Session Start: Thu Mar 13 18:07:17 2008 Session Ident: #tatchat 03[18:07] * Now talking in #tatchat [18:07] 13me. Work interferes with tatting [18:07] 05brb need my piano glasses in order to read the computer [18:07] 02Hi Mimi [18:07] 04Hi, Mimi 01[18:07] Good evening all, sorry so late [18:07] 07Hi Mimi [18:07] <@Isabell> 10Hi Mimi [18:07] hello Mimi [18:07] 12hi Mimi! [18:07] 02I can relate StitchingSharon [18:07] 13hhhi Mimi [18:08] 12work is a 4-letter word.... [18:08] ive seen you answered alot of mail of new tatter ... long list ;) [18:08] 05I wasn't here last week but this is the fourth go round for these lessons for me [18:08] 02only one more week for me then freedom!! 01[18:08] oh my goodness so much interest [18:08] 05congratulations on your retirement Angie. What kind of work did you do? [18:08] i think i should nt have add the info on how to join us ... 03[18:09] * Tatter ( has joined #tatchat [18:09] 12isn't this fantastic!? makes me glad I'm here just to see all these people learning to tat! [18:09] 02I am an unemployment analyst with the state of MI [18:09] 07. [18:09] Sherree 01[18:09] what do you mean, katia? [18:09] 05I remember you Angie. We chatted. You live near me. [18:09] <@Isabell> 10Hi Sherree [18:09] 02Oh, right you are in Canada [18:09] 07Hi Sherree [18:09] sorry I'm late did we sign in yet? [18:09] We have 3 new tatter with us Teresa , Angi and Willow [18:09] Hi everyone! [18:10] not yet Sheree [18:10] 12hi [18:10] 02I am not new, I was in the November class [18:10] ok great thanaks [18:10] 05k 01[18:10] that's right Angie, and you were a great student. good to see you back [18:10] i admit it, I am new to tatting [18:10] 02I was hoping to get back to a class [18:10] 05Mimi and Katia, I am almost done my first star following the Order of the Eastern Star pattern [18:10] ok i think its time to start this lesson ..unless mimi say otherwise ;) [18:10] 05I will have 18 more to make 01[18:11] LET'S GO! PLEASE SIGN IN [18:11] PLEASE SIGN IN ! [18:11] 0513 in five colours, five solid coloured ones [18:11] Katia Vallée Sherbrooke QC Canada 01[18:11] MIMI DILLMAN,, Snohomish, WA USA [18:11] How do we sign in [18:11] 12that's a lot of stars! [18:11] 07Natasha,Nashua, NH - lunazot at hotmail dot cme [18:11] WONDERFULL MARGARET [18:11] 04Cathy,, south, GA 01[18:11] GOOD JOB MARGARET! [18:11] 12Stephanie Athens, GA [18:11] 13Sharon Fawns Hillsboro Kentucky USA [18:11] 09 i thought i was signed in [18:11] <@Isabell> 10Isabell [18:11] 05Margaret I. Boos, London, Ontario, Canada,, shuttle [18:11] FOR THOSE WHO MISSED LAST WEEK CLASS [18:11] willow taylor glendale arizona [18:11] Carol and Suzy, Alabama [18:11] 02Angela Miracle, Davison, MI [18:11] Priscilla Sewell NJ 01[18:11] PLEASE SIGN IN WITH YOUR NAME, WHERE YOU LIVE, AND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS [18:11] PLEASE SIGN IN … MEANING YOU YOU GIVE YOUR FULL NAME, CITY, STATE, COUNRY AND EMAIL [18:12] Sherree Givens, Hesperia, CA USA, [18:12] 12Teresa Davis, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA [18:12] Carol AL [18:12] SHERREE CAN YOU CHANGE YOUR NICK PLEASE ;) [18:12] <@Isabell> 10Isabell Sandoval Taylor, Tx USA [18:12] 05Sherree, type your name in the white box in the bottom right hand corner under 'change nick to' and hit enter [18:12] 07oops... did not realize I have to write my full name :-)... I'll do it again :-) [18:12] Suzy AL 01[18:12] GOOD, I SEE SUZY GOT IN ! VERY DETERMINED LADY IS SHEE [18:12] 07Natasha Wiegelman, Nashua, NH -- lunazot at hotmail dot com [18:12] ok 03[18:13] * Tatter is now known as Sherree [18:13] NICE SHERREE THANKS [18:13] 04k 01[18:14] ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS REMAINING FROM THE MEET AND GREET LESSON? [18:14] sorry 01[18:14] THAT'S WHERE WE MADE SURE EVERYONE HAD THEIR PROPER SUPPLIES AND COULD MAKE A DOUBLE STITCH [18:14] 04I had a general question come up but I didn't write it down and now can't recall it 01[18:14] I HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS :) [18:15] no questions here [18:15] WILLOW AND TERESA YOU READ THE MEET AND GREET OF LAST WEEK ? [18:15] how do you do that [18:15] 12i clicked the meet and greet link and read that page, is that what you mean [18:15] YES TERESA [18:16] 07Katia, where can I find the log for last week's meet and greet? 