[18:30] OK, TAKE THE SHUTTLE THREAD OVER YOUR MIDDLE FINGER (THE ONE THAT'S UP IN THE AIR... COULD BE YOUR INDEX FINGER IF YOU PINCH WITH THUMB AND MIDDLE FINGER) 01[18:30] FROM THE FRONT TO THE BACK 01[18:30] THEN DROOP IT DOWN BEHIND THE BARE THREAD 01[18:31] EEK I DESCRIBED THE TURNED WORK WRONG 01[18:31] I WAS DOING THIS LAST NIGHT COVERING A RING AND I DO IT BACKWARDS 01[18:31] SORRY 01[18:31] THE LOCK JOIN IS ON THE *LEFT* AND ORIGINAL PART OF HTE CHAIN IS ON THE RIGHT 01[18:31] JEES 01[18:31] SORRY 01[18:32] ANYWAY, YOU HAVE THE SHUTTLE THREAD UP AND OVER THE "AIR" FINGER, THEN DOWN BEHIND THE BARE THREAD [18:32] 06so we all can do it both backwards and forwards LOL :) [18:32] 07that's OK... I thought it should be that way (the way you just said) 01[18:32] MY HUSBAND ALWAYS ASKS ME: IS THAT A REAL LEFT OR A LACEMAKER'S LEFT??? 01[18:32] i'M DIRECTIONALLY CHALLENGED :) [18:32] 06but the shuttle can fly 01[18:33] USE THE POINT/PICK OF YOUR SHUTTLE TO PULL A LOOP OF THAT DROOPING THREAD UNDER THE BARE THREAD (BUT OVER ANY OF THE WORK BELWO) 01[18:33] AND DROP THE SHUTTLE THROUGH THAT LOOP 01[18:33] PULL UP ON THE SHUTTLE 01[18:34] SO THAT YOU HAVE SOME TENSION ON THE THREAD ON YOUR AIR FINGER (BUT DON'T FLIP THE STITCH) 01[18:34] THEN 01[18:34] THIS IS THE MAGIC PART 01[18:34] PULL UP ON THE AIR FINGER 01[18:34] THAT WILL MAKE THE THREAD LOOP FLIP UP FROM DROOPING UNDER THE BARE THREAD 01[18:34] TO STANDING ABOVE 01[18:35] AND IT KIND OF LOOKS LIKE THE CAP OF A DOUBLE STITCH 01[18:35] BUT THE DS HAS ONLY 1 LEG 01[18:35] TO GIVE IT THE OTHER LEG 01[18:35] PASS THE SHUTTLE UNDER THE THREAD CAP (OVER THE BARE THREAD SPACE) 01[18:35] TO TENSION 01[18:35] USE THE SHUTTLE TO PULL U P ON THAT STITCH CAP 01[18:35] UNTIL THE LEFT LEG IS TENSIONED PROPERLY 01[18:36] THEN PULL UP ON THE SHUTTLE 01[18:36] TO TENSION THE RIGHT LEG 01[18:36] KATIA SAID IT IN 2 LINES 01[18:36] HOW MANY DID IT TAKE ME??? [18:36] lol [18:36] 07:-) [18:36] 06:) [18:36] 122 screens? ;-) 01[18:36] LOL [18:36] . 01[18:36] HOPEFULLY THIS HELPS BETTER INTERPRET THE INSTRUCTIONS WITH DIAGRAMS ON http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~nickeb/SCHMarie.htm [18:37] 12Mimi, I originally learned it the other way - the way on Georgia's site 01[18:37] I KNOW, AND THAT ONE IS MORE TRADITIONAL [18:37] do you have the link of the special pattern for them MIMI? [18:37] 12if you do it Marie's way, but not the "original" way, can you still do the other things easily, like encapsulation? 01[18:37] THIS ONE IS RELATIVELY NEW, DEVELOPED BY MARIE SMITH OF THE PALMETTO'S GUILD, AND IT'S MUCH EASIER TO TEACH [18:37] 12(I guess what I'm asking is should we all aim to be able to do both ways....?) 01[18:37] ONCE THE STUDENT HAS THE IDEA DOWN OF THE 2 MOTIONS NEEDED TO TIE THE STITCH ONTO THE BARE THREAD [18:37] 07your explanation certinly made more sence to me now... I think I should be able to figure it out 01[18:37] THE OTHER WAYS MIGHT MAKE MORE SENSE [18:38] 12ah, ok.... [18:38] 12Marie's way is easier to get the "split" part looking even instead of "lumpy." [18:38] 06everyone learns differently so all the helps make it easier :) 01[18:38] IF YOU CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT DO IT ONE WAY, YOU'RE DOING GREAT 01[18:38] MORE THAN THAT AND YOU'RE A GENIUS 01[18:38] JUDI BANASHEK SHOWS 4 DIFFERENT APPROACHES IN HER BOOK [18:38] 12Yikes! 