01[18:16] 01[18:16] SORRY I FORGOT TO POST THE LOG 01[18:16] KATIA DO YOU WANT TO TAKE OVER WHILE I GO DO THAT? [18:16] SURE [18:16] 04k [18:16] 07Ah! OK! I was wondering if my web page did not want to get updated, because I kept seeing January's log :-) [18:17] SORRY ABOUT THAT [18:17] i see a jan [18:17] 07not a problem at all [18:18] FOR THE 2 LADIES WHO MISSED THE MEET AND GREET , EACH WEEK WE ASK THAT YOU READ THE NEXT WEEK LESSON AND TRY IT [18:18] SO WHEN YOU GET IN CLASS YOU CAN ASK YOUR QUESTION [18:18] did that [18:18] 04this may be for later in this lesson -- when using a picot gauge, how do you ensure the picots are the same size? [18:18] dove's got a neck that not in pattern lol [18:18] WE WILL TALK ABOUT IT TONIGHT MARGARET [18:19] 07:-) :-) :-) [18:19] SO EVERYONE READ AND TRIED THIS WEEK LESSON? [18:19] 12y [18:19] yes [18:19] 04yes [18:19] yep [18:19] 07my dove has a small neck also. for some reason with the thread I was using I could not bring the 2nd ring cloe enough [18:19] 07yes [18:19] yes [18:19] 04I looked at the lesson and have it in another screen right now [18:20] <@Isabell> 10Yes [18:20] HOW WAS THE READING PATTERN PART FOR YOU GUYS EASY OR DIFFICULT? [18:20] no I was ill [18:20] easy [18:20] 12well i looked at the lesson but i made something off another pate [18:20] 12page [18:20] 07I have a question about butterflies [18:20] ITS ALRIGHT TERESA [18:20] 04easy [18:20] YES NATASHA? [18:20] 04I still have difficulty with the picture part. I can read written patterns just fine (and find mistakes with great skill) [18:21] 07I had no problems with butterfly # 1, but I got confused with #2... [18:21] <@Isabell> 10Directions are easier for me than pictue [18:21] 02I have to go. [18:21] 04bye [18:21] 12night Angie....1 more week.... [18:21] I had trouble with #3 the last part [18:21] 12hang in there [18:21] bye angie [18:21] 12;-) 03[18:21] * Tatter ( has joined #tatchat [18:21] NIGHT ANGI [18:21] 07it said to make a chain after making a ring -- does this mean that you had to do the 2nd butterfly with 2 shuttles? [18:21] 04nite, Angie 02[18:21] * Angie ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) [18:21] 04Angie. good to have you here even for a short while. Longer after retirement [18:21] 07bye Angie! 03[18:22] * Tatter is now known as Cynthia [18:22] join to last picot of last ring and then to first picot of first ring? [18:22] 12hi Cynthia! [18:22] 04Hi, Cynthia [18:22] 04hi, Cynthia [18:22] THE BUTTERFLY PATTERN IS NT EXACTLY WHAT IS SHOWN ON THE PICTURE [18:22] <@Isabell> 10Hi Cynthia [18:22] 07Hi Cynthia! [18:22] HELLO CYNTHIA [18:22] sorry I'm late [18:22] hi Cynthia [18:22] ITSALRIGHT WE JUST STARTED ... PLEASE SIGN IN! [18:23] 05Katia, is it possible for you to describe in words what the pictures mean? [18:23] WERE WAS YOUR PROBLEM WITH THE SECOND BUTTERFLY NATASHA? [18:23] Cynthia Stevenson, tattingalong at Stillwater Oklahoma [18:23] 07. [18:23] 05k [18:24] YOU CAN MAKE THE CHAIN OFF THE BALL [18:24] 07Katia -- I could not understand - it said to make a chain after making a ring -- does that mean I had to have 2 shuttles -- I do not know how to make a chain with 1 shuttle [18:25] - [18:25] YOU CAN MAKE A CHAIN WITH ONE SHUTTLE BY NOT CUTTING THE THREAD BETWEEN THE SHUTTLE AND THE BALL THREAD [18:26] 07but it did mean that you had to have either a 2nd shuttle or a separate ball of thread -- right? [18:26] Or just pull off a couple of feet from the shuttle to use as the ball thread [18:26] THANKS SUZY [18:26] 12but pull it off the shuttle BEFORE you start the first ring [18:26] 05Katia, I just linked to the Bella Online page and their description of how to read a tatting diagram seems very good. I will peruse it later. That should help [18:27] WONDERFULL MARGARET 01[18:27] I'M BACK. LOG FOR M&G LESSON LAST WEEK IS NOW ON THE LESSON PAGE [18:27] WB MIMI [18:27] 07Thank you, ladies! [18:27] 12wb Mimi [18:27] 05wb MIMI [18:27] NATASHA HAVE YOU EVER TATTED CHAIN AND RING WITHOUT CUTTNG THE THREAD BETWEEN THE SHUTTLE AND BALL? [18:28] thanks Mimi [18:28] 07Katia, no. Have not tried it yet [18:28] 07And I am not sure what you mean by "cutting" [18:28] OK WE WILL SEE THAT PART IN NEXT WEEK LESSON SO DONT WORRY TO MUCH ABOUT IT FOR THIS WEEK OK ? [18:28] 07OK :-) [18:29] EVERYONE HAD ANY TROUBLE WITH THE RINGS? [18:29] <@Isabell> 10no [18:29] 04no [18:29] 12n [18:29] no [18:29] no [18:29] no [18:29] 07Oh, and I scanned my doves and butterfly. what address should I e-mail them to? [18:29] 07no [18:30] MIMI OR ME [18:30] 05I can do rings [18:30] no trouble [18:30] YOU GUYS ARE GOOD ...SINCE I CANT DO THEM ;) [18:30] 07OK. I'll do that after the class, Katia :-) [18:30] 05with a shuttle, Katia? [18:31] TODAY WITH ANYTHING .... KEEP BROKING MY THREAD 01[18:31] TOO DRY FROM THE COLD WEATHER KATIA? [18:31] 12are you using very old thread? [18:31] 05for the first time today, I had to cut out a part where I had made a mistake [18:32] 05I had attached the thread to the wrong picot and was making the point of the star in the wrong place [18:32] I had to cut out a part a few days ago too 01[18:32] OW, SO FRUSTRATING. BUT THE IMPORTANT PART IS: WERE YOU ABLE TO START AGAIN AND DO IT RIGHT THE 2ND TIME? [18:32] BRAN NEW THREAD, BUT WITH KIDS AND THE dh HOME SICK ... WELL YOU CAN IMAGINE ;) [18:32] 05all corrected now and working on the very last point [18:32] 12i just made the dove, bu why does it say shuttle only? cuz i made it with a needel [18:33] 12oh, so you probably are all tense and pulling too hard when you close the rings? [18:33] 05how is your son that was in the car accident, Katia? [18:33] YOU CAN DO IT WITH THE NEEDLE TERESA [18:33] 05Teresa, that means you don't need a ball too [18:33] MAX IS DOING WELL SITTING BESIDE ME AT THE MOMENT READING WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT [18:33] 07. [18:33] 12oh! Bonsoir Max! [18:33] 04oes he tat? [18:34] 05hello, Max, hope you continue to do well [18:34] Hi Max, welcome 01[18:34] WELCOME MAX [18:34] 06Hi Max I hope you are healing well, and welcome [18:34] 07Hi Max! Glad to have you with us:-) 01[18:34] ALL OF KATIA'S KIDS TAT (I THINK??) [18:34] <@Isabell> 10Hi, Max! [18:34] HE SAYS HELLO TO EVERYONE AND TO KEEP TATTING ..... [18:35] THEY ALL TAT INDEED .. WELL AT LEAST THE YOUNGEST TRIES [18:35] 06a tat master...LOL [18:35] 05I think I remembered my question, Mimi, and it will be discussed later in this lesson on picots [18:35] 12hm, well i did use a ball so maybe i didn't do it right, the only thing that doesn't look right is there is spce between the head and the body 01[18:35] ACTUALLY, IF WE'RE DONE WITH RIGNS, ARE PICOTS NEXT KATIA? [18:35] TERESA DO YOU SHUTTLE TAT OR NEEDLE TAT? 01[18:36] TERESA, PREVENTING GAPS bETWEEN ELEMENTS IS TOUGH 01[18:36] IT'S GOING TO TAKE SOME PRACTICE 01[18:36] KATIA WILL HAVE SOME TIPS SPECIFIC FOR NEEDLE TATTERS [18:36] 05k 01[18:36] SHUTTLE TATTERS CAN HAVE THIS DIFFICULTY TOO [18:36] 12needle 01[18:36] THE FIRST PART IS TO RECOGNIZE THAT IT CAN HAPPEN AND WATCH CLOSELY WHEN STARTING THE NEXT ELEMENT [18:36] 07. 01[18:36] TRYING YOUR BEST TO START IT AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE ONE BEFORE 01[18:36] AND THEREBY PREVENT.... [18:37] IM WONDERING HOW SHE MADE HER RING WITH THE BALL THREAD OR THE NEEDLE THREAD? 01[18:37] * GAPSOSIS!! * [18:37] 12well i did a medallion earlier this evening and didn't have that problem, so may i just dint' hold it tight enough [18:37] 06the butterflies I sent are good to practice as you can always pull it up and hide the gapsosis along the pin 01[18:37] THANKS FOR REMINDING ME CYNTHIA [18:37] 05my question is simple: up until this motif, I have always eyeballed the picots. This time, becuase it is part of the international beginners' round robin, I am using a picot gauge. But the picots are as different in size (or maybe more so) than when I eyeballed them 01[18:37] I WAS AWAY WHEN LESSON 1 STARTED 01[18:37] CYNTHIA IS A FORMER BEGINNER STUDENT AND SHE CONTRIBUTED A PATTERN TO THIS CLASS!! [18:38] 07Thank you for the interesting pattern, Cynthia. I just found it today on the web site, but have not tried it yet 01[18:38] IT'S THE "BUTTERFLIES ARE FOREVER FREE" PATTERN 01[18:38] [18:38] 06You are welcome Natasha and everyone else too 01[18:38] THE 2ND PAGE HAS LOTS OF TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS 01[18:38] THAT WILL INTEREST EVEN NON-BEGINNERS [18:38] TERESA DO YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE TRUE RING WITH THE NEEDLE? [18:38] 12yes [18:39] 05I have printed that pattern off several times to teach my friends who want to learn tatting 01[18:39] THIS PATTERN WAS ADDED FOR THIS LESSON SET, SO THE "OLD HANDS" CAN GO BACK TO THE LESSON TO SEE IT 01[18:39] THANKS AGAIN CYNTHIA 01[18:39] PICOT GAUGE QUESTION- [18:39] OK TERESA ... JUST ASKING TO SEE WHAT YOU KNOW 01[18:39] USE OF THE PICOT GAUGE TAKES PRACTICE [18:39] I have a pile few of these butterflies in different colors on my table right now, thanks for the pattern 01[18:39] IT CAN BE DIFFICULT TO KEEP THE SAME TENSION AROUND THE GAUGE EACH TIME [18:40] 07. 