01[18:39] IMPECCABLE TATTING OR ADVANCED TATTING PATTERNS + (I FORGET WHICH) [18:39] 12hehehe....i was going to ask which book.... ;-) 01[18:39] BUT SHE TAKES INTO ACCOUNT FRONT SIDE/BACK SIDE TATTING AND APPROACHING FROM THE LEFT OR RIGHT 01[18:39] THAT MAKES 4 DIFFERENT WAYS 01[18:39] BUT THE MAIN APPROAC H IS THE SAME [18:39] 07wow! 01[18:39] THE DIFFERENCE IS IF YOU DROOP IN FRONT OR BACK FIRST AND WHICH SIDE THE FIRST LEG IS ON [18:40] 06that will take some of us a long time to get 01[18:40] SO TATTERS, PLEASE GIVE IT A TRY [18:40] 12so if you know "both" ways, and take into account whether you're on the front side or the back side of the work, you're cool.... [18:40] YES STEPHANIE 01[18:40] SPLIT CHAINS REALLY HELP THE TIE-AND-CUT PHOBIC TO AVOID KNOTS [18:40] 12and if it doesn't look right on the first one, pick it out and start "drooping" on the other side. ;-) [18:40] 12then you've got it. 01[18:40] BECAUSE, LIKE SPLIT RINGS, THESE CAN HELP YOU BRIDGE FROM ONE SECTION OF WORK TO THE NEXT 01[18:40] EXACTLY [18:40] I LOVE YOUR WAY OF THINKING STEPHANIE ;) 01[18:41] A FEW PITFALLS FOR THOSE MAKING SPLIT CHAINS 01[18:41] FIRST OFF: THEY ARE DIFFICULT TO GET TO BE THE RIGHT LENGTH [18:41] 12What burns me up is when I've done all that work to avoid knots and then run out of thread on the shuttle JUST BEFORE the end! [18:41] 12grrr! [18:41] 06but at least we can laugh with one another when we make a mess :) 01[18:41] MOST PEOPLE FIND THEY HAVE TO PRACTICE THESE TO GE TTHEM THE PERFECT LENGTH [18:41] 12hehehe..i've made my share of messes, too! 01[18:41] MOSTLY THEY FIND THE SPLIT CHAINS ARE NOT AS TIGHT AS THEIR USUAL ONES - LOOK MORE LOOSE [18:42] 06I bet we all have --LOL me definately :) 01[18:42] THAT'S BECAUSE THE BARE THREAD WILL STRETCH A BIT DURING THE KNOT TIEING 01[18:42] ALSO [18:42] 12my downfall isn't "loose" it's "lumpy." [18:42] 07. 01[18:42] THE LOCK STITCH HAS AN UNFORTUNATE TENDENCY TO LET OUT SOME THREAD WHEN PULLED ON [18:42] 06well lumpy or loose it is still a mess [18:42] 12right [18:42] 12;-) 01[18:42] THIS LOOSENING IS TOTALLY AGAINST LOGIC - IT'S A *LOCK* FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! [18:42] 06but when we finally get it right then TA DA :) :) 01[18:43] BUT IT WILL WHILE YOU'RE SPLIT CHAINING (BUT NOT WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO PICK IT OUT, MURPHY'S LAW) 01[18:43] HMMM, NO TA DAAAS FROM THE NEWBIES YET 01[18:43] ANY QUESTIONS? [18:43] 12i can give you a Ta Da on the needle tatted one.... [18:43] 06Murphy's law of tatting--a lock stich isn't some time [18:43] YES DO YOU HAVE THE LINK OF THE SPLIT CHAIN SUPRISE PATTERN ? [18:43] 12but not consistent on the shuttle ones yet 01[18:43] YAY STEPHANIE [18:44] 07I think it will be a lot of practicing before the "Ta Da" part :-| [18:44] . 01[18:44] OOPS, NEVER UPLOADED IT! 01[18:44] DID YOU? [18:44] I THPOUGHT YOU DID :) [18:44] 06Natasha--definately it takes a lot of practice but when you do get it then you definately have it [18:44] 2 SEC ILL GO LOAD IT 01[18:45] THANKS 01[18:45] MEANTIME WE CAN LOOK AT http://www.georgiaseitz.com/av3/valeiresquare.html 01[18:45] THIS PATTERN IS FROM AN ANTIQUE PATTERN BOOK [18:45] 07I will be practicing lesson 4 and 5 patterns during this coming weekend. told my boys already that I'll spend most of my weekend tatting ;-) 01[18:46] BUT GEORGIA REWROTE IT 01[18:46] GOOD FOR YOU NATASHA 01[18:46] THIS PATTERN WILL BE GOOD PRACTICE [18:46] 12how old are your boys? 01[18:46] THE