01[18:40] AND DEPENDING UPON THE GAUGE SIZE 01[18:40] IT MAY BE TALL ENOUGH THAT YOU CAN'T SEE BEHIND IT [18:40] 06I had the same problem when I started but it gets better with practice 01[18:40] AND IF YOU LEAVE SLACK ON ONE PICOT BUT NOT ANOTHER, YOU CAN WIND UP IWTH PICOTS OF DIFFERENT SIZES [18:40] 05I splurged and treated myself to a set of Georgia's mahogany gauges last September at Ayr tat day 01[18:40] TAKE IT SLOW AND CAREFUL AT FIRST, MAKING SURE IT'S THE SAME TENSION BOTH SIDES 01[18:40] THOSE ARE WONDERFUL GAUGES, I HAVE SEVERAL SETS 01[18:41] ONE FOR EACH TATTING BAG AND A FEW TO SPARE [18:41] 05is it possible to use the picot gauge horizontally when making picots in a ring? [18:41] 12I had a terrible time getting same size picots with a gauge at first. [18:41] 06I found when using needle--place the gauge along the needle at right angles with the widest side against the needle 01[18:41] YES IT IS MARGARET, SAME AS A CHAIN [18:41] SO DO I AND ALL MY HOMETOWN SUTDENT GET A GIFT FROM ME OF THOSE GAUGE [18:41] 12Finally figured out that I didn't always keep my finger on teh picot and if I let go too soon, it got real big [18:41] 07. 01[18:41] INTERESTING STEPHANIE [18:42] GOOD POINT CYNTHIA [18:42] 05what is the procedure for the horizontal technique? I am only successful with the vertical method [18:42] How do you hold them? I mean both hands are busy and I cant figure out how to add gauges in the mix too. [18:42] 12I have a habit of letting go too early on the last picot of the ring or chain.... [18:42] 12now I pay close attention and keep my finger on it...or put it in the pinch [18:42] 05this pattern has 10 picots separated by 2 ds within a ring [18:42] 12and that doesn't happen [18:42] 12(usually) [18:42] 05I have been removing the gauge each time vertically [18:43] YOU CAN HOLD THE GAUGE BETWEEN THE THUMB AND INDEX OF RING HAND 01[18:43] OUCH MARGARET LET'S TRY HORIZONTA [18:43] 12You can do it horizontally in a ring, too Margaret 02[18:43] * StitchingSharon (Tatter@A2C26C35.B77C7453.72BBB2F0.IP) Quit (Connection reset by peer) [18:43] 05somehow I haven't managed to be successful in doing horizontal [18:44] 12ok, i'm confused, what am i supposed to be doing RIGHT NOW? [18:44] WORKING VERTICALLY TAKE ABIT MORE PRACTICE THEN HORIZONTALY [18:44] lol [18:44] 07. [18:44] 12I have a cohfession to make....if I am using a needle I can only use the gua\\\\\ [18:44] 12gauge verticlaly. [18:45] TERESA WE ARE TALKING ABOUT PICOT GAUGE AND HOW TO USE THEM WITH THE SHUTTLE AND NEEDLE 03[18:45] * Tatter (Tatter@A2C26C35.B77C7453.72BBB2F0.IP) has joined #tatchat [18:45] 06c [18:45] 12couldn't manage to hold the thing AND the needle to do it horizontally. 03[18:45] * Tatter is now known as StitchingSharon [18:45] 12wb Sharon [18:45] 05vertical is the only method I have made it [18:45] 12i don't have any of those, i've jsut been ttrying to measure with my finger [18:45] wb sharon [18:46] 12sometimes I put 2 dots on my finger and measure that way [18:46] 07Teresa, we just read web pages for each lesson prior to the chat session. and then we ask questions here. [18:46] <@Isabell> 10I use ny finger and hold that needle really tight! [18:46] STEPHANIE FOR NEEDLE TATTER ITS A BIT MORE DIFFICULT NOT TO SAY GYMNASTIC LIKE TO USE THE GAUGE VERTICALLY [18:46] BUT DO ABLE [18:46] 12really? Wow....I'm a gymnist? Cool! ;-) [18:47] 12For some reason I have trouble holding it horizontally with the needle. 01[18:47] GYMNASTICS IN MY CHAIR :) [18:47] 12Very easy to do either way with the shuttle, but I have been holding a shuttle for many years.... 01[18:47] I FIND IT EASIER WITH SHUTTLE, THAT'S FOR SURE. [18:47] 12and the needle is still pretty new to me. 01[18:47] I TAT THE FIRST PART OF THE RING 01[18:47] UNTIL THE FIRST DS 01[18:47] THEN I HOLD THE GAUGE LIKE KATIA SAID [18:47] 06me to Steph but I can manage it vertically 01[18:47] BETWEEN MY THUMB AND INDEX FINGER OF THE NON-SHUTTLE HAND [18:48] 05k [18:48] 06with needle--haven't mastered it with shuttle yet 01[18:48] I USE MY SHUTTLE HAND TO PUT THE RING THREAD OVER THE TOP OF THE GAUGE 01[18:48] THEN MAKE A DS [18:48] 12oh, see, and for me shuttle is easy and I haven't mastered it with the needle yet. [18:48] FOR NEEDLE ITS IN BETWEEN THE THUMB AND INDEX OF THE NEEDLE HAND [18:48] 07. 01[18:48] MAKING SURE THAT THE FIRST HALF OF THE DS PULLS THE PICOT TIGHT OVER THE GAUGE 01[18:49] FOR MARGARET'S RING, I'D DO 2 DS, THEN REPEAT WITH USING MY SHUTTLE TIP TO PUSH THE RING THREAD OVER THE GAUGE 01[18:49] MAKE A TIGHT 1ST HALF DS THEN 01[18:49] FINISH THAT DS AND MAKE ANOTHER DS BEFORE ANOTHER PICOT 01[18:49] NEVER REALLY MOVING THE GAUGE 01[18:49] IS THAT MAKING SENSE? 03[18:50] * Tatter ( has joined #tatchat 01[18:50] WHILE MARGARET IS LOOPING, CAN I JUST CHECK AND MAKE SURE EVERYONE CAN DO A PICOT WITHOUT A GUAGE? [18:50] 07yes 03[18:50] * Tatter is now known as NancyCarol [18:50] 06yes [18:50] 12phone - brb [18:50] WELCOME NANCY [18:50] <@Isabell> 10Yes 01[18:50] THE OTHER THING TO REMEMBER ABOUT THE PICOT IS THAT IT'S ONLY A THREAD SPACE [18:50] can do them, just cant get them the size i want [18:50] 05let's go back. how am I holding the gauge? 01[18:50] THE DS BEFORE AND AFTER DO *NOT* COUNT WITH THE PICOT [18:50] yes [18:50] 13I bought a set of picot guages from Georgis.... but have trouble figuring out which to use. 01[18:50] HOLDING THE GAUGE IN YOUR PINCH WITH THE RING THREAD AND PARALLEL TO THE RING THREAD 01[18:51] CHOOSING HTE SIZE OF GAUGE IS KIND OF TOUGH [18:51] 02Hey Folks, better late than not at all. Grandkids in bed -- finally! 01[18:51] DEPENDS ON YOUR THREAD SIZE AND THE SIZE YOU'D LIKE TO SEE 01[18:51] MIGHT TAKE MAKING A TEST TAT (SWATCH??) TO SEE WHICH YOU LIKE BEST BEFORE STARTING YOUR PROJECT [18:51] 07. [18:51] 06use the size you like unless the pattern calls for something specific [18:51] 13patterns don't say how big to make the picot [18:51] THAT COME WITH PRACTICE 01[18:51] RIGHT KATIA [18:52] 06then do what feels/looks right 02[18:52] * Cathy (Tatter@29E969B1.C4F6F56C.87A6A8EE.IP) Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) [18:52] 13I can use a LOT more practice [18:52] 05k [18:52] BUT I CAN SAY THAT MOST PATTERN USE 1/4INCH THREAD SPACE FOR THERE PICOT [18:52] like the dove, the longest wing tip on one side is longer than on the other side [18:52] 06you can do the butterflies with lots of sizes or make them all uniform and they all look good [18:52] 07I read in one of my russian books that "default" picot is aboout 4 mm (if you know metric system) :-) [18:53] 131/4 inch space - so that means picot is 1/8 inch tall? 01[18:53] 4MM?? I GUESS THAT'S AS GOOD A START AS ANY [18:53] 06great way to practice and have some examples as well [18:53] ACTUALLY ITS MORELIKE 6 MM = 1/4 INCHES 01[18:53] AS A GREAT TATTING TEACHER, MR DALE POMEROY SAYS: YOU ARE THE ARTIST, MAKE THEM AS IT LOOKS BEST TO YOU [18:53] SO TRUE MIMI 01[18:53] I'VE ONLY SPECIFIED PICOT SIZES IN MY PATTERNS WHEN STRUCTURALLY THAT SIZE IS NEEDED OR THE PIECE WILL CUP 01[18:53] (OR RUFFLE) [18:54] 07I like that statement, Mimi :-) 01[18:54] SOME SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT ARE THAT JOINING PICOTS SHOULD BE VERY SMALL [18:54] 05i can make the ds around the gauge and take them all off at once? [18:54] YES MARGARET [18:54] 05but how? 01[18:54] THE DS'S ARE AROUND THE RIGN THREAD ONLY, THE PICOTS OVER THE GAUGE... DO AS MANY PICOTS AS YOU CAN, HTEN PULL HTE GUAGE OUT 01[18:55] AND YOU'LL HAVE LOTS OF PICOTS! 01[18:55] LENGTH / QUANTITY OF PICOTS FOR DECORATION CAN CHANGE THE LOOK OF A PIECE 01[18:55] IN THE M&G WE DISCUSSED THE IDEA OF GRADUATED PICOTS - [18:55] TERESA AND WILLOW ARE YOU STILL WITH US? [18:55] 02Picots are such an easy way to "dress up" a boring pattern 01[18:56] MAKING A SERIES OF PICTOS, STARTING SMALL, THEN BIGGER, THEN SMALLER AGAIN [18:56] 05just to verify -- vertical means the guage has long side pointing up to the ceiling, horizontal means the gauge points from wall to wall [18:56] yep 01[18:56] EXACTLY - GOOD WAY TO PERSONALIZE TOO [18:56] 06yes [18:56] YES MARGARET 01[18:56] RIGHT MARGARET. IT'S HOW THE GAUGE IS ORIENTED VS. THE THREAD/NEEDLE - THOSE BEING HORIZONTAL [18:56] 07. [18:57] i think i will wait for my guages before dealing with this issue 01[18:57] THAT'S PERFECTLY ALL RIGHT WILLOW. I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW MANY