REWRITTEN PATTERN SHOWS HOW TO TAT FROM THE CENTER OUT WITHOUT STOPPING BETWEEN ROUNDS [18:46] Are there actually directions rather than trying to figure out the picture? [18:47] 07one is my husband - 43 ;-), another one is my son, 2.5 ;-) 01[18:47] SORRY, ALL DIAGRAMMED 01[18:47] BUT CAN YOU FOLLOW THE DIAGRAMS ENOUGH TO FOLLOW THE THREAD PATH? 01[18:47] WITHOUT TATTING THAT IS [18:47] 06not just picture but the diagram is very helpful [18:47] yes 01[18:48] GREAT. [18:48] 12hmmm the older one might manage by himself....not so sure about the little guy, though .... 01[18:48] I'LL TRY LATER TO FIND THAT PATTERN IN THE PUBLIC ARCHIVE OF TATTING BOOKS THAT GEORGIA MAINTAINS [18:48] OK LADIES HERE IS YOUR PRESENT FOR YOUR GRADUATION HAVE FUN WITH THIS ONE 01[18:48] BUT YOU'LL AHVE TO "TRANSLATE" THE PLACES THAT NEED SPLIT RINGS/CHAINS YOURSELF' [18:48] http://www.angelfire.com/planet/newtatters/KatiaSCFan.pdf [18:48] 07:-) 01[18:49] OH MY THAT'S A LOT OF SPLIT CHAINS 01[18:49] SO PRETTY [18:49] 06very pretty [18:49] 12it's very pretty! [18:49] 07it is very pretty! [18:49] I MADE THIS PATTERN WHILE MAX WAS IN THE HOSPITAL A COUPLE OF MONTH AGO [18:49] 12Katia do you remember the size and color of the thread you used? [18:50] 12(or at least the "color" name?) [18:51] YES ITS OLYMPUS THREAD SIZE 40 AND COLOR M6 [18:51] I GOT IT AT HANDY HAND ;) [18:51] 12thanks it's such a pretty color.... [18:51] IT MAKE GEORGIOUS 4 RINGS BUTTERFLIS ALSO 03[18:52] * Tatter (Tatter@simplySPACE-CCB5A4AB.bhm.bellsouth.net) has joined #tatchat [18:52] 12i have sort of promised myself a treat from Handy Hands after all the packing and moving is over with. ;-) 03[18:52] * Tatter is now known as NancyCarol 01[18:52] OLYMPUS IS A TREAT 01[18:52] HEY NANCY 01[18:52] WE [18:52] 12hi Nancy 01[18:52] WE'RE LOOKING AT http://www.angelfire.com/planet/newtatters/KatiaSCFan.pdf [18:52] IF YOU CAN MAKE THIS SPLIT CHAIN FAN , THE SPLIT CHAIN WONT BE A MYSTERY ANYMORE AND YOU LL PRO'S AT THEM ;) [18:52] 06Ah Ha I've got to get some more good thread. I've just gotten by with whatever I can find but recently got some tatting thread 80 and it is so much nicer but I want to get some options [18:53] Hey All. Just got grandkids in bed. Wanted to at least get here in time to say thanks to Mimi, Katia, and fellow classmates. [18:53] . [18:53] 12I like any of the 6-cord threads from Handy Hands....cordonnet tats so nicely [18:53] I will be BACK! 01[18:53] EVERYONE IS READING THE PATTERN... OR ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? [18:53] 07good for you Stephanie! You definitely deserve this treat!... I keep reminding my hubby that "Mather's Day is coming" ;-). Told him that I like HHtatting alot ;-P [18:53] 12hehehehe...and my DH insists I'm not his "mother...." ;-) [18:53] 12of course, I don't get him anything for "Fathers" day, either... [18:54] 06I got my DH a chain saw one year for Father's day--he retaliated the next year with a Dishwasher for Mother's day [18:54] If I hadn't already picked out jewelry and hinted. I should have asked for gift certificate to HH or such. [18:54] 12but I tat a lot of Christmas and b-day gifts for family and friends, so I'm ..umm...saving him a ton of money by tatting, right? 01[18:55] NOT TO MENTION THE SAVINGS ON PSYCHIATRISTS BILLS [18:55] 12My DH loves tools....he'd think that was a GREAT gift idea [18:55] 06definately Wink :) [18:55] 07that's right! [18:55] 06actually it was selfish we were heating in colorado with wood only and hand axe is just not fun [18:56] 12he and my Dad are a lot alike....Dad got Mom a bandsaw for Christmas one year. She wasn't all taht thrilled with the ..umm.."gift." [18:56] 12even though she was into PAINTING wooden things, she didn't wantt o actually cut them OUT. 01[18:56] SINCE I DIDN'T GET ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT KATIA'S FAN, HOW ABOUT THE VALIERE SQUARE? DO I NEED TO GO OVER THAT ONE? [18:56] Please [18:56] Katia - LOVE the fan. It's so beautiful it will inspire me to practice my split chains [18:56] 06sorry we got a bit off subject 01[18:56] THE SQUARE STARTS OUT WITH A CENTER OF 4 RINGS [18:56] THANKS NANCY 01[18:56] THE LAST OF THE 4 RINGS IS A SPLIT RING [18:56] 12my fan looked pretty sad when I did it with the shuttle...but looks nice with the needle. ;-) 01[18:57] WITH A MOCK PICOT AT THE END OF THE SPLIT RING, YOU'RE IN POSITION TO MAKE A RING OF ROUND 2 01[18:57] YOU'LL DO THAT RING AS A SPLIT RING [18:57] 06I think that is one pattern that is definately easier with the needle 01[18:57] SO THAT YOUR THREADS ARE IN POSITION TO MAKE A CHAIN [18:57] AYE STEPHANIE WAS THE FIRST ONE TO TEST THE SPLIT CHAIN FAN 01[18:57] THE 2ND ROUND WILL BE ALTERNATING RINGS AND CHAINS 01[18:57] UNTIL THE VERY LAST CHAIN 01[18:58] THAT ONE MUST BE A SPLIT CHAIN IF YOU ARE TO GET YOUR THREADS INTO POSITION TO BE READY TO MAKE SOMETHING (RING) IN ROUND 3 01[18:58] SO THE SEQUENCE THERE WILL BE SPLIT CHAIN - MOCK PICOT - SPLIT RING 01[18:58] THEN YOUR THREADS ARE IN THE CORRECT POSTION TO ALTERNATE CHAINS AND RINGS ALL HTE WAY AROUND FOR ROUND 3 01[18:59] THAT'S KIND OF THE READER'S DIGEST VERSION :) [18:59] 07this pattern will be a challenge, but I will most robably never forget how to to SC after completing it ;-) 01[18:59] SQUARE - PROBABLY NOT, IT'S A SHORT ONE - KATIA'S FAN - OH YES, YOU'LL REMEMBER :) [18:59] How do you know the know of stitches between rings and on chains [18:59] 06definately Natasha and they are easier as you keep doing them and they get better 01[18:59] AT THE VERY END OF THE PAGE, GEORGIA HAS GIVEN KNOT COUNTS 01[19:00] TO MAKE THE SPLIT RING OUT FROM THE FIRST ROUND 01[19:00] I'D ACTUALLY NOT SPLIT IT UP THE MIDDLE 01[19:00] SHE DOESN'T EITHER 01[19:01] IT WOULD BE TATTER 6-2-2-2/6+2 [19:01] 06but that seems more difficult than it really is 01[19:01] DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT NOTATION? [19:01] 06yes 01[19:01] BECKY? [19:01] I think so 01[19:02] THE - IS PICOT AND TEH / MEANS SWITCH SHUTTLES AND START THE OTHER SIDE 01[19:02] + IS A JOIN 01[19:02] AFTER YOU CLOSE THAT RING, YOU'VE FINISHED ROUND 1 01[19:02] THEN LEAVE A MOCK PICOT 01[19:02] AND YOU'LL NEED TO AMKE A SPLIT RING OF ROUND 2 01[19:02] INTO ROUND 2 I MEAN 01[19:02] THIS ONE WILL BE 3/3 01[19:02] VERY SMALL! 01[19:03] THEN YOU'LL HAVE BOTH THREADS AT THE TOP OF THAT RING [19:03] 07. 