YEARS I TATTED WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING THE CONCEPT OF A PICOT GAUGE [18:57] 06until then you can still practice picots, willow [18:57] YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN GAUGE WITH PLASTIC 01[18:58] THEN I REFUSED BECAUSE I WAS GOOD AT EYEBALLING :) [18:58] 13or cardboard 01[18:58] BUT ONCE I SAW THE BENEFIT OF HORIZONTAL GAUGE USE, I WAS HOOKED [18:58] TRUE SHARON 01[18:58] I'VE BEEN KNOWN TO USE A KNITTING NEEDLE 01[18:58] ROUND LOOPY PICOTS ARE PRETTY TOO :) [18:58] my eyeballs are crossed when trying to measure something 01[18:58] (DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLE THAT IS) [18:58] TOOTHPICKS WITH SIZE 80-100 THREAD 01[18:58] TOOTHPICKS WORK, SO DO COFFEE STIRRERS [18:59] now thats and idea, I have a lot of knitting needles [18:59] 05the picots all collapsed when I removed the gauge horizontally 01[18:59] JUST MAKE SURE THAT THE HORIZONTAL SURFACES ARE SMOOTH 01[18:59] SO THAT YOU CAN SLIDE THE PICOTS OFF WITHOUT HITTING A SPLINTER OR SOME SUCH [18:59] 07Mimi, and probably a short knitting needle - right? otherwise it will be on your way - I'd imagine 01[18:59] SHOVVE THE DS'S BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF THE RING [18:59] 12ok, when i close a ring, shoud i bring the needle UP thur the loop, or DOWN thru the loop? 01[18:59] I'VE USED MY REGULAR DPNS... HOW LONG ARE THOSE, 6"? [18:59] YOU CAN ALSO USE SEEWING NEEDLE OF DIFFERENT SIZE 01[18:59] ONE LADY WAS KIND ENOUGH TO GIVE ME A BROKEN BAMBOO NEEDLE 01[18:59] THAT WAS NICE UNTIL I LOST IT 01[19:00] WAHH [19:00] 13back end of a small crochet hook works too 01[19:00] SEWING NEEDLES GOOD TOO AS LONG AS THEY ARE THE SAME LENGHT ALL THE WAY ALONG [19:00] 06Margaret, do you mean the picots fell over? [19:00] <@Isabell> 10All great ideas [19:00] I'm sure skewers would work too 01[19:00] TATTERS ARE VERY INVENTIVE,AND USE THE MATERIALS AT HAND [19:00] JUST LOOK IN YOUR HOUSE WILLOW AND IM PRETTY SURE YOU LL FIND SOMETHING TO USE AS A PICOT GAUGE 01[19:00] EXACTLY SHERREE, AND YOU CAN CUT THEM TO LENGTH FOR YOUR TATTING BAG [19:00] 07. [19:01] yep and I have a bag I just remembered! [19:01] 05yes the picots went flat so no spaces 01[19:01] MARGARET DID YOU MAKE THE DS'S OVER THE RING THREAD ONLY? [19:01] 05will try a new ring 01[19:01] ONLY THE PICOTS SHOULD GO OVER THE TOP OF THE GAUGE. THE DS'S GO UNDER 01[19:01] YOU CAN SEE A GOOD RESULT IN THE LESSON PAGE [19:01] 05the pattern is actually 4 ds, 10 picot separted by 2 ds each, 4 ds, close ring 01[19:02] and scroll down [19:02] 06c 01[19:02] YOU KIND OF HAVE TO SLIDE THE HALF STITCHES UNDER THE GUAGE TO TENSION THEM AFTER YOU FLIP THEM [19:03] 05another general question just arose -- when starting a ring at the beginning of a pattern, can you leave a length of thread or should it be started as close as possible to the beginning of the thread? 01[19:03] YOU MIGHT PRACTICE WITH A RING THAT HAS ONLY 3 OR 4 PICOTS [19:03] 05that is what I did when they collapsed 01[19:03] DEPENDS UPON THE PATTERN MARGARET. IF YOU WANT TO HIDE THAT END LATER BY SEWING IT IN, YOU'LL NEED TO LEAVE ENOUGH ROOM TO THREAD A NEEDLE COMFORTABLY 01[19:04] AFTER COLLAPSE DID YOU TRY TO LCOSE THE RING? [19:04] interesting. I'll have to try pi. [19:04] 07picot gauges :-) [19:05] :) 01[19:05] FOR A BEADER, PICOT GAUGES CAN BE ESSENTIAL 01[19:05] SOMETIMES TO ADD BEADS YOU HAVE TO MEASURE YOUR PICOT TO BE AS TALL AS YOUR BEAD 01[19:05] SO FOR AN ASPIRING ANKARS ARTIST, I'D RECOMMEND YOU TRY THEM [19:05] 12Teresa I think I usually put the needle UP through the loop. [19:05] awwww good thought [19:05] 07wow... yet another piece of very useful information. thank you, Mimi! 01[19:06] IT HELPS WHEN I KNOW YOUR GOAL :) [19:06] Ji love ankars style tatting [19:06] 07it definitely does! 01[19:07] MEANTIME IT'S PAST THE TOP OF THE HOUR AND TIME TO WIND DOWN THE CLASS [19:07] 12that's what i've been doing, just wanted to make sure 01[19:07] ANY MORE QUESTIONS? [19:07] no [19:07] i have question about next lesson [19:07] YES WILLOW 01[19:07] GO AHEAD WILLOW [19:07] <@Isabell> 10No, thanks so much for all the hekp. [19:07] 05I have four picots, three on one side of the thread, one on the other, and I am trying to close the ring now [19:07] I cant read the pattern for hens and chicks is there a better copy someplace [19:08] 12oh, it's