01[19:03] AND THE WORK SHOULD LOOK TO YOU JUST LIKE IT WOULD HAVE IF YOU'D JUST TAKEN A PAIR OF SHUTTLES CTM AND MAKE A RING JOINED TO THE CENTER ROUND 01[19:03] DOES THAT MAKE SENSE? [19:04] 07yes 01[19:04] WITH 2 SHUTTLES COMING FROM THE BASE OF THAT RING, YOU CAN MAKE THE NEXT CHAIN, WHICH IS 3-3 01[19:04] (WOW THIS PATTERN WILL TAT FAST) 01[19:04] THEN RING 3-3 AND SO ON [19:04] 06it does and comes out really nice 01[19:04] UNTIL YOU'VE ATTACHED LITTLE RINGS TO THE PICOTS OF THE INSIDE ROUND 01[19:04] THAT'S YOUR CUE 01[19:04] THAT THE LAST CHAIN SHOULD BE SPLIT 01[19:05] SO YOU'LL MAKE THAT CHAIN 3/3 - TAT 3 DS'S NORMALY, LEAVE A BARE THREAD SPACE OF SHUTTLE THREAD, LOCK JOIN TO THE BASE OF HTE SPLIT RING, 01[19:05] THEN TIE 3 DS'S 01[19:05] BACK TO THE END OF THE FIRST PART OF THE CHAIN 01[19:05] YOU'LL HAVE AN ARCH 01[19:05] WITH 2 THREADS LEAVING FROM THE MIDDLE 01[19:06] ARE YOU STILL WITH ME? [19:06] 07yes [19:06] 06yes 01[19:06] BECKY? HANG ON WE'RE ALMOST THERE [19:06] not really 01[19:06] WHERE DID I LOSE YOU? [19:07] back at the chain 01[19:07] WHICH CHAIN 01[19:07] CHAIN LEAVING THE SPLIT RING 3/3? [19:07] yes 01[19:08] DID YOU MAKE THE SPLIT RING FLOWER FROM THE LAST LESSON? [19:08] No didn't have time this wek 01[19:08] AH 01[19:08] RATS 01[19:08] LET'S SEE 01[19:09] CAN YOU SEE HOW YOU COULD MAKE A CHAIN AT THE END OF A SPLIT RING, LEAVING NO BARE THREADS? [19:09] Keep going I won't see it until I try to make it 01[19:09] OK 01[19:09] PRETEND YOU MAGICALLY GOT THE CHAINS AND RINGS GOING ALL AROUND FOR ROUND 2 01[19:09] AND YOU ARE LOOKING AT THE LAST RING AND THE FIRST RING, AND KNOW THAT THERE NEEDS TO BE A CHAIN BETWEEN 01[19:10] SO THAT WAY THE ENTIRE ROUND LOOKS LIKE RINGS AND CHAINS 01[19:10] BUT 01[19:10] THROUGH THE MAGIC OF SPLIT CHAIN [19:10] 12Becky, sometimes it helps if you go through each step and draw (pencil and paper, for real...draw) the rings/chains before you do it. [19:10] Ok I will try that [19:11] 12you can use a colored pencil for 1 thread and a regular pencil for the other thread 01[19:11] YOU SUDDENLY HAVE A CHAIN WITH 2 THREADS EXITING FROM THE MIDDLE WHERE YOUR PICOT WOULD BE 01[19:11] THANKS FOR THE TIP STEPHANIE 01[19:11] TO BEGIN ROUND 3 01[19:11] LEAVE A MOCK PICOT 01[19:11] THEN MAKE A SPLIT RING [19:11] 07. 01[19:11] I CAN'T TELL FROM THE DIAGRAM, BUT I'M GUESSING 4-4/4-4 01[19:12] NOPE GUESSED WRONG 01[19:12] WHEN SHE HAS THE 8 IN THERE 01[19:12] THE RING HAS 8 DS AND THE PICOTS DISTRIBUTED ACCORDINGLY 01[19:12] SO IT'S 2-2/2-2 01[19:12] (SEE WHY?) 01[19:13] FROM HERE YOU'LL NEED TO START A REGULAR CHAIN, AND YOU'LL BE BACK TO WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW THE WRITTEN PATTERN 01[19:13] THIS BRINGS TO MIND A COMIC STRIP I ONCE SAW 01[19:13] IT LOOKED LIKE EINSTEIN STANDING AT A BLANK BLACKBOARD, BACK TO THE VIEWR 01[19:13] HE WRITES A FEW FORMULAS 01[19:13] THEN THE 3RD BOX IS ONLY "THEN A MIRACLE OCCURS" 01[19:14] AND THEN YOU SEE "E=MC2" :) [19:14] 07:-) 01[19:14] TRUST ME, YOU'LL FIGURE OUT THE STEPS BETWEEN ONCE YOU TRY [19:14] 12another thing that really helped me when I was leaqrning split rings/split chains 01[19:14] WELL, IT'S GETTING KIND OF LATE 01[19:14] THAT MEANS WE SHORTCHANGE NATASHA ON BEADS [19:15] 12this looks terrible, and it sort of defeats the point of CTM, but if you use 2 different COLORS 01[19:15] I HOPE THE LINKS AND LESSON GAVE YOU SOME GOOD FOOD FOR THOUGHT [19:15] 12ywhen you get to the "split" things, you can see what's going on very clearly. 