real tiny, right? [19:08] Thanks a lot....later from ALabama 01[19:08] THANKS FOR COMING CAROL/SUZY [19:08] bye Carol [19:08] 06Margaret, work the picots all to the same side before you close the ring [19:08] BYE SUZY [19:08] 05how? [19:08] bye Suzy [19:08] 12Willow - try right clicking on the page, then save it. Pull it into a word processing program and resize it in THERE, then print it. [19:09] 12I have this problem sometimes, too, and this is how I get it bigger. [19:09] 06do you mean you have some above the thread and some below it? [19:09] its very blurry [19:09] 12where's the pattern for the hens and chicks? i didn't see that [19:09] word processing it is blurry? [19:09] 12or when you pull the web page up? [19:09] [19:09] its a jpg [19:09] 12ok thans will check that out [19:09] 05maybe I was using the gauge wrong 01[19:09] IT'S NOT THE BEST, THAT'S FOR SURE 01[19:10] THE PATTERN JPG THAT IS 01[19:10] I HAVE USED INTERNET EXPLORER UP TO NOW AND HAVE BEEN ABLE TO ENLARGE IT ON SCREEN [19:10] 06Ok how were you using the gauge? [19:10] 12I have to enlarge it with word processing. You might be able to pul it into something like "paint," too. 01[19:10] BUT IN FIREFOX I CAN'T FIND HOW TO DO THAT [19:10] 05I did the first four ds. then looped the thread up over the gauge and made 2ds, looped thread below gauge, 2ds, repeated that two more times 01[19:10] EXACTLY STEPHANIE, [19:10] 12How did you enlarge it on the screen Mimi? [19:10] ITS LESS BLURY IS YOU SAVE IT AND LOAD IT IN WORD THEN REZIE IT 01[19:11] SAVE IT TO YOUR DESKTOP AND INSERT IT INTO A WORD DOCUMENT AND RESIZE IT 01[19:11] IN I.E. I COULD WAVE MY CURSOR OVE RTHE IMAGE [19:11] 06Give it a different name Mimi before you save it and then you can change the size 01[19:11] AND I GET AN ICON IN THE LOWER RIGHT OF THE IMAGE 01[19:11] WHEN I CLICK THAT ICON 01[19:11] IT ZOOMS TO FULL SIZE 01[19:11] FIREFOX DOESN'T HAVE THAT, SO IT'S BACK TO MS WORD FOR ME [19:11] 12hmmm...must be a different version of IE. MIne didn't do that. [19:12] 05somehow I think the ds face the opposite direction from the picots when I am using the horizontal gauge [19:12] mine either [19:12] 12ah,the joys of an "ancient" computer. ;-) [19:12] 06Margaret, you do the first half of the doublestitch then over the gauge then the second half of the ds 01[19:12] STITCH CAPS SHOULD FACE UP AS USUAL MARGARET 01[19:12] ONE OTHER NOTE ABOUT THAT HENS AND CHICKS PATTERN 01[19:13] GEORGIA USED AN UNUSUAL SYMBOL [19:13] 07I think enlarging the pattern in MS word is the easiest... I forgot how to enlarge a pic in Firefox :-( [19:13] 05I was doing full ds, wrapping over gauge, doing 2 ds, wrapping over gauge etc. 01[19:13] IT LOOKS LIKE A PLUS AND A MINUS ALL TOGEHTER 01[19:13] WHAT IT MEANS IS: 01[19:14] THIS PICOT IS A FREE PICOT IN THE FIRST REPEAT (NOTHING JOINS TO IT) BUT IN LATER REPEATS, YOU JOIN TO IT [19:14] thanks for the lesson, bye everyone, have to run 01[19:14] OOPS 01[19:14] I MEAN [19:14] TAKE CARE SHERREE 01[19:14] YOU MAKE A PICOT ON THE FIRST REPEAT, THEN A JOIN TO THE PREVIOUS RING IN FUTURE REPEATS 02[19:14] * Sherree ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) 01[19:14] DARN MUST NEEDE MY DINNER [19:14] 05the picots were large spaces, and when I tried to close the ring, they almost disappeared again [19:15] 05do I need to hold onto the picots when I close the ring? 01[19:15] ALWAYS MARGARET [19:15] 12ok, i can't understand that pattern, gotta go 01[19:15] IT'S GOOD PRACTICE TO FORM THE RING AND HOLD IT IN YOUR PINCH WHEN CLOSING [19:15] 05Cynthia said something about first half on one side of gauge, second half on the other [19:15] SEE YOU NEXT WEEK TERESA IF YOU HAVE QUESTION PLEASE EMAIL US 01[19:15] THAT WAY IT DOESN'T TWIST 01[19:15] YES PLEASE TEREST 01[19:15] TERESA [19:15] 05where do the 2ds go in between the picots? 01[19:16] UNDER THE GAGUE [19:16] <@Isabell> 10Bye, everyone. Thanks Katia and Mimi. 01[19:16] YOU'RE WELCOME ISABELL [19:16] 05I hold the ring in the pinch when closing. but do I need to hold the picots too? [19:16] TAKE CARE ISABELL SEE OU NEXT WEEK 01[19:16] I'LL TRY TO REMEMBER TO DO THE LOG TONGITH [19:16] 07good night everyone. going to try those hens and chicks ;-) [19:16] NIGHT NATASHA AND TRY THOSE PICOT GAUGE ;) 01[19:16] THEY DON'T ALL FIT IN YOUR PINCH? MUST BE A REALLY LARGE RING! [19:16] 05I want to try the communion cloth if I ever have time [19:17] 07bye-bye 02[19:17] * Natasha ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) 02[19:17] * @Isabell ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) [19:17] 05I am still confused on how to use the horizontal gauge [19:17] 06Margaret, My mistake let me try again you do a doublestitch then over the gauge then a double stitch. Push the 2 ds together to keep the picot up [19:17] 02I did a few hens and chicks. I need to try a longer length. Someone brought a beautiful vintage hens & chicks handkerchief to the Fiber Guild meeting last Sat. [19:18] 12Somewhere I have a hankie with a gorgeous blue hen & chicks edging tatted by my great-aunt. 03[19:18] * CarolB-S ( has joined #tatchat [19:18] IM MAKING A DOILY RING ONLY [19:18] 06I find I need to take the gauge out of each one as I do it [19:18] 13My grandmother made yards & yards of the hen & chicks. 02[19:18] * CarolB-S ( Quit (Quit: ) [19:18] 12Now if I could just remember where I put it for safekeeping. 01[19:18] HENS & CHICKS IS CLASSIC BUT YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE WHEN STARTING, IT'S EASY TO GET CONFUSED UNTIL YOU'VE GOT 4 OR 5 RINGS 01[19:18] THEY FLOP ALL OVER 03[19:18] * Priscilla ( has left #tatchat [19:19] 06Margaret can you do picots without the gauge? [19:19] 02Appropriate spacing is my problem [19:19] 12I did yards of hen & chicks in size 80 thread....variegated pink....when my niece was born. Sewed it to "onesies" and anything else I could find [19:19] 12she's in college now.... she grew up almost overnight, it seems. 01[19:19] I NEVER COULD DO H&C TO MY SATISFACTION UNTIL I DID IT WITH BEADS BETWEEN [19:19] 02Wow! Winky! [19:19] 13I have not gotten brave enough to work with the size 80 thread 01[19:19] THEN I DID WITH A GAUGE AND VOILA MUCH BETTER 01[19:19] BEADS OVER THE BARE THREADS I MEAN [19:19] well I guess I will go try to fix the hens and chicks. [19:20] 12beads controlled the size of the spaces, I guess? 01[19:20] THAT'S RIGHT [19:20] 12I bet it looked pretty with beads, though.... 01[19:20] SEED BEADS ARE WONDERFUL THINGS [19:20] 02Mimi do you have photos of beaded H&c? 01[19:20] SOMEWHERE I'LL FIND THAT LITTLE BAG [19:20] IT DOES STEPHANIE IF THE BEADS ARE ALL THE SAME LENGTH 01[19:20] THEN I CAN SCAN 01[19:20] IT'S ACTUALLY MIGNONETTE TYPE TATTING NOT H&C BUT FOR ME, BARE THREAD TATTING IS BARE THREAD 01[19:20] :) [19:20] 06Margaret did we lose you? 02[19:20] * Carol-S ( Quit (Ping timeout) 01[19:21] YOU GET V'S OF BEADS BETWTEEN THE ROWS OF RINGS 02[19:21] * willow ( Quit (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) [19:21] 05I was trying to make that ring work with 4ds and 3 picot sep by 2 ds cl [19:21] 12Mona Hahn has 3 collars in that "angels" book that used a few rows of mignonette tatting....gorgeous delicate things.... [19:21] 05it is a mes [19:21] 12wonder how THEY would look with beads on those rows. [19:21] 06can you do picots without the gauge? [19:21] 12makes me want to give it a try. [19:21] 05the ds are facing every which way [19:22] 12beaded, I mean [19:22] 06hold them in the pinch and that will help. [19:22] 06What size thread are you using? [19:22] 12Mimi what's for dinner? [19:22] 02Yeah, sounds like you need to pinch those unruly picots [19:22] 05I do 4ds the loop over the horizontal gauge, 2 ds, swing the thread under the gauge, 2 ds, swing, 2 ds, swing, 4ds, and try to close but the picots are all large and all over the place 01[19:23] I DON'T KNOW YET, I'D BETTER LOG OFF AND START SCROUNGING BEFORE DH GETS HOME 01[19:23] HAVE A GOOD NIGHT ALL 01[19:23] AND A GOOD WEEK TATTING [19:23] 12he's not home yet? Wow, you guys work LATE! [19:23] 06I usually work with crochet 10 until I get the hang of a new technique 01[19:23] PLEASE READ/REVIEW LESSON 2 [19:23] 12Night Mimi. Thanks for all the help and all the hard work you do. [19:23] NIGHT MIMI DONT FORGET THE LOG ;) 01[19:23] AND I'LL SEE YOU NEXT WEEK [19:23] 05I only have this problem with horizontal gauge [19:23] 06Margaret I'm still here and will help walk you thru it if you want 01[19:23] AFTER DINNER [19:23] IM STILL HERE ALSO MARGARET [19:23] 02Night all! I'll catch up in the log and see you next week [19:23] 13Thanks for the lesson. I'll join you again whenever I can. [19:23] 06do you shuttle or needle tat? Session Close: Thu Mar 13 19:24:02 2008