01[19:15] DID YOU HAVE A CHABNCE TO READ ANY OF THEM? [19:15] <@Isabell> 10I have a quick question for Katia. May I? 01[19:15] GO AHEAD [19:15] SURE ISABELL [19:15] 12and once you've done a few with 2 colors, it's easy to do it CTM with one color. [19:15] 06definately...and Natasha I can stay and help you with beads if you wonat [19:15] 06want [19:15] 07:-) I already tried beads... it actually wan't difficult :-) [19:15] 12i can hang around, too, if you want [19:16] <@Isabell> 10I am doing a heart pattern At the point of starting a clover, I do everything till the end--it says do not close [19:16] 06or if anyone else wants [19:16] <@Isabell> 10What does that mean? 01[19:16] THANKS EVERYONE FOR COMING. SORRY I AHVE TO LEAVE 01[19:16] I'LL LEAVE THE LAPTOP ON SO THAT IT CAN CAPTURE THIS IN A LOG [19:16] 12night Mimi. have a good dinner, Thanks for your help [19:16] SEE YOU IN 2 WEEK MIMI AND TAKE CARE [19:16] 06bye mimi 01[19:16] SPEAKING OF LOGS, KATIA, DID YOU MANAGE TO SEND THEM TO ME? [19:16] Thanks Mimi! See you next time! 01[19:16] THE ONES FOR LESSON 3 AND 4 I MEAN? [19:16] 07good night Mimi! 01[19:17] I CAN POST THOSE ALONG WITH LINKING THE FAN TO LESSON 5 LATER THIS WEEKEND [19:17] <@Isabell> 10Ring i at end-- do not close [19:17] 06Mimi have a good couple weeks [19:17] 12oh, and Katia....that one log...did you double-check to make sure the "private" conversation at the end was removed? [19:17] ARE YOU SURE ISABELL IT SAY DO NOT CLOSE OR IT SAY DO NOT REVERSE? 01[19:17] Y'ALL HAVE A GOOD NIGHT TOO, AND HAVE FUN WITH SPLIT CHAINS AND BEADS [19:17] YES I DID 01[19:17] NEWBIES I HOPE TO SEE YOU GETTING ENOUGH CONFIDENCE TO ATTEND GEORGIA'S CLASSES [19:17] 12thanks ;-) [19:17] 07Thank you, Cynthia for offering your help! I am going to stay here for a while. I love learning new tips. [19:17] <@Isabell> 10Ring 2 At end of ring--do not close 01[19:17] PLEASE RE-READ LESSON 5, IT'S GOT LOTS OF GOOD STUFF. 01[19:17] BYE FOR NOW... [19:17] IS THE PATTERN FROM THE INTERNET? [19:17] <@Isabell> 10At end of ring 3--it says yo close and reverse work [19:17] 12night mimi [19:17] 06it sure does [19:18] <@Isabell> 10Tes\ [19:18] . [19:18] <@Isabell> 10Yes, it's on group msn Tatting Two For my broken Heart [19:18] 12Isabell do you have the URL? [19:18] IF YOUR MAKING A CLOVER YOU DONT TURN THE WORK BETWEEN EACH RING ... YOU WILL ONLY TURN THE WORK AT THE END OF THE 3RD RING [19:19] <@Isabell> 10http://groups.msn.com/Needle Tatting Two/formybrokenheart.msnw [19:20] <@Isabell> 10But I did't understand why not to close [19:21] 2 SEC ILL GO LOOK AT THE LINK [19:21] 12i'm going to look, too. [19:21] I think it just assumes that you close? [19:22] it should be do not reverse work [19:22] <@Isabell> 10OK that makes sense, thanks [19:22] THERE A TYPO IN THE PATTERN [19:22] 12OH, I was wondering about that.... [19:22] <@Isabell> 10Thank you , Thank you [19:23] 07. [19:23] 12im' glad Katia was here to figure it out. ;-) [19:23] 12I was like "hmmm....never saw THAT before...." [19:23] 12you can't make another ring til you close the one you just did.... [19:23] 12;-) [19:23] THE RULE OF THE CLOVER . NEVER TURN YOUR WORK UNTIL THE LAST ONE IS MADE ;) [19:24] 12it's a pretty heart [19:24] I would like to ask about the split ring flower from last week [19:24] YES BECKY? [19:24] I don't think I've ever seen that group of patterns. [19:25] in step 7 it sounds like you are to closethen it says sR [19:25] YES YOU HAVE NANCY ITS 3 RING CLOSE TOGETHER [19:26] 2 SEC BECKY IM OPENNING THE FILE [19:26] 06 I'm not able to get into the msn file so if someone could attach it to an e-mail I'd appreciate it [19:27] OK BECKY WHAT IS YOU QUESTION [19:27] HERE CYNTHIA http://groups.msn.com/NeedleTattingTwo/formybrokenheart.msnw [19:27] When I tried that the first time what do you do with the ring [19:27] I HAD TO TYPE THE LINK BY HAND TO GET IN [19:27] 12cynthia give me your email address again.... [19:27] 12i'll sendit [19:28] I just meant the msn group [19:28] YOU CLOSE THE RING AS USUAL BECKY [19:28] ok [19:29] 06Wink Katia sent it and it opened...I already thave it but thanks [19:29] 12cool. [19:29] AND YOU DONT REVERSE THE WORK AND KEEP TATTING THE CHAIN [19:30] DOES IT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION BECKY? [19:30] 07does anyone know where I can find schedule of Georgia's classes? I am curious to try them now :-) [19:30] YES 2 SEC [19:30] 12the online classes? [19:30] HERE http://www.georgiaseitz.com/ [19:30] 07yes, the on-line classes? [19:30] 12Katia do we need to e-mail Georgia when we "graduate" to her class? [19:30] If you close the ring then it has a period then it just says SR are you starting another split ring [19:31] YES BECKY [19:31] 06definately you can try them--no just join in on Monday [19:31] IF YOU WANT YOU COULD SEND HER A EMAIL BUT YOU CAN ALSO GO IN HER CLASS [19:31] 12Natasha, her classes are on Mondays at 3 and 8;30 p.m., whichever you can manage [19:31] 12same "place" as this class [19:31] 06eastern time [19:31] 07thank you so much!!! [19:31] 07every Monday? [19:31] 12and the link Katia gave you gives you other links, I think....to find the lesson for the week. [19:32] AND YOU CAN DO KEEP COMING HERE AND DO GEORGIA [19:32] 06Yes [19:32] 12Usually every Monday. And she has a "special event" about once a month, too, usually on a differet day of the week, so people who can't "do" Mondays can still come sometimes. [19:32] I've been doing both the last couple of series [19:32] 06 I do both most weeks I keep getting something new each time [19:32] 07I will be here again fo sure. I need at least one more round of Lessons 4 and 5 [19:32] When you post these sessions do you come back into the chat room or find them else where? [19:32] THIS LINK AS EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR HER LESSON [19:33] 12and the beginners tatting class link has a place where you can get the log for each week's lesson, too? [19:33] 06where? [19:33] 12Is the log on the "lesson" page or on the main page, Katia? [19:33] WHAT DO YOU MEAN BECKY ?IM SLOW TONIGHT [19:33] <@Isabell> 10I have never seen them [19:33] 12i've seen it, I think....i'll go look.... [19:34] 07thank you, Katia!... I did not find any dates on Georgia's web site, thats' why I asked. But since it's pretty much every Monday, it makes it easy :-) [19:34] THE LOG FOR GEORGIA CLASS IS ON THE LESSON PAGE [19:34] I have never seen the log of the classes and Idon't know where to find them [19:34] <@Isabell> 10I've seen Georgis's [19:34] 2SECNATASHA [19:34] GO ON GEORGIA'S PAGE AND LOOK INTO LESSON 2008 [19:34] 12ok, go to whichever lesson page you want to check, [19:35] 12i just went to lesson 2 [19:35] 12and on the left side of the screen there is a link to "log for January 24, 2008" [19:35] 06how about the beginner log? That there too? [19:35] 12which SHOULD give you the log for that week's lesson. [19:35] 12that is the beginner lesson page. [19:35] 12so you go to http://www.angelfire.com/planet/newtatters/ [19:35] OUR LOG ARE ON THE TOP LEFT CORNER OF EACH LESSON [19:35] 12then you choose the lesson you want to reveiw [19:36] 12then look on the top left corner of the "lesson" page. 02[19:36] * willow (Tatter@simplySPACE-A3043368.ph.ph.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) [19:36] 12for Georgia's classes the logs are posted on the same page as the list of lessons, just after the lesson...or just before, I forgot which. [19:36] <@Isabell> 10Thanks [19:36] 12either way, it's clearly identified. [19:36] 06DUH I've missed it all these weeks....I'm :( as I'm slow :) LOL [19:36] 07. [19:37] 12i've gone back there a LOT when we did something I had trouble figureing out. ;-) [19:37] DID YOU FIND THE LOG BECKY? [19:37] 06I did now....;) [19:37] no [19:37] 12Cynthia the logs are a little hard to navigate through - no colors, and all the conversation is mixed in with the "lesson" discussion. [19:37] GO TO OUR WEB PAGE [19:37] 06sorry I'm a clutz at typing some mights [19:37] 12but worth it when you aren't "getting" it. [19:38] http://www.angelfire.com/planet/newtatters/ [19:38] HERE THEN CLIC ON A LESSON , LETS SAY LESSON 3 [19:38] <@Isabell> 10I'm calling it a night. Thanks Katia for all your help. [19:38] 06nite Isabell [19:38] MY PLEASURE ISABELL , NIGHT AND KEEP TATTING [19:38] 12night Isabell [19:38] 07good night Isabell! 02[19:39] * @Isabell (Tatter@simplySPACE-BC76457F.austin.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) [19:39] SO YOU WILL GET THIS PAGE BECKY http://www.angelfire.com/planet/newtatters/lesson3.html [19:39] I get that page but don't see the log [19:40] THE THIRD LINK ON YOUR LEFT IS THE LOG OF THAT LESSON .... [19:40] 06double click on the words [19:40] Is that of this class that is labeled Januar [19:41] 12that's it. [19:41] 12it must be the class sessions before this class.... [19:41] AYE BUT I NEED TO SEND A MAIL A MIMI IT LOOK LIKE THEY ARE OLD LOG NOT THE NEW ONES ... NOT SURE WHY [19:41] 12but the lessons are the same.... [19:42] YES [19:42] Ok thanks [19:42] MY PLEASURE BECKY [19:43] OK I NEED TO LOG ALSO I STILL HAVE MAX TO HELP BEFORE BED TIME [19:43] 06thank you Katia I appreciate everything you do for us--Mimi too [19:43] I want to come to the next beginners class again. Hopefully I will mastered some of the things I am not sure of [19:43] ITS OUR PLEASURE [19:43] 06Goodnight everyone see you in a couple weeks [19:43] 12Katia thanks for everything - all your hard work, all your time...and patience. [19:43] Thanks for your time and patience [19:43] 12Goodnight everyone. 02[19:43] * Winkerbill (Tatter@simplySPACE-D61B26F6.asm.bellsouth.net) Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) [19:43] YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US AS MANY TIME AS YOU WANT BECKY WE WILL LOVE IT TO HAVE YOU WITH US :) [19:43] 07Thank you Katia for your help and for teaching so well! And big thanks to Mimi also!!! [19:43] Goodnight all [19:44] 07good night! [19:44] NIGHT EVERYONE 02[19:44] * Becky-S (beckycer@simplySPACE-FB9E7D9B.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: ) [19:44] Katia - I hope I can meet you in person some day. You are WONDERFUL to keep coming back to help us all! [19:44] Nite All! [19:44] THANKS NANCY , AND I WOULD LIKE TO MEET EVERYONE ALSO 02[19:45] * NancyCarol (Tatter@simplySPACE-CCB5A4AB.bhm.bellsouth.net) Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) 02[19:45] * Katia (Tatter@simplySPACE-4C18366.mc.videotron.ca) Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever) 03[19:45] * Cynthia (Tatter@simplySPACE-DAEFDCD4.stl1cmta01.stwrok.ok.dh.suddenlink.net) has left #tatchat 03[19:46] * Natasha (Tatter@simplySPACE-D0F067D.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) has left #tatchat